
Chapter 17 Marvel’s The Avengers Part 3 Finale

"Ugh, my head. What is going on?" Groaning as I lift my head up and notice that my wrists and legs are being held together by bent metal that is a part of what looks like a walkway. The metal feels real and there is a lot of noise around me.

"Silk." A stern voice sounds from above me, turning my head towards the two people standing there.

"What did I drink?" I groan in discomfort. "I-ah I'm sure I didn't try to OD... this time." Raising my gaze I meet the eyes of a blonde guy cosplaying Captain America and another being IronMan. Both are giving me a stare that I can't figure out because of the mask of one and the neutral expression of the other.

"Ha ha guys, good prank. Really like the costumes. Now can I go?"


"Duh, why else would captain America be standing here? He's super dead, like my hopes and dreams."

"Not so dead, Ma'am."

"And you, that cardboard looks kinda busted for it to be Iron Man."

"Cardboard?" I struggle a bit until I'm able to break free by ripping the metallic tube thing holding me.

"Okay that was pure steel." Both take an offensive stance as I just leaned back into the wall behind me. "Guys, chill I want to just take it easy. What day is it anyway. I feel like I took a nap." Both didn't back down.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Captain America asked.

"I remember a text then, getting electrocuted, and then some weird dreams." And it hits me like a baseball bat to the face as I shot myself to my feet. "Loki, you piece of- AAAHH!" I growl in anger and punched the wall. "I remember only Bits and pieces! Again!" The wall has a dent the size of my fist.

"Do you know where he is?"

"No, I think I remember. I built an arc reactor and helped him power up the cube but I don't remember what for!" I sigh aloud as I look out the door. "Why are there clouds outside?" I duck my head out of that door. "Oh that's why." Taking a few steps back as my back collides with the metal frame. "That means, you are Tony Stark and you're-"

"Steve Rogers, nice to meet you Silk." He extends his hand as if to greet me. Which I promptly take and start shaking.

"It's meet you good. Ah words!" I groan aloud. "Me silk, meet you, nice." I feel my entire face light up as I'm meeting an actual legend as in he stopped the destruction of America. He actually chuckles as I feel my face and now my back burns out of embarrassment as my eyes can't meet his.

"Tony Stark, you and my lawyers will have a talk about stolen tech." The man himself says as he extends his busted up glove. Which I shake in answer.

"Nice to meet you sir. I need a lawyer?"

"Not yet. How did you make the reactors and only one person has been successful." He said as I just shrugged.

"Well I was gifted the blueprints by Obadiah Stane and built them."

"Of course Obi would do that, bet he regretted that later. He may have-" Both share a look as they stare at one another as if they received news about something that affects them both.

"... What happened? You look like someone-" Their stares indicate that it happened. "...Who?"

"Coulson." Captain America said as he began to walk away. 'I didn't know him but it seems that both of them knew him personally, Tony Stark promptly walks out into the sky leaving me alone. "Come on, or do I have to bring you by force?" He says still wary of me.

"No, no need for that." My reply comes immediately as He walks behind me, we pass through the halls some people in black are handcuffed, others are being picked up. We reach the base of operations that has bullet marks, an explosion and a lot of medics running to and fro attending those that are injured.

"Where's Fury?" He looks straight at Maria who looks sad as well, but while her face shows no emotion her eyes are an entire different story.

"He's with him; he should be back in a few, is she?"

"Yes, she's back, her eyes are no longer glowing blue."

"Thank god." She gets up as her face hardens and looks at me, I nod as she hugs me tightly, I flinch a bit at the touch, but ever so slowly I'm hugging back. "You're back, I was so worried." I feel so warm at hearing that.

"Thank you... I... why? Why did you..."

"Its that fucking cube, it was a direct order. We backed off from you and I thought at it wasn't fair for you to always wait for me."

"No, I would always wait for you, no matter what happened. Distance means nothing if you care about me."

"Hill!" The deep voice of a man comes over the entire room, making everyone stop their business to look at the man and everyone soon returned, Hill let me go before nodding towards me and walking to the man who showed up. He has an eye patch and dressed entirely in black, his dark skin is a contrast to the blood on his shirt and cheek. "Is she-"

"She's with us sir."

