
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Ash Vs. Rachel, Hendrix & Reyli

Ash saw several people coming out of 2 cars. They were Reyli, Hendrix, Airi, Kiera, and the Black haired girl.

They were a bit startled seeing the situation as Rahul, Lu Zhang, and Daniel seemed to be beaten and Rahul had some bloodstains on his shoulder.

Reyli asked Martin, " Teacher what's going on? how did they get hurt? "

At this time Daniel snickered and said, " Hehe, Don't worry your turn will come soon, Hey Rahul, Lu Zhang, Don't say any details." He wanted one of those latecomers to taste the same defeat as he experienced.

Reyli was confused by Daniel's remarks and asked, " What do you mean by that? "

Both Rahul and Lu Zhang looked at each other and sniggered, " Alright "

Rahul didn't seem to take his defeat as something serious as he made a comment, " I wonder who will be that unlucky guy? ", He then turned to Ash and said with a mischievous smile, " You're going to challenge Hendrix after Rachel right? "

Ash grinned and said, " Of course, I Shall let him observe my fight with Rachel so that he can make some preparations " He is going to fight Rachel in a long-range battle from start to end so that Hendrix will have the wrong impression on his fighting style.

Daniel, Rahul, and Lu Zhang seem to understand what Ash was going to do and laughed.

Hendrix also arrived when Reyli was asking so both were confused. Seeing that no one was answering them, They asked Martin and he simply said, " Nothing, Ash is going to Challange every one of you which was the condition set by me if he wants to go on tomorrow's Field Trip. "

Hendrix said with an incredulous expression, " You mean those three were beaten by Ash? "

Martin smiled and nodded.

Reyli and Hendrix's mouths were wide open with Martin's confirmation.

Even Kiera and that Black Haired girl wore a surprised expression for a second.

Ash speed of absorbing Spirit Energy greatly increase after getting a chaotic constitution so he was recovering faster.

Rachel was hesitating whether to tell them or not but decided to not tell after thinking because Ash was going to challenge Hendrix after her and not Airi, Furthermore she has always disliked that Hendrix.

After a couple of minutes, Ash stood up as he had recovered and challenged Rachel.

Both went in the Training ground and Ash summoned his Bow spirit while Rachel summoned her earth attributed spirit that looked like a magic wand but it had 5 spikes protruding from its end.

Ash had already known the ability of Rachel's spirit when he attended the class first time.

Her Spirit's Penetration power is quite powerful as it can enhance her Earth Elemental spirit Skill's lethality.

But Rachel's long rage attacks were not as good as Ash's Spiri Bow's Fire energy Arrows and Ash was certainly better at dodging and had higher mastery over his bow skills thus Rachel could not last long against him and lost as well.

Hendrix and Reyli were shocked seeing how skillfully Ash defeated Rachel.

Ash had had to rest once again to recover his lost Energies Because even tho Rachel was not as powerful as Rahul, Ash didn't want to reveal too much and only used his Spirit Bow to attack which consumed lots of Energy.

After a while, Ash recovered his lost Energies and said with a wide grin as he faced Hendrix, " Come on, Time to get beaten up "

Hendrix snorted and said, " Humph, Beaten up by who? you? dream on " After saying this walked into Training ground with Ash.

Hendrix is also Spirit Student with Earth Attribute but his spirit is that of Gloves Though he is not a close-ranged fighter rather he is a mid-ranged fighter because his glove's Ability is to shoot projectiles Earth Energy Punches in addition to increasing the damage of his Spirit Skills. His Projectile punches work best in Mid-Range because at that range it's hard for the opponent to avoid his projectile Earth Energy punches and can maximize the damage.

Hendrix thinks that Ash is Ranged Fighter because Ash only used Bow in his previous fights so Hendrix dashed towards Ash right after their Match started.

Rahul, Lu Zhang, and Daniel Snickered seeing this because they knew that Hendrix can't hold a candle against Ash in Melee-combat.

Ash also smiled seeing Hendrix dashing toward him. Although Hendrix feels something is wrong seeing Ash smiling but he did not stop and even increased his speed, Alas how can Hendrix match Ash when it comes to instantaneous and explosive movements?

As Expected, When Hendrix dashed into the range where he can shoot his projectiles, Ash also dashed towards him but with much faster speed and before Hendrix could even exclaim in surprise, Ash already used a lower kick with fast speed and power using his Explosive Spirit Steps, Just as Hendrix was going to fall down Ash kicked once again with Explosive Spirit Steps from Bottom to top and Hendrix was half a meter in Air.

Then Ash executed his combo and sent Hendrix flying just like Daniel but Hendrix received much more damage cuz Ash used more attacks on Hendrix then Daniel.

