
Star Wars: Symbiosis

The Force is within everything and everything is part of The Force. It guides and flows, speaks and pushes, and it is up to those who can listen to decide if the wish to follow or push back. But one being ripped from its home reality, which witnessed ages passed and long forgotten conflicts and wonders, desired to return to the root of it all. To act on the principal that any truly symbiotic relationship requires both sides to give and take, shaping its views and eventually the universe with them.

Alexander_the_grey · Movies
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14 Chs

Ch.7 - Whole Anew

- Mandalore - Capital City of Sundari - Lower Levels

'Well, things had certainly taken a turn in this mission.' Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn wryly thought to himself as he looked at the near absolute chaos reigning in the domed city.

It was always going to be tense at best after the mistakes made on Galidraan by the Order and Senate, but this was another level entirely. Death Watch actually assassinating Duke Kryze and reigniting their civil war entirely as claimants to the 'throne' emerged from everywhere. And although certainly not the first time, he had been separated from his Padawan as they protected the Kryze sisters, with Qui-Gon himself now having to take care of the young Bo-Katan while praying for his Padawan's safety as he disappeared with the heiress of House Kryze's Duchy.

He would have been worried if the Force hadn't indicated that calm and patience would actually lead to a favorable result. To trust his Padawan and that the conflict would soon end.

"Master Jedi, when is big sister coming back?" The small red-head innocently asked as she clutched his robes.

At 8, Bo-Katan was both adventurous and someone who had seemed drawn to her warrior heritage from how she sent yearning gazes towards weapons and old Mandalorian armor. It was only when faced with some of the realities of conflict did she seem shaken enough to calm herself.

"Soon, I believe." He answered as he patted the girl's head reassuringly. "I feel like this conflict will end much sooner than most would wish for even."

And wasn't that an accurate statement as fighting suddenly erupted everywhere, or at least in places Qui-Gonn knew held rather unfriendly factions of Mandalorians while very famous colors were involved.

"Well, young Bo-Katan, it would seem like your sister has made some rather powerful allies." The master commented as he felt out I the Force for his student.

- Clan Vornskr Command Ship 'Mythosaur' - War Room

Maar Kun stood fully armored before the holo-projections of the various leaders active in this multi-pronged assault, taking in various reports.

"The Sundari re-conquest is going as planned thanks to Heiress Kryze's information on the city. Identified Death Watch forces and contacts are being rounded off as we speak and other factions are being detained." Gehren Rand reported dutifully.

She had requested to led troops in that theatre to protect her old friend and prove herself in one of the milder combat zones, something Maar assented to as her instructor. Having felt like she was one of his most potentially gifted subordinates and wanting to nurture her.

"Concordia is burning, but Death Watch civilians are being rounded up." Jango Fett reported with a great deal of satisfaction over being the one to accomplish the feat.

He still held great hatred for Death Watch, so breaking their main base was something he had deeply desired and that Maar Kun granted the man. Earning the full loyalty of such a skilled warrior was always a good move in this Galaxy.

"But I've got something else to report Mand'alor." Jango's voice turned grim as Maar Kun could almost feel his rage through the projection. "They had my sister."

From his tone alone, Maar immediately knew she wasn't going to be in the best condition.

"Bring her and we'll see what we can do for her." He told the man, earning a hard nod as he signed off to continue his now even bloodier campaign against the people who took his entire family. "Skirata?"

"Our forces and allies are properly suppressing all other powers in Mandalorian Space and sealing it as you've ordered Mand'alor. Communication blackout is also in place." The man swiftly answered.

A very competent commander and ops runner, Kal Skirata was one of the most gifted trainers under him, as such he was trusted with such an important assignment while the 'hotter heads' led assaults.

"Good, we need to keep it that way until we stabilize everything. The Republic and Jedi cannot hear of our movements until it is too late." Maar emphasized, regardless of whether Skirata already knew.

