
Star Wars: Symbiosis

The Force is within everything and everything is part of The Force. It guides and flows, speaks and pushes, and it is up to those who can listen to decide if the wish to follow or push back. But one being ripped from its home reality, which witnessed ages passed and long forgotten conflicts and wonders, desired to return to the root of it all. To act on the principal that any truly symbiotic relationship requires both sides to give and take, shaping its views and eventually the universe with them.

Alexander_the_grey · Filme
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14 Chs

Ch.8 - Skywalkers

- [42 BBY] - Tatooine - Gardulla the Hutt's Summer Palace - Droid Servicing Area

In the messy and cluttered Slave run area of the Great Gardulla the Hutt's Palace, where droids who earned either her ire or her guards', sometimes just sent to be wiped or punished were sent, many droids and slaves were overseen by the harsh taskmasters under the Hutt's payroll. Even those elderly, sick or pregnant from being raped, forced to service whomever their mistress ordered or by their own actions were not spared when it came to work, and they were even sometimes cruelly punished for 'slacking' due to their conditions.

None of them would do anything about it because they couldn't.

Hope had long been beaten or grounded out of them by various conditioning, and some had never even known lives outside of slavery. Almost like living droids, bought, sold, trained and tormented until they fit the roles assigned by their masters.

Tales of Jedi freeing slaves or Republic Law Enforcement stopping criminals were scorned at in the Outer Rim, especially in Hutt controlled Space like Tatooine was.

Their lives were monotonous. Broken up by beatings, their mistress changing location or special orders.

And today was one such day.

A few of Gardualla's Gamorrean guards marched into the Droid Servicing area, the green pig-lizards wearing their primitive metal and fur 'armor' while carrying their favorite axes as they squealed and grunted at the Nikto overseer, who ordered a mostly functional protocol droid to approach and translate.

Soon after, the overseer hurried over to a section focusing on salvaging old droids.

Even for a Nikto, the Overseer seemed to be tense as he approached a relatively young human female with brown hair tied in a low bun and wearing very basic but tough clothing to ensure she would survive during her work and on the planet.

"Come!" He ordered, causing the slave woman to quickly stop her work and follow.

Having been a slave most of her life taught her that questions were not asked and answers usually came in the form of punishments if they did.

Without a word, she was presented to the Gamorreans, snorting for her to follow and she did.

She was incredibly nervous, mostly for the small life she knew was within her, but she followed the guards through her Hutt Mistress' palace without pause, only hoping nothing bad was going to happen.

Reaching Gardulla's audience chamber, a large room with an elevated pedestal for the Hutt to rest on while observing her 'court' and the numerous events being projected for her to gamble on as others cheered, drank and partied with whatever vice was available at the current moment, the slave was met with the strange sight of one rather tall seemingly human male simply standing before Gardulla herself without a care.

He seemed completely at ease and no one was coming near him whilst the guards were tense, as if he was dangerous or they were expecting a fight as Gardulla herself looked mildly annoyed.

Wearing a dark cloak which covered most of his body and face, it was hard to tell if he was really human, but he was certainly male going by the chiseled jawline and masculine features visible.

"*Here is the slave you won. Take her and leave!*" the large, near-yellow fronted Hutt huffed out.

It appeared that she had lost another bet, something she was rather infamous for as it was her extremely dominant vice.

"*Of course, Gardulla. Do remember my words though.*" the man responded back in fluent Huttese, saying something that she didn't fully understand but knew Gardulla hadn't exactly appreciated based on her frown.

Receiving a push by her gamorrean escort, the female slave now stood before the man as he looked down on her with blazing blue eyes shining through the shadow cast by his hood.

"Come along my dear. We have much to do and discuss." He instructed, causing the young woman to blush somewhat over his voice being so pleasant to listen to.

Only once he started walking away did she snap out of her thought and hurried after him.

It was obvious that he was her new master after all, and she could only hope he would be a better one and not one who showed a facade of pleasantness to further drive his slaves into despair later.

