
A Hero by the Name of Silk

Updates Every 2 Weeks Sunday around 1:00PM - 2:00PM Pacific Time. I had a regular boring, lonely life. HAD as in past tense, I woke up in a box not really remembering anything until it happened a date, followed by a name and it all came to me. But that's impossible! Captain America exists, Tony Stark is real and I got bitten by a spider that gave me powers. I'm not a hero, I don't want to be one, yet... why is it fun to swinging through New York.

Lightblade23 · Filme
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28 Chs


HEY LIGHTBLADE23 HERE! This is the last chapter I'll post on this site, the rest will be in other sites with the same name.

This chapter is special for me as it is the breaking point and it has a HEAVY theme ahead, that come from personal experience, this is my note to those dark times some people go through in their lives.

So please enjoy it!

POV 3rd Person

"Shit, I almost forgot. Silk, Silk?" Clint turns around as he notices that among the rest saying their goodbyes, she's not there. Stark is leaving in his car as well as Steve Rogers driving away in his chopper bike.

"Where did she go?" He couldn't help but ask out loud as he looked over the rest. It seems like the rest of the team noticed.

"I didn't notice her leaving." Natasha said as she looked around. "What was that surprise you had for her?" She asked looking at his longtime friend.

"Look, I..." He paused as he took a deep breath. "When we were there with Loki, it was weird. As if my mind told me to do things and my body followed, but everything felt wrong as if I wanted to do what he told me. I feel like a machine that got disassembled and remade. But I betrayed her trust before he got control over me." His voice sounds sad to which Natasha only placed her hand on his shoulder.

"But what happened there?"

"It was creepy to say the least; she worked on that reactor under the device to open the portal. She worked nonstop, and when he showed up she sucked up in the most demeaning way possible. She hugged his leg after he said she did a good work." He said glaring at the distance looking for an idea as to where she could be.

"That doesn't sound healthy." Natasha agreed as she looked at people walking by, their SUVs ready to move.

"It isn't... But from what she said; she's not living in good conditions; I don't know where she is sleeping but I texted Hill to check what happened in the last few months of radio silence from our end." Clint said with a sigh as he looked at his friend.

"So you're saying that she's easily manipulated?"

"I'm scared for her; she has that look in her eyes. You told me about her eyes at the restaurant. I have to-" The sound of a phone ringing interrupted him. "Barton speaking, you're with Romanoff as well, Hill." The voice on the other line sounded tired.

"About the thing you told me to look into, turns out Cindy was involved in a few problems." Her voice is nervous and angry as both assassins narrowed their eyes.

"What sort of problems?" Clint asked as Natasha silently stared at the phone.

"The ones that no one should be involved in." Hill paused as she took a deep breath. "Her university is closed at the moment due to an ongoing investigation after an anonymous report to the authorities, because the Dean and the female basketball coach were grooming girls as well as asking sexual favors for grades, recommendation for jobs and scholarships." That statement made Clint clench his fist. "She was in the basketball team... she testified against both of them. The coach constantly blackmailed her into playing and training extra but if she failed to do what the coach said her scholarship would be removed and she would have to do some type of sexual favor for the dean to keep her enrolled." Clint turned to his friend to notice she's actually glaring while he struggled not to grip the phone too hard.

"What happened then?"

"She didn't commit any type of sexual favor, thank god for that... but she lost her scholarship and got a drop in her grades due to the Dean keeping his word about not doing favors." Clint's grip on the phone tightened.

"Are th-"

"Yes, both are serving time, twenty-five years. Because of previous victims testifying and her being a minor increased that amount." She took a deep breath. "The other issue is her living situation, she got kicked out of her apartment after the landlord was anonymously reported to the authorities that he was asking for sexual favors for lowering the rent of the apartment complex and yes, she testified in a court of law as well and he is serving time. But the daughter of the landlord evicted her as well as other residents inside the apartment complex. She is also in debt after she asked for a student loan, but the account is currently frozen due to her not being a student currently since the whole event of her college went on the news." Clint sighed letting go of a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"What about her job?"

"She's suspended indefinitely since she had a fight with one of her coworkers after an event that is filed as a "psychotic" event during fashion week."

"Weird, I didn't hear about that." Clint said with a frown.

"Yeah, I'm currently pinging her phone to find her... I'm worried about her and what she might do... she's basically homeless, with no money and no one to turn to... Listen I wasn't supposed to tell you but, she said once to me that she was so alone and she thanked me when we last talked. You don't think she-"

"Don't even suggest something like that." Clint said as he remembered the sadness she always carries on her shoulders.

"I'm sending you the phone of one of her friends, she called her first but they didn't seem to be in the best terms possible." His phone pinged, as a phone number was received.

"Thanks but-" Clint got interrupted.

"That's weird; her phone says she's still in central park near the west exit." Hill said as she relieved the information. "She's moving to the exit."

"Come on." Clint said as he began to run, with his friend right behind him. After minutes of running Clint is exhausted after the entire day was a trip for him. As they ran past a few people Natasha noticed a homeless man and a woman holding a familiar suit as they spoke with someone holding a news camera.

"You think this is real?" The man asked as his camera is clearly not turned on.

"Look bud, this has burn marks, it's clearly from what happened today and these two." The homeless man said as he looked closely as he turned the suit from one side to the other then showed the two bracelets.

"But how would the suit that Silk had, be here? Come on, I'll give you 20 and you give me the bracelets, they're clearly fake." The man with the news camera says as he places the bracelet on and as if by magic assembles itself around his wrists and his hand.

"500." The woman interjected as she had the familiar scarf.

"I won't give you that, 100 or nothing, this is clearly a costume for Halloween or something."

"Then we won't give you these." Both turned to leave.

"WAIT! 250! That is all I have." The cameraman said as he held out a handful of bills.

"Deal." The homeless man said as he gave him the suit, the other webshooter and the woman held the scarf mask as if separate.

"The mask I'll be keeping it." As the woman was about to put on the mask a voice rang out.

