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Letters to Romeo.

[Mature Content. No Rape] 'All it took was breaking one rule that she was not supposed to' He was the bad boy with tattoos. She was the good girl with glasses, and she was his. — When Julianne Winters decides to move to the dormitory of the reputed University, she has everything planned so that she can complete her graduation and leave the place. But her plan is quick to catch fire from the moment the eyes of Roman Moltenore from senior year lands on her. And his appearance screams nothing but TROUBLE. "What rules?" Julianne asked with a frown as she read through the page. She was sure she hadn't seen any rules of the campus mentioned on their website. # 4. No using cell phones. # 12. Students should not roam outside the campus after eleven in the night. The further she read, the more bizarre it turned out to be. Her friend turned the page and then pointed at the last rule # 29. Listen to Roman Moltenore. "This is made up. Look, the last one is even written in pencil." Julianne couldn't believe that her friend from the next dorm thought she would fall for it. "And no phone?" "It is important you abide by all the rules. Especially number twenty nine," said the girl in a serious tone. "Remember not to get involved with Roman. If you happened to see him, run in the other direction. There is a reason why it is written down here." With the rules of the campus, she resorts to sending handwritten letters to her uncle. But who knew it would end up in someone else’s hand! 

ash_knight17 · Fantasy
332 Chs

Heidi and the Lord

An adopted child, Heidi was a smart and obedient girl because she had to be. Used as a scapegoat by her family, she was sent to become the political bridge between two empires. Taken in by the House of the infamous White King, Lord Nicholas Rune, she would be cared for and supervised until her wedding with his cousin, Warren Lawson. A man whose gentle appearance and benevolent manner earned him the title White King of the Empire, Lord Nicholas was a man kindest to the souls around him. Very few knew about the truth that lay beneath his beautiful visage. Who could predict a little human girl would bring out the best and the worst of a noble pureblood? ----- “Now, tell me, Heidi, why do I have a bad taste in women?” As Lord Nicholas took a step forward, she took a step back. Heidi had said too much, and she regretted it. Would he let her go free? Gulping, she warned him, "What you're doing could be considered harassment, milord." "I wouldn’t. I’d call it persuasion.” He took another step towards her, his frame towering over her. "I believe the dictionary in your library would disagree with you, milord." She retreated another step back, shrinking away, hoping he would give up. “I keep the good one in my room. You can come to see for yourself if you don’t believe me.” Her back struck the wall behind her. "You haven’t answered my question, Heidi." The Lord was too persistent, Heidi cursed to herself. He was unwilling to let her go.

ash_knight17 · Fantasy
158 Chs


Angelo Verde is a spy who investigates the Mafia's underground business. In the middle of an undercover operation, some unavoidable events leave him no choice but to serve Marvel Yerevan, the Mafia crime boss of one formidable Family. The taste of horrible and peculiar experiences in the underworld does not stop him from stepping deeper into the Mafia's territory, all to gain Marvel's trust. Ready to submit, even become a plaything, he will act subservient while secretly taking advantage of his position for the investigation to complete the tasks he is given. But, can he win the mission when he has never been victorious over a personal battle with the boss? EXCERPT I: "Sir, I think you need to change your clothes, or else you will catch a cold." I suggested Marvel, using his half-wet suit of rain as an excuse to get to know him better. The man in front of me was so tall and well-built, his physique exposed both strength and beauty. It wasn't out of curiosity that I patted his shoulder to sweep the wet dots away, but I wanted to create a connection with him. "If you don't mind, let me help you," I smiled. "It's my responsibility to take care of your health and serve you, so let's go to your room and change-" The coldness of fingers touching my cheek startled me, freezing up the rest of my words. Before I could develop a reaction, the artistic form of a man had turned blurry above my dilated eyes when Marvel reduced our distance. Seizing up the air I meant to breathe in, his lips contrived a way to communicate with mine without the need for words. I always asked myself, what should I do to get closer to Marvel, to step into his territory, to make him trust me? I think I know now. EXCERPT II: "It isn't that hard," Marvel convinced me, sure of it. His knuckles slithered above my cheek. "All you have to do is put it inside your mouth and just let it slide above your tongue." His words were followed by a gesture of his thumb teasing my lips until I felt it in between my teeth. Demanding access, it started to push in deeper, stroking my tongue without any sign of reluctance. When his eyes slightly narrowed to hold a smile, the steel blue marbles glimmered, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from this handsome gent in front of me. "You can do it, right?" At first, I wanted to pretend I didn't understand what Marvel was talking about, but my attempt to be indifferent might not work against someone with a character like his, knowing how much power he had, and I realized what his true intention was. I forced my mouth to open, only later did I know that those simple words would change my fate completely. "Yes, Sir."