This was a delicate moment which could break their clan and the hopes for a more prosperous future, and he would not risk it.

"How are those two?" He then asked Gehren as it was he requested responsibility to oversee the safety of their lynchpin for peace.

"Surprisingly enthusiastic, especially for two supposed pacifists." The young Crusader answered with a tone which Maar knew meant she was highly amused. "Satine must really have needed to let her 'hair down' as it were, cause she's looking like a proper Mando with those pistols of hers and Obi's being such a darling protector.

Only other Jedi wouldn't be able to tell those two aren't banging and won't be extra excited for more after today."

"Now that's a surprise. Didn't expect the girl to have it in her to throw herself into the thick of things." Maar leaned forward as he looked as a projection of the duo as they fought off Death Watch members while supported by his people.

Satine's accuracy was incredibly accurate for a 'pacifist' and she was far too comfortable with a pistol for it to be her first time with one. The way she seemed comfortable enough in light combat gear and in the middle of pitch combat was proof enough that she had been sufficiently trained in at least Mandalorian Self-Defense, hence possibly why she had agreed to his proposition.

But then things took an interesting turn as a second older Jedi appeared once that small battle was finished, revealing the 'missing' master of young Kenobi and the other Kryze daughter, because said daughter had bolted to her older sister, much to her shock until she began hugging the life out of the girl.

"Well then, looks like things are wrapping up quicker than expected." Maar noted as his men set up a perimeter around the High Value Individuals, under the awed eyes of one Bo-Katan which gave him plenty of ideas for the future, letting the padawan explain matters to his master as the Sundari field became a higher priority. "Send Thrunn over to reinforce the Sundari theatre and aid in the protection of the Kryze girls and the Jedi.

They cannot be harmed."

"Yes Mand'alor!!" One of his subordinates responded immediately to send out the order.

While they took care of this, he had more Houses and Clans to make submit.

After all, Tor had hardly been a challenge Maar thought as he palmed the Darksaber in his hands.

-Flashback- Concordia - Death Watch Main Encampment -

Easily storming through their meager defenses, mostly because Death Watch was never an expansive faction and relied or terrorist tactics, treachery and subterfuge to keep up with others and was in the middle of an offensive push which certainly wasn't helping matters, Maar Kun mostly let Jango vent his anger alongside some of the former Supercommandos while he casually shot down annoyances without even bothering to use the Force.

Honestly speaking, Maar Kun though Tor Vizsla to be a coward. He always let others take the biggest risks for him while espousing Mandalorian warrior virtues, targeted the weak and avoided direct conflict against those close to or as strong as him, and instead of letting someone like Jaster Mereel actually lead their people to prosperity and honorable battles or proving his own superiority through single combat over the Darksaber he hid, he stabs him in the back. Even now, he remained in his camp whilst letting his fanatics run amok while preaching that to avoid the fate of being killed by them, Mandalorians needed to become like Death Watch.

Well that stopped today.

Because standing before his people with helmet under arm as he glared murderously at them all, was Tor Vizsla.

"Do you know who you are attacking right now and just how much I can make you suffer for making an enemy of Death Watch?" He blustered under Maar's impassive gaze, felt from beneath his horned helm.

"A source of corruption and a disease upon all Mandalorians. A representation of all of our worst aspects which would doom our people entirely should he be allowed to continue with his existence." Maar Kun answered coldly as he gestured for a container to be brought forward. "That is why you and your House has been decreed to end."

Letting his men open the container to reveal all of those proven to be not only supportive to Tor's ideals, but also loyal to Death Watch, meaning most of his family while the rest were to be divided out and kept under strict observations for the remainder of their lives.

"*You Sith-spawn!*" He roared in a complete rage, letting his helm drop as he performed a boosted jump and drew the Darksaber in his fit.

He had done similar to hundreds of other families, including one of the oldest in the Fett's, so he shouldn't be surprised when someone got tired of it and returned the favor.

