
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

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274 Chs

V.3-C.54│Nearing Climax IV│

Two-year-old Aayla Secura was discovered on Ryloth to be strong in the Force during a mission undertaken by the young Quinlan Vos, the Kiffar Padawan of Jedi Master Tholme.

Though she was Lon Secura's niece, the very young Secura was yet kept with the Twi'lek slaves of the local Hutt crime lord, to help ensure her safety from any possible threat.

Notwithstanding, during Tholme and Vos's visit, the wampa guard of the Hutt went on a rampage, and the little Secura found herself in immediate peril. Fortunately, she emanated her need through the Force and was sensed and saved by Quinlan Vos.

A strong connection and Force bond formed almost instantly between him and Secura. Vos persuaded master Tholme to test Secura for Jedi training on Coruscant, where she passed the tests. When Aayla was about ten years old, Quinlan Vos took her as his Padawan.

Secura was a skilled swordswoman and studied Ataru and Shien or Djem So. She also studied the Jar'Kai form, using a green and a blue lightsaber.

She would also occasionally use a violet lightsaber. She had a good relationship with a young Twi'lek Padawan named Xiaan Amersu, to whom Secura gave a Heart of Fire as a gift.

Secura once learned a very valuable lesson when her dear pet T'da died. Her master comforted her by relating how her beloved was now part of the Force, and would also live on in her heart. Ironically enough, she buried T'da on Felucia, a planet she returned to just before her own life abruptly ended.

Padawan Secura and her Master, Quinlan Vos, undertook many successive missions together. They rescued a little princess from the Skyboat pirates of Xoman Free, faced the Terbeasts of Ogden Minor, and solved the Mystery of the Lodi on Solibus IV. Also, an 18-year-old Secura tells Jedi High Council members, during their recounting of the Stark Hyperspace War, that she and Vos worked undercover on Tatooine when Qui-Gon Jinn was temporarily stranded there.

But the following year, when Vos and Secura were assigned on a mission to Ryloth to investigate the sources of glitteryll, all went wrong. The two were captured and drugged. Secura and her master suffered heavy amnesia.

She was taken by her uncle Pol Secura, who had to feed her more glitteryll every day because her spirit kept reasserting itself. She forgot that she was a Jedi; she forgot she had a master and that she harbored Force powers.

One day a strange man came to Pol Secura's quarters, looking for his 'Padawan' Aayla Secura. He showed Secura her lightsaber, but she still couldn't remember anything.

After a while, when the man discovered that Pol Secura was behind the drugging, he came back for him. But when Secura tried to rescue her uncle, Quinlan Vos accidentally sliced him with his lightsaber, killing him. Enraged, Secura fled, vowing vengeance.

Desiring revenge on the man who killed her uncle, Secura hid herself on a pirate ship in route to Kiffex. On that planet she discovered and released Dark Jedi Volfe Karkko from his stasis field.

She gave in to the dark side of the Force and was willing to help the Anzati Dark Jedi. He gave her command of his Anzati minions and let her hunt down the Jedi on Kiffex.

Karkko needed them alive to regain his strength; he needed to suck their 'Jedi-soup.' But first he needed to feed himself and his Anzati. Secura took the Anzati and stormed a local stronghold. There she faced off against Quinlan Vos, Tholme, and Master Zao and got away with their captured people.

Vos followed her and reached the prison of Karkko.

Again she fought against her former master, but then she at last realized her true identity. At that moment Karkko used Force lightning to knock her out. When she woke up, she found Karkko dead.

Aayla Secura was soon thereafter assigned to Jedi Master Tholme, Vos' former master, and began the process at the Jedi Temple that would aid in a full recovery of her memory.

It was towards the end of that recovery that the Jedi Council regaled Secura with their nostalgic recounting of the events of the Stark Hyperspace conflict. Vos, on the other hand, pictured himself as 'a leaf blown forth by the wind,' and he left Kiffex, going where the Force told him to go.

After Secura returned to Coruscant, she sought the counsel of Jedi Grand Master Yoda. He told her that he was relieved when she had been found.

She herself feared she was still lost after what had happened to her. Master Tholme had briefed Yoda on all that had happened to Aayla, and Yoda counseled her that she should not judge herself harshly.

She replied that something was missing from her life now. Yoda offered his advice, telling her she was a Jedi and to be patient.

Finally, he wished for her to understand that the Force leads them towards not what they always want, but what they need. Still somewhat confused, Yoda gave her one last piece of advice to believe the Force was with her and would help her.

Soon enough, Aayla would meet the one she would be with forever. Anakin Skywalker. Her arrival on Coruscant was something that she both disliked and loved due to having meet Anakin, leading to her current status within the known universe.

From Jedi Padawan, to Knight, to ex-Jedi, to Queen to the largest known Empire in the current galactic race. Aayla herself had many problems before, and few problems afterward, but most of all she enjoyed her time.

Happy with herself and with those around herself, she is now all the more excited to start having a family with Anakin.

Having returned to the Jedi capital, Secura, as happened with Vos, was re-trained in the Jedi Temple. Master Plo Koon agreed to use his telepathy to guide Secura as she arranged and organized in her mind her newly-recovered memories.

However, instead of being fully healed as she was supposed to, she also interacted with Anakin and began getting closer to him over time. That Force dyad having formed, she could no longer look at anyone else the same way.

Not even the other Jedi Master that she may have had a romantic inclination with before having meet Anakin. Her thoughts, her body, mind and soul. Everything was in tune with Anakin.