"HEY!" Natasha said as she ran towards the deal, but Clint ran past her and grabbed the camera man by the shirt and lifted him.

"That suit! Where did you find it?" Natasha immediately recognized it as the real one as Clint grabbed the homeless man by the neck of his shirt shaking the man holding the suit.

"HEY! CHILL! HE SOLD IT TO ME." He pointed at the homeless man.

"Uhm, hey, look... I don't remember. I mean, I think with something I could remember." Natasha considered threatening the homeless man but sighed as she was clearly exhausted.

"Here, 10. Now tell me." The homeless man smiled as he received the bill.

"That trashcan over there, it had a fancy phone but I sold it to some guy that walked by, who looked like he wanted it. But it had the suit and scarf and those bracelet thingies, both which look pretty real to me."

"They are." He said as he let him go. "Give me the suit."

"No way man, I paid for this." Clint proceeded to grab him again.

"Don't make me ask again."

"Wait, I recognize you! You're the archer the one who-" Clint brought him closer to him.

"Give me the suit and get out of here." Clint didn't bother for pleasantries.

"You can give me fiv-" Clint lets him go and takes out his wallet.

"Here's three hundred, take them and get out of here, or I'm breaking that camera." He got handed the suit along with the webshooters as the man turned around and ran away.

"Here is the rest of the suit." Natasha said as she handed him gloves and the mask.

"There goes one lead." Clint sighed aloud.

"What about the phone?"

"I have it pinging on mine; we need it to check for locations and a clue to where she's been." Both began to run forward to the signal.

"Isn't it supposed to be monitored constantly?" Natasha asked taking a light jog.

"It is, but we got no communication with the Triskelion." Clint added as he stopped for a second.

"Come on. She couldn't have gone far." Natasha added as she motioned for Clint to follow her.

"Clint." She pulled him by the arm. "Did you get attached?" Her tone is serious.

"Like you have no idea." He sighed as they settled into a walking pace. "She's... she's like my daughter, we spent one month and a half... but she reminds me of myself when I was in the circus. But her eyes, her positivity. I don't want her to stop smiling. But right now it's like she's slipping right through my fingers." He said as she nodded lightly.

"Come on, we need the phone before shit hits the fan. The tracker is still working; it works even if the phone is turned off. So maybe we can catch her." Natasha only nodded.


POV Cindy

I should be happy that everything ended but all the death of the people here, the amount of people suffering from the whole ordeal... it's not fair. I was... happy... now I'm numb. People see me as a hero for saving lives from aliens that wanted nothing else but genocide. I am lost. I turned around and left, disappearing into the streets of Manhattan. I've been walking for a day, a lot of streets were blocked making me take turns in different streets and I think I got lost, ended up resting on an alley thankfully no one bothered me.

I had my destination, the warehouse. But since I couldn't really do anything I just decided to try and take money from the ATM, I suppose I have some money left from the last loan I made. Reaching the nearest I got giddy at the prospect of food. I began to pat my pockets for my wallet. "FUCK!" I yelled out loud in frustration and kicking the wall next to the ATM making a spiderweb crack and my foot went into the wall breaking through it.

'What if I punch the ATM. No one would know, I would have money.' But the idea of being happy repulses me, no. No it's not worth it, not worth the trouble.

My stomach is almost eating itself, I had the idea to go to the nearest shelter for the homeless, it became a little more crowded this time around since the destruction of a lot of homes, many of them were my fault, I sent a few of them into crashing against the walls and into buildings not caring for consequences.

After standing in line, I was finally able to enter the area, I could only see people, its a lot of people standing, sitting, sleeping here; kids, teens, adults, old people, homeless, everyone expecting food as the line for food moved slowly. I sighed as I decided to wait just a little longer, my eyes feel heavy.

Standing in line for what feels like an hour I was able to get a miserable plate of soup a small portion of meat and potatoes but I can't complain everything tastes bland, stale and nothing else. I look at myself in the aluminum table, my sad eyes looking at me, I look like a homeless girl, hair disheveled, my clothes are a mess, and worst of all I'm feeling disgusted at myself. It's my fault that most of them are here; I feel tears at the edges of my eyes as the pain is still there. Turning to my right, the hole in my side flares up in pain as I notice some blood is slipping through.

Sighing in defeat I deflate as I just want to give up, there is nothing to do here. But I have my goal, I need to reach the warehouse there I'll be good to go, to regroup myself and begin to think things through.

Looking down towards my plate I realize that the food in my plate is long gone, I didn't even notice as the piece of bread Is still in my hand. In order to stop myself from going to any other place except my tenacity to keep going, I raise my gaze upwards only to meet the eyes of a man that is in his fifties early sixties. He looks bad, as in he looks hungry and malnourished. I could eat the bread but he's looking at my bread intently.

Sighing loudly and placing the piece of bread in front of him, knowing he needs it more than me. I can take it; I've been in worse situations.

He also seems like he's going to pass out from hunger. I made the math in my head, a day or two without food is not going to be a problem for me. The orphanage taught me that sacrificing some food to others is the right thing to do. Remembering that the hunger pains reach a headache after around 3 hours of no food, but after 20 to 30 minutes stops and I feel tired. But I can take it.

I'm going hungry but he's suffering constantly... just like I am, I want to do something else for him but I can't. I've already caused too much misery around me to do anything again. I think I'll go dumpster diving. Nighttime is coming and I have nowhere near to go, and I'm close I think. I sigh as I recline my head on the table and feel energy leaving me almost falling asleep instantly. But as I feel a tap on the shoulder I shot upwards and stand up straight as a rod, images of receiving a punch after falling asleep on the table studying rushed to my head.

I raised my hands to cover my face from a punch that never came. It seems that it called attention to me, as I step away from the table I groan in pain as my side and stomach are now in pain. "Hey, you alright? You're bleeding." The homeless man said as he pointed at my stomach.

"No, I'm alright... I'm always alright." I say as I begin to walk out, people make way as I limp out of there.


POV 3rd Person

"Stark." The voice of Clint cut through the silence of the phone call.