"Assess damages and I want a report of when we can get comms working again." She saluted and walked away, he took a step towards me and I tensed. "Silk, my name is Nick Fury director of shield. It's good that you're on our side."

"I wasn't really in control of my actions."

"I'm well aware of what he's capable of a few of the best of my men were controlled by him-"

"CLINT! Sorry, where's Clint?"

"Agent Barton?" He raised an eyebrow as I nodded in response.

"He's in the med bay right now-" Tony Stark walked in; the room is now a lot emptier, now that I notice it. "Agent Matts, can you take Silk to Romanoff." That didn't seem like a question, the person only saluted and I followed after him, the headache in my head hasn't really gone away.

Looking through the door in the med wing I can see the red locks of widow, who I met briefly when we went for dinner after fashion week. Knocking on the door softly and open it, I notice how Clint looks like he's lost in the void, his gaze seems unfocused, but it comes as if its taking turns. Slowly focusing and then getting lost again. Widow looks conflicted her eyes show doubt, she's not sure what to do, it's odd that she has that face she's always so stoic.

"What?" Her voice is sharp and just like that all her emotions are gone and locked up.

"I came here for him." I pointed at Clint who is being held down by the restraints on the bed. Walking up to him I just throw myself over him and hug him, that brings him out of his struggle and is now on me.


"Hey kid, like the look. Like you dried your hair with a wind turbine."

"Thanks, it's a new style I'm trying..."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit, again, I can't remember things and I-"

"Shh, it's alright... we're alright." He said I his warmth is now overwhelming me. I sniff a bit as tears threaten to fall.

"Silk, do you remember where he went? What he needed?" I groan as I remember a bit, but it hits me like a truck as my gaze focuses on the wall the color is the same as the walls in that place ij my head and I remember a bit of the man in my head, the image of a portal in the sky, but my invention.

"NEW YORK! AN ARMY!" My shout comes as a surprise to both as I bolt out the door towards Hill, but I hear the voice of Captain America and Tony Stark talking.

"-Today is the big reveal!"

"AN ARMY!" I burst into the room with Tony Stark and Captain America. "He has an army of some kind of alien race!" I say as the images in my head tell me. "He has components for a portal that is powered by the Tesseract! But it needs constant power supply, until it kick-starts itself! I made the small spark it needs to kickstart it! But for it to be self-sustainable-"

"It needs a bigger supply of power."

"Yes, the calculations match two places, a nuclear reactor in japan and-"

"He's stationed in the US-" Captain said

"Son of a bitch!"


"Where is he?"

"Stark Tower, he's planning to use the gigantic arc reactor to kick start the Tessaract. We have to get there and stop him; the entire world is in danger." Both walk off leaving me alone, I'm looking down at the massive place, walking into the same place that Maria previously was, she's observing how engineers and repairmen are working on the electronics.


"They told me...." Well this is awkward.

"Hey... by any chance do you have my phone?"

"Here." She says as she hands me my phone. "We found it in the roof you met with Barton."

"Thanks, you're a life saver babe." She smiles at me as her nose exhales in amusement.

"Babe?" Sighing out loud as I feel my heart thump against my chest. I dial the number. Only for it to be sent to voicemail, clicking again. After a beep I get an answer.

"Cindy! I'm sor-"

"Erica! Shut up! You have fifteen minutes grab everything you need for 2 weeks and get out of Manhattan."

"We've been loo-"

"Not now! Get your shit and leave Manhattan! Everyone in Manhattan is in danger!"


"Trust me! We'll talk but not now! Get to safety! Go to Jersey!"

"... Fine! You sound serious about this."

"You have fifteen minutes ahead of everyone."

"MOM! DAD!" She yells as I hang up the phone. Calling Alana, who answers immediately.

"Cindy I-"

"Not now, get to safety. Something big is coming and you're in danger get to Jersey! Or anywhere else! Manhattan is going to get dangerous!

Trust me!" Hanging up as the last name comes up. She answers after the second beep.


"Mandy! It's Cindy! Get out of Manhattan no matter what you do! Get to Jersey! Or Brooklyn or somewhere! Just get out of Manhattan!"


"Yes, but trust me on this! Get away from Manhattan!"



