
MHA: Roronoa Zoro Reborn

Roronoa Zoro dies, but instead of going to heaven or hell, he loses his orientation and ends up in the reincarnation chambers. Only predetermined souls get the chance of another life at the reincarnation chambers, so Zoro's appearance causes the automated system to fail and reincarnate him into a body that already carries a soul. -One body 2 minds. Zoro doesn't have his memories, only his ambitions and personality remain. No Harem. No getting One For All. Main Story changes.- -Whoever guesses who I based Zoro's and Ryoto's relationship on gets to create an oc- - Don't own the cover nor the story- 

sargen · Cómic
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27 Chs


"Let me take control of the body when we wake up. I will deal with your bullies without getting you into trouble. You can also talk to me. Pretend to speak and I will hear your voice," Zoro said.

About 10 minutes after being knocked out by Ryoto's bullies, the body of both Ryoto and Zoro woke up in the infirmary. Zoro was controlling the body, 'fucking weak,' he thought, clenching his fist over and over again, not seeing the slightest muscle-bulge.

"Oh! You woke up. Are you feeling better," the nurse asked.

'She has three eyes...,' Zoro realized, feeling an eerie familiarity when looking at her. He felt as if he knew another woman with three eyes for several years.

"Can I go back to class? I feel better now," Zoro asked after Ryoto advised him to say that.

"Uhm... Sure. But the principle asked you to go to his office after classes end," the nurse said.

Zoro exited the nursery and walked to his classroom with Ryoto's guidance. And even though Ryoto clearly described the way to the class, Zoro somehow managed to do the exact opposite. They finally arrived at the classroom after walking around for 10 minutes.

Without a knock or another polite way to announce his arrival, Zoro opened the classroom door. Ryoto's usual nervous and angsty face was swapped for an angry and confident look that resembled that of the wheat-blonde student's.

He entered the classroom, scanning every person that was inside it. His attention landed on Izuku, who Zoro made fun of mentally for being 'useless'. Then, he looked at the boys that he wanted to teach a lesson.

He looked at the boy he punched, his lip cracked from Zoro's punch, then he looked at the notorious wheat-blonde boy who didn't even react to his approach previous to being knocked unconscious.

"Your hit wasn't exactly soft, I must admit," Zoro praised, smiling deviously and confusing everyone except Ryoto's bullies.

'What happened? Why does he look so... confident and amused," Izuku wondered.

"Oh... Look at Ryoto. Suddenly, he doesn't seem so weak and useless. What was his Quirk again? Sharpness," his bullies acknowledged.

'Ask the teacher if you are allowed to sit on your seat," Ryoto advised.

"If it's not a problem, I would like to go and sit on my seat, teach," Zoro said to the homeroom teacher.

Even the teacher was confused, but shrugged it off, allowing Ryoto to sit so he can continue his class.


First class ended and the bullies decided to approach Ryoto after the wheat-blonde boy ordered them to do so.

"We didn't expect you to be so ballsy, Ryoto. We thought that your Quirk was weak and it didn't give you enough confidence and pride to fight back," the wheat-blonde boy admitted.

'Tell him-,' Ryoto's mental words were cut off by Zoro giving them a response.

"If you face the blade's SHARP edge, you are bound to get cut, right," Zoro asked the kid who he punched.

"HAHA! Alright, Ryoto. I like that. Come, stay with my group," the wheat-blonde kid said.

'His name is Bakugo, he is the worst of them all. His Quirk allows him to create explosions from his hand,' Ryoto revealed.

"I will make sure to tell the principle that we were just fooling around, isn't that so," Zoro looked at the guy he punched once more.

"Ye- Yes," he answered, suddenly looking scared at the devilish side of Ryoto he never expected to see.


At the end of the school day, Bakugo's troop and Ryoto stood inside the principle's office.

"If I understand you correctly, you were just fooling around," the principle asked for conformation.

"Yes," Ryoto responded. He was controlling the body because class was too boring for Zoro. 'Wake me up after school is over, I will take a nap,' he said.

"Hm... Don't do that while class is ongoing, you understand," the principle scolded.

"Yes, principle. I will not let something like that happen again," Bakugo reassured.

After leaving school with Bakugo's group who he got to never better after Zoro dealt with the issue, Ryoto realized the benefits it brought when hanging around with gifted and confident guys his age.

