
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Fifty Thousand

Ulti couldn't help but scratch her head in bewilderment. Was it possible that Boss Queen had been less than truthful with her? Her puzzled expression gave away her doubts.

"Why did you lie to her?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Page, on the other hand, was grappling with a different set of emotions. He felt a deep sense of embarrassment when he realized that he had flaunted his ancient species before Sebastian. He had inadvertently made a spectacle of himself, only to discover that Sebastian's true abilities surpassed even the rare ancient species.

His confidence dwindled as he understood why Sebastian had displayed such indifference during his boastful demonstration. Sebastian's abilities were far more precious and exceedingly rare. Naturally, Sebastian had not been impressed by his devil fruit.

Frustrated by his own conceit, Page couldn't help but berate himself. "Asshole!" he muttered under his breath.

Just then, Sebastian unfurled his ominous black wings on the stage, and an overwhelming aura of death radiated from him, creating a powerful shockwave.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian moved with incredible speed, appearing right in front of the tall cadre, his fists clenched and ready.

The tall cadre's eyes widened in astonishment at the lightning-fast movement.

Sebastian's punch connected with the tall cadre's abdomen, sending him hurtling through the air. His face contorted into a sickly shade of red as he sailed through the air, flying a hundred meters before crashing into the wall.

Hissing in agony, the tall cadre gritted his teeth, the excruciating pain in his abdomen etched across his face.

"Amazing! That single blow packed a staggering 50,000 units of power!" Queen exclaimed, causing a commotion among the onlookers.

Pirates stared at Sebastian in disbelief, trying to wrap their heads around the fact that he wielded fifty thousand units of strength. Even Marine soldiers armed with guns only possessed ten points of strength, but here was Sebastian, casually throwing a punch more powerful than a cannonball. Such strength transcended mere combat capability.

"You held back," Queen asserted. "I felt it. You withdrew some of your power right before the impact."

The reason was crystal clear. Sebastian had assumed that delivering that punch at full strength would have been fatal to the tall cadre, so he restrained himself.

"That's correct," Sebastian confirmed, "I held back, only used 50% of my strength. Had I given it my all, the outcome would have been much worse for our tall friend here."

"Excellent," the tall cadre conceded, impressed by Sebastian's self-control.

Queen rose from his seat, a satisfied grin on his face. He laughed heartily and addressed Sebastian, "You truly are a monster. Your incredible talent, coupled with your exceedingly rare transformation, has earned you the moniker of 'Natural Disaster.'"

Turning to the thin and tall pirate, Queen inquired, "You mentioned his Devil Fruit ability was just an ordinary bat. How did he end up as a demon?"

The thin and tall pirate trembled before Boss Queen, stammering, "Boss Queen, I genuinely had no idea! He was indeed a bat fruit user before!"

"Useless! Are you suggesting that he can change his Devil Fruit form? Are you joking with me?" Queen's voice thundered with frustration.

Queen emphasized that once you've consumed a Devil Fruit, your powers are unchangeable for life. They only vanish when you meet your demise.

But then, Sebastian spoke up, breaking the tension. "Don't blame him; I told him about the bat fruit."

"That's right, Boss Queen, it's the bat fruit he mentioned to me," the thin and tall pirate chimed in hastily.

Queen delivered a swift and furious slap, sending the pirate sprawling, uncertain of his own condition.

Approaching Sebastian, Queen engaged him in a brief standoff. Sebastian's aura loomed like an insurmountable mountain, dwarfing Queen's resolve.

Secretly impressed, Queen inquired, "What's the name of your Devil Fruit?"

"Black Wing Demon."

"Black Wing Demon ? I've never heard of this one. I'll have to consult Kaido for more information." Queen puzzled over the unfamiliar fruit, recalling that there was a Devil Fruit illustration book in the Hundred Beasts, compiled by Jack. Given the unique nature of Devil Fruits, Jack, who usually resided on Ghost Island, frequently scoured the seas for new Devil Fruits to bolster the Beasts Pirates' strength. Naturally, he was the one responsible for updating the Devil Fruit guide.

"Excellent, you and Ulti will set sail in a few days. When you return, you'll be promoted!" Queen declared.

In the world of pirates, strength was just one facet of their influence; one also needed to be ruthless, striking fear into the hearts of other pirates. Queen's plan was to send Sebastian out to sea to secure some valuable items and elevate him to a higher status within the crew, all while strengthening their forces.

As for the quantity of the loot, it was of little consequence; with enough power, they could plunder as they pleased.

"Alright," Sebastian agreed.

Queen then asked, "How much of your strength did you use just now?"

"Fifty percent," Sebastian responded.

Queen refrained from delving into Sebastian's other abilities. It was evident that he possessed unique capabilities, but Sebastian chose to keep his hidden, and Queen wisely didn't pry further.

Queen departed in his own cart, eager to share the news of Sebastian's strength with Kaido.

With this test concluded, the official pirates who hadn't yet undergone their tests were left in bewilderment.

One crew member who had eagerly awaited this moment, yet hadn't been tested, shouted, "Why is it over already? I haven't had a chance to prove myself!"

Years of hard work had led to this moment, and he had been eagerly anticipating this opportunity. However, it had slipped away before he could demonstrate his abilities.


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