"I'm sorry."After one last call to Michael who trusts me and says he's turning back to Brooklyn. He hangs up. "I'm tweeting about this." I say as I make a tweet to be posted in ten minutes.

'Everyone in Manhattan! Get to safety! Just get out of Manhattan and stay safe!' But the tweet isn't posted as it was declined.

"Director Nick Fury! This has to be tweeted or people are going to die!" I yell out as Director Nick Fury just stares at me.

"Its just Fury and That will cause panic."

"Better panic than deaths of innocents." He grimaces.

"Fine! Give me that." He takes my phone. "Allow her to post it in ten minutes." He says as he takes my phone.

"Can I have my phone back?" He just begins to make a call.

"No, this is the only communication we have with the outside world. And right now I'm confiscating it."

"Can I have it for a sec?"

"No." He turns but with a well-aimed web I have the phone in my hands and I'm closing every tab I have open in Google chrome as well as erasing the search history.

'Jesus, what was I looking for?' everything gets deleted and I am able to close every tab I can until I get my phone snatched from me by Director Fury.


"No." He says as he turns around and begins to dial a number. Walking into the hallway a voice calls from behind me.


"Captain." I salute since he's Captain America and he's now dressed as Captain America.

"Time to go!" His voice sounded in the bridge making my body jump in fright as if ready to help.

"Moving out already? Good luck." I say as I take a seat on the floor.

"What are you talking about? You're coming with us."


"To stop this plan."

"But I'm not one of you. I'm just some random girl that got powers, my existence brought a bigger problem for all of you."

"Then why are you here?" He asked as he stood in front of me.

"A god mind controlled me into going here."

"We need a local guide and you're the local superhero."

"I was... I think I quit a few months back."

"Then why have you been saving people? I read about you, you save people from getting hurt, never backing down from a fight, you're a superhero as you said so yourself. You helped people when you could that is something no one can take from you. We also need a local guide, after all I'm from Brooklyn not Manhattan. So come on Silk, time to save the world." He extended his hand as he stood up. 'Damn is he good at making speeches.' I take his hand as it feels right to help and stand up for myself.

"Very well Captain, what now?"

"Suit up and get your gear ready, were going to battle. Meet us near the hangar bay" I can't help but feel invigorated and ready as I shake his hand. He he walks away to what I assume is his gear and the "us" he mentioned.

Walking into the lab to see tony finishing his touches on his helmet. Launching web at the cameras in the room, I walk straight to the table holding chemicals and just as I've done a few hundred times I make my webs making sure to do three bottles from which I use half of one to refill my web shooters, I have to make the cartridges but I don't have materials for that. My webshooters are now better quality. Checking fluid status its almost completely full, checking my small pocket of refills I have six others at the ready.

"Ready." Tony says as he takes the helmet and places it on and looks at me as I finish as well; I nod my head towards him as I secure my mask tighter.

"Let's go." I say with as much courage as I can, we're about to fight for our lives and I'm nervous, my heart is bouncing in my chest, as I'm ready to go.

I wait by the hangar bay door my equipment ready as well as the two bottles of web that are make shift bombs they will help in some way during the fight. I see Captain America and walking beside him is Clint and Black Widow, I join them walking beside Widow to the nearest Quinjet which I learned the name a few minutes ago from mechanics talking about them.

"Hey! You can't be here!" A mechanic stands inside the Quinjet taking what looks like inventory from the looks of it.

"Son, just don't."

"But sir, we have orders t-"

"He outranks you!" I chirp in interrupting and distracting him as Clint and Widow walked past him.

"Orders are-"

"I'm sorry about this. Silk can you show him-" I grab him by the shirt and throw the guy out as he's about to finish his sentence.


"Done! Let's go!" I say as Clint closes the door and powers up the jet.

"Everyone strap in we leave in twenty." Hawkeye takes the pilot and Widow the Copilot I get close to him and hug him again, as he's beginning to take off.

"How are you feeling?"

"Angry? You?"

"Me too, confused but some things are coming back. You good?"

"Yes, you helped me stay good." He paused. "I'm sorry, I had to go dark. It was a direct order."

"I get it. Thanks for everything, you were there for me and it meant a lot when you were. Even when I was a brat" I hug him tight enough.