Puppetstring · LGBT+
222 Chs

The Italian God

“I said,  go" I warn her. She scoffed and cursed in Russian under her breath. But made her way to the door. "It was nice meeting you" she addressed Maya who I think passed out. I walked to the pole and started untying her hands. I did it slowly so I wouldn't hurt her already bleeding fingers. She is going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow. I caught her before she fell and her face contracted in pain. My suit had blood on it as well, not that I cared. I carried her against my chest looking at her face. Her hair was a different kind of red. God I fucked up big time, she will definitely kill me. I walked with her in my arms out of the basement. "Oh god" I hear, I walked in to the living room. It was filled with Aria and some of her friends, also Enzo and Alessio, who was shaking his head at me when he saw Maya. "Who is she" I hear the girls whispering "Call the doctor" I tell them carrying her upstairs to my room. I sat at the corner of my room with a drink in my hand. With a clean fresh suit. I stared at her unmoving body on my bed, she looks so small on it. The doctor came and checked her body, she had bruised all over her body, a small concussion and her ribs were bruised. Veronica might have went over board this time. He cleaned her cuts and left a ton of medicine she has to take for the pain. He also attached a drip to her cause she was dehydrated. I cleaned her with wet towels and changed her filthy clothes. I was so thankful she didn't wake up, I didn't know how she would react to me seeing her naked. I noticed small cuts and scars on her upper thigh. She also had old ligature marks on her wrists. Something happened to her and I was going to find out what. I put her in one of my shirt and let her sleep. I had to chance into a new suit, my other one was covered in her blood. And I was meant to be at a party very soon. I had to make sure every gun and anything that can be used as a weapon was taking out of my room, I don't want her hurting anyone or me. And I know when she wakes up, she is going to want to kill me. I don't know what to do with her now and I couldn't let her go, she's seen too much. CIA agent Maya Reed is undercover in a mission In Italy, for the past 3 months. When her partner gets killed and all hell breaks loose. She gets kidnapped by the most power Mafia boss in Italy. She tries to escape still having faith that the Americans are looking for her. Not knowing they think she died. Lorenzo … Cold. Ruthless. Killer. I am respected and feared by all. I wasn’t put on this earth to love or be loved. I was put to be a killer, to be feared. When I find a strange girl in my club , killing two of my best costumers. I don’t let her live out of compassion. She’s a trinket, my plaything.

cluelessgixl · Teen
86 Chs

To Be a Demon Prince

Accused of being a terrorist, Montana Mills had been driven out of his home. Seeking vengeance, he ran to an organization to train and hunt down the person who stole his identity. However, things take a turn for the worse when the person ends up being a witch. Witch… they are the people who received powers from demons in exchange for helping the demons propagate sins. Rendering the normal weapons useless against their kind, the witches only have a few fears. Montana Mills is just an ordinary person who summoned a demon for a hellhound; he has no idea he would be on a path to fully embrace the dark magic just for his personal gain. However, his handler, Belphegor, has more plans for him. Using his sudden spark of vindication, Belphegor wage a war against the master of the terrorist—his own brother at arms, Satan. Gaining the support of more and more Princes of Hell, Montana gets pit against one of them. Stakes rise, and even his forgotten past is unearthed. Embracing a new name to propel his goals forward, Montana willingly enters the world of demons… and even vied to replace the Demon Prince of Wrath himself. ... "So it all came to this. You and me, finally standing face-to-face." A wide, menacing grin spread on Satan's face as he looked down at the approaching witch. "Tell me, Montana Mills... how was your descent to Hell?" "Worth the wait." Montana lifted his left arm and curled his fingers, blue flames blazing to turn it into a four-fingered claw. "Since you're looking forward to meeting me, I take it as you getting ready to fall by my hands." Satan only got up from the throne and dropped the goblet at the side as his humongous bat-like wings slowly spread behind him, casting a shadow that ate up the entire width of the chamber. He raised both hands as if downplaying the witch's words. "You really think you can kill me now?" Montana crouched down and summoned the blue flames to embrace his body as a silhouette of a hellhound emerged around him. "I do." Boom! He dashed towards the demon prince at the speed of sound and swung down his claw. Satan only laughed out as he summoned bones to cover his arms and block the attack. A loud sound and a brutal shockwave followed and rippled through the air as Montana's claw struck against Satan's arm. With their eyes getting at the same level, Satan returned the glare that Montana gave him. However, Montana grinned as well as his dark eyes lit up brightly in blue fire. "Do you really think I can't take your place as a demon prince?" ... This is a work of fiction. All similarities to events and people are coincidental.

