
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Field Trip to Area-17

Ash opened the Chest and...

< Congratulations to Host for getting Leather Vest of Resitaise>

<Leather Vest of Resitaise>

Effects:- Reduces the elemental damage

Weakness:- Weak against pierce attacks and physical attacks.

' It's not that good, especially considering that I am going on to field trip tomorrow as most of the spirit beasts use their body as weapons like claws, horns, etc. 'Ash was a bit disappointed.

< This Leather Vest is very good against Elemental attacks, Some spirit beasts also use elemental attacks and they are generally more powerful so this leather vest will be helpful in tomorrow Field Trip >

Afterward, Ash started talking with Rahul, Lu Zhang, and Daniel as all of them got a bit closer to Ash after their recent battle with each other, But Hendrix still seems to be disapproving of Ash so he did not join and although Reyli erased his scorn towards Ash and doesn't seem to disregard Ash, He still stayed with Hendrix as they were best friends.

At this time Airi and Rachel came towards Ash's group.

Rachel said with a smile, " Ash, how did you improve so much? You became very strong in a short month, Forget about your cultivation but your mastery over so many weapons and fighting style is Amazing. "

Airi joined in and asked, " Yep, were you trained in Martial Arts since young? "

Ash said somewhat embarrassed, " Actually I started training in various weapons styles a month ago "

Everyone's jaw almost fell to the ground hearing what Ash said.

Rahul said, " You are joking right? "

Everyone was thinking the same thing, That, Ash must be joking with them

Just then they heard someone from behind them saying, " Nope, He is Absolutely not joking, I've witnessed his growth over this month with my own eyes. "

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice only to see Martin coming towards them.

" Teacher Martin, Ash really learned all of these in just one month? " Rachel asked with disbelief.

Martin smiled and said, " Yes he learned all of these in just one month and also cultivated from Beginner 4th stage to 1st Stage of Spirit student during this month "

Ash said somewhat modestly, " That...Actually, it's all because of the fruit I ate in Trial space. Because of it, My Cultivation speed increased and there was still energy left in my body so I could make fast breakthroughs during this month "

Hendrix was listening to them all this time so he was also shocked about hearing Ash's achievements But when he heard about the fruit he said with a snort, " So you were just lucky to get that mysterious fruit which made you so strong, If you brought back that fruit and gave it to any one of the Special Class students then they would have improved much more than you. "

Hendrix then glared at Reyli and Reyli spoke pouring oil into the fire, " Yeah, You were told to bring the resource you get there to the academy in the first place, So why did you eat that fruit? "

Before Ash could retort, Martin said, " Ash cleared the Trial Stage and earned the fruit for himself, If he had picked up some resources then he would have brought them back but The Fruit was earned by him so it is his possession and the academy would never take possession of their students. "

Ash also said mockingly, " You should have gone to the Trial Space then, What ? were you too scared to go there? "

Hendrix's face turned red hearing Ash and said angrily, " Humph, I was already a special class student and I can get whatever I want, So why should I go there? " He directly left after saying this.

Martin didn't stop Hendrix and said to everyone, " Alright, Our Weekend Sparring session will start now " Saying this he turned his face to Ash and said, " since you've already sparred with everyone then you can just Watch or Practice by yourself "

Ash didn't want to practice so he just watched everyone fight.

After 3 hours everyone has already sparred with each other and Martin started talking about tomorrow's Field Trip, " Our Field's trip Destination is changed, Originally we were going to The Talum Mountain range but plans have changed because of the appearance of that Giant Spirit Beast we saw today. "

Lu Zhang asks confusedly, " What happened? did that giant spirit beast did something?"

Martin shook his head as he said, " No it didn't do anything but because of its appearance, Most of the spirit beasts are very agitated and are more aggressive than usual. "

Ash then asked what was on everyone's mind, "So where are we going tomorrow?"

Marting threw a bomb with a grin, " We are going to Area-17 "

" What!" Everyone was shocked and then pleasantly surprised.

Airi said in a probing tone, " So that means there will also be special class students of other Academies right? "

Martin nodded, " Correct " and continued, " This time there will be competition among the special class students of all academies "

" What kind of competition ?" Rahul asked with a tinge of excitement in his voice.

" The details will be revealed tomorrow when all students arrive at the portal of the Area-17 " Martin said with a grin and continued, " Alright, Everyone is dismissed now, Tomorrow get ready and arrive here at 8 AM in the morning. "

As usual, Martin dropped Ash at his dorm. ( Author: I should prepare a car for him as its sad to see that he's always hitching a ride from Martin )

Ash directly slept after taking a bath.

After a hundred years. (Author: sorry lmao, I just can't get enough of this )

Ash woke up at 5 in the morning and directly entered the training ground to practice various skills, Though he won't be able to train full 6 hours as Martin would come to pick him up before 8 AM.

Ash trained for 2 hours and left the training space. Afterward, He took a shower and got ready.

Martin arrived after half an hour.

" Get ready, we are directly going to the Airship " Martin said directly after arriving.

Ash got in and Martin started driving towards the Airship's location.

Soon they arrived at the Airship. Ash saw that everyone has already arrived.

Everyone boarded the Airship as it flew away.

Inside the Airship.

" Everyone listen carefully, You all have to support each other and help each other after you enter Area-17," Martin said seriously to everyone.

" Yes " Everyone answered positively.

Martin then handed out some kind of flare to everyone and said, " Area-17 have restriction on those who are above Spirit Teacher, So there will be Grade 2 and Grade 3 spirit beasts, And in case you encounter any danger then use this signal flare to ask for help, Although danger will be small since you will be working together, Still, it's better to be safe than sorry.

After traveling for an hour they arrived at another floating island.

There were already 4-5 Airships parked on the island.

Everyone followed Martin after they landed and arrived at a place where there were already many people.

Martin and others also stood in an area and talked to each other for a few minutes as more people came one after another.

' Woosh woosh'

' Woosh woosh'

Figures could be seen flying through the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Suddenly, they stopped. 5 people hovered over them, they looked in their fifties.

All five were Vice-Deans of The Big Five.

One of them spoke, using spirit energy to increase the volume of their voice "Every student here, Be it from the Big Five or High-Tier Academies, all must gather in the front area in 5 minutes"

Hearing this all students started walking towards the place mentioned by That person.

Ash and others also walked there.

Seeing that all students are gathered there, Another person who was hovering in the sky spoke, " Area-17 will open in 30 minutes, And there is an additional competition that will take place this time. "

Saying this he paused for a second to gather all the attention and spoke, " After all students enter, They have to kill spirit beasts and find the specialty of Area-17 which is spiritual moonflower. "

" Whichever Academy's student collect most of the Spirit Beast's Core and Moonflower, will become the winners of this competition and will get 100 High-Grade Spirit stones and a chance to cultivation for 1 month in a Special environment where the density of spirit energy is extremely high "

Everyone got excited upon hearing the rewards, and the person continued, " In Addition to that, 2nd and 3rd place will also receive the chance to cultivate for 1 month in the same special environment but will only get 50 high-Grade Spirit stones. "

After this person finished speaking, Another one from the group spoke, " Killing each other in there is prohibited, We have already sent Peak level spirit teachers and set up monitoring devices in Area-17, If you are caught killing someone then the perpetrator will also be executed. "

Afterward, All five of them could be seen flying deeper into the island and soon disappeared.

30 minutes soon passed.