
MHA: Roronoa Zoro Reborn

Roronoa Zoro dies, but instead of going to heaven or hell, he loses his orientation and ends up in the reincarnation chambers. Only predetermined souls get the chance of another life at the reincarnation chambers, so Zoro's appearance causes the automated system to fail and reincarnate him into a body that already carries a soul. -One body 2 minds. Zoro doesn't have his memories, only his ambitions and personality remain. No Harem. No getting One For All. Main Story changes.- -Whoever guesses who I based Zoro's and Ryoto's relationship on gets to create an oc- - Don't own the cover nor the story- 

sargen · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


'His time is limited to only 3 hours?! How can this be,' Ryoto wondered in shock.

The Number 1 Hero of Japan, the symbol of peace, All Might appeared as a husk in front of Izuku and the hidden Ryoto. He was now a skinny-tall guy that looked nothing like the All Might everyone loved and respected.

"I laugh when I face the pressure a Hero faces," All Might said, finishing his conversation with Izuku and approaching the roof's door where Ryoto currently was.

'Quick,' Zoro ordered Ryoto to run downstairs and into his apartment.


The same night, while Zoro took a nap and Ryoto did his homework, a change in Ryoto's Quirk occurred. This change could only be felt by Zoro. 'My powers... They manifested as a Quirk. I can feel the same feeling when I used that brat's Quirk. Quirks are an extension of one's body, but this power would simply overburden this child's body and kill him. I need to do something,' Zoro thought inwardly. 'If only this kid wasn't around...'

"Ryoto," his father yelled out. "Come look at this."

Ryoto walked into the living room, only to see his father gesture at the TV. "This kid has your school's uniform, doesn't he? He has been taken hostage by a villain."

Looking at the TV, a delighted chuckle escaped Zoro. 'The great Bakugo taken hostage by a slug, pathetic... I surely won't get bored in this life.'

"He is in my class," Ryoto exclaimed.

Before his father could ask him about Bakugo, a green-haired boy rushed towards the villain. 'Quirkless boy,' Zoro asked, confused about the Quirkless kid's action.

Izuku threw his backpack at the slimy Villain and tried "saving" Bakugo. 'My whole life is turning upside-down... Zoro, what do you want from me,' Ryoto wondered hopelessly without Zoro knowing about his words.

The day was saved by All Might, unsurprisingly defeating the Villain for a second time the same day. Izuku and All Might really managed to save Bakugo - although Izuku was being scolded for his reckless endangerment.

'There are so many people give me the feeling of familiarity. Izuku, the weak and Quirkless boy has shown the same courage of a warrior, no, this world's Hero,' Zoro acknowledged again.

A few hours later, All Might and Izuku Midoriya conversed once again. And just like before, All Might spilled another important secret. This secret entailed the details about his Quirk and its purpose, something that Izuku would later on get to know very personally. But for now, the three people we focus on are Ryoto, Bakugo and Izuku. After the Villain and All Might encounter, promises were made. Bakugo decided to never be helpless ever again and become stronger than All Might ever was. Izuku swore to take on the responsibility of the opportunity he was given and get stronger. And Ryoto... well, he talked with Zoro about his future's details.

'What was it about this Hero school,' Zoro asked, unable to remember what Ryoto had told him in the school's infirmary.

'In less than a year, U.A, the Hero school, will hold an entrance exam that determines if a student has the potential of even becoming a Hero,' Ryoto explained for the second time today.

'And that means,', Zoro tested.

'That means... What,' Ryoto asked.

'That means that we only have just about 300 days of training. There are many things I must teach you, but we have time for that. For now, the most important thing, the training of your body. With your feeble limbs, I can't even begin to dream about wielding a sword. Your- MY muscles would just give out after just ten swings - not barely enough to make Bakugo sweat,' Zoro stated.

Accepting his fate, the logical thinker named Ryoto asked the details about the mentioned training regime.

'Stamina, strength, discipline and duty - a swordsman's foundation,' Zoro preached. 'By the way, you can carry a sword with you, right?'

'Not in public, but Quirk enhancing tools are allowed at the exam. Why do you ask?'

'Because your Quirk on it's own is too weak. I barely managed to cut Bakugo's skin. If, as you said, your Quirk enhances a tool's sharpness by 10, it would balance your sword-skill and physical prowess. I would also advise you to eat more, but I noticed how poor you are. We must also tackle the issue with money. What does a kid your age have to do to earn some money?' Speaking about money sent a shiver down Zoro's back - severe PTSD from something nap-related.

'My dad doesn't really care if I eat or not. He is indifferent towards me...'

-Wednesday: Day 2-

Bakugo didn't show up for class. And the rest of the day was spent scouting for places to train - which doesn't sound like much, but with Zoro's broken navigation and inability to listen to live-directions, the body of Ryoto wandered around quite much, not being able to find home for hours because Zoro's pride didn't want Ryoto taking over the body's control.

-Thursday: Day 3-

The three boys that aspired to become Heroes for different reasons started their training. Izuku trained at a trash-dumped beach, Bakugo trained somewhere where his Quirk wouldn't cause any problems, and Ryoto's training started by...

'Just put on the mask, trust me,' Zoro tried convincing the nervous boy. 'They won't know who you are. Quick money, that's all I'm gonna say.'

'Do you really want me to do this,' Ryoto asked just to be sure.

He put his mask on and entered the busiest street in Musutafu. No one seemed to care about Ryoto's presence, so Zoro's plan successfully reached stage two.

'Now!' Ryoto gave the control of his body over to Zoro.


The sound of a shirt and a pair of trousers ripping attracted the attention of a few people. When they looked at the sound's source, they certainly did not expect to see a kid wearing nothing but a mask and a pair of old-fashioned underwear.

Placing a box right in front of him was the start of phase two. Zoro started to perform a so-called fool's dance.

"HAHAH!" The people seeing the dance laughed out loud.

Shame could very well be on the path of a swordsman, and it certainly was in case of Ryoto and Zoro. Entertaining a crowd of salarymen, Heroes and other people was a good way of income.

After a 53 minute performance, Zoro was able to gather more than enough money to be able to afford a cheap Katana and some supplements that Ryoto recommended. 'Protein shakes and vitamin pills... If what the boy says is right, it's enough to build him a good body.'

Woo! Training-arc timeskip incoming. Get ready for U.A entrance exam. Spoiler, the Grapist, aka Mineta, is not featured in this fanfic. Who is pleased to hear that?

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Unless I write it, it doesn't really matter who is in control of the body. Only majopr plot-points will clarify who is in control.

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