Not being very impressed, Maar drew his own blade, only igniting one side to make the fight 'fair', even going so far as to not empower himself through the Force or using it because he didn't need to.

Each swing was easily block as the enraged Tor was far from a match for the student of the Temple of Combat and Mand'alor of Clan Vornskr. And in one smooth motion, the man was disarmed, sending the infamous saber away, forcing him to attempt to use his plasma-flamer, only to have his arm disabled by a quick stab in his armpit.

A scream of pain leaked out of his mouth as Maar Kun swiftly shifted to both inner thighs before disabling his remaining arm, turning him into a quivering form unable to even scream from the pain of a high powered plasma blade burning away key areas of movement. Tor Vizsla had effectively been turned into a paraplegic in less than 20 seconds, all while Kun's people recorded it.

"Now you die like the disgrace you are." He decreed with a final stroke to separate the man's head from his shoulders.

With a single thought, he then summoned the Darksaber over, feeling the infamous blade over with the Force as it tried to connect to him.

He was intrigued by such a degree of sentience and initiative from a non-Sanctuarate forged lightsaber, but he would not so recklessly connect himself to it before careful study and meditation. It was already vastly inferior to his own partnered blade, barely being able to handle a few proper clashes at it threatened to fully overwhelm the Darksaber, so risking his own blade's annoyance certainly wasn't worth it.

But for now, he would keep it close.

"All yours Jango." Maar Kun then said as he turned around and walked out with his Honor Guards.

-Flashback End-

And now, with the true Mask of Mand'alor having been kept by the Sanctuarate all this time for just this moment, all Maar truly needed to do was prove his worth beyond a doubt before revealing both of them to convince even the most ardent followers of their ways to follow. Then add the fact that Mythosaurs weren't as extinct as previously thought and that Basilisk War Droids still existed, and Maar Kun estimated that he would gain a near fanatical level of support in the 'old school' due to his reintroduction of such important artifacts and points of their cultures, while also gained a wide degree of acceptance in the 'New Mando's' for his beliefs in more than just warfare.

And he would do it all under the nose of the Republic.

- [42.48 BBY] - Sundari Palace - Two Weeks after the end of the 'Clan Wars'

Coming as a complete surprise for nearly every Mandalorian force in their space, the involvement of Clan Vornskr and its allied forces cut off the chaotic 'Clan Wars' at its knees, completely dominating on all fronts as a new Mand'alor officially arose and unified their people while excising the poisonous aspects.

The coming together of the 'New Mandalorians' with the newly titled crowning of Mand'alor the Renewer was coupled with the official rise of Duchess Satine Kryze.

A set of events on a historic level for their people as for the first time in over 700 years, they now had a unified government looking to do more than wage war against the entire Galaxy.

"Mandalorians!" Satine called out during her inauguration address, with Maar Kun standing beside her still squirming sister as she inwardly fangirl'd, and her two Jedi protectors nearby. "Today we celebrate achieving true peace at last.

It took both compromise and honesty.

Strength and Forgiveness.

Even conflict and decisive actions, but we are finally reunited under the designation of Mandalorian.

But make no mistake. This is not spitting on centuries of efforts or millennia or tradition, because this is our bonding of the two to take the best aspects and bring them forward into our new path as a United people.

There will certainly be some struggles, disagreements and possibly even individuals who wish to wholly denounced our path, but together, I believe we can prove that this is the way.

That bringing together the Honor and Strength of our past ideals, with the Hearts and Minds of new ones, we can thrive like Mandalorians have never before.

As such, we will be undergoing a complete overhaul at all levels as Clan Vornskr not only opens its lush and bountiful natural fields to our people, allowing us to escape the cages our domed cities had become, we will also be developing our industries to increase our independence and prosperity as our warriors both protect us and continue the fight against the evils forever plaguing the Galaxy!"

