
Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Author: iRedX43
Video Games
Ongoing · 2.2M Views
  • 176 Chs
  • 4.6
    45 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Read ‘Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP’ Online for Free, written by the author iRedX43, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: An ordinary young man, Nolan Walker, traveled across the continent of Teyvat. He was penniless and thought it would be d...


An ordinary young man, Nolan Walker, traveled across the continent of Teyvat. He was penniless and thought it would be difficult to survive until he beat up a slime: 【Defeated a Powerful Enemy, Obtained 32 Adventure Experience】 What? Defeat Enemies to Obtain Adventure EXP, which can keep improving your level and skills! From then on, Nolan understood that even as an ordinary person without a Vision, he could reach a level comparable to that of a God. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

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24岁那年,陶然遭遇了命运史无前例的打压。 男朋友一句“我也很想和你在一起,但是我控制不了我的心,我还是更爱她一点”,抛弃了她,跟着第三者走了。 她的亲爹连句话都没有,带着小三连夜走的,还卷走了服装厂的全部现金。 陶然决定跟命运battle到底的时候,安城顾氏集团的老总居然说要娶她! 顾世铭:听说我哥在国外留学时有过一段恋情,没结果。既然不能和最心爱的女人在一起,那娶你和娶一头母猪有什么分别! 江翘翘:话也不能这么说,也许你哥真正的身份是……弯的,娶她不过是掩人耳目,毕竟顾氏集团老总这个人设不能垮,不然不会这么想不开。 陶然:有果便有因,百因必有果,下个富婆就是我! 直到有一天,陶然发现七年前顾淮云写给她却没寄出去的一封信,她才知道真相…… 【小剧场一】 意外怀孕后陶然瞒着顾淮云去医院,刚踏进妇产科就被后者围追堵截了回去。 顾淮云:孩子生下来,我给一千万。 陶然狠狠捶了一把男人胸口,恨声道:不早说?我差点把一千万打掉了。 【小剧场二】 “爸爸,我嘴巴好苦。” “要喝水吗?” “不喝,爸爸,我想吃糖。” “可是爸爸没钱了。” “那我们把妈妈卖掉吧。” 男人抱着女儿笑,“妈妈不能卖啊,爸爸好不容易骗回来的呢。”

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Girls
Volume 2 :The Great Adventure


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Just here for tradition~ Enjoy the story of a random guy-similar to us-transmigrated to the world of Genshin Impact! Gets a Nice EXP System, gets Girls, makes Friends, Improve Himself, and much more...


the raw name 原神之我能刷阅历点 . .. ...


Auto ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for genshin fics even i haven't started read it. Btw author is this harem fics or just only 1 heroine? [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]


The story is above average and while the structure and writing of the story is fine, it has just certain elements that doesn't make it completely enjoyable. I do find the pacing of the story very slow and i get it that its not really a full plot or action heavy story but just reading it feels slow overall. While it has a basic system, my one issue is the Affection System. I really don't like Affection as a part of the system as its a form of manipulation of the female character's feelings and instead of having a genuine relationship that is built, it feels like the system is manipulating their feelings for the MC by making them like MC. Heck, he already has a trait or perk that makes female character like the MC faster.


great fanfiction dont give up on it great fanfiction great fanfiction dont give up on it dont give up on it great fanfiction dont give up on it


its great but I immediately noticed his blatant thigh fetish its pretty much said every few chapters. like all the times he has said it about fischl.


So far I really enjoy the story. The MC is not OP but he has a chance to at least be quite strong in the future. Also the translation is quite good.


Super good, nice story, good world building, good character interaction, good storyline, nice atmosphere, not too op, harem is a plus, overall good quality fanfic, best one of the genshin fanfic this year. the only downside is short chapters and not too many chapters available.. and I WANT MORE!!!


Reveal spoiler


starter gift box of 5 star review rare genshin fic with system thats not absolute garbage as long as it isnt dropped im happy


Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it …………………… Love it ……………………


Ouch, I forgot to write a review for this novel, however the author is a great novel, I really liked it. But the update schedule is a bit low so yeah


I think the story is one of the best genshin fanfics here the translation quality is actually pretty good too I havent noticed any weird sentences here atleast (my brain automatically fixes small mistakes)


please update more.the mtl from 69 shu sucks


Hoyoverse Story? Here Auto 5 Star! Lets see how it goes.




I like the system, the MC, and his relationship with the girls. A solid read, better than a lot of the other genshin fanfics.


That last Cliff hanger was dirty hahaha, amazing story, cant wait for the next chapter [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


al principio está bien pero se vuelve aburrido muy rápido, sumándole las charlas inútiles y discurso inútiles que solo sirven para el recuento de palabras. Solo puedo decir que se nota que está escrito por un chino sin contacto femenino.




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