Neither talked as they made their way through the palace, being looked at for only moments before anyone they passed moved on. Slaves and shady characters were the norm here after all.

Finally reaching the outside of the palace, she was greeted with the brightness brought on by the suns of Tatooine, causing her to heavily squint due to it actually being painful to her eyes. She hadn't seen the suns in a long time, with her only going from her quarters to her work or mess hall most of the time.

It took a few minutes even, but luckily this new master was patient as he simply looked out into the sand and rocks.

"My apologies for the wait master." She bowed as she kept her eyes down.

"It matters not. Now come. Like I said, we have much to discuss and I would prefer for us to be away from this place to do so." He calmly replied before walking on.

She somewhat wished to ask where they were going as she couldn't see any sort of ship or transport, but her thoughts were silenced when a ramp suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Seeing her new master walk up the ramp to what was likely a cloaked ship, something she had only heard rumors about, she hurried after him to not be left behind or get into trouble.

Once inside though, she was blown by the fact that it was cool, fresh and the air was so easy to breath that she couldn't help basking in the feeling. It was like no other ship she had ever been on, even the ones she remembered as a little girl before she had been made a slave.

The light didn't give off that synthetic feel, walls looked like they were somehow made of natural materials but also metal at the same time, and everything looked clean, new and incredibly expensive, making her wonder just who was her new master.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and fed so we can talk." Her new master told her, making her somewhat hesitate as her hand subconsciously hovered over her somewhat bulging belly at thoughts of possible sexual services flashing through her mind, something he noticed. "And don't worry, your child will be safe."

Removing his hood, she finally got a good look at her new master…and blushed at the handsome near-human gently looking at her while she was dirty, covered in grease and wearing unappealing clothing. His face was strong and masculine, with his eyes being mesmerizing, hair looking so soft as it gently rested above his shoulder, and skin somewhat exotic with that slight reddish tone on a human-like being.

"I am Kieran Bond, technically your new master, but that won't be the case for long." He introduced with a small smile.

"Am I being sold or brought to another master?" She asked, feeling a tinge of disappointment.

"No, nothing like that. It's because you'll be free as soon as we take out that chip from you." Kieran revealed, causing her to involuntarily look up and into his eyes as her breath hitched.

The next hour was a dazed one.

His words repeating in her head even as she stared at the bath water she had soaked in wonder, and put on simple but comfortable beige pants and white shirt combination, making this one of the best days of her life in almost two decades even before she had gotten a taste of the downright heavenly food provided to her afterwards.

She cried tears of joy that day as her new master(?) calmly enjoyed his own meal.

Fresh meat, vegetables, grains, fruits and drinks were all given without hesitation.

"I am pleased to see my ship's accommodations were well worth it." He chuckled fondly, but his eyes held some sadness and empathy as she looked up and blushed in embarrassment at her behavior. "Stella does like for her passengers to experience all the best after all."

"Stella?" The question inadvertently slipped out, causing her to fearfully look at the man before her, but relax somewhat when no negativity was detected.

Without him answering, the ship itself lit up around them as vines come from the everywhere, startling her greatly, as some took their dishes and others waving at her.

A tentative wave back in disbelief made the rest retreat.

"Yes, Stella. My personal bioship and the best of her kind." Kieran fondly told her as a pur seemed to be heard.

"A living ship." She whispered in awe as she understood him, looking around out of sheer curiosity.

Having been around ships, droids and whatever else her former masters had required her to fix due to her affinity with such, she knew just how unique such a thing was.

"Yes. And now that you know mine and her names, would you tell us yours?" The man requested with a calming smile. "Gardulla only referred to you as Slave-SS51."

It took some time to fight through her slave conditioning, but she eventually looked into her master's(?) blazing blue eyes with some uncertainty and hope.

"I am Shmi. Shmi Skywalker." She revealed to him, earning a pleasant smile.

