
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Showcasing Strength

Page snorted in arrogance, "Hmph! Let's see if you can be so arrogant after witnessing my strength."

With his entire body's strength focused into his fist, Page threw a powerful punch.

The tall cadre overseeing the test was taken aback by the display of power. He clasped his hands together, his eyes widening in surprise, and he announced, "Power level of 5,600!"

"More than 5,000 power points! He's so strong, and he's only fifteen years old! If he continues to grow and develop over the next few years, his strength will definitely increase significantly."

"Being fifteen years old is the prime time for growth. At this age, exercise has the greatest effect and will yield significant improvements over the next few years."

"These siblings have exceptional talent. They're so young, yet they possess incredible strength."

"It's quite envy-worthy."

Queen had expected Page's impressive power, given the effects of ancient species abilities, something he was well aware of as an ancient species ability user himself.

"Page, if you continue to work hard for a couple more years, you'll be well on your way to becoming a true powerhouse," Queen commented.

Page grinned widely, reveling in the praise and attention.

After Page's test, it was Sebastian's turn to demonstrate his strength.

Queen paid close attention to this moment.

Sebastian, a true monster, had already been pre-designated by Kaido as a "natural disaster."

What level of power would he reveal today?

Sebastian approached the tall cadre and asked, "Can I hit you with all my strength?"

The cadre replied casually, "Feel free to unleash your full power. Hit me with everything you've got."

The cadre didn't believe anyone from the official crew could harm him. He was confident in his own strength.

Sebastian clenched his fist and didn't hesitate. He struck the cadre's abdomen with a powerful punch. The impact was like a meteor crashing into the ground.

The cadre's expression shifted suddenly, and he couldn't help but step back.

The cadre's feet drew two marks on the ground as he retreated about ten meters.

The cadre gritted his teeth, clearly feeling the force of the blow. If he hadn't reacted quickly and used his muscles to defend against the punch, he might have been seriously injured.

He clapped his hands together and announced a number that stunned everyone present, "Nine thousand power points!"

Queen couldn't contain his excitement. It was indeed the "monster" that Kaido had mentioned—fifteen years old with a power level of nine thousand.

In the future, he had the potential to become a major figure in the New World.

"Excellent! Your name is Sebastian, right? Boss Kaido is already aware of your talent and promises to give you the title of 'natural disaster' when you become stronger!" Queen announced.

Sebastian nodded in appreciation. However, his ultimate goal was not just to attain the title of a "natural disaster." There was something even more suitable for Kaido to take care of—the "Azure Dragon Natural Disaster." It had a nice ring to it, didn't it?

The pirates below were left in astonishment upon hearing Sebastian's words, and their hearts surged with amazement.

"Natural Disaster? Could he become a powerhouse like Boss Queen in the future?" one cadre expressed in disbelief.

"Fifteen years old with a power level of nine thousand, and I heard he's even mastered two-color Haki, with Armament Haki nearly reaching the level of Internal Destruction. This kind of talent is bound for the Big Kanban," another pirate added.

When Sebastian had sighed in disappointment after his attempt at Internal Destruction, many pirates mistakenly assumed that he had failed. They were unaware that he had indeed succeeded in learning Internal Destruction that day. His sigh was merely a reflection of his awareness of his low Haki level.

"A monster! The Hundred Beasts have welcomed yet another monster!" one pirate exclaimed.

Amidst the pirates, Page was stunned, replaying Sebastian's words in his mind. Observing his bewildered expression, Ulti believed that Sebastian had discouraged him and went to console him.

"Page, don't be disheartened. You're strong in your own right, but he's a monster, not an ordinary person. There's no need to compare yourself to him," Ulti offered comforting words.

Page cast a complicated gaze at Ulti. He wanted to convey that he wasn't discouraged, nor was he fazed by Sebastian's strength. What had left him astounded were Sebastian's words.

Should he seek a chance to have Sebastian hold his sister for ten minutes? Or should he simply decline, allowing Sebastian to disclose his promise to Ulti? Regardless of the choice, if Ulti found out, they were both as good as dead.

Picturing himself paralyzed from a pomade gun attack, Page shuddered. He shook his head vigorously, attempting to dispel the horrifying image from his mind.

"Sister, I'm sorry," Page whispered.

Ulti affectionately ruffled Page's head, thinking that he was apologizing for being surpassed by Sebastian in power.

"It's okay, no matter what happens, you're my little brother," Ulti comforted.


"Truly, no matter what, you're my brother, and I won't hold anything against you."

"That's good," Page muttered, hoping that Ulti wouldn't beat him to a pulp in anger. He was caught in a tricky situation, with Sebastian being the instigator of it all.

"What did you say?" Ulti inquired, not quite catching Page's words.

"It's nothing, I mean he seems to be a Zoan capable person, but he didn't use his ability during the power test just now," Page pointed to Sebastian on the stage. Sebastian appeared devoid of any animal-like traits.


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