
V.3-C.53│Nearing Climax III│

Barriss Offee. No, Barriss Skywalker.

Born on a starliner in deep space, Offee was brought to the Jedi Temple, where she would spend her early years in study of the Force. A Padawan to the Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Offee spent most of her time by her side, whether during meetings with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine or in combat such as the First Battle of Geonosis. When she reached sixteen years of age, she built her first lightsaber.

Of course, she was also apprenticed to Anakin Skywalker as well, even when she was a year older than him, his skill superseded her own.

Most of her life spent within the Jedi, or at least up to the point that she had reached now, she had spent at least most of her life with them.

'Now I am with Ani...' Barriss wistfully thought as she was currently focused on doing something within the Empyrean capital planet of Tatooine. After the whole Sidious, Galactic War fiasco, Barriss had decided now is the time to finally finalize everything that was, is and will be in regards to the culture and religion being practiced within the Empyrean.

'Of course, there are those other religious branches I have to think about as well.' Barriss thought about her own main root or core of the religion, which had branched outwards. Stuff like sects had been made, where a person may worship under one particular god of the Empyrean pantheon.

In fact, there was really only one divine being, that being Anakin himself, but there was supposedly the variations of his forms. There is his Empyrean Emperor form that rules the mortal plane, the Vader form that supposedly rules the underworld and the Astral Spirit form that supposedly rules the heavenly abode that Anakin had created.

Threefold divine being that he is, Anakin has three faces that represent the balance. The Empyrean Emperor is the balance, the grey. The Astral Spirit is the heavenly, kind and light based thing, while Vader takes on the dark, and punishment, and retribution.

In the end, all of these beings represent Anakin within this religion.

'And of course they would. He is... perfect.' Barriss was like Padme, in that her light provided ample cover for the darkness that lay just underneath, and while it may not be as illuminating and as bright as Padme's, Barriss had other things going for her.

"Your highness." Many figures walked into the room she was within. Some more feminine in nature, others that of males, and all of them had their very own sides of the coin.

The symbol of either Vader or the Astral Spirit, either way these two sides represented the two sides of the same coin. The dark side is not evil, but can be. The light side is not good, but can be.

Barriss in turn greeted these people, her spot above all of them and in command she is able to dictate where anything and everything goes. The doctrines, practices, spread of religion and other things that come under the realm of helping unity.

Before it was mostly small sects or cults in a manner, worshipping Anakin, but that changed as things got more complicated. Even before Barriss came along and had taken an interest in such activities, the people would continue to develop nicely themselves.

'Ani is also aware of this...' Barriss had been confronted by Anakin on this occasion, not that he discouraged or persuaded her. No, he encouraged her to do whatever she liked, whatever that path she walks, it is hers to do so.

But that didn't mean there wouldn't be Anakin walking a step behind her all the way, which all the more filled her with many emotions. "Excuse me, your highness...?" One of the people had to ask, and Barriss coughed to hide whatever embarrassment she felt for letting herself get carried away with her thoughts.

"Yes... I am fine. Let's get this meeting moving then." Barriss and these higher ups within the religious organization would discuss a few things before having their meeting adjourned.

So far their biggest problems had to do with indoctrinating those within Hutt Space, which was actually moderately difficult. The only reason for this is because alot of those that were living there happened to be criminals that liked money over anything else, and specifically disliked what the Empyrean was promoting.

Specifically the destruction of enslavement, which created a difficult environment for these smugglers to get behind. Not that there wasn't some level or measure put in place that would allow them to slowly use some other methods of persuasion.

Sighing, Barriss thought to herself. 'If only Ani allowed us to start using some abilities of the Force to 'reeducate' those lowly scum.' Barriss wouldn't mind doing so and would relish the act of doing so, as this would be bringing more people under the belief that just so happened to prop up her lover.

However, Anakin was adamant in the idea of allowing someone to make choices, which is also something she could respect, given Anakin didn't say anything about her choice of job.

Moving through the streets, she ignited her lightsaber before killing off a few people. All of a sudden, right? Well, every now and then, there happened to be people that were trying to create anarchy within the government, given that Anarchy is in actuality the true meaning of freedom.

'Again. True, but foolish.' Moving back to the palace, Barriss was about to go to her room, before she is lifted off of her feet all of a sudden. "W-What? Who-" She was interrupted, seeing that it was Anakin, as he started to passionately engage with her in some rather unsavory activities.

"An-Ani..." Her eyes clouded over, Barriss was surprised, but also happy at such an encounter.

"I just wanted to spend some time with my little priestess." Anakin said, before taking her into her bedroom.

"R-Really? A-Are we going too..."

"Of course." What would proceed to happen next would overjoy Barriss a great deal, leaving her exhausted and extremely satisfied on many, many levels.

Laying on her bed, Anakin next to her, she thought to herself. 'Let this be the one.' She rubbed her abdomen, praying with all her might that this be the time she manages to conceive with Anakin. 'I just want to beat Padme! Humph! She thinks she can all of a sudden change her mind and try to beat me! I may not give birth to our firstborn, but I will at least take second!'