"If it isn't my favorite archer, why are you calling at this hour, how are you Legolas?" His usual snark comes through the line as he stands in the momentary office.

"Did Silk contact you?" The urgency in Clint's voice is palpable.

"Silk? No, why?" Stark couldn't help but wonder why he was receiving a call out of consultation hours.

"She's missing; we believe she might do something stupid." That called Starks attention.

"She's eighteen, kids do stupid stuff." Stark remarked as he looked over schematics of the tower.

"Stark this is serious, she needs help and I have no fucking clue as to how to find her. Did she tell you anything?" Natasha added as both agents focused on the voice coming from the phone as they drove.

"She told me and Capsicle that she's happy that both of us are friendly to each other. Sounded like-" He got interrupted by Clint.

"A goodbye."

"You're not telling me..." Stark narrowed his eyes as he turned to the phone now focused on the call leaving the project alone.

"I don't want to consider that, but it's possible." Clint said in a serious tone.

"What do you need?" Stark answered immediately and Natasha looked at Clint understanding that they can count on Stark.

"Where's your location?" Natasha asked as they began to move.

"Stark Tower; are you calling everyone again?"

"Steve doesn't have a phone so he's a bit out of the equation." Natasha added.

"We found the phone as well as her suit and tech, we're sending you the backup of her phone; we need to see if any location makes sense to find her."

"Aren't you members of an intelligence agency?" Stark asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We are doing this off grid." Clint said as he sent the information.

"I think I have-, WE. SORRY JARVIS! We have a location." Stark said as he looks at the screen after correcting himself. "I'm sending you the location."


POV Cindy

As I'm walking down the street I began to noticing a lot of things I previously didn't... There is a lot more fires than what I thought. People are walking with no direction as the outer end of central park is packed with people with tents. Food and water are being distributed, but over all I don't understand how some have smiles on their faces.

Arriving to the warehouse, I feel panic as I notice how it's in shambles. As if something broke through the ceiling, running inside I notice 3 of those sleigh things are burning as everything around them is charred. "No, no, no." Running at the place where my stuff was I sigh in relief as the office is safe somehow and looking upwards, my backpack is safe, only covered in dust from the concrete. As I get to the office I feel absolutely dead tired, my bed smells like smoke as I crash into it.

I got woken up by the feeling of tumbling the darkness of the night make themselves known. I grab my stuff as the building is shaking, taking Mister Bunny and shoving him into my backpack. Kicking the door of the office open I jump out towards the walkway that is slowly falling.

Firing a web at the beam on the roof I swing hoping to not get crushed under the rubble.

I exit out the hole and with a flip I'm out of there flailing through the air as my center of balance is shot and pain races thought my body. I land roughly on my feet and lose balance followed by me falling on the ground and groan in pain as I land on my butt and then on my back.

But Mister Bunny is alright as I'm looking at the warehouse that was my home before, I hug him tightly and I'm happy that he is in good condition. Voices sound nearby as the darkness of the night make everything feel unsafe, the light of the streetlamp flicks as I slowly get up groaning lightly.

Turning to my left towards the street I notice how three guys are looking at me. "Oh, shit, someone's here." One of them says aloud, all are wearing jeans and dark clothes or hoodies of a deep color.

"Hey girl, you good?" I groan as I feel my clothes sticking to me as the grey shirt is now brown. 'Shit the red blazer.'

"Yeah." My voice comes croaked.

"Why don't you come with us?" Their tone is sincere, but I can't trust anyone.

"No, I'd rather not." My reply came as I stood up and glared at them, they're now in front of me the darkness of the night is hard to see their expressions. A small explosion makes itself known as the sleighs in the warehouse are now in flames.

"We can take you to someone, my cousin is a back alley doctor. We can help you." I'm reluctant to accept, but I think I can trust them, also my side and stomach are in so much pain, I'm not healing for some reason.

"Fine..." I reply as the three walk in front of me and led me towards a street, the street laps light the street and sidewalk as we walk they surround me as if to protect me but I'm on edge and ready to fight if they try something.

"What happened to you?" The one dressed in a black hoodie asks.

"I got shot by the aliens." My reply comes short and pained.

"Can I see? I know first aid." We stopped under the light, I lifted my shirt and groaned as the shirt unstuck from the wound. All three grimaced and recoiled. Turning my eyes to the wound and noticed that I can see muscle and a big crust around the wound and it's pulsing.

"How can you... I can't do much with first aid."

"Doesn't matter. Show me where I can get help."

"Fine, it's around here." He said as the one in the middle turned his head towards a direction. But something isn't right as the direction he motioned towards was no more than an dead end alley.

'Maybe there is a doctor.' The night is still young, around 2 or 3 AM. As we walk into the alley I noticed that there are no doors or windows nearby.

"Fuck." I groaned loudly as my suspicion got confirmed.

"That's right." The man in the left said as I am surrounded, the exit is covered by other two that weren't there before.

"Listen, please. Don't do this. I'm tired, I just fought an army of aliens."

"Oh you fought aliens, huh?"

"You weren't going to help me? Huh. Guess that explains it, people can't be nice... Not to me at least."

"Hey, not our fault you're alone and dressed like that."

"Yeah, it is my fault." I sighed as I took a stance and readied myself as my eyes narrowed and security in myself came over me.

"Heh, I'll hold her down you guys, but I take second turn."

"Whatever man." Three rushed at me as I took a step forward grabbing one by the neck of the shirt and threw him against the other two.

All crashes into a pile on the ground. "Oh shit." One said as I jumped at him and kicked at him with a front kick a rib cracked as he crashed against the ground.

My silk sense flared up but I was so slow to react as a punch landed on my cheek. Another hit the wound on my side. Which in turn made me scream in pain as I took a few steps back.

"Now, freak. I bet you're one of those alien... maybe the police can give me som-" Time slowed down as the words were about to come out of his mouth.

"Alien freak." He said to me as spit escaped his mouth; I felt anger, raw anger as the images of kids looking down on me as I choked in rain and mud, as Molly always called me.

