
Ch.9 - Meeting the family

[40 BBY] - Tatooine - Skywalker family home

"Daddy!" A bright and incredibly young boys voice joyfully screamed as the door to a nice and calm room with a series of cushions laid out, opened to reveal a seated Kieren in modest beige robes.

The child was waddling as fast as he could with his little legs, much faster than most people could expect even, giggling excitedly as his bright blue eyes lit up at the sight of the person he believed was his father.

He had pale brown hair from the minor bleaching effect of living on a planet with two suns, chubby cheeks filled with a healthy amount of color, wore nice if modest beige tunic and had a smile which could light up a room.

"Ani! What did I tell you about running inside!?" Shmi chided as she hurried behind him, only for the toddler to launch himself at his father for 'safety'.

Kieran simply smiled as he caught the toddler with the exasperated Shmi walking into the room with a face displaying that she wasn't impressed by the energetic little boy for ignoring the rules. Acting cute as he snuggled into the little basin created by his father's legs while in a meditative position wasn't helping him.

"Mommy is right Ani. We have a lot of hard or pointy things in the house. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Kieran gently chastised as he sided with the woman he had built a very pleasant relationship with over the last two years from being the parents of little Anakin.

He cared for her and did his best to make the both of them happy and content, treating her has one would the mother of his child, even if adoptive in this case, and as a 'husband' to provide Anakin a subconscious understanding of a healthy relationship.

All very important for the development of a child's psychological health and adjustment to life later on.

Many issues adults display tend to be rooted in problems while very young after all.

"Sorry Mommy." The toddler apologized as he looked down, causing Shmi to sigh out the negative energy.

"As long as you understand that we just want you to be safe and healthy." She gently told the boy while kneeling before the two 'men' of the house, caressing his cheek lovingly and causing the boy to nod in understanding. "Good, now be sure to listen to daddy if you want to stay in the Calm Room, ok?"

"Yes mommy!" Anakin brightly responded, earning a satisfied nod, with Shmi gracing both with quick kisses on their respective cheeks.

"Don't spend too long in here. Dinner is going to be ready in an hour and then we did say we would leave for our trip soon after." She reminded them, as a mother often did, before taking her leave.

As soon as she did, little Anakin turned his eyes upward to his father expectantly.

"Alright, grab your cushion." Kieran amusedly ordered as his latest son scampered to grab his much smaller meditation cushion with clear excitement.

They had begun preliminary exercises in The Force when the advanced development rituals and medicines allowed the toddler to be aware enough to properly do so. Because of this, he was faster, smarter, stronger and possessed boons people outside the most elite in the Sanctuarate simply did not have.

Hence why Shmi constantly worried about the scamp as he did have a little mischief in him and liked to take full advantage of his mobility.

So when Anakin had finished setting himself up, sitting on his cushion and waiting expectantly, it was time to continue.

"Alright, since you've been able to play with The Force consistently, and you haven't been naughty with it, it's time to start you on moving things with it." Kieran told the boy as he squirmed in excitement, a small ball coming over from the edge of the room to float between them. "For this, you'll want to first feel The Force, like we usually do, then try to find the ball. After that, you'll need to decided what you want to do with it."

Earning a serious nod from the toddler, which was rather cute, reminding Kieren of younger Vaho and much younger Tal'Myk, less so for Darex since he was always surrounded in armor and was never that small or cute, Anakin closed his eyes to focus.

This was already very impressive by any standard for a sentient his age, to be able to calm himself and commune with The Force, but Anakin truly was special. He was loved by The Force and Kieran taught him to love it back. Having gone as far as bringing his son to Salesh's valley to feel the powerful presence of the Living Force and its wonders, teaching him the importance of life in so much more than words.

A good chunk of the lesson would go over his head for now, but thanks to his enhanced mind he would remember and could look back on it later.

For now though, Kieran gently aided in guiding his young son in controlling his truly immense power in The Force. Something very important as it could easily cause great damage to himself or others if uncontrolled, or even make the child lose himself in the powerful currents he has access to.

The Force would aid him, but it was better avoid such incidents for now.

Case and point, the ball suddenly shot forward at Kieran who gently 'caught' it, retaking control with a small smile at the embarrassed expression on his son's face.

"A good first effort Ani. Solid [Force Push]." He praised ton or make the boy feel bad for his failure, instead informing him about what he did achieve from his first truly intentional usage of The Force. "Next try use less force. Think about it like gently holding water instead of splashing it."