"How wonderful to meet you Shmi. Like I said, I am Kieran Bond and you can call me in nearly any way you wish beyond the word 'master' as you know it." He reintroduced himself politely. "I am rather against slavery as a principal, but the Force guided me to you in this matter and you will be free soon anyway."

"I-understood Sir Bond." She bowed her head, which made Kieran hold back a sigh, but he let it go as it was a start. "But might I ask: are you a Jedi?"

It was almost cute how her emotions spoke of wonder as she mentioned their name.

"Not a Jedi. I do use and understand much of The Force, but Jedi are not the only ones who do. Many other groups in the Galaxy have their own paths, even if none can hold the acclaim the Jedi Order has." Kieran answered as he began to subtly 'lift' shackles within Shmi's mind.

An application of the mental aspects of the Force used to treat the Tens of Billions of Slaves the Sanctuarate had freed in its existence. Kieran's people had developed these types of Mind Healing skills to a fine art with all their practice.

Shmi Skywalker was a bright young woman who still held a very strong heart even after all she had suffered through in her short life. Lifting the shackles forged into her mind by the actions of her captors and masters to make her a slave would let out those qualities.

"Truly? I have never heard of any others." She responded as her warm brown eyes began lighting up with curiosity.

"Indeed. Beyond the Sith, the 'Nemesis' of the Jedi, there are groups who follow the less ethical parts of the Force like the Sorcerers of Tund or a fanatical order of assassins known as the Bando Gora. Some follow more primal practices like the Witches of Dathomir. Others are actually followers of the 'Light Side', like the Wardens of the Sky who protect spacelanes from less agreeable sorts or the Guardians of the Breath who use the Force to help grow crops and heal wounds." Kieran revealed to the fascinated young woman.

"How come I've never heard of them?" Shmi wondered aloud.

"Well, the Jedi have been the dominant Force-users for over 20'000 years and lightsabers are incredibly iconic and recognized, so any other Force-Users are hard to spot without those when not performing 'impossible' feats." He simply explained with a shrug. "Then there's the fact that most significantly Force Sensitive children are taken by the Order, and those who aren't are usually scattered in the Outer Rim, forcing other Force-Users to spread out thinly or stay focused in specific areas.

We also can't forget that not everyone likes to advertise their abilities or has the 'support' of the Galactic Senate."

While this was thought provoking, the mention of the Jedi taking special children did make her instinctually think of her child and exactly why she had been specifically taken in by this man.

"Is that why you took me from my former mistress?" Shmi questioned with some hesitation. "For my child?"

He had been kind and patient with her so far, but she was scared that it was to take away her growing baby.

"Hmm…although I would like to say I would free any slave I could regardless of circumstances, I did free you specifically because The Force spoke to me regarding the importance of yourself and your child." Kieran answered softly. "You see, for those who know how to listen and delve into it, the Force can show us much about the past, present and future, as well as events which can change the latter.

So when I last visited this planet due to some personal reasons and received visions of your little one's importance, I decided to come frequently and wait the right moment to involve myself, hopefully to avoid some of the less pleasant possibilities I have witnessed."

"Like what?" Shmi's voice shook somewhat as she began worrying for the well being of her child.

Not for the first time mind you, but this was different as even a near mythical power seemed to worry about her baby.

"It isn't about his health or anything, but more that his innate strength in the Force will mark him as different and many will wish to shape him into molds and roles which would simply not fit him unless beaten into them." Kieran tried to explain in a simple manner, but this didn't truly easy Shmi's worries as she rubbed her stomach. "What I want is to help your child grow to be unfeathered by such people and capable of shaping his/her own destiny.

There will be many struggles, but I wish to help and the first step was freeing you from the bonds of slavery, stoping the child to be born into them as well. This effectively allows him/her to at least be born free. And if you'll allow me, I would like to help you raise the child.

I am rather well off and educated after all."

"You wish to help me raise my child?" Shmi whispered in a stunned state, wondering since when men wanted to raise children who aren't there own.