I screamed in rage a guttural roar came out of my throat and I rushed at him; tackling him as I continuously screamed, I felt a hit on my back then a sharp pain that I ignored as we collided with the wall.

The man slumped down the wall, the darkness of the street made it able for me to barely see his face, who looked dazed as he tried to get his breath back, without even thinking I kicked his face, then at his left arm breaking it without remorse. "Who is the freak!? HUH!" I kicked again at his leg a crack resounding in the night.

"Who IS the alien freak?" I punched his face. "Who!?" I punched again. "WHO?! MOLLY?! WHO THE FUCK IS THE CHICKEN ALIEN FREAK?!" My scream tore through the night bringing my attention to the man whose face is bloodied as teeth are missing, looking at my hand and notice a teeth stuck on my knuckle.

"Oh my god." All four of them are looking at me, the one who approached me first to help me just stood there the only light source being the street lamp gave me a look with wide eyes filled with fear.

Walking back to my backpack and grabbing my stuff not one person moved a muscle as I took it from my ground, every person held their breath. As I was back in the light of the street I took notice that Mr. Bunny has a stain of blood from my knuckles when I picked it up.

Taking a deep breath as I jumped stuck to a wall the jumped again until I was out of there. As soon my body vaulted over the roof, pain flared on my torso as my back now has a sharp new friend stuck in there.

"Ugh, fuck my life." I began to think about places to go as the rooftops made easy to traverse luckily the apartments and building here are either next to each other or a few jumping meters away. Because this is bleeding, but I shouldn't remove this. Maybe I need something to eat and rest then I can pull it out. Yeah that sounds like a plan, reaching the nearest block and walking down the alley and into the street I begin my journey to my previously set goal.

As I'm walking the street, a police cruiser rang it's siren as it turned towards my direction, with a lot of reason, I'm drenched in blood. I want to run but I can't do that, I'm tired and decide to take a seat on the sidewalk beside a street lamp. My sweat pools on my face and forehead, as a headache appears and disappears as I'm leaning against the lamp post.

An officer steps out of the cruiser and kneels in front of me. "Mam? O, Miss?"

Lifting my gaze upwards. "This isn't mine..." I motion to my knuckles, "This one is." I motion to my shirt a flashlight shines on me as the other officer kneels down in front of me.

"What happened?" He lifts up my shirt with care looking at the wound on my stomach, I groan as the cloth pulls against the pointy friend stuck in my back. He mumbled 'Shit.' As he notices the knife stuck on my back.

"Mam, you need medical attention. Can you tell me what happened? Oh fuck." His hands get stained as he takes his radio. "This is police cruiser 1610, I have a female, Asian, around twenty of age, multiple lacerations and burns on her body. And-" He stopped as he turned to my back. "Knife stab, still stuck to the victims back. I'll apply first aid."

"Copy that, ambulance is on the way, ETA 20 minutes."

"No, need." I breathe hard as I ignore the pain, as I reach for the knife the officer stops me.

"No, no, no, no. Don't remove that!" I ignored him as I removed the knife, I screamed in pain as I let it clatter to the ground and into the sewer grate as the police officer is freaking out. The officer is taken aback as I get up and begin to walk away.

"Miss... You need to get to an ER ASAP." He takes his radio again. "Change of plans we're taking her to the ER ourselves."

"No…" I panted heavily as warmth emanated from my lower back. "I'm alright... I'm always alright.." I said as the tiredness in my voice makes clear my current state of mind.

"You're clearly not, listen we can take you somewhere where you'll receive help."

"I don't need it... I don't deserve it."

"Everyone deserves help! Now get in and we'll take you to the hospital." I stop in my tracks, maybe getting help from them is fine.

"HELP! HELP! YO, OFFICER!" The familiar voice of one of the guys that attacked me reached us.

"Officer, some alien girl attacked us!" The man is openly freaking out.

"Alien?" The officer seems wary.

"Yeah, that freak... Looked Asian, my friend stabbed it in the back before he got hurt really bad!" He turned to me and fell on his ass. "Oh shit! That's her! Dude, shoot her now!" The man said as the police officer is looking at me as I notice three pair of eyes are looking at me as the driver of the cruiser got out of the vehicle. Everyone is wary of me, with fear and doubt in their eyes.

"She's like super strong! She's dangerous." The officer is tense as I feel sluggish, but fear overwhelms me the need to escape overwhelms me.

"Mam, I need you to-" I take off running as I hear a gunshot ring out in my ears. I duck as my silk sense flared up, firing a webline I get height and I feel one bullet graze my right side where my wound is. "Ah!" I scream in pain.

"That was Silk! Stop!" That's the last thing I heard as I'm running one rooftop then another ignoring the pain but before I can make it to the next building the burn in my leg and pain in my stomach and side takes me down to my knees and onto the floor.

Groaning as I try to get up but I'm too tired to do it. "A nap, yeah. That sounds right." I say aloud as I'm reclining against the nearest wall which has a door into the building. I take out Mister Bunny from my backpack and hug it tightly against my chest.

The warmth of his fur is not as much as other days. As I take a seat and recline myself against the wall, I feel tired and sleepy. Maybe a nap, something short for me and I'll be good to go, later. It's like 4 am. Closing my eyes and I'm immediately asleep.


POV Cindy

"Cindy! GET BACK HERE!" My breathing is hard as I run through a dark hallway, the footsteps grow louder and louder as I'm grabbed by the darkness following me. I feel like the darkness is gaining on me, the deep dark void is gaining on me, my pants feel heavy as I turn down to see my legs running and running.

But I'm not wearing pants, but the old pink faded dress is dragging me down as I keep running, I feel my foot getting caught by mud as I keep running but ever so slowly I'm getting caught by the mud and darkness ever so slowly sinking until I can't move as my body begins to hurt and bleed, the rattle of chains sounds around me as I feel fear creeping up to me. Soon enough I trip as the white dress made me trip, I feel something wrap around my waist as they drag me down into the ground ever so slowly. I try to scream but nothing comes out as I get dragged into the darkness the sound of chains against wood makes itself known. Making me scream in fear, my scream is a high pitch as it a gigantic door closes in.