It was a crude way of describing how to use The Force, but even a toddler could understand it thanks to us using actual baths to clean.

Kieran preferred this particular luxury and included it into their home, as such little Anakin had far more interactions with water than the vast majority of people on the planet, helping him understand.

With his little advice, Ani certainly was a lot gentler with his usage of The Force, although The Force itself seemed a bit too eager to listen to him and caused the ball to jerk around at high speeds until Ani lost focus, but it was a marked improvement.

For the rest of their little session, Kieran slowly began allowing Anakin to play around with the ball as he naturally taught him to 'catch' and 'throw' it. Also making him try and either capture it as he made it fly around or stop him from get it when it was his turn.

A nice little bonding moment.

Kieran very much wanted Anakin to become used to The Force being a natural part of himself and life, and nothing makes that more obvious that 'playing' with it for children. The purity they possessed when connecting to it in such a way at that age helped young ones a lot, nourishing their minds and bodies while also increasing their ability to use The Force itself.

Many, many studies were done on the subject in the Sanctuarate to attempt to create the best way for students. Although some species just didn't have high enough numbers for complete comprehension and cases can have large differences between each other based on various factors, the path for a young human male certainly had been formed.

Anakin might be an extreme outlier due to his immense connection to The Force, but that was why Kieran was personally guiding him.

Their fun did have to stop eventually though.

"Dinner's ready!" Shmi called out, causing the young boy's focus to shatter and make him look towards the door.

"Well, time's up it would seem." Kieran simply said as he floated into a standing position with casual grace that Anakin really wanted to have due to imagining himself flying around, which he technically did due to his father floating him into his arms, but it wasn't the same.

The two then went to the dinning area, a small and intimate table for the little family to eat together.

It was somewhat amusing to see Anakin slowly losing a battle against sleepiness over the meal though. An hour of active usage of The Force certainly would do that to any two year old, regardless of his affinity towards it.

By the time he managed to get through his meal, he was almost sleeping in his elevated chair, pushing Shmi to take him over to be cleaned up a bit and ready him for their little trip to Mandalore.

Kieran arranged it with Shmi after confirming with The Force itself that it would be ok to take Anakin off-world for a vacation. The boy needed to begin getting exposed to other planets and cultures, especially with a Force using one as the Unified Mandalorians were becoming.

The presence of a confirmed Force-Sensitive 'nephew' of Duchess Satine who could become a nice friend of Anakin's in the future certainly had its appeal for Shmi, although she was fretting about the fact that Kieran was bringing them to the rulers of Mandalorian Space. As a Slave for most of her life, meeting what was essentially royalty and the most famous/infamous warriors in the Galaxy was a significant step up.

Luckily, promises of their beautiful cities and reformed oasis resort were great for convincing the rejuvenated woman. The fact that she was also a very dutiful 'wife' did play a role in following her 'husband's' wishes and to also meet his other children, Anakin's adoptive siblings.

After two years together, she had been taught many things about the Galaxy that none knew outside the Sanctuarate and just how powerful a force it was, including its leading figures and Kieran's own role in matters. The fact that a being like him was so casual, loving and supportive still boggled her mind at times, but Shmi grew to truly see the man as her son's father.

Secretly, she would also gossip with some of the local women about some other benefits brought on by such an… experienced man. A girl can enjoy the fact that she has a healthy relationship with a very attractive man who had unique abilities he was creative with.

After having cleaned up Ani, she brought him to Stella for their trip, having purposefully planned to travel while the toddler was asleep for most of the way to save any issues. And with Stella being the ship in question, it wouldn't take long at all to reach Mandalore itself.

Everything they would need for the trip had already been packed, the store was secure and had its security measures in place, and their customers had been noticed in regards to their absence, so Shmi was actually feeling rather excited and nervous about everything. She hadn't freely traveled like this since she had been a young girl, and that hadn't ended very well to say the least, but an actual vacation was a novelty she was looking forward to.

After Kieran had managed to assuage bouts of guilt and fear over taking one anyway.

He says that such feelings are common amongst those freed from long-term slavery and that a vacation would go a long way to help deal with remnants of her conditioning, something she had been receiving help in dealing with over the last two years to become a better person and mother. Having to learn to put her foot down on Anakin had been a hurdle for her.

