
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

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274 Chs

V.3-C.55│Nearing Climax V│

A Togruta from the planet Shili, Ahsoka Tano was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koo at the age of three while he was on a mission to Shili, and was raised in the Jedi Temple.

Tano considered Master Koon to be among her oldest and dearest friends and felt a large amount of gratitude to him for discovering her Force sensitivity and ensuring that she would be given a home at the Jedi Temple.

Tano was assigned to the Clawmouse Clan with many other Jedi Initiates that she would live and train with. While a Jedi Initiate, Tano received training in sand levitation by Grand Master Yoda.

Attaching herself to Anakin Skywalker at such an early age, one may question why she did so, but there was nothing to question.

At least there was nothing to question when it came to herself that is, as her abilities within the Force was one of the strongest since the Jedi Order had been around. Second only to Anakin at the time, for her midi-chlorian count was the highest, even above the former Grandmaster of the Order, Yoda.

While Ahsoka's training was meant to bring out the good side of her personality, she was also plagued by several more aggressive tendencies. When in combat, she displayed determination to win, similar to her master's disposition, as she would also occasionally sulk when things didn't go her way.

She often talked down to others in battle, behaving as if she was superior to them, mirroring the attitude of her master. That extended to her behavior towards enemies, as she often came up with degrading pet names for them, such as referring to the IG-100 MagnaGuards as 'stick-tinnies,' and even calling Asajj Ventress a 'hairless harpy' and dismissing Grievous as 'just another tinny.'

Of course, for Grievous that was for when they were fighting during some training sessions. It also stopped once Grievous finally had gotten his new body, but that is besides the point.

She was known to be quite aggressive in her postures and actions; willing to use terror and threats as a means to get information. Even though Ahsoka obviously did not intend to follow through with any of these threats.

Ahsoka adored being with her master and was proud of her position as his apprentice, which Anakin did notice but let her be. Tano immediately adopted a very informal attitude with Anakin, especially over the years as she stayed with him more, nicknaming him 'Skyguy.'

In retaliation for his dubbing as 'Skyguy,' Anakin began to refer to her as 'Snips' from time to time because of her feisty personality.

Ahsoka was prone to overconfidence, believing strongly in Skywalker's teachings of following what one believed even if it meant being a little reckless. However, she sometimes took that too far, even refusing to follow orders from her own master and others.

Which did result in her going off and going with the Jedi towards the danger that was Sidious. 'However, that turned out ok, right?' Ahsoka thought to her herself. Despite these traits, she was very selfless and was willing to sacrifice herself if necessary.

However, although she was usually an honest person, Ahsoka was capable of lying well enough to fool others. 'Well, it's not like that doesn't help sometimes.'

Ahsoka was currently dealing with a few things. Those few things being the clones that she was tasked to help get things in order, as they had come to help Anakin out due to her running off.

Sighing, Ahsoka disliked this kind of work, for she was more of a hands on or physical learning type. But she was rightly given a specific duty due to her recklessness, and actions have consequences, as Anakin had made sure to tell her.

His own actions giving her the consequence of some boring paperwork. "Man. And here I thought he would do something else." She was already old enough now, having already had her birthday a few days ago, in celebration she was hoping to have another kind of present. However...

'Skyguy is stingy. Spending time with everyone else but me. Humph! Well, I'll show him!' Ahsoka redoubled her efforts in what she was doing, even growing bored she managed to get things down within the hour.

Finished, Ahsoka moved onto some meditation. 'I really want to do something else, but I am also still worried about those visions...' Ahsoka delved into the Force, looking for any indication that would alert her to the visions she saw.

To find their meaning or anything else that would help her understand or comprehend what she had perceived.

"You having fun?" Anakin's voice awoke Ahsoka from her meditation, but she didn't give this fact away and instead pretended she was still focusing on her meditation instead.

"Oh? It seems like you have truly grown up. Being able to meditate and have the patience to be able to block out all senses." Ahsoka could hear Anakin's voice approaching her, and for some strange reason she had some level of anticipation within her heart.

"Huh? But what is this? You seem to have an accelerated heart rate..." Anakin placed his hand on top own her head, before lowering them to her montrals. "Wow, you really do have some pretty good concentration. And here I thought your montrals would be sensitive to my touch... Shaak's definitely were... sensitive."

Ahsoka was really struggling now, but she held firm and stubborn in wanting to ignore Anakin right now. Ahsoka heard Anakin sigh before he continued. "Well, I can't in good faith interrupt you now."

'Yes! Take that! I win!' Ahsoka thought to herself, before she heard him again. "I guess that means that I cant do anything with you today. I was wondering whether or not I should give you something that you may have always wanted..."

'What!? You choose this moment!?' Ahsoka was now livid within her mind, trying to make sure Anakin didn't sense anything, but he sensed everything.

"I will just have to settle for this then. Ahsoka, I know that you waited, but I also had to wait as well. The Dyad is more than just one way, and I wanted to set a limit to how I would engage with you ever since. Not that this limit or line isn't arbitrary, but I have morals... I think."

Ahsoka could now feel Anakin was a breathe away from her lips, and she of so subtly leaned a little more forward. "Ahsoka Tano. I love you." Ahsoka felt Anakin's lips touch her own, her eyes opened to she Anakin was actually smirking at her.