POV 3rd Person

"Damn, this place is now worthless, another dead end." Both S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived at the scene to see that the warehouse they were in was now in shambles, a police officer talked with a fireman both were able to listen as to what they found.

"We found six of those alien, things and three of the flying bike things. All of them are charred and unusable but they destroyed the

warehouse." The fireman said as another fireman arrived carrying blankets and a piece of cloth that looks like a sweater.

"Captain, we found this. I think some hobo was living here." Both agents heard and turned their gazes as the man kept talking.

"You checked for survivors?"

"Yeah, but heat sensor detects nothing as well as rescue dogs. I think that the guy was out of there before the warehouse came down."

"Gentlemen." Natasha called the attention as both approached them.

"Can I help your?" The officer asked as he turned to them.

"Federal government, we're reviewing the damage and to see if there are any irregularities regarding the battle. But was there someone living in the warehouse?" Barton asked as the police man suddenly has his eyes wide open.

"WE FOUND SOMETHING!" A fireman called out interrupting as he brought out a red blazer and a piece of white cloth filled with rags that has a big bloodstain. "Looks like a bed and a blazer."

"Hey, I also found something." Another fireman holding a flashlight is pointing at the ground.

"This is too much blood." The police officer said as he turns the 'bed' around to check it better. Both agents share a look as they approach where they pointed at noticing more blood on the street.

"Damn, whoever this person is, they're losing a lot of blo-" The fireman got interrupted as the policeman's radio began to chime.

"Nearby units, I have a report of 5 injured. Men, between mid-twenties and mid-thirties; all of them bruised, be advised they claimed to been assaulted by Silk. I'm requesting backup. Also, from what we gathered Silk is currently wounded I tried giving medical after noticing she got stabbed by the suspects previously mentioned, she had a knife stuck to her back... She removed it in front of me before I could apply first aid and ran away currently looking for her." That called their attention.

"This is Central, please don't use radio to call out things like that, do that again and you will be receiving a plan of action in your behavior." Central answered.

"Understood." All six people present looked at each other as the cogs turned in their head. Clint and Natasha were able to tell what happened, she was injured the entire time, went to her home, her home collapsed and she got attacked, she's stumbling around the streets looking for something or somewhere.

"This problem just got a lot more difficult." Natasha couldn't help but add to the situation. "Come on, we need to move if it involves her then it's going to be a long night. Maybe Stark can help with this." Both agents talked between themselves out of hearing range from the others.

"Clint, you're tired, I'm tired. We need to rest." Natasha bargained as she was struggling to stay awake.

"We don't have time for that, I have, I need to find her." Clint said as he kept walking to see if they can follow a trail.

"Fuck." Natasha groaned as she followed her partner to find the missing girl.


POV Cindy

Waking up in a scream as I breathe hard and began panting from the nightmare I just had. Getting up as hunger strikes again I get to my feet. "Well, time for a dumpster diving trip." I say to myself as I grab my backpack and place Mr Bunny inside with care.

"Come on Mr. Bunny, time to go." I'm slowly sliding down the wall only for my limbs to unstick themselves from the wall. Which made me crash land into the ground and on top of a trash can. The trash can spilled its contents as the metallic trashcan got dented.

"That one hurt." Turning my head to my left and noticing the contents I'm trying to smell for something. The crumpled paper bag from McDonald's makes itself known as I notice that the bag has a half-eaten burger. Smelling it carefully it's still alright and doesn't smell weird.

In seconds I shove it in my mouth and proceed to eat it not even bothering to enjoy the taste. But the hunger only seemed to be fueled. I searched for more to eat but a police siren sounded in my ears as I noticed one parked just stopped at the entrance of the alley.

"HEY!" The officer yelled as I stood up grabbed my shit and ran as the officer began to go after me.

"Stop! Pursuing on foot, suspect matches the description of Silk!" As I ran my side began to bleed again into my shirt, I keep running as the grimy and trash filled alley makes it hard to traverse; my groans of pain escape my mouth as my side and abdomen burns but I keep running away from the footsteps. I turn the corner out of sight of the officer and jump but don't get far. I scream in pain as my entire body is in pain as a last result I firing a webline I'm slowly sitting down on the roof of the building my leg cramps up as I end up sitting down and look down to see the cop looking everywhere trying to find me.

"Lost sight of her! I'll notify updated." The officer said as he turned on his flashlight.

"Copy that. I'll notify the feds give me your current location."

"She's injured so it should be easy to track her down." The officer said as he looked around.

'Shit, the feds...' I thought to myself, as the light of the flashlight goes over to the rooftops.

"Wait, central. I'm checking the rooftops, I think she's moving on the rooftops." The officer said aloud into his radio.

"We can deploy a helicopter." 'Great! If they catch me I'm sure as hell getting strapped to a table.' I get up and begin to limp away, my entire abdomen is in pain, but looking at the smile on Mr. bunny sitting comfortably in my backpack I know I'll be alright, maybe I can just jump ship, get out of the city… yeah that's a plan… start somewhere new.


POV 3rd person

"Hey, you think she's okay?" One officer asked his partner as they walked up the stairs to the rooftop.

"I don't know man." Both officers reach the rooftop and notice a stain on the floor and the railing.

"Hey, over here." One officer said as he looked closely to those stains.

"It's recent, do you think she's close?" He noted as he began to turn to the building and the rooftop.

"Please don't tell me it's down?" The officer asked his partner.

"I don't see a web, dude I think she's really injured with all the blood we're following. You know she helped me once?" He smiled remembering how she saved him during a car chase.

"Me too, she saved my aunt from a mugging."

"Well the NYPD and feds are currently after her so it's a matter of time before we can give a little back to her..."

"Yeah, also, those videos of her and Hulk were so cool."

"I know, but come on, we have a trail." Both nodded as they began to walk down the stairs.


