
Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

An ordinary young man, Nolan Walker, traveled across the continent of Teyvat. He was penniless and thought it would be difficult to survive until he beat up a slime: 【Defeated a Powerful Enemy, Obtained 32 Adventure Experience】 What? Defeat Enemies to Obtain Adventure EXP, which can keep improving your level and skills! From then on, Nolan understood that even as an ordinary person without a Vision, he could reach a level comparable to that of a God. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Video Games
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178 Chs

Chapter 174: Two People, One Tent?

Three hundred meters away in space.

A red meteor suddenly flew out and continued to fly towards the Fire Elemental Monument in the center of the Black Sun Tribe's camp at an extremely fast speed.

The Ice Abyss Mage who was wandering around the camp was startled by the firelight, and thought that some terrifying fellow had come over to attack this place again.

"Who goes there?!"

It looked over vigilantly, yet it only saw a fire elemental arrow that suddenly hit the elemental square monument in the center of the camp.

The cold wind of the night brushed by, and a bright red light rose up at the elemental square monument, other than that nothing else happened.

"Hmm? Who dares to disturb this mage?"

The Ice Abyss Mage quickly deduced the situation. Some humans were trying to light the elemental monument but lacked the strength for a direct confrontation, resorting instead to this cunning method.

Realizing this, it glared towards the direction the arrow came from and vanished into thin air.

Through Oz's vision, Fischl saw the Ice Abyss Mage approaching their location. She immediately alerted Nolan.


Without waiting to confirm if the monument had been activated, Nolan scooped Fischl into a princess carry and bolted back along their path.

Thanks to his enhanced physical abilities, he could retreat with both of them more swiftly this way.


Fischl gasped as she was suddenly lifted, feeling the cool wind brush her hair across her face. She quickly retracted her weapon to avoid hindering Nolan's movements.

The surroundings blurred as they sped past, the grass beneath their feet whipping by like fast-forwarded scenery. Everything was a haze of motion.

"Damn humans, where are they?"

The Ice Abyss Mage reappeared at the spot where the fire arrow had been fired. It hovered in the air, scanning the area but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Due to the darkness, it failed to notice the two figures fleeing several hundred meters away.

The mage tapped its staff in the air, conjuring an ice-white circle that expanded and blended into the night.

Several minutes later.

The magical probe returned, indicating no sign of humans within a five hundred meter radius.

"Damn it!"

The Ice Abyss Mage cursed in frustration. Since its last escape, it had become more cautious, suspecting this might be a ploy to lure it out.

For a moment, its thoughts were in disarray.

Without concrete leads, the Ice Abyss Mage decided to play it safe, avoiding the fate of its foolish comrades who had perished without a trace while trying to capture the Stormterror.

With this in mind, it waved its staff and vanished once again.

Fischl's legs, clad in black stockings, dangled over Nolan's arm, gently swaying with his stride. The soft flesh of her calves and the back of her thighs pressed against his arm, reminiscent of sinking into a plush pillow.

After running for an indeterminate amount of time, Nolan slowed to a stop, sensing that the Ice Abyss Mage had not pursued them.

Setting Fischl down, he asked, "How about now? Has it gone back?"

Fischl smoothed the wrinkles in her stockings and tidied her golden hair before replying, "Yes, the Ice Abyss Mage has returned. It didn't notice us or spot Oz in the sky."

"Phew~ That's a relief."

Nolan let out a sigh of relief. The last time he and Lisa encountered that Ice Abyss Mage, it had been at level sixty.

They weren't equipped to handle it directly. If not for his long-range attack capabilities, they would have had to abandon this seal for the time being.

"The elemental monument has been activated, Miss, Sir Nolan we can return to the camp first."   

Night Raven Oz descended from the sky and said with a nod.

"Well, we should be right back to the 'Sleeper Tribe' again up ahead, let's go straight to the right and go down around them."

Nolan said, scanning the path ahead. He decided against retracing their steps.

He and Fischl moved to the right, reaching the top of the cliff before spreading their Wind Gliders and flying towards the Forgotten Sword Cemetery.

Time flew by.

Dr. Livingstone, stationed near the Forgotten Sword Cemetery's seal, spotted Nolan and Fischl returning safely. She rushed out to meet them, elated.

"That's amazing! You managed to break two seals in one go!" Dr. Livingstone exclaimed.

"We were fortunate. We used the cover of night to light the elemental monuments," Nolan replied with a light nod.

"Just as expected from the Honorary Knight!" Dr. Livingstone said, adjusting her glasses to calm her excitement. "Now, only the northern Meaty Tribe remains. Once we light the elemental monument there, the seal on the Forgotten Sword Cemetery should be lifted."

With that, she concluded her enthusiastic praise.

She turned around, clasping her hands together as she gazed hopefully at the last energy barrier surrounding the Forgotten Sword Cemetery.

"Miss Livingstone, it seems quite far. Let's rest for the night and replenish our energy before heading there," Oz suggested, flapping his wings against the night sky.

"Yes, we shouldn't rush this," Dr. Livingstone agreed with a nod.

In the wilderness, neglecting rest could easily result in becoming prey for wild beasts or monsters without knowing what hit you.

The campfire cast a warm glow over the Forgotten Sword Cemetery.

Fischl set up a dark purple tent and crawled inside to rest. Oz and Dr. Livingstone took turns keeping watch to guard against any lurking monsters.

Nolan initially intended to pitch his own tent but paused to reconsider. Given his current relationship with Fischl, it wouldn't be inappropriate for them to share a tent and sleep together.

Deciding against setting up his own tent, he approached Fischl's tent and tapped on the zipped entrance.

"Stupid Attendant, why aren't you resting? What do you want?" Fischl asked, unzipping the flap to glare at him with her emerald eyes.

She had removed her black eyepatch for sleeping, a rare sight for Nolan who was used to seeing her with it on.

"Well, it's just that it might be a bit cold alone, and I thought..." Nolan began, choosing his words carefully, but Fischl's fair cheeks already showed a faint blush.

"Idiot! No way! Don't even think about it!" she exclaimed, quickly zipping the flap shut to block the idiot attendant with impure thoughts from entering.

"Ha ha," Dr. Livingstone chuckled softly at the scene. Clearly, they were a couple who had recently transitioned into a romantic relationship.

Nolan, feeling a bit embarrassed, scratched his head and reluctantly set up his own tent next to Fischl's.

The night passed, and dawn brought a pale light to the sky.

Nolan and the others woke early, ate a quick meal, packed up the camp, and set off towards the location of the final and last elemental monument.

After some time, Nolan and Fischl saw the Meaty Tribe's camp in the distance.

"Oz, go ahead and scout," Fischl, experienced as an investigator for the Adventurers' Guild, instructed smoothly.

"Understood, Miss!" Oz responded, flying off to survey the area.

(End of Chapter)

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