Regardless, by the time the suns were beginning to set, the Skywalker family had departed the desert planet on their first family trip.

And much to Shmi's relief, it was a very smooth one as they came out of Hyperspace near Mandalore itself, little Ani in her arms as he stared out the cockpit with eyes wide in wonder.

"Mandalore Defense, this is Stella on approach, requesting permission for scheduled arrival." Kieran casually broadcasted as he took control of the ship, looking back at Shmi and signaling her to pass the toddler over with a grin after spotting the boy's very interested looks.

The mother sighed fondly as she did so, placing the now bouncing toddler in his father's lap, making him excitedly look around and reach out for blinking lights or the controls, amusing them both.

Good thing Stella could choose to follow the commands those buttons sent out.

"Looks like we'll have a little pilot on our hands." He joked.

"Not for a good number of years, I hope." She responded with a stern look of warning about letting Anakin pilot anything.

"Haha! Don't worry Shmi, I'll start him off small." Kieran unrepentantly replied with a charming smile, causing to to blush and huff slightly.

"Stella, this is Mandalore Defense. Arrival has been verified and your landing zone cleared. Please follow the coordinates provided." A rough male voice responded to his prior hail. "Welcome to Mandalore."

"Coordinates received. *Thanks*" Kieran simply said as he gently brought Stella in, letting Ani place his hands on the controls to his delight as he did so.

As they approached the planet, Kieran easily noted the differences from the last few years with ease as green and blue had overtaken the vast deserts the planets had been covered in. He could feel the planet healing under the efforts of the Sanctuarate assisted Mandalorians.

If the Republic found out about how fast this kind of Terraforming was being done, he had no doubt that many would go to great lengths to obtain the methods used. Luckily, having Clan Vornskr stating that they had been preparing for generations in order to bring back prosperity to their planets would lighten interest.

"It looks much calmer than I was expecting." Shmi commented as they flew over a vast plain of grass and rivers.

"After enduring on their devastated world, Mandalorians have grown to care and respect nature as well. They do not wish to lose it again, so they take care of it." Kieran simply answered with a shrug.

Off in the distance, the small family could see the approaching City-Compound of Clan Vornskr: Mythla.

A sprawling city made to represent a respect for what was found and what is to be, with impressive defenses and natural areas visible from above.

It had become open to outsider after the Reunification, becoming one of the now three capital cities alongside Keldabe and Sundari.

Being let through the city shielding, Kieran brought Stella over to a private landing area near the heart of the city, where the Clan Vonrskr's leaders have resided for hundreds of years now, being a guest of Mand'alor himself.

Coming out, they were welcomed by two rows of saluting Crusaders, lightsabers illuminated in salute as they created a path to the awaiting Mand'alor the Renewer and his recently obtained apprentice.

A young Palliduvan girl going by her chalk white skin and darker markings around her eyes, lanky frame and elongated fingers. Most of her head was shaven, with faint surgical scarring present, and her remaining fiery brown hair was held up in a high pony tail.

Her name was Aurra Sing, a former Jedi Initiate Maar Kun had personally rescued from the gruesome 'training' ordered by a Hutt who had purchased her after being caught in a trap by pirates, having a bio-computer implanted in her brain by the time Kun had cut a bloody swath to reach her due to The Force's urging. The poor girl had needed a lot of help to start healing properly, and by the end of it, Maar Kun took her as his first true apprentice as a promise to her.

After looking into matters, an infamous Jedi Master who called herself the 'Dark Woman' as another example of Jedi extremism had been her teacher. The female master simply believed Aurra had run away from her harsh training and never bothered to investigate her disappearance due to being captured, believing it to have been 'the will of The Force'.

"You didn't have to do this Mand'alor. We are only here for a vacation and to introduce everyone to my new son." Kieran calmly spoke, respectfully using Maar Kun's title since he had earned it.

"I couldn't stop them even if I tried." Maar Kun replied as he ruefully smiled. "It's not every day the Grandmaster visits after all."

"And yet, today I am here as a father more than anything." Kieran gently said as he gave Shmi a reassuring smile, easing the tension in her body.

It's one thing to hear that her lover was important and powerful, but another to truly see an example of it. Even on Tatooine she had heard of Mand'alor the Renewer, and he was being respectful to the father of her child, something which does take some adjusting to.