"Of course. It wouldn't be the first time I'm adopting a child." Kieran happily replied as he fondly thought about his kids when they were young and adorable. "I am much older than I appear and have raised three wonderful children.

One of them will likely be able to even act like an older brother since he's still apprenticing under me, but he's away on an errand right now."

"H-How old are you?" She hesitantly asked as the words 'three children' echoed in her head when Kieran didn't look that much older than herself.

"Well, there aren't that many people older than me in the Galaxy beyond some members of species like the Anzati." Was the vague answer which made Shmi somewhat narrow her eyes in the way many females tend to be capable of, but that was the only answer she received. "My youngest son is over 200 years old though, but by his species' standard he's only a young adult."

"T-two hundred?!" Shmi repeated as her mind stuttered somewhat.

It wasn't an incomprehensible number. Gardulla herself was said to be multiple centuries old as well, but it was still hard to understand the scope of things when the man's 'youngest' was 10 times her age.

"Yes. Vaho, someone who shares the species of the current Grandmaster of the Jedi and one of its Council Members. Regardless, I do think it's time for us to remove that explosive chip and give you both a proper medical check up." Kieran declared as he stood up and offered a hand to the still processing Shmi, who automatically accepted it. "Stella will take excellent care of you if you aren't comfortable with a male doing everything.

We will simply need to anesthetize you for the minor procedure and while we take care of any lingering issues your enslavement would have caused you or the fetus. After that, we will talk more about what we can do to help you start a new life and if I would be allowed to be a part of it."

"Y-you will let me choose?" Shmi asked in minor disbelief.

"Of course. I believe in choices of the individual, as such I would never force myself into the life of someone who did not want me." Kieran reassured the young woman as he guided her to his personal medical suite. "I would still protect you and your child due to my own beliefs, but I wouldn't force my presence into your lives."

It was a compromise based on her desires and his own, which she could understand if her baby was to be very important. Shmi had learnt long ago how dangerous and uncaring the Galaxy was, so if a very old 'Not-Jedi' decided to protect her then she wouldn't exactly say no.

Reaching the medical suite, they were greeted by a room colored in light green and decorated with plenty of exotic and colorful flowers or plants Shmi had no hopes of recognizing, with two single beds on opposite sides of each other. In the middle was what she assumed to be a control panel for whatever the room could do and everything else she assumed was somehow concealed in some fashion.

"If you could lay on one of the beds, we will start by removing you slave chip to eliminate that risk completely, and then we will make you even better than new." Kieran requested the still somewhat hesitant woman, but her desire to give her child a better life made her grab onto her courage. "Good. Now, the first part will not take long, but the second might take a few days.

I will swear to you that once you wake up though, both of you will be prime examples of health."

Thus, once she had nervously laid down on the table, she felt something touch her hand and quickly fell into unconscious with hope clutched firmly.

Just one last time, Shmi would hope for a better life.

- Five Months Later -

"How are you two feeling?" Kieran asked the official mother as she cradled her newborn son, gently smiling with unlimited warmth and love as he slept.

"We are just fine Sir Bond." Shmi respectfully whispered without looking away from her baby boy.

"Why does no one call me by my name?" The man softly grumbled, not truly being upset and causing Shmi to giggle in amusement at seeing the centuries old being act this way.

Over the months together, she had learnt much about him and grew to deeply appreciate everything he had done for her and little Anakin.

Her hopes for better days were more than fulfilled as he not only truly freed her, but almost allowed her to undergo a complete rebirth.

Old scars suffered from previous owners were healed and any other outward signs of her past were completely reversed before she was brought to her physical peak. Her skin smoothened and clear up, although Tatooine's suns did give her a healthy tan, her hair become lush and full as it appeared like the most luxurious products were used on it, her figure filled out from both her maternity and any malnutrition or leftover damages from illnesses were reversed as well, allowing her to gain a respectable bust and attractive rear.

All in all, when she first saw herself after awaking from the medical procedures, Shmi could believe the person she was seeing in her reflection had been her.