Stepping aside, she let Maar Kun come forward, removing his helm as a show of trust and honesty, displaying the face of their Mand'alor.

"For those who's traditional beliefs are blocking them from seeing the truth of our path, I have a few things to say." He seriously began, his eyes piercing even through holo-net projections and presence palpable. "My role as Mand'alor is to lead you in battle, protect our people and see you prosper.

Our martial ways were born out of a belief that conflict begets progress and that stagnation is the worst of sins.

These are the core of our very people, thus I must also bring forward that what Mandalorians have been doing for the last thousands of years hasn't even been close to progress through conflict, but regression due to stagnation in our own societal progress.

Ever since our people's defeat at the hands of Darth Revan, we have been scrambling to sustain the remnants of our greatness. And that is when we lost our way.

No longer looking forward, only backwards. As if the solutions to our ever worsening problems were there as they built up and we lost our might, population, culture, and even most of our own planet surfaces. We fought amongst each other and continued to let others drag us into their conflicts as tools, lashing out like beasts only to get put down and I say enough.

Greatness might have been in our past as warriors, but this does not mean better days cannot be created in the future.

The path walked does not dictate the one we must continue to follow if we know it leads to only destruction!

This is why I have chosen to allow our people to undergo a rebirth! So that we may progress anew! So that we may grow anew!

The Galaxy is filled with opportunities for us to grow and prosper, and we shall attain them all… Together!"

- Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Council Chamber - One Month Later

"Believe these 'Reunified Mandalorians' a threat, do you?" Grandmaster of the Order, Yoda, questioned Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan as they finished their report on the events which occurred during their assignment.

Standing before the entire Jedi High Council, Obi-Wan was rather nervous himself as he usually waited for his master to be done, but this turn of event was far too significant to not have additional input if needed and he had been separated from said master when Satine made her deal with Clan Vornskr as well.

"I don't." Qui-Gon almost casually answered, almost predictably if asked the opinion of some masters present. "Although the majority certainly do not hold the Republic or the Order in high regards, they are not antagonistic, simply desiring to forgo interference from both."

"The Senate will not allow such a power to remain independent." Mace Windu stated with certainty as he frowned over this issue.

The Korun Jedi Master was already pondering over the possibilities of a task force being assembled to 'bring them into the fold'.

"And they know that. With Duchess Kryze already having been elected to head their Diplomatic affairs, likely selecting an ambassador or representative for Mandalorian Space once they have finished with their restructuring." Jinn reassured his fellow master, easing a good deal of tension in those silently observing.

They had already been seeing an increase in the need for Jedi interventions across Republic Space, with the Stark Hyperspace War, Kol Huro Unrest and previous bout of Mandalorian Civil War being prime examples where they had suffered losses. The thought of a United Mandalorian Space under a well connected Mand'alor certainly was not something they wanted or needed right now.

Unfortunately, bias and bad blood between their Order and the Mandalorians made most ponder if this truly was a chance for peaceful coexistence or simply an old foe gathering its strength.

"Although, their new Mand'alor did give me a message to pass onto you, Master Yoda." Qui-Gonn's next words broke them out of their thoughts.

"Intrigued I am, as to why a message for me he would give you." The oldest member of the Council leaned forward somewhat expectantly.

"'There will not be a second.'" Master Jinn spoke, confusing many, but causing their Grandmaster to visibly sag somewhat.

"Know the meaning of these words, you do." One Master Yaddle, a younger female sharing the grandmaster's mysterious species, stated with a critical eye as she broke her silence.

"A warning this is, and promise. Prepared they likely are, should history attempt to repeat itself." Yoda responded as his large ears drooped in shame. "Remember the Excisions, this new Mand'alor does."

Now that shook the Council in various ways as those who remembered their history tended to be somewhat divided when it came to that particular event: One side believing they had done the right thing, thinking of Mandalorians as essentially no better than overblown pirates, and others believing that their preemptive destruction of Mandalorian Space was a great wrong no matter the 'possible devastation' they had avoided by doing so.