"Why does that sound like a goodbye?"

"Its not."

"Good, when we're done I have a surprise for you."

"But first we have things to do." Widow said as we're now approaching the exit of this hangar.

"OH, you meant 20 seconds!"

I look to my left as I heard a distinct sound only to see Iron Man walk towards us the armor is banged up to hell but it should fly; he nods towards us as the hangar door closes. The Captain looks at me reassuring my doubts on the upcoming battle. Walking to the back I strap myself in, as I'm handed a black pellet like thing, placing it in my ear I can hear the distinct sound of Tony Starks voice.

"-ving ahead, follow me, we stay on the same frequency I set up comms for that." Iron Man says over the comms as we take off behind him.

"Copy that, we're right behind you." Clint says over the comms and I notice Iron Man speed up.

"I'm going ahead need to get my Sunday best." Iron Man says as he disappears into the clouds.

We reach New York from the sea and the comms return from the radio silence from Iron Man. "-ur brother, the Demi-God; A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a superhero with amazing powers; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them." Tony's voice comes into the mics, that places a smirk on our faces, but he gets cut by interference and just like that a giant beam of light can be seen coming from Stark Tower as a sphere of energy surrounds the device before gaining even brighter blue color. As many objects start to descend.

"Right, Army."

"Stark were on-"

"Where were you?! Did you stop for drive-thru? Swing by park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." He says as he begins gives us a location.

Steve gets up from his seat I follow suit. The Quinjet begins shooting I can see some Chitauri get blown to hell.

The Quinjet comes around a building, blasting the army who are firing at them. But Widow gets rid of them. I open the door as I get ready to join the battle. People are panicking as cars litter the street. "I'm going ahead." I salute as I jump out the quinjet.

"Silk! Wait!" I ignore the call as I begin to swing towards the screams of people. I round up a corner of a building and my senses tell me to dodge, which I promptly do and with a kick I hit the bike on the front, it breaks as my foot connects with the metallic frame of the vehicle and sends it at another who only roars in surprise as the vehicle crumbles into a ball of fire. Firing a web at the flaming ball of wreckage I send it flying at the incoming bike-like things that proceed to shoot at me.

The ball connects with 2 before it blows up and hits the other 3 coming my way. "HEY! WATCH THE FRIENDLIES!" Came Iron Man's voice through the comms as he flies though the smoke. I mumble an apology as I notice the same Quinjet now on fire and going for a crash landing.

Thinking quickly I jump towards it and landing on the front of the quinjet, I begin to throw web to the nearby buildings and connecting them to the aircraft, followed by jumping as I connect natural five finger weblines to the front pulling it upwards, lifting the entire thing and stopping it from crashing, in seconds instead of crashing its left hanging by the web just a few inches off the ground. I lean in to the window pane with only my head to check if everyone is alright and to my surprise all of them are staring at me.

"So... I'm never getting on a plane with you guys." Hawkeye pushes the button to open the door; I nod as all three of them jump out the quinjet.

"We gotta get back up there." The Captain orders as we take the bridge in front of the city hall, all three of us stop as a roar sounds from above and only for one of those things that carry more Chitauri flies in destroying a part of a building and flies above us releasing Chitauri.

"Stark you seeing this?" The Captain says over the comms, but the units just keep coming. I'm itching to just jump and start punching those things. I tune the rest of them out as I launch a web line to stop one of those aliens from shooting a man in a suit at point blank. I pull him and with as much strength as I can I punch him breaking his neck and ripping off his jaw due to the strength of my punch

"Get to the subways, avoid streets!" I order as the rest nod, some grabbing phones and aiming at me, I jump out the window and towards stopping more of those aliens from killing innocents.

"You got this here?" Cap says as he jumps over the bridge using his shield as a cover and killing Chitauri using his shield by hitting them in the neck or head.

"I'm covering the top of the buildings; I'll save as many civilians as I can!" I say over the comms as I begin to run as fast as I can and jump towards the nearest building sticking my feet to the walls and take off running pushing my body to move faster and faster.

As one Chitauri soldiers was about to shoot a group of civilians I move fast and punch him denting his helmet making him slump down to the ground I shot a web at the face of another one, ducking low from a shot I place my reactors and charge up my blasters and place a shot in his chest making a hole and aim at the other one who just ripped off the web from its face just in time for a shot from my blaster to the head essemtially killing it.