"So, what's with the eye," a boy from the group asked.

"Let's just say that I uncovered a secret about my Quirk that I didn't know about before. And when I realized its potential, I suddenly wanted to become the strongest," the boys listened to Ryoto's reasoning, curious about the details of his Quirk.

"HA?! You want to be the strongest? Not on my watch! I will put you in the dust, Ryoto, you can watch my back after I leave you behind," Bakugo declared and grabbed Ryoto's shirt.

"Does that mean you want to become a Hero," another boy asked.

"Yes. I will go to U.A and become a Hero," Ryoto responded, but heard Zoro's voice inside his head shortly after. 'Kid, switch, it's time,' he said and Zoro was given the control over the body.

Zoro grabbed Bakugo's wrist which was still grabbing onto his collar. "Bakugo, watch out when touching me, you might get cut," Zoro playfully threatened and a small drop of blood flowed down from his wrist.

It's illegal to use Quirks in public place. But when Quirks are used on private grounds without harming others, it's allowed. In this case, Bakugo was cut by Ryoto's Quirk, but instead of telling on him, Bakugo used his own Quirk to blast Ryoto away.


A small explosion sent Ryoto flying for about 5 feet.

"Here," Bakugo stretched out his hand.

Zoro took the 'help' and stood up. Both parties grinned, amused by the fact that a fruitful relationship was starting to form.

Another perspective of this interaction was observed from outside the school premises by Izuku. 'Why did Bakugo accept Ryoto as a friend? He doesn't even acknowledge me, even though me and Ryoto are so similar. No, were so similar. Somehow he changed. This morning, I was sure the concrete would crush him, but by some miracle, he jumped and rolled to the side,' Izuku thought.

Seeing him observe, Bakugo yells out for Izuku. "Hey, Deku! You Quirkless pussy, get your ass back here."

"Ka-Kacchan! I'm coming," Izuku runs over.

The second he arrives, a slap rocks Izuku's world. 'Your first step of becoming a better man. Do what the others do,' Zoro switches with Ryoto.

'Quirkless, huh? Repeat what I just said,' Zoro commands.

'Are- Are you sure, I don't think I can-,' Ryoto is cut off.

'Just do it! This will teach you ruthlessness, something that will be important later on,' Zoro taught.

"Q-Quirkless, huh? Must be hard. Dreaming of becoming a Hero, stop joking. All you do is drag the real Heroes' names through the dirt," Ryoto said, surprising Zoro, Bakugo and the rest of the group.

You smile when you become friends with a like-minded individual. And that's exactly what Bakugo did.

"HAHA! You hear that, Deku? Even Ryoto is calling you useless now. Finding out the truth behind his Quirk must've made him realize just how trash you are," Bakugo continued stabbing Izuku with his words.

'Wow, kid. I didn't expect you to exceed my expectations. Continue what I'm telling you and this body will be controlled by two strong spirits,' Zoro said.

Bakugo and Ryoto proceeded to push Deku around.


'Weird world, I don't feel any familiarity at all,' Zoro said.

'The building I live in is very high. Let's go to the roof so I can show you Musutafu from above,' Ryoto suggested.

Parallel to what Ryoto and Zoro were doing, All Might had just saved Izuku from a sludge Villain and was now "flying" in the air while Izuku held onto All Might's pants.

Zoro suddenly stopped. 'Why'd you stop walking,' Ryoto asked.

Zoro was just going up Ryoto's building's stairs when he felt something approaching from the air. 'Something is about to land on the roof,' he explained when he was right at the roof's door.


The sound of something "crashing" onto the roof could be heard. Then, a voice Ryoto recognized resounded.

'Open the door and listen what Izuku is saying. I don't know why he is here,' Ryoto mumbled.

Zoro opened the door ever so slightly and saw Izuku and... 'All Might?! Why are they on my roof,' Ryoto asked, shocked.

They listened in on Izuku's and All Might's conversation. A series of revelations happened that shook Ryoto's core. Yet, Zoro was the only one confused. 'Hey, who is that All Might? He is strong, isn't he,' Zoro asked and Ryoto responded. 'The strongest. The number 1,' he responded.

The reason why Zoro was able to use Ryoto's Quirk is because of Ryoto's memories. He has some memories of Ryoto's life, so he was able to know how exactly he would be able to use it.

(With some memories, I mean like core-memories. The most important ones.)

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