POV 3rd person

"Stark, did you find anything?" Clint's voice sounds tired.

"No, Banner is also here... he's checking CCTVs." Stark said as he looked over his shoulder to notice Dr. Banner looking at possible routes Silk took.

"Did you hack into the CCTV of New York City?"


"Good." Clint admitted as that does help in tracking her down, they were able to see the pattern she's taken, after Natasha intimidated five guys to admit what happened as they were in the scene and footage of her running out the alley and jumping to the rooftops gave them an idea where she was resting and possible routes. But in Natasha's opinion Cindy is way too good at avoiding CCTVs.

"My satellite should be back online in a few hours, Natasha was able to place the earpiece on her clothes and we haven't found it. So it's probable that I can find her via the radio signal pinging from it." Stark said as Clint took that sentence as a small reprieve from the stress of avoiding the inevitable after her goodbye to everyone.

"How long?" Clint asked with a voice of urgency.

"8 hours, by our estimate." Stark announced but Clint felt like it was too much time.

"How do we make it faster?"

"Well, the cel grid of New York has to be reestablished, if it is, then it would take like 5 hours."

"I'll make a few calls and take a break." Clint said with a sigh of relief.


Cindy POV.

I'm dizzy and hungry I stumble into an alley but pick myself up as I recognize the place. It's the bakery back alley where the guy almost got shot! No one should be here so this is a chance... turning the handle and notice its locked a twist from my wrist and the handle breaks open as I take a careful step inside that makes me stumble and groan.

I get inside and notice that there is some food and the lights are on. Meaning that the fridge works!

My stomach is in pain as well as me as I feel so miserable for doing this. Shoving guilt into the back of my mind I carefully open the door of the fridge and lo and behold it has food inside!

I don't bother and start eating, a sandwich that disappears in 5 bites, a piece of pie that goes in 2. My tears cloud my eyes at feeling so relived of eating but as I'm about to eat another sandwich the sound of a shotgun getting loaded sounds behind the back of my head.

"Don't move." The voice has an accent I can't recognize. "Hands in the air and turn around slowly.." I obey as my tears cloud my vision.

"I- I'm so-sorry, I'm s-so hu-hun-gry."

"I DONT CA-. You're injured .." He paused as he stared at my shirt.

"I-I'm so-sorry!" I said as tears kept running down my cheeks as my stomach still grumbled.

"What is going on?! Vinny? Why are you making so much noi- put that down!" A woman with a heavy Brooklyn accent made herself known. She has blond hair with brown roots, she's dressed in jeans and a t shirt that says "Vinny's" with the image of a loaf of bread smoking as if just out of the oven. Her tan skin and blue eyes look all over me.

"Put that down! Jesus Christ!" The woman ordered as he placed the shotgun down I felt the urge to run but I fell to the ground with my butt on the floor making me groan as I'm still crying.

My legs are tired, I'm tired and I have no fucking clue what to do... So I just do what I can do I feel so useless, so hungry, so alone and I have no idea how to express it. So I just begin to cry and wail as my legs give out.

"Look! See what you did?!"

"I didn't do anything, she just fell and started crying. Hey stop crying!" I felt fear as he stood over me. I only kept crying harder.

"Look, I'm sorry, don't cry. Please?" I sniffed as tears kept running down my cheeks.

"You can eat! It's alright."

"But Vanessa!"

"But nothing?! Can't you see she's hungry?"

"Hi, what's you're name? I'm Vanessa." The woman introduced herself as I want to answer.

"Ci-ci-cin...dy." My reply comes forced as these months I haven't interacted with anyone.

"That's a very pretty name, how long have you been out there?"

"D-don-t kn-know." I sniff loudly as my tears keep running down my cheeks.

"Why don't you take a seat, come on upstairs." The woman says as the man Vinny groans.

"We can't take strays right now!" Vinny says as he turns to his I'm assuming wife.

"You don't say a thing!" She exclaimed at him who only flinched in response.

"But." Vinny tried to argue but couldn't.

"Put that down and help her!" She ordered as I tried to get up but couldn't. A pair of arms carry me carefully I groan in pain as I'm carried towards the room upstairs, the inside smells like smoke, the sound of police and workers outside make me feel a little at ease as I'm now inside. But the fact that I'm extremely tired and hungry isn't easy. As we make it up the stairs I'm presented with a regular living room, a sofa and a couch, a flatscreen tv, pictured of both of them in what looks like their wedding in a beach of what I assume is another country.

Other pictures are of two boys one bigger than the other smiling at the camera each holding a wooden spoon as there is a pot of something on top of a gas stove and the other one that called my attention was one with the kids now grown up looking to be around 20 something hugging each other as if in a headlock while Vanessa is yelling and Vinny is holding his face as if exasperated all sharing the same shirt and jeans.

"Come, you're hungry. Right? I have some left overs that haven't gone bad, thank god the aliens didn't do that much damage."

"Y-y-ye." My answer comes mumbled as I'm placed in a chair that has padding and is soft.

"I'll get the first aid." Vinny said as he walked away.

"Give me a few minutes and you'll be set. I think, you can eat this and take you to the hospital."

"NO!" I panic which seemed to make her jump, her eyes wide as she held a Tupperware with what looks like something with meat inside. "S-sor-sorry."

"Did something happen?" The voice of Vinny comes from the inside the house.

"Nothing! Don't worry." Vanessa answers as she keeps taking stuff out of the fridge they have here.


"Now Cindy, why don't you want to go to the hospital?"

"It-ts ju-st... the po-poli-ce a-re after m-e." My voice breaks as I feel even more nervous than before, she hums as she looks at me.

"Why are they after you?" Her gaze is now worried and afraid, what can I do to not get arrested? This feels like I'm getting dragged into a corner, the faint breath of Vinny comes from behind.

"I-I-I'll le-leave, I-ah, thou-thought... no one wa-was he-here... I br-bro-ke yo-your d-do-or t-to eat."

"You broke the door? But that door has an automatic lock, it can't be broken unless..." I begin to cry again as it looks like I'm going to be arrested and locked away forever.