Looking around to see if there are more Chitauri, I reach over to see a man lying down while other people make themselves known by standing up. I reach over to him and flip him around placing him lying on his back. Placing my fingers on his neck to feel a pulse.

"He's alive help him get out of here." I say aloud making everyone nod as the street is getting cleared by the combined effort of the three of them.

"T-t-thank y-you." A woman formally dressed reaches over to me and three help to carry the man out of here. I place a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, we will get through this. Everyone! Get to the subway and move as a group. Here." I give one staff to the guy standing on the side, pull the trigger and aim at the aliens. The rest, I'll cover you to the nearest subway." I yell out as I jump upwards high enough to kick another of those bikes followed by landing on top of another Chitauri making work of my blasters to shoot them getting headshots on three of them.

I can see Cap still running through the street while plasma beams rain down around him and near civilians. I begin to swing myself onto the street shooting at Chitauri that come near the civilians I'm escorting. As a bus blows up I see Cap jump up I come in and take his hand as I swing by. "Need a hand?" I drop him off in front of the cops as I begin to work on lifting wreckage from people trapped, as well as launching webs onto the sky.

"Silk! Get to the building on the right clear the entrance." He said as I jump right away shooting blasts at the Chitauri on that landed, I rush in and dispatch the Chitauri fast and effectively as I land on his head. My senses tell me to dodge but I shoot a web at another Chitauri that was about to impale a woman. The webline stops him as I pull, I brace for the punch only for my senses to detect that the danger passed, with a pull and a whip-like motion the pointy end of the weapon impales the Chitauri in the head. With another motion I sent it hurling where my senses told me one was, only issue it was behind The Captain. "Cap!" I don't know if I trust him enough. "Slide!" The rifle flies through the air as it impales a Chitauri just as it was about to attack Cap.

"Get to the police, and off the streets!" I announce as I run and jump back into the fray noticing the gigantic disk like dent on the head of the Chitauri that almost stabbed me, Turning towards Cap, I notice he's running towards a certain direction where the other 2 were. Swinging myself and using my webs to launch myself to a place I land and jump even higher gaining altitude he jumps extending his hand, I grab it and we're back in the bridge, just below Stark Tower Cap uses the momentum to crash into the Chitauri advancing on Hawkeye and Widow.

Just as we continue fighting I can see the increase in numbers, I keep alternating between webbing them up and throwing debris at the Chitauri as I kill one after the other as more advance towards us. Only for lighting to fall down on them and killing them not a second later Thor lands clutching his side.

"What's the story upstairs?" Cap asks as he lowers his shield, I walk towards Thor and shoot a web at his side to keep pressure on the wound.

"That should help you." I say with a smile, he nods at me as he moves his arm around to test the motion range.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor turns towards us expecting an order.

"Thor is right; we gotta deal with these guys." Iron Man announces over the comms as explosions sound around him.

"How do we do this?" Widow asks as she reloads her gun, while Hawkeye is picking up arrows.

"As a team." Cap says with confidence that I wish to have one day. I can't help but feel uncomfortable; I can barely trust these people.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor is clearly pissed.

"Oh yeah! "Get in line."" Hawkeye and I both say at the same time.

"Save it. Both of you, Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to-" He stops mid-sentence as we hear a motor of an old scooter where Doctor Banner is just arriving. We walk over and Banner dismounts, while looking around.

"So, this all seems horrible." Doctor Banner keeps looking around as explosions sound around us.

"I've seen worse." Widow remarks with a bit of snark.

"Sorry." His gaze goes to the floor but after a second looks straight towards us.

"No, we could- use a little worse." Widow looks dare I say bashful. 'Is something going on there?'

"Stark, we got him." Caps voice sounded over the comms.


"Just like you said."

"Doctor Banner, I'm Silk. I'm a massive fan of your work." I say as I shake his hand.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Iron Man flies around a corner and towards the group, followed closely by the same giant thing that flew over us.

"I-I don't see how that's a party." Widow is wide eyed. Iron Man draws the creature low and it skims the road. Banner turns and begins to walk away, towards the Leviathan.