droopyghost · LGBT+
491 Chs

Slave to Reality

A catgirl escapes from slavery in her fantasy world to the real world and must learn everything from scratch. Vivian is a catgirl, born in a world in which all beast-kin are considered as nothing more than intelligent animals and are kept as slaves. Her new owner horribly abuses her, but eventually with the help of a friend she manages to escape, and while running for her life she passes through a portal to the real world. There she finds herself trapped in the apartment of young man who must be a powerful mage, considering all the impressive artifacts he possesses, and who kindly teaches her his language and his world. Volume 1 Is about falling into and escaping from abuse. The story gets lighter afterwards. ——————————————— "Please, master, don't do this. I'm your sister!" "Animals and people can't be family! Besides, even if they could, we're not related by blood. Now take off you clothes and get on the bed!" "No!" "Fine, it's you who's asking for punishment." "AAARGH!" ——————————————— "Vivian, even if my world was filled with beautiful cat girls and bunny girls, and every other kind of beast-kin, you'd still be the only one for me. Will you marry me?" "Yes!" ——————————————— "How much for the orange-haired beauty?" "She's not for sale." "How about for rent, then? How much for a night?" "She's not for rent, either." "Come on, you can't expect to walk in here with property like this and not share!" "Vivian, this man is annoying me. Please get rid of him." "Yes master!" "Hey, let go of me! How dare you lay a hand on a human! You can't just throw me out! Ouch!" CRASH.

Moss_Plains · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
170 Chs

Beware: She's A Devil

She was asked.... "Aren't you afraid of Karma?" "Karma?" She smirked. "I am Karma bitch!" ********* If they were to rank the most ruthless beings in Country A, Kim Lisa was definitely among the Top Three. She had a new mission from her Mafia boss/ uncle; It was to become the bodyguard of one of the contesting Governor's playboy son. Though difficult, she took up the mission. Trying her best not to stab him to death whenever she saw him. But if she had thought his charms would not work on her, then she had gotten it all wrong! Because he liked her from the first day he saw her, and made up his mind to seduce her. ************ "It's called Regalia." Lisa said as she looked at the confused and frightened man.  "It was made from one of the most toxic flowers in the world. The poison starts eating up the wall of your stomach from the moment it's inside your body and within the first five minutes, you will feel like throwing up but nothing would come out... except tiny droplets of blood. And then, you'll know this isn't a joke." She said darkly and watched him begin to gag and gasp until he spat out blood. But she didn't flinch. This was her being meek. ************ But she met a really stubborn guy... "You are scared." He noted as he looked into her eyes. She scoffed in disbelief. "You're the last person I am afraid of."  Tom smirked before saying... "Yes, you are. You are scared you may cheat on your boyfriend with me. Scared you may fall for me. I can see it in your eyes."  'What's he saying right now? All I think about is killing him!' She said in her head but the look in her eyes was different. "And that's right." He continued... "You should be scared... Because whether you like it or not, it's going to happen" He said with a confident smile before using his thumb to graze the corner of her mouth. His eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips. She wasn't wearing a lipstick or gloss, but they looked glossy and tempting.... *********** NOTE 1: You may think it's a bit rushed at the beginning, but trust me, that's because there's more to come ahead. If you love mystery, then be ready to unveil some... Yours Sincerely *********** NOTE 2: *I do not intend to keep this book long or drag things unnecessarily. Those who have read my book (Hello, Mr Li.) can attest to that. I keep things simple. *You can follow my other stories: –HELLO, MR LI –MY CRAZY HOUSEMATE –IN LOVE WITH A KLEPTO *Please support me by voting, commenting, and sending gifts.

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
206 Chs

Playful Hearts On A Boundary Line [BL]

Johan came from a past full of dark secrets. After his first love/best friend cheated on him, he left their rural town and lived for a fresh start in the nearby city, portraying an innocent persona. For years, he kept everyone out of his private life, but the mystery he’s hiding captivated Adrian, a man with an unsatisfied relationship with his girlfriend. Despite their apparent attraction to one another, a line kept them from acting on their feelings. But when Johan outed himself in a drunken confession, things took a drastic turn. On the day he decided to distance himself from his handsome workmate, Adrian appeared on his doorstep and invited him for a walk. Blinded by desire, Johan gets tangled in an insatiable affair that challenged his beliefs, awakened his feelings, and roused his fears. As they ventured between the boundaries of love, lust, and friendship, Johan’s secrets resurfaced one by one, and Adrian’s in for a wild, dangerous ride. ——— Warnings: Oh, hey! So you've decided to click on it. Great! Just a little heads up, though. If you're looking for a BL Fairytale where MC is an innocent cinnamon roll and ML is a gay Prince Charming, you've clicked the wrong book. This story depicts a grey side of gay relationships not everyone would dare to tackle. It's a sinfully forbidden love story. Sex scenes are descriptive, and strong language are unfiltered that may be upsetting to others. Readers discretion is STRONGLY advised. ——— Gold Tier Winner of WPC# 125: LGBT+ Pride Month