But for Yoda, these words were a reminder of a great tragedy he had not only aided in enacting, but actively supported in his 'youth' as one of the Excisions' leaders.

"You report has stated that not only is this new Mand'alor a fully trained Force Sensitve, but so are his Crusaders, with a number of former members and hopefuls from our Order having joined him." Oppo Rancisis, the Thisspiassian Master and another of the oldest Jedi on the Council noted thoughtfully, earning a simple nod from Qui-Gonn. "You have also noted that they do not appear to have fallen to the Dark Side.

Should this not at least broker some degree leniency? Hopefully so we could open some form of positive dialogue?

Young Obi-Wan has made a strong connection to the new Duchess through a time of shared struggle as well, something which we can use to confirm if any action is truly necessary."

All eyes now turning on him, said Padawan did his best to remain calm and disciplined, inwardly ordering himself to not think of the talk he had with his master after they had left Mandalore.


"Obi-Wan." His sometimes wise and other times infuriating master called out, breaking the teen out his efforts to not constantly think of Satine.

Her beautiful smile, entrancing eyes, the one he made a woman and she a man out of him as he worshipped her body.

"Obi-wan." Qui-Gonn repeated, stopping that train of thought again.

"Yes master?" He replied, now properly paying attention.

"I think it's time for us to discuss this attachment you formed with the Duchess in my absence." The Jedi Master seriously stated, causing the padawan to feel cold dread pour over him as he feared this could mean his expulsion from the Order.

"Master I-" He urgently tried to speak, but he was cut off by his master's palm ordering silence.

"I am not upset with you, my young Padawan." Reassured the man as he spoke gently. "In fact, I wish to advise you in regards to how to handle your emotions and this bond you two now share."

"W-what?" The stunned Obi-Wan barely managed to squeeze out.

"You are not the first Jedi to form romantic attachment, and will certainly not be the last. Adversity can bring people closer like almost nothing else, and sharing one's first 'experience' tends to form everlasting memories as well. It isn't something to be ashamed of as it is all part of our nature as living beings." Qui-Gonn calmly explained, relaxing the padawan considerably. "In fact, it is my belief that if Jedi still permitted the formation of romantic attachment, teaching our members how to handle them in a healthy manner, we would all be so much better for it."

"But the Code!" Obi-Wan instinctually responded.

"Is a guideline, and no single path can accommodate everyone. Especially not in a Galaxy as vast and diverse as this one." The master countered easily, which Obi-Wan could admit to his words not being wrong. "Regardless, today I wish to talk to you as fellow Jedi and man who loves, not as master and padawan."

"Fellow? Y-you mean-?!?!" Obi-Wan understood as his eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"Yes." Jinn nodded with a soft smile. "You see, like you, I fell in love, although this was with a fellow Jedi. Or former Jedi Master now that she is considered dead to quietly leave the Order."

"Who is it?" Kenobi couldn't help but ask.

"Tahl. One of my closest friends, whom I only recently discovered shared my feelings recently." Qui-Gonn answered nostalgically. "We had been Younglings at the same time and faced each other in the finals of our Exhibition Day, with the duel only finishing in my favor due to her slipping on some of the sweat the prolonged battle caused us to shed."

"I remember her. Wasn't she the blind Master we helped rescue on Melida?" Obi-Wan suddenly asked.

"The very same." His master nodded. "And not too long after, we felt as if the Force itself pushed us to reveal our feelings for each other, joining as one ever since.

Although this had it's own 'consequences' as it were. Wonderful ones."

Looking at the completely peaceful and warm smile on his master's face, Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous.

"We found out that she had become pregnant on a mission together, when you were assigned to help the Younglings last year, where she decided that she would birth our child and leave the Order to do so. She believed that after losing her sight and the increasingly dangerous state of the Galaxy, one of us should be there for her." He further explained. "There was a bit of tension on that topic, but I had a duty to you and she did say I needed to remain in the Order to 'continue making waves'."