"Doctor Banner now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Cap says as he turns towards the gigantic thing coming our way.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." With a roar of anger, he slams his newly transformed fist into the gaping maw of the beast, nearly stopping it completely. Punching it a few more times, the behemoth flips over completely.

"Hold on!" Iron Man flies over and shoots what I can tell is an anti-tank rocket and imbedded itself in flesh followed by explosions. I take cover with Clint behind a taxi as its gigantic head falls on the road bellow the bridge. Every alien stops moving as they reach for their masks and begin to roar at us. Clint and I move to the rest as I stand between him and Hulk. Iron Man lands as we make a Circle looking at the sky and the rest of the invading force coming our way.

"Guys?" Widow said aloud as she we shared a look upwards.

"Call it Captain."

"All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash. Silk gets civilians to safety and block streets and intersections in the sky hinder their movement using your webs." He says as he points at the members mentioned.

"Can you give me a lift?" Hawkeye asks Stark as I move and begin to place web lines as traps among buildings.

"Copy that Captain America." I said as I take a look around analyzing for where could civilians be a run using my speed and strength in my legs to jump and gain an altitude of four stories up and begin to swing around. I use my web to pull myself and angle my body so that I'm spinning avoiding shots that would've taken my head.

"Right. Better clench up, Legolas." Stark says as he takes Clint and flies upwards. The comms sound off as I keep moving.

"Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up." He orders out as I see the blond hair and red cape fly upwards. "You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And Hulk... Smash." I can feel everything slow down as I shoot a web line at the face of the Chitauri driving the sleigh like thing. He claws at his face as he speeds past me I pull the web line making his head snap in my direction, the web line does catch another Chitauri sleigh thing making a crunching noise as the second drivers neck cracks making both sleighs to crash and blow up.

"That's that." My quip comes as my body keeps moving as I stay consistent in taking out a few along the way that aren't able to see the web lines in the streets.

"Iron Man, Silk, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner." Following Hawkeye's advice, I do just that and cause several of them to crash into a building.

"Roger that. Hey! It worked. What else you got?" Stark replied over the coms.

"Silk I got a read on a distress call, two blocks down your previous location, Chitauri are holding people inside the bank on forty second." Iron Man said over the comms.

"On my way!" I swing in and crash through the window kicking the head of the Chitauri aiming at the civilians that were rounded up. I take aim with my blaster and shoot at the head of a Chitauri that smacked a woman pushing her down.

"Hey! Over here!" Every Chitauri turned to me as I shot at the same Chitauri making a hole. Everyone became silent as the Chitauri took aim at me. I jumped over as I spun in the air and axe kicked the head of the one shooting at me and making a dent in his head. I jumped again using my webs and catching the ceiling swinging to the other side as he took out a device that looks oddly like the C4 used in movies.

But before he could do anything and made a shot at his head, he dropped dead with a hole in his head but out of his hand fell a grenade. I could hear Iron Man flying outside of us. "Iron Man! Speed up by ten miles an hour!" I yelled out.

"Oh crap." I threw a web line at the bomb nd made sure to throw it out the window, as it went through the glass I shot at it out of the air making a big explosion followed by other crashes.

"Thanks Silk."

"No problem." I said as I walked over the edge to see the civilians but my silk sense warned me of danger. "Behind you!" I could hear a kid yell out. I ducked from a swipe and as he tried to stab me with his bayonet I grab it and ripped it from him before I took a shot at his chest followed by a kick that sent him through a wall.

I could hear a cheer behind me; I looked over to the civilians. "Is everyone here safe?" I yelled out, I jumped down and people moved out of the way. "He's hurt, as well as her." A man that has the clothes of a nurse said aloud as both people are clearly in pain. "I have no way for treatment, the wounds need pressure." I knelt down.

"I will use my webs to close the wound. It should help to keep the pressure as well as the wound closed." I shot web at the wounds using my web shooters.

"Everyone, exit is this way!" My voice is commanding as they follow my order. "I'll cover you to safety! Get to the police!" I say as I'm out the same window and with two web lines I pull myself towards one soldier that landed near me and punch its face so hard it dents.

Turning my head upwards I notice 12 of those coming my way. "I need a little more help here!" The response from the rest came at the shout of a green giant coming my way and landing in front of me.

