
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs

Hacking Emissary

Chapter Thirteen

That day has finally come.

The inhabitants of planet Earth are getting guests in orbit around their planet.

The spaceship was the size of an average city.

Earthlings were trying to make contact with the spaceship, but there was no success.

After 24 hours of the arrival alien spaceship in orbit of the planet Earth, the virus Corona suddenly mutated.

In the next 24 hours from a mutated virus Corona, perished more than 100 million people.

World leaders have gathered in the hope to find a solution to the crisis in which the world is found.

They immediately accused the newcomers from space.

Most world leaders demanded that the spaceship in orbit immediately be attacked from all arms.

Suddenly one of the world leaders gets an unexpected phone call.

It was the Emissary from an alien spaceship.

The Emissary, who are visitors from the depths of the universe called on a spaceship before arrival in planet Earth's orbit.

The Emissary explained that the visitors from the depths of the universe come to observe planet Earth.

Emissary added that they have no bad intentions toward mankind.

Emissary explained that they will send them a message that will contain a cure for the mutated coronavirus

The message from the visitors from the depths of space has arrived.

Scientists have jumped in to start decrypting messages.

Suddenly the alarm started to sound across the planet Earth.

Space agencies had observed the asteroid rushes to the planet Earth.

Scientists quickly determined that the asteroid will with 100% certainty hit the planet Earth.

They could not determine exactly where the asteroid will crash.

Only three days are left before the impact of an asteroid on the planet Earth.

World leaders are trying to contact visitors from deep space.

There was no success.

Just two days to the impact of an asteroid on the planet Earth.

One part of the leaders accused the newcomers from deep space and demanded that their ship in orbit immediately be attacked from all arms and destroyed.

Suddenly the phone rang.

One of the world's leaders answered the phone call.

It was the Emissary, who was on a spaceship from visitors from deep space.

The Emissary explained that visitors from deep space are not responsible for asteroids hurtling toward the planet Earth.

World leaders immediately took the opportunity to ask for help from strangers from deep space.

The Emissary explained that visitors from deep space do not want to help them.

But, they will assist.

They'll send them a solution to a problem with the asteroid.

One of the world's leaders got the message from visitors from deep space.

Scientists have thrown themself into decrypting messages.

24 hours have passed.

23 hours and 55 minutes passed.

The world held his breath.

No one knew where the asteroid will fall.

Before entering an asteroid into the Earth's atmosphere, people have noticed that an asteroid has the shape of a heart.

An asteroid hit Australia.

Throughout the world was felt a sigh of relief, however, the sadness and the pain occurred immediately after.

There was not much time for sadness.

The next stone from the universe is speeding toward the planet Earth.

The world leaders have gathered.

Most of the world's leaders are requiring that newcomers from deep space must be immediately invaded and destroyed with all weapons.

Suddenly the phone rang.

It was the Emissary.

Emissary explained that the guests from deep space are not responsible for the asteroid and that they were willing to assist.

The message from guests from deep space has arrived.

Scientists have to throw themself to decrypt messages.

Space agencies have calculated that the asteroid will fall into the heart of Africa.

And it was just like that.

The asteroid crashed into the heart of Africa.

Most of the continent was destroyed.

Unfortunately, there was not much time for grief and sorrow.

One type of fungus suddenly began to grow around the planet.

The fungus has a deadly bacteria that overnight killed a healthy man.

There was no remedy for the bacteria.

Mushrooms are spread with enormous speed trout planet Earth.

Soon, mushrooms covered most of the planet Earth.

There was no food or water.

Humanity has extinct.

One human survived.

Emissary watched from the ship of visitors from the depths of space in orbit around planet Earth.

Their race was called BAST-ARD

BAST-ARD were very good species and friendly hosts.

Emissary cast a last look at the last man who remained on the planet Earth, which was covered with mushrooms.

The last man jumped up and down and threw stones and branches in the direction of the BAST-ARD spaceship.

Emissary went on the opposite side of the spaceship.

He looked at the BAST-ARD and ask them.

Emissary: "I have a blueprint. How much time do we need to make the device from the blueprint?"

Emissary handed the blueprints to BAST-ARD.

BAST-ARD took the blueprint and the device was built in 5 minutes.

Emissary pressed the button and the device was launched from a spaceship in the form of a torpedo.

The torpedo passed the planet Earth and continued its journey toward the sun.

After the torpedo hit the sun, the sun changed color.

The sun became bright white.

Sun has let out a wave of negative gravity.

All the planets and objects in the solar system were stopped.

Planets began to rotate in the opposite direction.

The speed of Earth's orbit around the sun was one year in two minutes.

After 5 minutes, the sun ejects another wave of gravity from itself and starts to change its color back to yellow.

A wave of gravity stopped the planets.

The planets have changed their direction of orbit.

Emissary was standing with an excellent bottle of wine which he have with himself when BAST-ARD teleport him to the spaceship before they arrived in Earth orbit.

Emissary immediately opened a bottle of wine to welcome guests from space.

Planet Earth has just learned that this is a day.

The day when guests from deep space have arrived.