
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Minor Quest Completed & Shocking information

Everyone's mouths were wide open seeing the scene in front of their eyes and after that fear flooded their entire beings.


It was so gigantic that its body and wings covered their whole island so they could only guess that it was a gigantic bird that was black in color but could not see its features properly as it suddenly descended from the sky and was leaving just as fast.

After a few seconds, the bird disappeared.

< That was a very powerful Spirit Beast, Probably at the Peak of Warlord level & ready to break through >

Ash snapped out of his reverie hearing the system's voice.

' That was a peak Warlord Level Bird? The pressure it excluded was so terrifying that I can't even imagine it's power. ' Ash thought with utter awe.

suddenly he remembered the system saying that there are even higher stages then Warlord Stage called Realms, He can't even imagine how would those powerful existence look like let alone imagine their powers.

Martin and the rest also returned from their dazed stats.

Daniel said with a trembling voice, " That....if that bird attacked this island then I think not even our scraps would be left in this world. "

Everyone nodded tremblingly and even that Black haired girl and Kiera Shroff who were usually aloof looked a bit scared at this time.

Martin's phone rang and after a short talk with someone on the other side he said, " The Whole Earth Union is in shambles because of the appearance of that Spirit Beast, I am going to the headquarters meanwhile you guys just stay here and do whatever you want. "

" Teacher Martin can I continue my challenges? " Ash asked because it is very important for him to finish this mission as today is the last day and he wants to finish it as quickly as possible.

Martin answered instantly, " Sure " and left.

Ash then instantly challenged Airi, And both entered the Training Ground.

Airi summoned her Spirit which was a Fan of wind attribute and instantly attacked Ash with Wind Blade.

Ash dodged easily as he also counter-attacked with his Bow spirit.

But Airi suddenly started running towards him, And she seems to be using some kind of movement art.

' Looks like everyone also improved in this month ' Ash thought as saw Airi using the Wind element movement speed technique.

Ash shot two arrows but Airi dodged them with ease using her movement technique.

Ash was waiting for Airi to come so that he can clash with her. But suddenly he sensed danger.

Airi was brewing something around her Two hands.

Ash looked carefully and found that there were two rings of wind around her hands,

' Looks very powerful and sharp...it's more powerful than my Explosive Fire Darts because Airi seems to have infused the majority of her Spirit energy into those rings of wind to make it more powerful ' Ash thought and then he got an idea.

Ash started running using his explosive fire steps and then started planning on how to trap Airi in Earth Prison.

So the scene on the training ground was Ash running away from Airi but Ash seems to be in danger as Airi's movement speed has more flexibility as she was getting close to Ash each second.

Just then something came out from the ground at the exact time when Airi was going to grab Ash.

Ash also madly dashed as he infused spirit energy into his legs to increase the speed of Explosive spirit steps otherwise he would've been trapped with Airi in his own Earth Prison.

' Phew,' That was close...Ash used the Earth prison on his location while running so as to prevent Airi from noticing something and predicted her movements trap her in the Earth prison.

Ash looked back and saw that Airi was trapped by the Earth prison, But the next second, Ash was surprised as her Rings of Wind destroyed the Earth prison.

But this time Ash was prepared and Threw Explosive Fire Darts towards her just as she came out from the Earth Prison.

Airi could not dodge in time as she just came out from the Earth prison and got hurt by them despite blocking them with her rings because The Darts exploded upon contact which did considerable damage to her hands.

" Stop, you've already lost, You can't maintain those rings of wind for so long and it will only hurt you more with your damaged hands," Ash said as he saw Airi still coming towards him with damaged hands, If they fight further than Airi might get hurt for real and he can just run away because Airi drained her energy when coming out of the Earth prison and it drains a lot of energy to maintain those Rings of wind around her hands so she was going to run out of her Spirit Energy soon.

Airi thought rationally and found that Ash was right so she stopped as there was no meaning in further fighting.

