
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urbain
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17 Chs

I Love You

Chapter Twelve

Where am I?

Everything around me is black.

Darkness is all around me!

I can not see anything!

I feel like I'm floating.

How did I end up here?

What happened last?

I do not remember.

Maybe this is a dream?

I'm going to call someone.

Hello, is there anyone nearby?



Someone !??!

Nobody is answering.

There is a complete silence here.

There is complete peace here.

I'm floating.

I'm going to somersault.


I'm going to swim.

Olala, I'm swimming.

This is great

I swim in this beautiful peace.

I swim in this wonderful darkness.


I swim further and further through the beautiful and beautiful black darkness.

This is fantastic.

Suddenly a voice thundered from all sides.


D: "Who are you? How can you not be ashamed to break in so suddenly?"

Voice: "Sorry, my bed."

D: "Okay, Voice. It would be nice to introduce yourself. You can call me D."

Voice: "Nice to meet you D. You can call me Voice."

D was silent for a few moments and then he spoke.

D: "That's a little skinny the way you introduced yourself. Do you have any name other than Voice?"

Voice: "I have. But I don't want you to think I'm arrogant and megalomaniac."

D: "If you want to tell me that you are God. Then I would rather call you Voice."

Voice: "Thank you for understanding D. That means a lot to me."

D: "Okay, Voice. What do you want from me? Why did you interrupt me so abruptly in chilling?"

Voice: "I came to tell you that you are dead."

D was silent for a few moments, then he spoke.

D: "So, this is what death looks like. Peace in eternal darkness and swimming through the darkness, while chatting with you."

Voice: "D, this is what death looks like to you. It's different for others."

D: "What do you mean? I'm in some hell or purgatory. But this looks more like heaven to me."

Voice: "Of course, D. This is your notion of life after death. It's what you deep down expected to happen after you die."

D: "And how did I die?

Voice: "This so-called question, for now, I can not answer."

D: "Hm, ok then."

D: "So, you can show me how other 'dead' people spend their eternity?"

Voice: "I can. Who would want to look at it?"

D: "To begin, let's see how is one and only Leonardo D. V."

Voice: "Ok D. Let's go."

Suddenly, the environment changes.

D has found himself on the hillside in front of a beautiful big house. The door of the house was open. D stepped into the house. In the house, there were hundreds of paintings half-completed. The papers on which were different designs were scattered around the house.

From the first floor, they heard a voice saying.

"Yeah, I devised a new invention."

D went upstairs and saw Leonardo as he euphoric something writes.

D has tried to contact Leonardo, but he did not register D.

Suddenly he heard a Voice.

Voice: "D, Leonardo can not hear or see you. He is preoccupied with his work. He creates forever. This is his concept and existence of life after death."

D has spent some time looking at Leonardo who drew half of the draft for the invention on paper and then he took a new paper and began to draw a new invention.

D asked Voice.

D: "He will live like this trout eternity?

Fictional inventions and paintings and not finishing them?"

Voice: "Here and there he knows something to complete. He needs time and understanding. Yet he is Leonardo."

D is mutter through his beard agreeing with what the Voice said.

D: "Come on, show me how great Khan lives. The greatest conqueror in history."

The environment has started to change and D is found himself in an apartment with three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small hallway.

Great Khan was in one room and he was prepared to conquer the kitchen. In another room was Adolf. He was preparing to make a landing in the bathroom. And in the third room was Vladimir. Vladimir was holding a broom in his hand and thought about how to conquer the hallway and sweep it. On Vladimir was seen to be quite thin and dirty.

D asked Voice.

D: "How are these three ended up together?"

Voice: "The evolution and progress. The evolution and stagnation. Their wishes and needs."

D: "I must admit I did not expect this. This to me, looks more like hell. Speaking of hell. Do I have to spend eternity chilling in darkness or I can go somewhere else where I can ride?"

Voice: "You can go where you want. Up to you is to choose. "

D: "Fantastic! Voice, I'm glad to hear it. I want the spaceship to go explore the universe."

Voice was silent for a few moments and then she asked.

Voice: "What kind of spacecraft do you want? Such as those from movies and TV shows?"

D has started to laugh.

D: "No, I have my design of spaceship."

Voice: "Of course, D. Did not expect anything less from you?"

D explained to Voice what kind of spaceship he need.

The environment has changed, and D is found on the spaceship.

Voice and D said goodbye to each other and D went on space exploration.

It's been passed 10,000 years.

D arrived on the beautiful island on its favorite planet.

The island has a nice house and there was no one else there except D.

D sit down on a chair, put his legs on the table, and poured into his favorite pint, beer.

D, drink all the beer and then he spoke.

D: "Halo Voice, come over to me."

It's been passed a few moments and D heard the Voice say.

Voice: "Hey D. How are you? Something you needed me?"

D: "Yes Voice. Do you take some other form or are you always voice?

Voice: "Of course, I can. Do you have something specific in mind? "

D: "I do. Do you know those small villas that are the size of a thumb on your hand? They are called Thumb villa. It would be cool that you take that form."

Voice: "No problem D. I believe they are cute."

In front of the D appears the Thumb villa

D give the palm to the Thumb Villa and she climbed into his palm.

Thumb Villa was on D palm

D suddenly took the mug and capture it in the mug, Thumb villa.

The voice came from the Thumb villa.