(Shmi's new look)

'Her best self' as Kieran called it.

The Shmi Skywalker whom she could have become if the Galaxy wasn't such a cruel place.

An attractive and welcoming woman, not of supernatural beauty or lust inducing figure, but one welcoming and warm. All her traits enhanced by her newfound motherhood on top of it.

After some talks and getting to know each other better, Shmi understood that although Kieran desired to improve the lives of herself and unborn child, he was also limited by the Force which desired for them to stay on Tatooine for various reasons. As such, their talks moved to what Shmi would be comfortable doing for a living, with or without Kieran's help, settling on something like a Droid and Ship parts/repair shop since she had experience in that.

It was rather easy to set up shop.

Using Jabba the Hutt's desire to get one over on Gardulla and to take control of the planet from her, Kieran negotiated a deal with him for safety in Mos Espa, buying out a local junk dealer through the Toydarian owner's gambling debts.

A few strings were pulled, blackmail used and threats through contacts in Bounty Hunting and Mercenary spheres, and the SkyBonding Droid and Parts Shop opened with everyone aware that it should not be touched.

And thanks to his personal ship and connections, Kieran was able to supply the best parts to Shmi by using a cover that he was a smuggler, even taking on a few side jobs to maintain it, leaving Arte or Vaho as protection, and Salesh on alert should any Hutt get funny ideas.

Kieran did find this rather relaxing really.

He had lived through much, but he rarely got the chance to experience such a basic life as that of what was essentially a normal family man. Even if he hadn't developed a sexual relationship with Shmi, it was as if they were a true family to anyone else.

In fact, pretty much everyone assumed he truly was the father of Shmi's child and that he took her from slavery as a loyal and responsible man. Many of those in the Slave quarters, whom Shmi and Kieran did often try to help with food, water and medicine, thought it to be very romantic, much to Shmi's embarrassment.

It did take some time to renovate the shop and obtain a proper inventory, but it was worth it when its name began spreading as a premium spot for ship parts, repair services and droids. Although by the time its reputation began to really develop, Shmi's pregnancy came to term and it had been time to bring her child into the Galaxy, placing some things on hold as Kieran put Arte and a few Root contacts in charge of getting the shipments the shop required.

After months of living and working together, Shmi had grown to deeply trust Kieran and allowed him to deliver little Anakin Skywalker into the world with the help of his powers in the Force and extensive medical knowledge and experience. Thanks to this, she experienced one of the easiest births in the Outer Rim, recovering from the ordeal almost immediately even if she was somewhat tired and her body did need time to find a proper balance now that she didn't have a living being growing in her womb.

"What were the results of your tests for Ani?" Shmi decided to ask as this was her largest worry.

Somewhere in her heart, she hoped her baby wouldn't have to shoulder the burdens The Force seemed to have placed on him by conceiving him through her.

This was something Kieran had revealed to her when she told him that there had been no father and that she had, thankfully, never even had intercourse, willing or otherwise, as far as she knew. He in turn revealed that someone, most likely the Sith he told her about, had done something which angered or harmed the Force, resulting in it creating an agent for it through her.

"Well, little Ani is likely to hold the most potential a Force-user has ever had." He honestly answered, not at all ashamed that the babe surpassed even himself.

Thanks to his masterfully crafted body and powerful connection to the Force even before it, Kieran clocked in at around 32'000 midi-chlorian per cell, the highest in the Sanctuarate.

Anakin registered at 40'111.

And although this was only his peak potential, it would still result in strength far above his peers and much greater affinity with the abilities the Force holds.

Those words did cause Shmi to look at her son with worry, but she shook it off as she knew she simply had to be there for him.

"Will you help me raise him?" She then asked the man she had come to rely on as a powerful pillar to move away from her identity as a slave and hopefully to be the father her son would need.

There was only so much a mother could do alone, and a caring man who could provide what she couldn't for her son would ease her worries immensely.

"As long as you'll have me, Shmi." He gently reassured her. "Now get some rest.

