
Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

An ordinary young man, Nolan Walker, traveled across the continent of Teyvat. He was penniless and thought it would be difficult to survive until he beat up a slime: 【Defeated a Powerful Enemy, Obtained 32 Adventure Experience】 What? Defeat Enemies to Obtain Adventure EXP, which can keep improving your level and skills! From then on, Nolan understood that even as an ordinary person without a Vision, he could reach a level comparable to that of a God. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Video Games
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176 Chs

Chapter 150: Secret Arts Level Skill

"Hehe, we are the adventurer team investigating these creatures!"

Paimon floated down from high in the sky and replied lazily.


Razor, with his gray hair, nodded, and the two wolves approached him, one on each side, licking his hand.

"So, why are you here? And why are you helping us?" Paimon asked, somewhat puzzled, with her hands behind her back.

"I Razor... and... Lupus... live here." Razor touched the heads of the two wolves and said.

"Lupus? Is that the name of a wolf?" Paimon asked, shifting her feet, clad in little boots, back and forth in the air and tilting her head to the side.

"Yes... they, family."

Razor looked at the two gray wolves, who appeared to be young, with gentle eyes.

"Oh, miss, it seems the rumors were true. There really is a wolf boy in Wolvendom," Oz, flapping his wings, said.

"It does make this princess a bit surprised."

Fischl, with her hands crossed under her chest wrapped in a black fishnet-patterned undershirt, nodded slightly.

"Foreign monsters... disturb... the peace... here." Razor said haltingly, "I want... to... be with... you."

"You mean you want to help us investigate those creatures together?" Lumine, with two pretty white flowers pinned in her golden hair, asked.

"Um-Um, Yes." Razor nodded succinctly.

"Hehe, that's great, one more person, one more power." " Paimon clapped her hands, showing a happy expression.

"Not... one person, also Lupus... them." Razor rubbed the heads of the two wolves by his feet and said.

Nolan pondered for a moment and asked, "Razor, since you have been living here, have you found out where they are distributed?"

As gregarious creatures, Rift monsters must be clustered together. If they were to investigate them, they would have to find them first. Not like just now, when they came looking for them, but actively seeking out their nests.

After all, the danger of them was something that the Adventure Team had already learned just now.

After reporting to the Adventurer's Guild and the Knights of Favonius, they would most likely conduct a large-scale cleanup of Wolvendom.

Even if they couldn't completely eradicate them, they would control them within a certain safe number.

Otherwise, letting them expand wantonly in Wolvendom would eventually endanger the residents of Mondstadt.

So Nolan's next task for them was to investigate roughly their number and location.

And why these creatures appeared in Wolvendom is also something worth noting.

"Lupus... can... smell them," Razor said without hesitation.

"So, you mean they also have a keen sense of smell. We might be surrounded by them before we even get close," Paimon said, spreading her hands in resignation.


Razor was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Hehe, it's simple. Just collect some herbs, crush them to extract the juice, and apply it to your body to mask most of the scent," Bennett, showing his expertise as an experienced adventurer, offered a very constructive suggestion.

The girls all widened their eyes at once.

"No way! Paimon doesn't want to smell all stinky!" Paimon exclaimed, hands on her hips, shaking her head.

Fischl's purple-black skirt fluttered slightly in the wind, revealing her snow-white thighs clad in over-the-knee black stockings on the left side, which seemed to blush under the glow of the fire.

She covered her mouth and coughed lightly before saying, "This princess also finds this matter somewhat inappropriate."

Encounters like this were quite common for adventurers, but it didn't matter when faced alone. However, presenting oneself in such a sorry state in front of others did tarnish the princess's dignity.

Wearing a white dress with a slit in the abdomen, Lumine hugged her chest silently nodded, then pondered for a moment and sighed helplessly, "If there's really no other way, then so be it."

"Or let me go. I have stealth skills, so the chance of being detected is smaller," Nolan said with a slight smile.

"Oh, right, Sir Nolan indeed possesses very powerful stealth skills."

Oz, who flapped his night-colored wings, nodded and said.

"But if you go alone, what if you're accidentally discovered? Then you won't be able to escape," Paimon expressed some concern between her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I won't get too close to those black wolf packs, and you can support me nearby," Nolan said, shaking his head.

He was confident mainly because the battle just now had earned him a lot of Adventure EXP points, enough to max out his stealth skill.

[Adventure EXP:9534]

With over 9,000 Adventure EXP, he had more than enough to upgrade two skills.

"Great, then we'll rely on you, Nolan." Bennett knew himself very well; if he went along, even the most perfect plan might inexplicably fail.

So, it was best to stay away from Nolan and support him from outside, which was indeed the best choice.

Lumine and Fischl also breathed a sigh of relief. As girls, they were a bit resistant to the idea of applying grass juice.

[Lumine Has Developed Good Feelings Towards You, Obtained 180 Affection Points. Current Affection Level Lv.5 (215/500)]


After discussing the strategy for tomorrow's operation, they began to clean up the battlefield.

In fact, it was mainly Razor and Lupus who found the Riftwolfs, and then Nolan would stealthily go to investigate.

Overall, it was quite a simple plan.

While cleaning up the battlefield, the members of the adventure team noticed that the claws of these creatures seemed to be of good quality, possessing extraordinary strength. They could probably be sold for a good price as materials for forging or alchemy.

Once everything was settled, they began to pack up their things and prepare to find a new camping spot for safety.

After all, the original campsite was a bit unsafe.

During the process of moving the camp, Nolan opened his character panel and began to prepare to enhance his strength.

He decided not to level up this time since even with a three-level increase, he wouldn't be able to roam freely in Wolvendom.

First, he needed to upgrade his "Stealth Assassination Technique." At level 4, it only provided ten minutes of invisibility, which was not enough.

Adventure EXP -3900

Stealth Assassination Technique Lv.4 (0/400) > Concealment Mastery · Secret Arts Lv.1 (0/1000).

As new knowledge appeared in his mind, Nolan was surprised to find that this Stealth Assassination Technique had evolved from a common level to a secret arts level!

Perhaps it was because it had the extraordinary characteristic of "stealth invisibility".

It doesn't need to be leveled up like other ordinary skills to derive extraordinary characteristics, so it directly "transformed" and evolved at max level.

Nolan thought to himself with some surprise.

Now, in addition to optical invisibility, this skill also had the effects of concealing one's presence and moving silently, with the duration extended to one hour.

This way, he didn't have to go through the trouble of applying green grass to cover his scent.

The only downside was that the level of the skill has not only reset, but the amount of Adventure EXP required for each level has also increased.

(End of Chapter)


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