Hendrix was stunned speechless and pain flooded all over his body, Tho he was not bleeding but Ash did beat him up quite badly.

Martin declared Ash's victory and Reyli came to support Hendrix.

After he stood up, He turned his angry face towards Ash and said harshly, " Teacher Martin, please punish this guy, he is so heavy-handed even to his classmates, I probably broke a few ribs because of his kicks. "

Ash said with an innocent face, " This... I didn't know you were so weak, In the first day when I came you were quite talkative and you even defeat Reyli rather easily that day...didn't expect that you became so weak since then "

Hendrix's face turned red then blue then completely white, " You...you cheated! "

Ash was startled as well as others, " how did I cheat? "

" You were just Beginner 4th Level a month ago and now you became so powerful in a short time, You, who came from a lowly background could never become this strong on your own " After saying this he turned towards martin and said, " Teacher I suspect he brought something incredible from the Trial Space and didn't hand it over to Academy and using it for his own selfish benefits. That thing might help everyone in the Academy. "

' how vicious ' Ash was speechless. Though he used the Training Space of the System for various kinds of trainings. He became this strong in Combat through his own effort and because of his talent.

Martin's face turns frigid as he said to Hendrix in a cold voice, " It's not up to you to tell what should Academy do, Moreover he didn't get such treasures as you mentioned and he became this strong due to his own hard work, I have been accompanying him to train quite a few times in this months so I know his progress better than anyone here. "

Daniel and others were surprised to hear that Martin accompanied Ash for training.

Hendrix turned pale hearing Martin's Harsh tone and obediently kept silent afterward.

Ash didn't Expend much Energy in this fight so he directly challenged Reyli.

Ash Choose to use Sword in this Battle which startled others because He had already shown mastery over Bow, Spear, and hand to hand combat before and now he can even use swords.

' Freak ' Martin thought.

Reyli's spirit was wind attributed pipe, A weird spirit. Ash probably guessed that Reyli needs to Blow his pipe to activate its ability, But Reyli didn't use his spirit ability previous time when Ash saw him fighting against Hendrix so he doesn't know about it.

Reyli had already summoned his spirit before even entering the training ground, So when their battle started he was ready to use its ability.

And just as Ash expected, Reyli blew on his pipe and something weird happen. First of all, as with every spirit, they have to infuse some spirit energy to activate the ability that comes with the spirit, and then it will be activated. Most of the time, the abilities of a spirit have an impact on battles directly but there are other cases too, such as Reyli's Spirit.

After Reyli Blew on it, A kind of wind elemental energy surrounded Reyli, and afterward, he used one of his spirit skill, Gust ball.

Ash had seen this spirit skill, It doesn't travel as fast as Wind slash but it attacks an area as the gust ball will blow open after traveling for a bit which is a bit weaker then wind slash.

But if it is used before the Gust Ball disperse and becomes an AOE attack then it can do a lot of blunt damage, possibly breaking open a big wound where it hits and break bones too.

This time, The Gust ball of Reyli was a bit different as the wind energy that came out from his spirit left his side and surrounded the gust ball when it came towards Ash with speed as fast as the wind blade and it did not even disperse midway but was wholly intact as it targetted Ash.

Reyli's face turned pale and looked a bit drawn out after releasing this gust ball but still smiled and said, " This Gust ball is different from what it was a month ago because I enhanced it by adding Air Blast inside The Gust ball, Though Normal Wind users can't do something like that because Air Blast simply can't be contained within Gust ball. But I just recently discovered that The Special wind energy I get from my Spirit doesn't only enhance my attack but also Balance the Air energy of skills and can form a balancing wind Barrier which secures the Air Blast inside The Gust ball until it hits the target and because of the Balancing wind Barrier outside, The Gust ball will not disperse before it actually touches the target unlike normal Gust ball Spirit Skill "

But Reyli's Jaw dropped after he finished speaking.

Here is why.

Ash waited for Reyli to unleash his special Gust Ball, And Reyli thought that Ash waited because he wanted to fight head-on against his spirit skill.

The Result was that Ash simply dodged the attack using his Explosive spirit steps because he was ready to use Explosive Spirit steps anytime as it had become his habit to prepare explosive Spirit steps whenever he fights and use it when needed.

This was the reason for Reyli's jaw drop.

Martin was also speechless and sighed, ' This Reyli really created a powerful Spirit Skill but too bad... '

Just as Martin was going to Declare Ash as the winner...


A wind ripping sound came from the sky and the whole Floating Island was shadowed by something massive that was in the sky.

Everyone looked up only to see an unimaginable scene...

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