I might have helped a lot, but childbirth is quite exhaustive regardless."

"Thank you, Kieran." Shmi honestly said as her eyelids were feeling heavy. "For everything."

"My pleasure. Now sleep well you two." He responded, letting the mother and son rest in peace.

A peace he would make sure would last as long as possible.



•Gardulla the Hutt: Because her species are hermaphrodites they get to choose what gender they want to be and Gardulla chose female. She was the owner of Shmi until she lost her and the immaculately conceived Anakin to Watto through gambling. She was also the one who basically ruled Tatooine until Jabba gradually eroded her power and took over in the 10 years between Episodes 1 & 2, later becoming his representative on the Hutt Council as a show of power on Jabba's part.

•Hutt: Now for the Hutt as a species, you'll be rather surprised to hear that they are actually brilliant from an evolutionary standpoint.

They're actually incredibly strong, being capable of crushing humanoids with tail slaps and those who trained like their ancestors did, before completely falling into hedonism, could easily do so with their arms as well. Their mucus/slime covered skins were resistant to blaster fire, chemicals and had blubber underneath to make most melee weapons rather ineffective on them. They can live for over a thousand years and have strong enough vitality and regenerative capabilities that they can even grow back half of their heads if blown off. And they can self reproduce (That's how Jabba had a son). They just aren't exactly fast or agile, but used to make up for it by wearing heavy suits of armor, using repulsorlift platforms or robotic limbs beneath their bodies to fix the issue.

The Hutt control the largest amount of space outside of Republic Control, and unofficially rule even more through blackmail, threats and bribery, being behind the largest criminal empires in the Galaxy for thousands of years. They generally defend it through their slave armies and by hiring mercs, bounty hunters and assassins if needed and survived multiple crusades against them when the republic was going through a fanatically humanocentric phase called the Pius Dea Crusades.

•Gamorreans: Star Wars' infamous Space Orcs. Green, big, brutish and piggish in nature, these guys were the quintessential orcs except they didn't seem interested in elves or princess knights.

They stubbornly stuck to close quarter combat, wielding axes and sometimes spiked clubs, acted mostly like primitive brutes and had a 'code of honor' regarding following those stronger than them and only fighting in a straightforward manor.

•Nikto: Now these are actually pretty interesting too.

Because of their homeworld being relatively close to a dying star, they were exposed to burst of radiation which dramatically accelerated environmental adaptations, causing the Nikto to develop six main sub-species based on where they were centered, even one developed water-breathing capabilities.

Unfortunately for them though, they were located in Hutt space and deemed very useful as slave warriors after the giant slugs basically trapped them into selling themselves, becoming synonymous with criminal enterprises afterward.

•Sorcerers of Tund: They were actually a Dark Side attuned sect said to be descended from exiles of the Sith Species, who practiced the mysticism of the Dark Side while remaining nearly completely isolated. Their powers centered more around illusions and shapeshifting over anything like the 'Magiks' shown by the Witches of Dathomir.

•Bando Gora: Basically a semi-cult of people who brainwash people using drugs, neurotoxins and the Force to turn people into armies of drug addicted and mindless slave assassins. One of Dooku's other apprentices (who had fallen in love with him) eventually fell to the Dark Side and became a leader of this cult until he used it as a test for Jango Fett to see his worth as a Clone Template.

•Witches of Dathomir: Did you know that the ones shown in the Clone Wars Series were actually extreme outliers and considered heretics by most other Clans on the planet?

No joke, Mother Talzin followed the path laid down by the first witch (said to be an exiled Jedi named Allya) before she redeemed herself through the Force and decided to pass on her balanced teachings, which makes up most other clans on the planet.

They follow what are essentially shamanistic views with Force-Sensitive females ruling their planet in matriarchal clans, using more primal abilities in the Force to thrive in the wild jungles of their worlds, living by a creed to 'never give in to evil'. (Hence why Talzin is seen as Heretical)

•Wardens of the Sky: Pretty cool sect who basically lived on ships, kicking pirate and slaver ass along the space and hyper lanes with their bare hands. They had no central organization and simply recruited based on potential when meeting Force-Sensitives, hiding in plain sight as they simply looked like any other spacer.