"Her?" The Padawan asked in wonder over hearing all of this, somewhat fantasizing of something similar with Satine now.

"Yes. Our daughter, Si-Alh Jinn." Qui-Gonn clarified as he brought out a holo image of the former master, a mature black skinned human human with a scar over her near pupil-less eyes indicative of blindness, holding a sleeping infant with lighter skin as she had a motherly smile filled with love. "And both of these ladies have made me more determined than ever in my efforts to pass on what I have learnt and to better the Galaxy."

"But, what about attachments leading to the Dark Side?" The Padawan almost desperately questioned as he intently stared at the image.

"There is the risk, especially when one cannot manage to let go when the time is right, but I believe this risk to be worth the strength having bonds like these can bring if one maintains the proper mentality." Admitted the older man. "But for now, I want to move away from my own path and discuss yours.

You are both young and are currently experiencing a transformative experience. As a result, we need to help you find a new kind of balance before we are summoned by the Council."

-Flashback End-

It had been a bonding moment between himself and the person closest to a father Obi-Wan ever had, and a transformative one as his master had described.

He honestly began feeling both calmer and more driven than ever before after having connected with Satine like he had, almost like a new man. No longer feeling so rushed and gun-ho, but more capable of taking the time to think things through for some reason. And although he did ponder on her, often thinking about if they could have a future together, it wasn't urgent and he knew he could do so if they wished, choosing to take his master's example and guidance on letting go to heart.

"Duchesse Satine will not easily allow her people to go to war in even normal times, much less now. She also shared many ideas about cooperation with the Republic, but is also driven to develop Mandalorian Space before really doing so." The Padawan dutifully reported. "As for the Crusaders, while more militaristic, they remind me of Jedi Watchmen and Sentinels, but more specialized.

They showed no sign of the Dark Side, even if they hold beliefs which focus less on the Force itself."

"Dictate the beliefs of others, we do not. See with my own eyes, the 'Reunified Mandalorians', I will." Master Yaddle declared firmly, causing many masters to look at her in askance.

"I believe that allowing matters to cool down before trying to send more members of the Order to their Space would be more prudent." The quermian Master Yarael Poof suggested thoughtfully.

"I agree with Master Poof." One of the newest members of the council, the Kel Dor Master Plo Koon, spoke up from his silence, believing that they had already acted too much when it came to the internal affairs of the Mandalorians. "We should observe this new path their people wish to undertake without interfering unless they begin to represent a clear risk."

"Agree, I do. With Masters Poof and Koon. Request you stay, I must, Master Yaddle." Yoda finally decided with a stern look towards the younger woman who sighed and nodded and acceptance. "Alone, we will leave the Mandalorians. Contact them later, we will. Mend bridges, we can attempt once calmed the situation is."

- Coruscant - Chommel Sector Representative's Office -

Sheev Palpatine was annoyed.

Or more accurately, Darth Sidious was.

The human male in his early forties, sporting Naboolian style maroon robes, with somewhat thinning ginger hair sleeked backwards, had lost his usual placid smile in exchange for a frown as he pondered on what moves he could make regarding the development in Mandalorian Space.

Unified Mandalorians could be dangerous, but also tremendous tools, like they always have been for the Sith. The issue was that he couldn't reach his master to discuss how to properly handle as he was in the middle of another of his experiments.

Experiments even he could admit were pushing the boundaries limiting them from greater power, but they were also causing the Muun to care less and less for their true goals. Only the weight of his results were even staying Sidious' hand in completely getting rid of his 'master', but that was changing.

His own apprentice still needed some time to grow, and he wasn't ready himself to completely remove his 'master', so he would wait.

For now.

This did not solve the current source of his annoyance however.