As if reading her thoughts, Anakin says into her ear. "I guess that means round two? And maybe another, and another..."

"A-Anything! Until you are satisfied..." Because if Anakin is satisfied, she too would be satisfied and vice versa. No matter what, she would try many, many times.


Shaak Ti, like most Jedi of the era, was discovered on her homeworld Shili as an infant when doctors identified her as Force-sensitive.

Taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Ti entered into the academy there and spent the next decade studying the ways of the Force and the Jedi Code. After graduating from the academy, Ti was selected as a Padawan by a Jedi Master and traveled the galaxy to complete her training. After passing her Trials of Knighthood Ti was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight by the Jedi High Council.

As a Knight Ti pursued the path of the Jedi Consular, strengthening her connection to the Force and working under the Council of Reconciliation.

Like many of the Order, Ti was permitted to travel back to her homeworld and connect with her roots. Undergoing a traditional Togrutan right of passage, Ti tracked and killed a wild Akul beast and crafted an elegant headdress from its teeth.

During her early career Ti took her first student, choosing to train him on her birth planet, Shili. Amongst the vast, dry scrublands Ti taught her student the ways of the Jedi, eventually raising him to Knighthood.

Parting ways, it wasn't long before Shaak Ti got word that he had been killed by a criminal on one of his first missions.

Having failed her first student, Ti decided to try again when she chose the Initiate Fe Sun as her second apprentice. Once more traveling to Shili and training her student in a slightly unorthodox manner, Ti did not believe in the traditional application of skills through the acceptance of missions from one of the Jedi Councils.

Training Sun to the rank of Knight, Ti suffered the loss of the girl when she was killed by the Zeltron criminal Lyshaa.

While struck by grief, Ti was dedicated to the Jedi way of detachment and allowed herself to come to terms with both her students' deaths. This did not prevent some on the High Council from questioning her methods of training students.

Ti took it upon herself to track down Lyshaa and bring her to justice, seeing her imprisoned for countless years on the planet Brentaal IV.

Eventually, Shaak Ti was recognized by the High Council as a highly trained Jedi and raised her to the rank of Master. As a Master, Ti went on to complete many assignments, gaining great respect from her peers.

When a High Councilor killed, Master Ti was nominated to the august body to replace the diminutive Master. Accepting the appointment, Ti would contribute her insight to the governing Council for several years.

At least it would have been many years before she was caught up in the wind generated by one Anakin Skywalker.

One many wonder what Shaak does with her time, but like being a master within the Jedi, she had decided to take it upon herself to start training individuals again. After all, her time as a Jedi Master had suggested she wasn't very good at actually teaching.

That is until she found the error of her ways.

'Am I ready?' Were her thoughts alot of the time, even after leaving the Jedi but somewhere along the way she started to regain her confidence. This time she would take on an apprentice. No, many students and work her way up again, to truly become a teacher worthy of her students.

Funnily enough, she would even take on the training and teaching of many used-to-be Jedi students. In the end, even when she left the Jedi Order, the Jedi Order still came back to her, in the form of children.

Among them she found herself reminded of her failures, further motivating herself to become better and better.

"And that is it for today." Shaak finished, having had a short break from helping Anakin on Coruscant with Sidious, and then returning, becoming a proper teacher again.

The class ended with the students giving her some things, questioning some things and answering some things. Overall, she would say that her progress has been quite good ever since deciding to change over, becoming Anakin's- 'Wait! That isn't right... What I meant is becoming a part of the Empyrean Academy, not becoming Anakin's...'

"Someone thought of me, did they?" Anakin came in, surprising Shaak just as he had done so to others as well. "Don't mind me. I am just testing out this new skill of mine. It is quite handy." Anakin said as he seemed to just pop out of existence, and then out, and then in again as he came form behind Shaak and hugged her from behind.

"How naughty..." Shaak said, feeling something that isn't appropriate in the classroom. "How about we save this till some time later?"

"I am not very patient myself." Anakin sent vibrations through the Force that aroused Shaak, and she just couldn't resist, her animal instincts overcoming her.

'No! Not here...' Shaak pulled back in on herself, turning around and proceeding to give Anakin a lovely, passionate kiss. "There, satisfied? Why don't you use that little trick of yours and get us out of here if you really want it." She practically purred, face aflush with arousal and embarrassment at her actual words.

After all, this was so far beyond what she is actually usually like. 'However, Anakin has changed me a little bit.' Her heart, body, mind and soul belonged to him now and he belonged to her as well.

"Sorry about that, but this whole teleportation thing is rather limited right now. My distance is limited, let alone trying to bring along others without unintentionally causing a rip in the fabric of space-time." Anakin replied. "But... I am sure I could convince you otherwise."

"How so?" Her eyes took on a predatory look.

"I dont know, but maybe..." Thus began some back and forth between the two, before some rather unprofessional behavior is displayed by Shaak as she is left feeling fulfilled by the encounter, begging for more, and thus receiving it easily.

It would be a long time after that the two would be done with what they were doing, but again, Shaak being insatiable would go in for more, only realizing last minute that she is in fact not insatiable and would be outdone.

'Not that I don't like this...'