Ash said with a smile, " You've improved a lot in this month, Those rings of wind seems dangerous "

Airi was huffing as she answered with a small smile as if she was also satisfied with her progress, " Yep, This new move of my can certainly break Daniel's Water barrier and water blade combination technique "

Ash also feels that Airi's Rings of Wind can breakthrough Daniel's Defense as she has also practiced a powerful movement speed which lets her dodge Daniel's Water Blades.

Just then...

< Congratulations to Host for completing The Minor Quest >

< Rewards: Rewards: 10,000 exp, A Random Profound Art Chest, A Random Armour Chest ( Low Grade ) >

Ash was startled hearing the notification about Minor Quest being completed because he had yet to fight Kiera Shroff and That Black haired girl.

' System, What's going on' Ash asked.

< According to System The Quest was about defeating all Special Class students, and you seem to have finished it >

Ash thought hard and finally found a possibility and to confirm it he asked Rahul, " Hey are those two not students of our special class? "

Rahul was surprised for a moment then said, " Yea they are not students of our Special Class, They are just here to learn for a few months. "

Ash was intrigued so he asked, " how is it possible for them to do something like that? "

Rahul said with a faint smile, " It is possible if your mother is a World Master "

Ash was shocked, " You are saying that she is the daughter of a World Master powerhouse? "

" Exactly, Her Mother seems to be away for some reason so she entrusted her daughter to our Academy, Specifically our Dean as her Mother and Dean both are good friends. " Daniel said.

" What about her Father ?" Ash asked.

" Dead "

Ash did not continue to ask and focused on the rewards.

First, He opened The Random Profound Art Chest.

< Congratulations to Host for getting Crimson Sky Flame Profound Art >

' What the hell...Why is it another Fire Attribute Profound Art...' Ash Thought frustratingly.

' sigh... Anyway System, Which Profound Art is stronger? This Crimson Sky Flame Profound Art or Nether Void Hell Fire Profound Art? ' Ash asked the system helplessly.

< Nether Void Hell Fire Profound Art is better, But user can cultivate in Crimson Sky Flame Profound Art right now and gets various Spirit skills and the quality of your Fire energy will also increase but you won't be able to practice Nether Void Hell Fire Profound Art Later >

Ash was tangled between the two choices...' Is there no way to change into Nether Void Hell Fire Profound Art later if I practice Crimson Sky Flame right now? '

< Absolutely. You will not be able to cultivate in Nether Void Hell Fire Profound Art if you start cultivating Crimson Sky Fire now >

' Why though? is there any reason ' Ash asked.

< The Nether Void Hell Fire is something that is born outside of Chaos, So it is useless to control it with your Chaotic Constitution, Which makes This Type of Fire rather unique and hard to cultivate, You are considered Extremely lucky to obtain this Profound Art, so You should cultivate in it when you can in the future. >

' What !! There are even things that are born outside of Chaos? ' Ash was startled because he thought that everything was born out of Chaos.

< Of course, There are many things and even some Existence that are born outside of Chaos and some are even comparable or even more powerful than Chaos itself. Chaos is an actually a seed of the universe, it gives birth to a universe. Your Chaotic Constitution is similar to Chaotic Seed. >

' I see..' Ash wore a thoughtful expression as he digested the information. It feels really incredible, If there are existences that are comparable to Chaos then how would they look like ? what are they capable of? Ash couldn't even begin to imagine.

' Can Humans reach such heights? ' Ash asked with anticipation.

< According to System, It should be possible for all living beings to reach such height but First They have to reach the pinnacle of what this universe is capable of holding and detach themself from the universe they are born into, and to do something like that is extremely difficult. >

' hmm, screw this...I am just a little Spirit student who is not even considered an Ant with my current strength so why am I talking about things that are so far away and out of my reach ' Ash sighed as he focused on The Random Armour Chest.

Ash opened the Chest and...

< Congratulations to Host for getting...>

Hello there,

Sorry for skipping twice this week as i was very busy BUT

starting from Monday there will be 1 chapter daily and sometimes even 2 chapters a day :) So look forward to it

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DeathSingercreators' thoughts