"S-so-rry..." My gaze doesn't leave the ground.

"You're Silk, aren't you?" Vinny asks me as he makes himself known, my answer comes immediately as I nod a few times before using my fingers and firing a small weak glob of web from my fingers as that is all I can do at the moment. But a moment later Vinny dropped what he was carrying to the floor making me flinch at the noise, same as the falling of the cutlery in the kitchen.

"Thank you." Vinny grabbed my hands as he knelt down, my other hand got grabbed by Vanessa.


"No, you saved me. I owe you my life, you came and made sure to protect me." He stopped as he looked at the blood stain. "That wound... is that... LET ME HELP YOU." He said as I nodded as I cleaned my tears a tissue got handed to me which looks like a napkin. I blew my nose as well as my eyes.

"When this place is back and running anything you want is free. Forever." Vinny said as he looked at me in the eyes.

"N-no... y-y-you d-don't ha-ve to." My reply came immediately but the look he has in his eyes is solid as he stares at me.

"You kept my husband safe from those monsters, you took one of those lasers to the stomach saving him... just stay there and I'll make you something good."

"No, le-lef-tov-vers is f-fin-e." Her eyes turned serious as she stared at me.

"I'll whip something up for you, actually. Vinny take over for me, I'll treat her injuries." She says as I get carried to the bathroom.

"Here's everything." Vinny said as Vanessa shoved him out giving orders on what to cook, the bathroom is cold yet the warmth that a home gives is overwhelming, toothbrushes of different colors, pantries with other stuff that look used and the furniture made of wood that looks worn out by humidity.

"Shirt off." She says as I slowly obey, I groan in pain as the shirt gets unstuck from my wounds.

"That hurt, fuck." Looking down, I can see muscle and dried blood but most of all it burns like a bitch from the exposure to air, touching where the stab wound used to be is now gone thank god not even a scar, only blood.

"Ugh." Vanessa looks like she's about to puke, but hold on as both wounds look really bad. "The wound needs to be clean." She said as she took out a piece of soap and took a towel that got later on dipped in water. A scream almost left my throat as the water passed on the wound.

"It's okay, you'll be okay." She said as I made my best to not scream. After 10 agonizing minutes, my wounds got covered with a gauze and bandages, which made me feel better as the constant pressure. She handed me a T shirt that has the logo of the bakery.

After we got done with that Vanessa gave the order and I was back on the same seat in the kitchen and not even ten seconds later a plate of food got placed in front of me, both stared at me with expecting gazes, to which I nodded and began to eat without pausing as my stomach was running on fumes. No noise was made aside from me eating, I got served plate after plate for about half an hour.

I swallowed hard. "Thank you for the food, it means a lot. Also for helping me with the bandages and that. I'm sorry, but I have to leave or you'll be in trouble." I said as I tried to get up but stumbled and ended up in the same chair.

"Girl you are crazy if you think I will let you go how you are. The people out there are being kind but you're a girl and you can't even walk. Stay here we can set up a bed for you." Vanessa said as she looked at me.


"But nothing, you look dead tired. Vinny can yo-"

"Already on it." I got carried to a room that clearly belongs to a guy because of the posters of girls in bikini and some cars, a videogame console with a TV but the bed is made. "Don't worry, they were not here. He went out with his friends and with your social media post they got away from here, so you also saved my sons. They won't be back till later; you're more than welcome to stay." He said as I got placed in the bed, my head hit the pillow and out of reflex I closed my eyes and in seconds I was out like a light.

Not even 6 hours later I woke up as another nightmare plagued my mind, the images of darkness and wood woke me up dry heaving my ears perked up as I'm now able to move my entire body. Noticing my backpack near the bed as well as my clothes I got up and stretched my legs a few times as my stomach didn't hurt as much as before. Changing shirts and looking around the room and noticing the window that leads to the outside as I can hear sirens and workers.

As I'm about to jump out the window to move on and disappear I stop... 'I know my powers will be wasted as Alana said at that time, but I know that I'm more of a burden than anything else.' Without my powers I'm worthless. Looking around I find a small abandoned notebook that is open with physics homework half finished.

Walking closer to it and noticing that 3 answers are wrong, quickly writing down the correct answers in another paper with the correct procedure, smiling lightly as I pass a few pages until a clear page is able to be ripped from the notebook. Taking the pen from the small open drawer and decide to write a thank you to Vinny and Vanessa for the help they gave me.

The food, the first aid and overall the kindness they gave me. I end up signing it with my Silk signature a small smile crosses my lips as I place the letter on the pillow. Opening the window I'm out the window and into the city, making my way to the only exit of this place I know which is on the way towards Jersey City and then I can take a bus somewhere away from this life.

A wave of pain crosses my entire body that makes me scream in pain followed by waves of pain that make me see white spots. I yell out as I flail as I fall a webline barely comes out of my fingers which I feel like they're the last ones as I get sent into the air I aim at the nearest rooftop of a skyscraper.

The rough landing I get is hard as I land on my backpack, I hear a small click clack on the ground. Turning towards it I notice its the small communicator we used on the battle. But a headache forms on my forehead as I feel like I can't make any more webs, which feels weird and empty.

Another wave of pain takes me to my ass as my legs give out. My strength is gone as my entire being feels dragged down; the word 'useless' Bounces in my mind as it multiplies with cries of being nothing but an empty person, no personality, no ambition, no nothing... just a waste of space as the thing that made me, ME is no longer there. My strength is gone, my webs feel gone.

Pulling Mr. Bunny top half out of the backpack he is now looking around which makes me look at him with doubt, his gaze is penetrating my soul, those black eyes make me feel weak, but who am I kidding I was always weak, always useless, always a failure.


3rd Person POV.

"Mr. Bunny, you're one of a kind." The sad voice of the girl everyone is looking for call the attention of everyone with a device to listen.

"Sir, The communicator is now back online." Jarvis notifies as Tony Stark listens with doctor Banner on a speaker.