But that didn't matter, for she knew that this was her signal. Her all lights green, card, pass, whatever one wants to call it. 'There is no holding back now!' She exclaimed within her mind, before passionately returning his kiss, her desire having reached its peak immediately.

"Take me now, Skyguy!" Ahsoka said as she stopped kissing him for but a moment.

"Feisty as always, Snips." Anakin replied, as the atmosphere was reaching a climatic opening, leaving room for something more ambiguous.

"I wonder if you are ready to have more children?" Ahsoka said this with a suggestive look.

"Where did you learn all of this? I thought everyone had kept you innocent until now."

"The Dyad goes both ways, remember?" Ahsoka smirked as she said this, latching herself onto Anakin and giving him kisses all over his neck, marking her claim, her territory of sorts.

Anakin and Ahsoka would retire to a more romantic and sexual setting, specifically his bedroom as Ahsoka would finally get a taste, and then some of what she had been missing out on. She would enjoy it wholeheartedly, even being the virgin that she was, she would want nothing more than to only be with Anakin.

Even without the Dyad, for some reason, Ahsoka knew that her affection for her master would probably be next to none.


Originally, over a million years before the Battle of Yavin, the Celestials, powerful beings with great knowledge, lived in the galaxy. According to Thuruht, the oldest of the Killik hives, the Ones, the Daughter, Son and Father, were what the Celestials became.

Thuruht recalled the Ones coalescing out of a geyser on a jungle planet. For a while, the Ones lived in peace in their home close to the geyser. The Father warned his children to never bathe in the Pool of Knowledge, or drink from the Font of Power.

However, his children eventually disobeyed him, with the Son drinking from the Font, giving him the power of the dark side, while the Daughter bathed in the Pool, which bestowed on her the power of the light side.

The two siblings then proceeded to fight each other, with the Father desperately trying to keep the peace.

One day, a young woman somehow came to their world. She initially served as the Servant, catering to the Ones' every needs. Eventually, however, she became the Mother, caring for the Father and mending the relationship between the Daughter and Son.

For years, the relationship between the Ones were stable and happy; however, things would not last as the Mother was still mortal, and as a result, she eventually grew old and unable to maintain the peace between the Son and Daughter, resulting in the two siblings once again resuming their war.

One day, while the Ones were thus distracted, the Mother, desperate to stay alive, committed the forbidden. She quickly took a drink from the Font, then bathed in the Pool before any of the Ones could stop her.

While this was going on, the Son attacked the Father, while the Daughter shielded him from the attack. The Father yanked her out of the Pool with the Force, but it was too late. The Pool and Font restored the Mother's youth, and gave her great power, knowledge and everlasting life, but it also corrupted her.

From that moment on, the Mother ceased to exist, and became Abeloth, the Bringer of Chaos. She proceeded to attack both the Daughter and Son, bringing them to their knees; however, the Father saved them. He then took them off the world, leaving Abeloth behind.

The Daughter and the Son then sought the aid of the Killiks, especially the Thuruht hive, joining their hive mind and lending them their knowledge and strength in the Force, together constructing Centerpoint Station, Sinkhole Station, and other devices to create the Maw in order to contain Abeloth.

Afterwards, the Father took his children and moved to the world of Mortis, so he could control them and ensure the Force remained in balance.

Whenever the Current of the Force was altered and the flow of time changed, Abeloth was able to escape, stirring up conflict, war, and disorder throughout the galaxy, thriving on fear, death, and destruction.

On those occasions, the Daughter and the Son would return to the Killiks, and together they would imprison Abeloth again. This cycle would periodically repeat over hundreds of thousands of years.

'Why do I have this strange... feeling?' Eve, the Daughter wondered to herself as something within the Force seemed to be somewhat off.

Something within the Force felt somewhat distorted, not in the way she usually felt things when balance was of the Force's concern. The dark or light were both involved and both not involved at the same time.

'Maybe I should meditate some more on this...' Eve thought to herself, before noticing Anakin coming towards her, as she was on top of Skywalker Palace. The very top.

"What are you doing up here?" Anakin asked her.

"I just felt some sort of disturbance." Eve replied.

"Maybe you are sensing what is happening in the Core Worlds, where Coruscant is located in particular." Anakin supplied.

"Perhaps..." Eve was unsure of whether or not that was it, because even though similar, there was something more.

"How about you stow away with me for a while." Anakin took her hand, a gesture that warmed her heart, and softened her features more so than what she would of expected. Her own feelings having developed to a very strong point, making her more powerful as well.

"You have many loved ones, especially those that would be considered your lovers. However, you are quite greedy to even want me." Eve smiled a bit, her beautiful features on full display as she sparkled in a sense.

"I will not deny that." Anakin nodded his head, before leaning in and capturing her lips with his own. "I wonder if you have studied the concept known as mating yet?" He had this smile on his face that gave her a blush.

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course I know, but that doesn't mean I have ever had the chance in engaging in such activities." Eve replied, putting up a tough front.

"Would you like to know ever more? Maybe even experiencing such darker, instinctual, and maybe even baser pleasures?" Anakin asked, his voice alluring.

Raising an eyebrow, Eve asks herself. "Is that a request?"

"No, it is a demand. I am the 'Chosen One' after all. And being the Chosen One means you must listen, right?" Anakin said, and she acquiesced by nodding.

"I do wonder..." Anakin lifted her and went off to another area to experience this practice of mating. "I wonder what it would be like..." Eve's voice held anticipation.