"Regardless, it is an honor to see you again Grandmaster Bond." Maar Kun bowed with great respect. "Also, I would like you to meet my apprentice, Aurra Sing.

She has her ways to go, but she has been making tremendous progress and has shown herself to have great potential in the arts of Combat."

"I-it's an honor!" The nervous girl bowed with her introduction.

"*Chuckle* A pleasure to meet you Aurra." Kieran pleasantly smiled at her. "I hope young Maar is looking after you properly. He always was rather enthusiastic in his efforts and could go over the top at times."

That caused the respected Mand'alor to blush somewhat at his past slowly being brought up.

"N-no! Master is very kind and pushes me in a much more comfortable way than it ever was with the Jedi!" The pre-teen earnestly defended her master in a way that was all too cute for Kieran.

"That's good." He gently cut her off to ease her worries. "It is always a wonderful thing when student and teacher can form healthy and supportive bonds.

Just remember that this is a two way street and that you shouldn't be afraid to tell him if you have any issues or if you feel uncomfortable about something.

I'll beat him up for you if he's being an idiot.

And if you need some assistance on matters of your gender, I'll give you his friend's, Selena, contact information. She can also give you stories to embarrass him."

"Grandmaster!" Mand'alor the Renewer paled as some of the guards shook slightly at the scene.

Aurra couldn't help but giggle at how the man her own master had praised to be akin to a living deity with The Force being so approachable and making said master act like a kid.

"Now Kieran, don't harass our host." Shmi lightly scolded as she barely concealed her own amusement. "You need to be a better example."

"Sorry Shmi." Kieran grinned apologetically, earning a fond sigh. "But she is right. Are the kids here already?"

"Headmistress Tal'Myk, Battlemaster Darex and Shaper Vaho have all arrived, awaiting in the yard." Maar reported dutifully.

He was understandably nervous about having such powerful individuals all gathered under his roof. The elder siblings could ravage planets with ease and Vaho Bond would be a complete terror to deal with, not even counting their sheer strength in The Force and the influence they could wield.

"Wonderful! I can't wait to introduce them to little Ani! Vaho would have met him already, but he felt a call from The Force." Kieran happily responded at the thought of having his kids together.

He dearly cared for his family, hence why he usually only allowed those with naturally long lifespans to be part of it. Both Darex and Tal'Myk didn't really have limits in terms of age, especially with The Force, and Vaho could live upwards of 1000 years relatively easily in the right conditions. Anakin and Shmi were the outliers here, because even if Anakin overcomes his natural biological limits, Shmi would not.

Something to think about.

"Please follow me." The Mand'alor nodded, sending the welcoming party away to only keep Aurra as the group entered the compound.

Anakin had been looking around in interest ever since they had arrived, especially at the lightsabers as most children tend to. Although now he had the chance to see something different than on Tatooine thanks to the functional and primordially artistic sense permeating the compound itself.

Security measures, guards, weapons and armors, both new and old Mandalorian art or artifacts decorating the walls, this place had it all.

Sturdy, functional and tough, but also safe and a representation of pride and values.

A nice place, if large due to how many people were accommodated in the core of Clan Vornskr.

Arriving at the courtyard, one could find a sparring ring, shooting range and then a rest area where the members of the Bond family was relaxing together.

"Father!" The loudest son erupted in a delighted roar as he stood up, startling young Anakin as the very large armored figures approach rapidly.

Only to be knocked down by a strong root slap coming from his elder sister.

"Don't scare our new brother." She sternly scolded as she walked by the 'planted' man gracefully.

"*Sigh* Inpatient, you still are." Vaho hopped over him with north hidden in his eyes.

"*Chuckle* Shmi, these are my three children: Darex in the ground, Tal'Myk who put him there and Vaho who's the one trying not to laugh at him." Kieran fondly introduced as he took his newest child from his mother as his only daughter stepped up to great what was her sort-of Step-Mother. "Ani, these are you older brothers and sister."

The look of confusion on his little face said it all when it came to the toddler's understanding of the situation. He didn't really know what those titles meant and everyone looked far too different.

"Nice it is, to meet you Anakin." Vaho floated up to their level, delighting the boy. "Vaho, i am. Youngest after you."

"C'mon Ani, say hi." Kieran encouraged.

"Hi. I'm Ani!" He brightly smiled. "I'm two and a half!"

"Hello Ani!" Darex suddenly popped up, startling the boy. "I'm Darex, your biggest and toughest brother!