•Guardians of the Breath: They were actually like an entire Order driven to do what the Jedi Agri and medicorps did through the Force, helping crops and nature grow while offering healing to those in need. It was too bad their main headquarters/home system was destroyed in a supernova and scattered them.

•The Chosen One: If y'all didn't know, Anakin's immaculate conception didn't just happen randomly.

When Palpatine was still an apprentice under his master, Darth Plagueis, said master basically tried to take more and more power, delving deeper in what he could achieve through a combination of the Dark Side and Science, attempting to create the perfect Sith through conception of a being purely using the Force. This actually completely turned even the Dark Side away from him and caused the Force to conceive its prophesied Chosen One to bring back the balance Plagueis and his apprentice had broken.

There were a few things leading up to this, but it isn't exactly a stretch to claim that Anakin was born because of Plagueis and Palpatine's actions, and only Palpatine's masterful manipulations stopped Anakin from bringing balance much earlier than he was meant to.

•Anzati: Not sure if I mentioned them before but here goes.

These motherfuckers are considered apex predators in terms of humanoids. Like what vampires are basically considered but without the many weaknesses.

Lifespans measured in Eons, preyed on Force-Sensitives as they were their favorites, physical abilities either beyond human limits our at their peak, incredible senses, natural hypnotic abilities, and powerful regenerative capabilities.

They got the nickname of Snot vampires for a reason though, as they actually feed on the brains and fluids found in skulls of Force-Sensitives, calling it 'soup', through these sort of tentacles hidden in their cheeks as they shove them up their victim's nose or equivalent to it.

And because they need a 'good meal' (Force Sensitve) every few days, or dozens of non-Sensitives, they are also heavily trained in hunting and assassination to accomplish these goals, needing the skills when they meet Jedi after all. Their only real downside is that they completely focus on this pursuit due to their hunger, basically going from one hunt to the next their entire lives.

•Toydarians: These ugly caricatures of Jews were very resistant to Mind Tricks and dedicated to making money due to the scarcity of food and ressources they had faced on their homeworld. They also looked fat and could fly with their relatively small wings because their bellies were most gas pockets which lightened their weights.

•Midi-Chlorian Counts: Let me just inform y'all that a higher Midi-Chlorian count does not indicate power or skill, simply potential.

Anakin, born with the highest ever, lost to Obi-wan, who actually had bellow average for a Master Jedi, due to the later being more skilled in his usage of the Force in Lightsaber combat and mastery of his self.

Sidious/Palpatine had a higher count than Windu and Yoda, but nearly lost to both due to arrogance and he would have lost against Yoda had he not done everything in his power to not engage Yoda in Lightsaber combat during their own confrontation and used the Grandmaster's age and size against him.

Also, I decided on 40'111 for Anakin cause Lucas himself said it could actually be that high and even after losing all of his limbs, which is stated to reduce potential, and nearly being completely roasted from the inside out, Anakin still had nearly as much potential as Yoda.



A short chapter just to have Kieran becoming involved with the Skywalker out of the way and preparing his position in that little family.

I actually believe that his presence and guidance in Anakin's early life will cause significant ripples in the future, simply having Ani be masterfully educated and never being a slave would cause such changes. Now all that needs to be done is help nurture the kid's core characteristics to create a much better Anakin Skywalker.

He'll still have that original spirit, but with much more control and confidence which don't require him to put on an near arrogant front to avoid his fears.

The fact that he'll have a father figure is going to make manipulations much harder too, especially since Kieran isn't exactly going to just left the Jedi try to make Anakin conform to their views.

But yeah, make Anakin's mom a milf, give them better lives and start messing with the plans of the Sith through the 'Chosen One'.

Hope you still liked.

Gonna see what I can do to move things along.