Voice: "D, you could at least wash this pint before you trapped me in it. Everything smells like beer."

D: "Voice, the smell of beer is your least problem now. I've captured you and now I will judge you for your crimes."

Voice: "Ok, D. What are the accusations."

D: "The first count of the indictment is that the universe is empty. Nowhere did I find intelligent life in the universe. For this you are responsible."

Voice: "You're talking about the universe which you searched. Is there a possibility to have parts of the universe that you have not been searched for and that there is life out there?"

D was silent for a few moments and then he said.

D: "It's a possibility. But also, life should be swarming the universe. The universe should have to be filled with life. Life is the most precious substance in existence."

Voice: "I agree with you D. I also have to stress out that is in humanity to fill the universe with life."

D: "This is a clean transfer of responsibility. But okay. I'll overlook a blind eye on this issue.

The next point of the indictment is, not caring and allowing evil and suffering among mankind. "

Voice: "For this, I am not responsible. People have free will. You decide what to do. I can point to one example if you let me."

D: "Once again you are running away from responsibilities. But for the good of the proceedings, I will let you show, what you have in mind."

The environment began to change. D found himself in familiar surroundings. He was on the beach.

Ten meters away he saw himself when he was 20 years old.

D asked Voice, what does this mean?

Voice: "I brought you here to test a theory. Several times you heard the statement that you can go back into the past and say to the young version of you, information of crucial importance, and then it will change your life for the better."

D is silent for a moment and headed for the D in the twenties.

He went to the D in the twenties and said.

D: "Hey D. I'm a D from the future. I have come to you to change your future. I know that now you have a few thousand dollars in your pocket. Go immediately to invest the money in a company called Google."

D twenties: "No matter what, this all sounds a little far-fetched. But, I'll listen to you. You look so very honestly and sincerely."

D and young D chatted for a few moments and then said goodbye to each other. D went back to the mugs in which he was captured Voice, and he said.

D: "You see how this is easy. I have made a good influence on younger me, and I will change my life for the better."

Voice: "Let's see rather what happens next."

They waited for some time and tracked D in his twenties.

D in his twenties has gone swimming.

After the swimming, he has gone home to take a shower, and then he came out and organized a big party with a lot of women and alcohol.

Where he spent all his money.

Tomorrow morning, D in his twenties did not have a cent in his pocket.

D has calmly looked into all that and said.

D: "I have always, obviously, for a reason, doubt that theory."

Voice: "Regardless of the theory. You see what happened. This is why I would like to show you another situation

D: "Okay Voice. Let's go.

The environment has changed, again, and D found himself in yet another familiar environment. He saw in front of him, D in the thirties, shouting and quarreling, apparently to himself.

D thirties: "There is no theoretical chance that anything, you, get from me. I will never post anything! You are still all together in the development stage of TT. Therefore, you should know that I prefer rather die and take it to the grave than to give anything to you. Your loss. not mine! '

Voice: "Like you, and I know. This is a situation where you after long reflection concluded that mankind is not worthy of salvation. You had a golden ticket to help mankind and decided that you would rather take to the grave than help mankind to make a step forward. You said that humanity is in the development stage TT or as you call it TeletabisTalibani. "

D is silent for a moment and then he spoke.

D: "Then I meant that, not anymore."

The environment is suddenly changed and D is found back in the cottage on the island.

Voice spoke from the Thumb Villa which has been trapped beneath pints in the palm of D.

Voice: 'Will you allow me to show you my true, original form? "

D is silent for a moment, picked up the mugs, and left the mug on the table.

Thumb Villa flight up in the middle of the room.

Suddenly the dazzling light blinded D.

D was a few moments waiting until his sight returned. He saw in front of him the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

The woman was perfect.

Voice comes out from the woman.

Voice: "This is my original form. I am glad that you can see me in this way."

D is silent for a few moments and then he all excited spoke.

D: "You look perfect. You look like a goddess.

I will not call you Voice anymore.

I will call you, Goddess.

Then he came near her and say.

D: "Look at that beautiful, beautiful, perfect face. This beautiful physique. These breasts. That perfect piece of ass that overwhelmingly calls me to cuddle with my hand."

Goddess gently smiled and give a motion to D to go ahead.

D, all excited caught her butt and began her petting with passion.

He was cuddling her all over her perfect body.

He came near her mouth and slowly started to kiss her like never before.

Goddess was shivering and released sighs of satisfaction.

D gently lay down her on the bed and slowly he began to take her clothes.

He kissed her all over her body.

Goddess sighed with happiness and satisfaction.

He came up to her crotch, which was aroused like a river in spring.

He went into her.

Goddesses were screaming sighs of enormous pleasure.

Together they had sex in the rhythm.

The pace was genuine.

The pace was perfect.

The pace was just theirs.

They began to raise the pace.

They went faster and faster.

They looked into each other eyes.

They both knew that they are closer to a moment.

A moment in which they will come out together,

Their orgasm started.

The cottage around them began to disappear.

The environment around them began to disappear.

They have an orgasm together and climbed to the heights of space.

The universe beneath them became small as a playground.

Those two are combined into ecstatic climaxes.

They became one.

Climaxes of unimaginable explosions erupted from them.

The explosion was running through the universe.

The universe exploded and disappeared.

They are gone.

There was a voice heard.

Voice roared through the expanse of time and space.

A matter that is echoed by countless realities.

A matter that is heard in countless worlds.