

Autor: 吉桃吉李
En Curso · 14.2K Visitas
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What is 燕云闱秘录

Lee la novela 燕云闱秘录 escrita por el autor 吉桃吉李 publicada en WebNovel. 花瑾君告诉月掩,“一定要好好活着。”过上娶夫生子,无忧无虑的逍遥王女生活。月掩含泪答应了,“我一定会活着。”我所遭受到的痛苦都会一个一个的报复回去的。……”你想当皇帝吗?“”可以当一当。“”那你敢杀,人吗?“”杀过,但也不介意再多杀一个。“”你很聪明也很狠毒,只要你想,你什么都可以做到。帮我,和我一起复仇,我答应你,我会和你一起死的。“……”真正爱你的人,你不爱,却爱着一个一直利用你的人,傻子。“...


花瑾君告诉月掩,“一定要好好活着。”过上娶夫生子,无忧无虑的逍遥王女生活。 月掩含泪答应了,“我一定会活着。”我所遭受到的痛苦都会一个一个的报复回去的。 …… ”你想当皇帝吗?“ ”可以当一当。“ ”那你敢杀,人吗?“ ”杀过,但也不介意再多杀一个。“ ”你很聪明也很狠毒,只要你想,你什么都可以做到。帮我,和我一起复仇,我答应你,我会和你一起死的。“ …… ”真正爱你的人,你不爱,却爱着一个一直利用你的人,傻子。“ ”心甘情愿。“月掩笑了笑。 她会报复每一个人,一个都不会放过…… 【女尊,女主绝不是白莲花也不是圣母,时而狠毒,时而懦弱,主要是“童年伤害”造成一点心理扭曲,宫廷阴谋,有点虐,可能1V1吧,有些小白请多多支持哈哈哈哈】

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Dungeon Farming: Reborn as a Dungeon Lord, cultivating life inside a cave.

One day I woke up inside a cave. There were luminous crystals in the walls, one huge crystal in the center of the room and a collapsed tunnel leading to God only knows where. I tried digging the entrance but human hands are not exactly the best tools for digging and there were no other tools around, so after a few hours of useless efforts I gave up. Time passed and nothing changed, but instead of getting weaker and weaker with the passing of the time, I got stronger. I felt no hunger, no thirst, I didn't even get sleepy. "Can somebody tell me what the heck is going on!?" And then, I got the answer. ---------------------------------//-------------------- Quick summary: The story is about an archaeologist guy who wakes up in a cave and discover he is now a dungeon lord. The story progress as he finds out more about his position, how the dungeon works and their place in the present world. Through the story he creates a farm in his own dungeon, summon some creatures to help him out, develops a business relationship with the outside, learns some magic, discover some hidden truths of this world, meets many people, make some friends and some enemies and eats as many turpins as he wants without ever getting fat. ---------------------------------//-------------------- 5 chapters per week + bonus IF I have time... ---------------------------------//-------------------- The cover image is a royalty free photo, taken from the site www.nicepik.com https://www.nicepik.com/people-inside-cave-lanzarote-dark-light-bill-green-plant-hole-output-tunnel-grotto-free-photo-820046

Seink · Fantasía
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