The Mandalorians had played their hand masterfully as they blocked the Republic entirely using the two biggest barriers in his plans: Hawk Enterprises and Medi-Gel Inc, and their much greater military than anyone could have realized as they locked down their Space. Now the Senate could do nothing but wait until their new government came forward when they were ready or risk completely losing any political leverage they might hold in the future, with even the Jedi acting with some degree of intelligence this time.

Darth Sidious couldn't help but inwardly smirk while he thought that even fools as big as the Jedi could learn after being burnt so many times.

For now though, Sidious would take further control of the assets his master had been ignoring in his mad pursuits, slowly ridding himself of his reliance while prodding the Mandalorians. Times of change were ideal to sway less than satisfied and ambitious individuals after all. His only issue being their lockdown, which meant he might need to act personally.

But the more he thought about it, the clearer an idea became in his mind.

Instead of aiming directly for the Mandalorians, he would first grasp at those around them to form a net to keep them contained and limit their possible growth or the formation of connections. This will allow him to isolate them, giving him the opportunity to either convert them into usable pawns or set them up for elimination.

It might delay some plans, but even Darth Sidious had to admit that Mandalorians were a very dangerous card to leave untouched. They had the potential to become an annoyance matching the Jedi, but much more willing to get their hands dirty.

So for now, he would set up his webs to ensnare them once they emerged from their shell, moving forward with his plans.



•Arla Fett: If ya'll didn't know, Jango Fett had a sister in the Legends Timeline. When their family was killed for helping Supercommandos in the Civil War, Death Watch kidnapped her and then proceeded to basically brainwash and train her into their own super assassin.

Interestingly, she greatly seems to resemble Omega from Bad Batch, meaning she might have been the inspiration for the female clone.

•Kal Skirata: One of the men who Jango Fett called in to help train the first batches of Clone Troopers, Skirata went way beyond by taking in Clones thought too much like Jango and not obedient enough into his own Mando clan, training them into being total badasses and earning their completely and total loyalty. These men were referred to the Null Clones and were the best Commandos in the Clone Army and I think they trained the Arc Clones (badasses in their own right), who in turn trained more badasses like Rex.

•Mask of Mand'alor: The original symbol of power and leadership for the Mandalorians, this Mask was last seen with Canderous Ordo, a playable character and Mando Merc turned Mand'alor the Preserver from KOTOR and KOTOR II, it was made of Mythosaur Bone until it was later lost (Kept by the Sanctuarate in this timeline). And while the Darksaber is very significant, especially for House Vizsla and Death Watch, the Mask is so much more.

•Mythosaur: For those who might not know, this was a beast of Mandalorian legends for many reason. First would be because they were absolutely massive, said to be the size of small cities, and the apex predators of Mandalore. They served as trials to see if a warrior was worthy of the title Mand'alor and even became the base of the Symbol of all Mandalorians if you've ever seen the skull like emblem with the curved tusks. Basically Krayt Dragons, but larger and without sand.

•Korun: So, this is going to sound pretty bad, but blame Star Wars because they're an all black human variant living in the jungles of their planet. Good thing is, they're all Force Sensitive and Mace Windu's people.

(Side Note: I think Windu and Mundi are the two who represent the greatest errors of the Jedi)

•Kol Huro Unrest: Now this is actually a neat little tidbit. You see, before the actual Clone Wars, Sidious and his Master were kind of 'army shopping' as they tried to figure out a proper force to create the conflict they required to end the Jedi. One such attempt was the Unrest as they pushed a local warlord to form a Droid army and just invade other words until the Jedi came along to stop it.

Even the Jedi found this weird because there was no precursor to the sudden turn of events and the Droids were so carried that there was no unity. It was literally the Sith trying out a bunch of different models to see what would suit their purposes best.

•Thisspiassans: Kind of four armed lamias with males having very hairy faces/heads since they're fully covered in long locks of the stuff. Not much else is known, but Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis was supposedly from their royal line and a master of Battle Meditation.