"Begin the tracking Jarvis, yesterday."

"Already on it sir."

"Can we communicate?" Dr. Banner asked with worry in his voice as both stared at the screen slowly narrowing down the location.

"Mr. Bunny I never understood you." She paused as a deep sigh took over the line. "Mom said you're happy because I'm here, because you're with me... Mister Bunny, why? Are you happy I'm not even worth being someone." Her voice sounds devastated.

"Shit, J. Send the location update to Natasha and Barton." Stark said as he began to walk into the balcony.

"J, Mark 7."

"Sir the repairs aren't fully done."

"Can it fly?"


"Then set it up." Stark ordered as he began to walk out into the balcony.

"-'m already there, guess you can't smile for me anymore." As his helmet got on his head he immediately tapped into the comm and made his way towards the narrowing down of the location.

"Silk! Silk! can you hear me?!" The voice of Banner comes from the comms but the sound of footsteps was clear, she was too far away and not listening.

"Sir I have an approximate to her location."

"Then give it to me, we're on a timer here." Stark said in urgency as the suit ever so slowly got placed back on him, it's banged up on the paint and some parts have a few dents but the power supply and flying capabilities are at 97% done so its functional enough for what he needs it for.

Bruce Banner just stood there contemplating if he should follow as the anger inside him yelled to get out there and help his friend, but he kept a tight leash on said anger as it would only bring more destruction that he wasn't willing to incur the wrath of the government again, also Stark was faster than anyone here. He hoped that they get there in time or a green monster will go in a rampage out of grief.


POV Cindy

"Mr. Bunny, I never understood you." The bunny that has a lot of blood stains from my injuries and other stuff and yet he just smiles at me. His pink single line mouth smiles at me. "Mom said you're happy because I'm here, because you're with me... Mister Bunny, why? I'm not even worth being someone." The unmoving plushy stared at me, of course he won't answer. Moving hurts but I hold it in as I remember those nights in the orphanage. The times she cried herself to sleep, the feeling of helplessness, the despair, the feeling of not being able to go anywhere.

'Just like right now... right now, I have nowhere to go to, I'm alone as I always should've been...' The wind blowing in my face gives me a small feeling of melancholy as I remember the time I sat on the chair after almost dying that time when I was four, looking at the window as time went by.

'It's exactly the same as of right now, the numbness that makes it easy to get through the day.' Turning to Mr. Bunny the smidge of happiness his smile presents to me always is not there, now it's just a sad smile.

"Mr. Bunny?" I ask aloud as I grab him and hug him. "Don't be sad, I'm already there, guess you can't smile for me anymore." My voice feels tired, I feel tired and exhausted. Yet there is nothing I can do; My gaze lifts up to the skyline. The memory of getting pushed around comes to my mind; things I don't want to remember are coming back stronger than ever as if those events just happened.

All the memories gave me a conclusion. 'It's not fair. The places Alana, Many and Erica lived... it's not fair.' My anger rises as I stand up the roof of this place gives me a scenery of other skyscrapers, people living a life they can't appreciate. "It's noT FAIR!" My voice croaks out. "I WANTED SOMEONE TO LOVE ME! TO ASK ME HOW I AM! TO HAVE A MEAL COOKED! TO EVEN FUCKING WORRY IF I HAD A GOOD DAY! ITS NOT FAIR!" My breath comes labored as I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I wanted SOMEONE to tell me that they will be there for ME!" My anger simmers down as my gaze turns to the ground, people walking near each other, families, couples even people walking to their jobs.

Yet I can't have that.

"I wanted a family, but no one adopted me... is something wrong with me?" A small chuckle leaves my lips. "Yes, something is wrong with me, who am I kidding. It's the reason people can't stand being near me. Look at everyone around me, THERE IS NO ONE! I'm where I should be!" Closing my eyes my clothes flutter in the wind as a feeling of cold rushes through my body.

"I'm alone... I'm useless... I'm worthless! YES IM A USELESS WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" I pause as I open my eyes, I'm near the edge of the roof. "You may have been right mom... no, you we're, still are right mom. I'm not worth anything. Look at me, who can love me? Not even you loved me... not even I can love myself." I take a seat on the edge of the roof.

I'm catching my breath as I yearn to feel something right now, now that the anger is gone, the happiness I can't feel and I finally know what I am... and I can't help but hate myself for being what I am... "I'm worthless… What good can someone so useless do?" I laugh as I lie down on my back, my legs dangle on the edge.

"Maybe I can sleep and not wake up... that would be good, after all I'm nothing." My voice as my head tells me I'm nothing more than a stain to this world, which makes sense as a rush of energy comes through my body. "YES!" I stand up as I walk up to Mr. Bunny who is now fakely smiling at me, half of him sticking from the backpack at the center of the roof. "Don't be sad Mr. Bunny, you don't have to pretend anymore, no matter what happens, you don't have to fake feeling what you feel... I'll be gone and you will smile again." I sigh and smile as the idea makes sense.

"Someone so worthless, so useless, such a failure, such a waste of space has no need to exist in this world... maybe this is what I deserve, no. Not a maybe, I deserve this. No one will miss me, not Mr. Bunny, not Clint, not even Mom... yes." I take step by step as I get close to the edge and see if its high enough. "Twenty stories, should be enough." I say as I take a look back at Mr. Bunny, his face and suit is covered in blood as the fake smile prevails as if saying goodbye to me.

"I have nothing more to say." No thoughts come aside from the want for a release, the wanting of resting forever. "Yes, no more worries, no more hunger, no more sadness, no more loneliness, no. more. pain." I take a light step as I'm about to reach the edge. "Maybe, maybe someone will remember me, maybe someone will miss me." I take a final step as I get to the edge and look around.

"Finally, I can rest; finally I won't feel... not anymore." I take a final step as I accept my fall, the wind rushes through my face and hair as I smile waiting as I close my eyes with one thought in my mind as a message that no one will see. Faces of my friends, people important in my life run through my mind as I exhale for the last time. 'Goodbye to everyone.'