If anyone tries to bully you, tell me and I'll take care of it!"

The dramatic posing and flexing was new, but it did seem to make Ani giggle as Darex acted in a very exaggerated manner like he usually did around children. It helped them not be too intimidated by his great frame and full body armor when he acted almost childishly.

"Um…Ok?" Ani tilted his head, not really understanding what he meant, but he could tell Darex liked him.

"Ignore our idiot brother sweet sapling." Tal'Myk then arrived after finishing her greetings with Shmi, grabbing Ani's attention with the pure aura of the Living Force she naturally emitted. "You can call me sister Tal. Come to me if you get hurt or want to learn something ok?

I'll make it all better."

"Ok sister Tal!" The boy nodded innocently, earning a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Good boy." She nodded approvingly, the floral woman sending a look at her larger brother as if saying 'why can't you be like this anymore', much to his chagrin.

"Alright now kids, Shmi, please do enjoy a bit of time together while I finish matters with Maar and Asara. I want to get things done before we head onto our vacation." Kieran gently decided as he passed Anakin to his mother, taking his leave with Maar.

"You know…this is a new one for us considering we never really had two parents unless you count dad's hosts as separate people." Darex stated as their father left.

"That is true. We've never had to deal with any kind of step-parent, even when said hosts found their own lovers since father was always his own being." Tal'Myk nodded pensively at the thought.

"Matters not. Father is father." Vaho said his opinion. "Happy we are, with who we have become and who we can be. Enough this is."

"True enough." Darex shrugged.

"Please don't worry about me trying to intrude in your lives." A worried Shmi interjected. "You are all far older and i doubt someone like myself has any right to try to dictate what you do."

"My dear, we aren't worried about that." The Neti gently reassured. "Father stayed with and built a warm relationship with you, something he wouldn't have done should you have not been someone with a caring heart.

We are simply enjoying the novelty of father being with someone as an individual for the first time. And we can certainly approve of him doing so with you."

"O-oh! Thank you." Shmi blushed at the compliment from the 2000+ year old 'Jedi' Master.

"Plus we get another strong new member of the family on top of a good woman!" The Gen'Dai pridefully boasted.

He really did care and found great pride in his family.

"Crude, but not wrong is he. Welcome you, we do. Look forward to knowing you better, I do, as I will visit most often." Vaho politely spoke, allowing the little group to begin getting to know each other.

Elsewhere in the compound though, a much more serious conversation was being held as the three older children of the Bond family allowed a split of their consciousness to be projected with them.

A more advanced application of Spiritual Projection.

It wasn't that they didn't trust Shmi, but this was something far too large in scope for her and little Anakin would not be suited to the serious atmosphere of the gathering.

After a quick introduction of Asara Vao's own apprentice, a young mirialan by the name of Sorea Tsiost, the meeting began.

They had gathered to discuss movements going forward after the recent election of Finis Valorum as Supreme Chancellor.

Not because he was dangerous, but because he was the exact opposite.

In a Galaxy turning more and more hostile, with entire Sectors becoming disillusioned with the Republic at greater rates and giant conglomerates like the Trade Federation building up personal armies which could already outdo the Republic's scattered Local Defense Forcee as they ravaged the Outer Rim, Finis Valorum was a horrible choice to attempt to mediate these issues.

He was too meek. Too by-the-book.

Valorum represented everything that the Republic had become: ineffectual, gridlocked by procedure, mired in politics and far too focused on the Core Worlds.

A perfect piece for the Sith to use in order to facilitate the chaos of war.

"Their fingerprints are all over this since Valorum didn't have enough sway to pull off this win." Darex snorted disdainfully at the image of the man.

"True. Everything points to Stark's debacle having been used to gain him just enough of a boost to ascend like he did." Asara supported with sharp eyes. "Someone was maneuvering in the background to make it like that and my chief suspect is him."

An image of the Chommel Representative appeared: Sheev Palpatine.

"This man is too mediocre for how well positioned he is in the Senate. He has friends on every side, people are starting to come to him a lot when issues are up for debate and now his personal friend just become Supreme Chancellor." The Twi'lek continued as clips and pictures appeared of the man meeting dozens of representatives.

"His past, answers it might give." Vaho advised thoughtfully.