In learning again of the Stark Hyperspace War, she met conflict veteran Jace Dallin.

Later that year, Secura went undercover, infiltrating the Twi'lek clan Fenn. She discovered that the clan's leader, Ro Fenn, was planning an attack on the Secura clan's male heir, the child Nat Secura. She informed Tholme and quickly joined her master against this new threat.

Facing off against two Nikto Morgukai, Tholme was defeated but still managed to slip on their ship. Unfortunately, he was discovered and imprisoned.

Secura followed Vilmarh Grahrk, who was in league with the Nikto, to his ship Inferno, but the Devaronian escaped.

The Force led Secura to a junkyard on Ord Mantell. There she found her former master, Vos, and helped him fight against bounty hunters. She explained all that had happened to Quinlan, and the two decided to rescue Nat Secura and Master Tholme.

They succeeded in tracking down Grahrk and persuaded him to tell them where the two Morgukai went. They quickly set course for Kintan, the home planet of the Nikto, and there faced off against the two Morgukai, Bok and his father, Tsyr.

The Nikto escaped Ord Mantell and went to the fortress of the Twi'lek Kh'aris Fenn, who, all the while, had been behind the clan's current strife and misery, and waited for the Jedi to arrive.

The two Jedi broke into the fortress and there confronted the Nikto again: Secura was to rescue Nat Secura and Tholme, Vos would fight the Nikto.

Secura reached the dungeon, defeated the torture droid AX/RX, freed Tholme and Nat, and went to Vos's aid.

Vos had already beheaded Tsyr, but he had been knocked to the ground by Bok. Secura saved Vos's life by engaging Bok before he could deliver the final blow. She wounded the Nikto, taking his right hand, but did not kill him.

Bok let himself fall hundreds of meters in order to keep his honor. The three Jedi and Nat survived.

They returned the young Twi'lek boy to his father, but, unfortunately, Fenn escaped from Ryloth to Count Dooku's hidden stronghold. Ro Fenn, now forced to face Twi'lek justice, was sent into a land of no return, the Bright Lands, the side of Ryloth that was baked in eternal sunlight.

Back on Coruscant, Secura and Vos were both promoted by the Jedi High Council. Secura was granted the rank of Jedi Knight, and Vos, that of a Jedi Master.

It was about this time that her bond really started to bloom with Anakin, where soon after she would no longer be a part of the Jedi Order.


Aayla felt something was off for a second, her belly hurting for some reason and reaching into the Force to calm herself down, she started to feel a shift. A change and subsequent feeling of life start to permeate from within.

'I-I think that I am going into labor!' She of course knew that it would be any day now since escaping the place that inhabited those beings of Force. Going through the bond, Aayla called out to everyone connected and told them all of what she thought was happening.

'No, this is definitely happening now!' Aayla would be rushed towards a nearby area that could be reshaped and reformed into a proper hospital room.

Specifically, the floor had opened up and gave way to the techno-tunnel underneath, easily allowing Aayla to get to somewhere safe. Everyone practically came down as well, wanting to check up on Aayla, for her safety, her wellbeing, being her support and all sorts of other things going through everyone's heads.

Most of all, they were also excited to finally have a new edition to their family in the form of the first child Anakin would sire with either of them.

Shmi came along as well, taking up a position within and helping Aayla through the process. Pregnancy was not a bad thing, but it certainly wasn't without its disadvantages and now with Aayla finally giving birth, she would be able to do things again.

Go out and help with whatever it was that everyone seemed to be doing nowadays.

Talks of some kind of operation to infiltrate the core worlds deeper in and to try and get to the root cause of whatever was corrupting the space.

Whatever it was, was slowly spreading everyone and being started to be affected in many number of ways. Especially those that had higher midi-chlorian counts, with the only ones being protected coming from the Empyrean.

Given that Anakin had of so generously gifted everyone to become more sensitive, but gain protection from whatever influence this was via his Force field surrounding anyone that had taken those midi-chlorians onto themselves.

"Your almost there! Just take deep breaths! Deep breaths! Calm and relaxing..." Not only was Shmi present, helping comfort Aayla, Aayla also had her husband. Her beloved, one and only husband there beside her, his hand connected to her very own as his presence and energy seemed to seep into her very being.

Her own energy as well. 'What strange thoughts I am having right now...?' Aayla was a bit out of it, but it wasn't anything bad as her body could easily handle the pressure from such an exercise. 'I will say this is probably the hardest thing I have dealt with...' Aayla blushed as well. 'Excluding Anakin's... thing, of course...'

She really was having strange thoughts even now, due to her body having the right and and proper capabilities to rejuvenate itself and possibly go for round two. 'My goodness. I am already thinking about having more children with Ani...'

"Well, it is inevitable." Anakin whispered to her, for only herself to hear but she had to refocus and continue pushing.

The robots, artificial intelligence, her family, even Quinlan Vos, her father figure was awaiting for the process to finish, so that he may too meet his very own granddaughter. "I love you." Aayla said back, her eyes transmitting everything Anakin needs to know.

His eyes and emotions within the Force also transmitted towards her as well, and before long...

"It's a girl. It's a girl!" The voice of Shmi called out, as the after post-natal care started right after that, leading to many being able to find Aayla lying down peacefully after. Anakin and Aayla's first child within her arms, asleep.

"Her name shall be... Daesha. The meaning is that of royalty. A queen born." Aayla said.

"Beautiful." Ahsoka said starting at the child, her features mainly of Aayla species, but other traits are easily seen inherited, like Anakin's eye color, present in her features.