
馬 / 马as

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What is 馬 / 马as

Lee la novela 馬 / 马as escrita por el autor DeathSinger publicada en WebNovel. in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people ...


in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

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  • Calificación Total
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  • Estabilidad de Actualización
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Contexto General

The description is just awesome. The story pace is also good. Just need some improvement other than that great work. Keep it up author!!!!!!!


Sorry for Shamelessly giving 5 * to my own novel. But I hope you all Review this novel and rate it according to the current and more importantly see the potential of this novel as I have very great plans ready in the pocket for this story. So look forward to it. Thank you.


Revela spoiler


I have only read the first several chapters, so I haven't hit the meat of this story yet. But I can already tell it has a crapload of potential, and many places it could go. In the beginning, there's a lot of technical info all at once - but once you get through the exposition, you soon get introduced to the relatable main character Ash and other fun characters with unique personalities, and you get more info about this incredible world. The pacing is really nice. If you like stories with unique magic systems, or floating schools, or hot girls (yes, I mean it), you should get a kick out of this.


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General Audiencesmature rating