"Now this is where things become even more suspicious." Asara made more data appear on the projectors. "With our vested interests on Naboo, we have his entire past and I have to say, someone tried very hard to make many red flags vanish."

"Sith?" Maar Kun questioned.

"Surprisingly, not entirely. Sheev Palpatine's own father, the former head of the Palpatine Noble family: Cosinga, was responsible for most of it.

The man went to great lengths to conceal the scandals his eldest son created. Kicked out of the most prestigious schools on Naboo with a list of offenses which would result in nearly anyone else being sent to juvenile correction and manslaughter of two people via speeder crash were all swept under the rug by the man to avoid his image being tarnished.

We didn't really care back then since it was a very common occurrence, although the families of those victims were taken care of." Asara properly reported to the raised eyebrows of many. "And although we hadn't realized the importance until I took over in investigating the man, the truly suspicious piece of Senator Palpatine's past comes later.

This is where I believe the Sith to be involved because he was the main suspect in the death of his entire family and their guards when only he survived a 'pirate raid' on their family yacht, followed by the complete erasure of his familial relations, the dropping of the investigation as all evidence disappearing as well.

The only reason we even have this much information is due our heavy interests with the Gungan tribes and our measure to ensure our presence remains undetected."

"If your assumptions are accurate, and based on information regarding his father, Sheev Palpatine is likely to be a high functioning sociopath." Tal'Myk analyzed after going through more personal information on the Palpatine family. "Someone a Sith would adore havinng as an apprentice if he possessed the right talents and strength in The Force."

"Did we get a blood sample to find out if he even is Force Sensitive?" Darex questioned as he swiped through what Root agents had compiled on the man, not finding any mention of having had his midi-chlorian count tested as a babe, which was odd for a Mid Rim world such as Naboo.

"He's more than just Force Sensitve. The man outstrips most the Republic have ever seen." Asara answered somewhat grimly as she imputed the results of the sample nanobots had taken from the man.

Most frowned at the number.

"22'000 per cell. That's impressive Alright." Darex sighed thoughtfully.

These numbers weren't everything, not even close, but they certainly helped.

In fact, most present were over 20'000 themselves.

"A potential High Functioning Sociopath with Force potential outdoing any Jedi alive and setting himself up like a spider in the Senate." Maar Kun summarized evenly. "Definitely a Sith, but I doubt he is working alone."

"Unfortunately, we haven't managed to really find any definitive traces, but we are currently looking into several points of interest. Chief among them would be parties involved in Naboo around the time of the death of most other Palpatines." The lethan twi reported professionally.

She truly was prodigal when it came to this line of work, even by Sanctuarate standard. A near savant when it came to information.

"Trade Federation would be a prime candidate with how they've been developing, especially if they've gotten a hold of the Nemoidians from behind the curtains, with other Naboo factions being the least likely." Maar murmured as everyone quickly devoured every bit of information through special applications of Force enhanced meditative states, a basic tool taught to students which evolves the more proficient one becomes with it.

And at their levels, they certainly were all proficient.

"This Damask Holdings, suspicious it is. Reported being with the young Senator, it's head was around the death of his family. Suspicious timing this is." Vaho pointed out with narrowed eyes as the image of a Muun appeared.

"What information do we have on this Hego Demask?" Kieran asked at The Force rang out when he was brought forward.

It seemed angry, even spiteful towards the Muun, which bode ill.

"Not much. The group essentially disbanded after most higher tier members were killed and Hego Demask was disfigured in what was said to be an assassination attempt by rival Muun factions in the InterGalactic Banking Clans." Asara answered with a frown. "Demask has essentially become a recluse ever since, fearing another attempt since the first one left him disgigured, so he runs everything remotely now."

"Look into him as discreetly as possible and do your best to confirm Palpatine's alignment in The Force." Kieran ordered with gravitas. "If he managed to conceal himself in the Heart of the Republic, so close to the Jedi, this means he is incredibly skilled in both the manipulation of senses and his own presence.

Do not underestimate him."

"Yes, Grandmaster." She responded without hesitation.

"As for everyone else, continue with preparations as need be. We have maybe 20 years until we reach the crossroad of fate and we will be ready." He followed up as he looked at the two figures of Demask and Palpatine projected before him.

The Force itself imploring caution and aid, all but confirming at least one of them committed acts of immense taboo surpassing even the Ancient Sith if it turned away from them like this. It made him worry for Anakin more than anything, but he would do his best to prepare his son for what was to come.