K_Contiello · LGBT+
303 Chs

The Alliance Marriage Went Wrong

"Whoever insult the Jerivians is insulting my fiancee and insulting my fiancee is insulting me." * * * An alliance marriage was arranged between two rival Kingdoms - Qalagon and Jerivia. The agreement was that the Crown Prince of Qalagon will marry the Princess of Jerivia. But due to an assassination attempt, the Princess of Jerivia was in a coma just weeks before the wedding. If the alliance marriage fails, then what awaits the two Kingdoms was an unprepared war. The female Army Commander of Jerivia Kingdom was tasked to take on the identity of the Princess and fulfil the alliance marriage. As such, the infamous Commander of Jerivia, Iria Alewine disguised herself as the Princess and meet the aloof yet powerful Crown Prince of Qalagon, Arin Helev..... "No less than three months and no more than six months. We need just that, Commander Iria. Stay at Qalagon as the Crown Prince's wife during that and when you come back, you will lead the soldiers to fight the Qalagons." This was the original plan but what will happen if an unlikely romance sparked between the two? Will Commander Iria be able to follow the original plan? Rivalry of the two Kingdoms Palace Politics Palace Romance Friendship and Betrayal With all mentioned above taking place, read the story to see how the alliance marriage went wrong! ------- *Excerpt* "Don't you still understand?" The words escaped her lips before she could even realize. Then she met his gaze - calm yet sincere. It only made her felt the pressure more. "You should distance yourself from me unless you want to get hurt." She made a deliberate paused before she said, "I'm not someone who is capable of loving you." He still maintained that calm demeanor and she felt helpless. For the first time, she wished to know what he had on mind! However... "You can say anything you want, Iria. But you can't lie to yourself." "..." The Commander's face turned pale in the blink of an eye! What did he just say?  Iria Alewine quickly took a look at her own heart. She realized that the walls she built in order to not let anyone in were close to crumbling! The walls were already weakened by the holes that were drilled from the exterior, slowly yet continuously. Then she realized one thing. He was telling the truth!  ------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. It is uploaded from another source and all rights credited to the real owner...

Pearys · History
407 Chs

RakhtaBhushan (Blood Ornament)- The Epic Saga

[I will continue this story; new chapters will be released soon. Just taking a short break to prepare for an upcoming writing contest.] God King Arya defeats Asura Yaman. Two hundred years later, Yaman reincarnates as Prince Surya of Rakhtaprastha. Once Surya comes of age, flashbacks from his past life erode his mind. He seeks help from the Tantric guild, where his path entwines with black-clad Vidyut, his long time rival. Hardened by the cruelties of life, Vidyut embraces the dark art of Tantra, for which he is both rejected and coveted by the people of the Five Kingdoms. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Rakhtaprastha faces political turmoil and rival kingdoms, while the animosity between God King Arya and Yaman/Surya's supporter, Goddess Dimuka, spills into the human world. Read to find out if Surya and Vidyut’s love can endure the wrath of forces, both good and evil. ******************************************************************** Chapter 30 Excerpt: Vidyut came and stood five steps before Surya, his eyes surveying the prince as if he was searching for something he had lost, his gaze holding and letting go every few seconds. Surya, in turn, resolutely stared at Vidyut’s eyes, and certainly not at his unrobed chest that was now glowing with a fine sheen of sweat. Vidyut’s eyes found Surya’s as if he had caught him thieving. "If you look to learn the secrets of my trade, a word is enough, my prince. It would be my honor to teach you a thing or two about how sharp weapons work." Vidyut gave Surya a wicked look, gesturing him to the center of the terrace in an invitation to a friendly duel. ******************************************************************** *It is based on Indian mythology, specifically Hindu mythology. But it is an original fantasy and focus is character arcs. **It has BL/Gay content. Most Surya-Vidyut interactions are in the chapters marked Surya or Vidyut. The romance in this story is slowburn. Chapters with smut will be marked so in future. ***Secondary couple is Puru-Harihar. Puru is still straight in this book. They will become a couple in the sequel. Harihar is gay and introduced in chapter 117: Hunt for A Demon’s Treasure- Part 4 **Daily Chapter Release/Surprise Mass Release** Cover Art is kindly done by a really really great artist, Nicoy Gueverra. I want to give her a special thanks for giving a face to my vision. Here is her website: https://nicoyguevarra.wixsite.com/home The writing on the cover picture is by the generous and fellow author 26Stars. https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4316514019?appId=10

FantasyBliss30 · LGBT+
221 Chs