•Jedi Master Tahl: Pretty cool Jedi and contemporary of Qui-Gonn, with their's actually being remarkably similar to how Obi-Wan and Satine's love story thanks to how they only really admitted how much they cared for each other when the woman was about to die.

A skilled and knowledgeable Jedi, she lost her sight after being captured and tortured, later learning how to use the Force to see like Miralukans. And in this version, a 'nudge' allowed for her and Jinn to properly get together for more reasons than because I felt like it, part of it is actually due to my plans for this particular Master-Padawan lineage.

•Jedi Watchmen and Sentinels:

The Watchmen are essentially Jedi Masters who are assigned or decided to patrol and protect a single area of space, also being in charge of identifying force sensitive children to either train or send to Coruscant. Some of the cooler Jedi tend to be more like them as they are more independent in thought and action.

Sentinels, in case you didn't know, is essentially the most difficult path of a Jedi because it is between the Guardians who focus on the Lightsaber and combat and Consular who focus on the Force and more scholarly pursuits.

•Quermians: These weird Kaminoan resembling aliens actually had two pairs of arms and two brains, with one in their skulls and other in the chest, no actual spines even with their long necks and since they had no noses they smelled through glands in their hands.

Fucking wild.

Also, fun facts about one of the most dunked upon Council members of this Species; Yarael Poof. He is actually the most skilled illusionist and mind arts practitioner in the Order and died pretty heroically in canon to save Coruscant from what was essentially a Force Bomb.

•Kel Dor: Jedi Master Plo Koon's race, whom most Star Wars fan know about because of his surprising popularity and the fact that he recruit Ahsoka Tano into the Order. (Dude had a Wookie as a Master who was a Coucil Member until he died in the Stark Hyperspace War)

They wear their special masks and eye protections because their home planet as a unique helium atmosphere, which they require for others to even hear them speak because they would need to yell all the time without them when outside their homeworld. They are higher reflexes and extra sensory organs and can communicate telepathically with other members of their species. They are also one of the rare Light Side attuned races with their own Beliefs which have actually been somewhat integrated with the Jedi Order called the Baron Do Order of Sages.

•Senate Representation: If you didn't know, individual planets weren't usually represented in the Senate so much as it was their entire 'Sector', which could include hundreds of member planets, because the Republic is just too large. That's why Palpatine and Padmé weren't supposed to be Naboo's representatives, but their Sector's which is named Chommel.

It's actually why groups like the Trade Federation, Techno Union, Intergalactic Banks and Kaminoan Cloners having their own representatives was actually a big deal and really ruffled feathers for a lot of planets who have to share with possibly completely hostile neighbors like the Wookie and Trandoshans, and those who have been waiting for membership and representation for possibly hundreds or thousands of years.



So, this chapter was mainly to kill Death Watch as a whole and really unify Mandalorians properly, completely shutting down the Clone Wars timeline for their people.

Satine had Obi-Wan Fucked.

Satine also isn't a completely traumatized leader clinging to pacifist ideals because they're basically her lifeline, letting out more of her Mandalorian.

Bo-Katan defiantly isn't going to be joining Death Watch or any possible iteration either. Gonna a be a proper badass lady who isn't basically cursed in her later years.

Maar Kun becomes Mand'alor the Renewer, which is going to fit more and more the longer he's there.

And as for Qui-Gon also having gotten frisky, well I've got plans that Kieran put in place by making both Master and Apprentice having known love like this. Mostly because these two just deserved to have better, but also because this shit will affect them.

As for everyone else, it's basically their reactions to a pretty significant event and possible threat which hasn't really been a problem for 700+ years, so they be discussing it. Meanwhile, if anyone realizes what the current year means, they'll be able to guess what experiments Palpatine's master is currently doing.

But anyway, did y'all know Palpatine had been a ginger?

Explains why he's so good Damn evil from basically birth. Cunt had no soul the entire time.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.