•Aurra Sing: If y'all didn't know, Sing was actually Force Sensitive born to a drug addict on the center of Hutt Space and had been trained for some time as an Initiate, but not managing to make full Padawan before she fell into a pirate trap, was essentially brainwashed into believing the Jedi sold her out and into becoming a pirate as a slave, sold to the Hutt's who then spent enormous amounts of money to those Anzati brain slurping vampires train her into an assassin as they also implanted a computer into her brain, until she finished being trained and then started a killing spree against everyone who wronged her.

All this because the Dark Woman was a cunt so full of herself and the Jedi Code that she just believe Sing left cause shit was hard and never looked into the disappearance of her own student.

She was apparently a Palliduvan hybrid, but had pretty much all the features of one with her skin color, elongated fingers and the much longer lifespan.

•Dark Woman: Speaking of this cunt, I have to admit that even if extreme in pretty much every way, she was skilled.

Originally named An'ya Kuro before she decided that the Code's views on attachment also included her own name, she a master of great skill and a wielder of uncommon abilities in the Force like stealth, walking through solid matter, invisibility and damn teleportation. She was also a skilled healer capable of healing blaster shots on the fly.

She was literally the last Jedi Darth Vader killed before his hunt was declared over by Palpatine too.

Her main issue laid in her extremes which would either make incredibly Light focused Jedi or break her students. The fact that she taught Ki-Adi Mundi says enough there for those who know how massive a sociopathic bag of dicks he really is.

•Finis Valorum: He was the guy Padmé called a vote of no confidence on in Episode I when he basically folded like a wet towel after the elected monarch of a blockaded planet alongside Jedi he sent as negotiators returned to say the Trade Federation had actually invaded Naboo, simply offering to send a committee to look at things.

He's also related to Tarsus Valorum, who basically disarmed the central government and chained the Jedi to the Senate after centuries of constant wars against the Sith leaving the Republic on the brink of collapse way too often.

Not a bad guy, but an incredibly poor choice for Chancellor which was essentially tone deaf to how things were going in the Galaxy.

•Hego Demask/Darth Plagueis: Most have heard about Darth Plagueis the Wise thanks to Episode III, and here's a bit more.

Master of Palpatine until he killed the Muun after his ascension to Supreme Chancellor, he was possibly the only person the Entirety of The Force has ever truly shunned due to him actually learning how to bring someone back to life multiple times, his work with Midi-chlorians and other acts so opposed to both the Light and Dark side that even Force Ghosts and Sith Spirits would not show themselves to him.

As his public persona, he ran a financial group of incredibly wealthy and influential individuals to further the Sith Agenda through them and was deeply connected to the Banking Clans, which are somehow the only ones who control all currency in the Republic and not the Government. He basically mentored Sam Hill, who would become the leader of the Clans by the Clone Wars, thus how the Sith managed to fund both armies in their grand play.



That stuff about Palpatine's childhood?

All true.

His father was a controlling elitist who could not abide for any sort of stain on his reputation. He had an intense dislike of his eldest son because he didn't obey him completely like his 4 other children and wife, growing to hate him even taking a blood test to find out if they were related.

The man paid off everyone to make sure the crap Sheev did never came to light, teaching his son that he was 'special' because he never faced the consequences of his actions like others.

Both hated each other so much that Sheev went a immense lengths to basically never be addressed by his given name, feeding his superiority complex by having everyone use his Noble family name instead, hence why you never hear anyone call him Sheev.

So yeah, kid became a High Functioning Sociopath with an incredibly high affinity with the Force and innate ability to high his powerful connection to it even before a Dark Lord of the Sith like Plagueis.

Moving on, Aurra Sing be having a different fate in this timeline!

I thought that she would actually fit quite well with my Crusaders considering the Jedi had difficulties with her due to her natural aggressiveness and it would save her a lot of hardship.

Beyond that, hint at some Sanctuarate connections in the Galaxy and backstory information most might not know about Palpatine and his family. I thought this would be a pretty logical way for the Sanctuarate to really grasp the tail of the Sith and start actually finding out just how strong they currently are in terms of personal, political and financial power.

Beyond that, Shmi meets the 'step-kids', Ani gets OP siblings, and things are moving forward in the Galaxy.

I know not much happened, but I wanted a bit more focus on the Skywalker family. I Hope you still enjoyed.

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