My senses told me to dodge, which I tried but he took the hit for me. Every civilian screamed in fear as Hulk roared at the incoming aliens.

He pulled his arms apart and clapped once. The damage was instant as the shockwave destroyed every hover bike thing into a ball of fire that collided into the ground.

Hulk turned to me as if to see if I'm scared to which I only smiled in return. "Thanks my friend!" He looked weirdly at me as more civilians came from different buildings and the nearby subway entrance running towards the military and policemen. More come our way.

"We're staying put for a few until civilians evac this place." I say over comms. "Come on buddy! Time to smash things up and save people!" He now has what I can tell is a comprehensive smile that turns into a grin

Jumping upwards both of us punch and kick respectively at the incoming aliens. Hulk grabbed onto a building as he slammed into three hover bikes, while I took care of stragglers that survived him.

As Hulk fell after a jump a webline caught his hand, I got surprised by his weight, and how its much less than what I thought.

"Come on!" I jumped and pulled him towards me with a lot of strength and back into the fray. As he flew at me I adjusted my position midair and stuck onto his back and shoulders.

As we're about to over shoot an incoming wave of aliens. "Get ready!" He grunted in response as I stuck my feet on his back and kicked myself off of him and sent the green giant into the aliens. We repeated the process one more time as he barreled down the wave of enemies and I flung myself at the survivors making sure to punch and kick hard enough to make sure they don't get up again.

We landed back to where we began, civilians clapped and cheered as the police escorted them back, Hulk and myself are breathing hard with a grin on his face we took a deep breath as he turned to me which I was ready and raised my hand my right .

"High five!" He smiled as he answered my plea lifting his hand and jumped high enough for my hand to collide on his. I laughed as he complied, but a snort cut of my laugh as I began to snort laugh. Hulk gave out a chuckle.

"Ah! Made you laugh!" He let out a "HA" before a roar cut us off, police man and civilians began to run as it came barreling down on us.

"Oh shit." There are too many civilians here, Hulk is about to jump at the gigantic floating thing I hold his hand and pull back to signal him to stop.

"Listen, I have a bad idea. How good are you at throwing?" He smirked I shot a line at a nearby sewer grate pulling it towards my hand and with little effort handed it to him.

He held it and with a freebie like throw he sent it hurling at the leviathan, hitting it in the eye. "Damn, you're good." The gigantic alien roared at us as we have his attention. Jumping onto his shoulder he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Now, I need you to throw me at that!" I pointed at the leviathan that is coming our way. He looks worried at me as he opened his hand.

"Don't worry buddy! I'll be fine!" I patted his arm reassuringly as I curled up into a ball hugging my knees.

"Fire!" With a strength I didn't know he had he sent me fast at the leviathan, in seconds I approached it, I extended from the ball as I was close to it and as I extended my legs I impacted metal and flesh that caved in but it didn't stop there as the hit sent a shockwave, the head of the massive behemoth made of metal is looking at the sky.

I scream in effort as I notice it's now headless and crashing down into the street. As I'm falling my senses warn me of danger as I'm in clear sight of alien soldiers. But an arrow that split in five come from above and ends the life of the ones in my range.

"Thanks!" I say as I'm swinging, a light sprain in my ankle makes itself known. I land to catch my breath as I jump on one foot. "Ouch ouch ouch... Not ouch." I lean on my knees as the pain in my ankle subsides. "That was a bad idea." A crashing sound comes from my right as a big hand taps me on the back. But the tap send me face first into the asphalt.

"Yes Ouch." I say as I'm grabbed by my waist and placed upright as If I was a toy.

"Good?" He said which surprised me. I lowered my mask to take a deep breath as he is standing behind me and smile. "Yes, I'm good. Now let's go bud, this is not over." Fixing my mask I say as my ankle is now healed and ready. I begin to run down the street with him following me, he overtakes me in speed as I jump and start to swing myself forwards and gaining height and speed as I catch up to him. We both nod at each other as explosions are heard around us.

We spilt paths, me taking a left as he went straight. "Silk, a little clean up would be nice." Hawkeyes voice came via comms.

"On it!" My reply comes fast as I stick to a building and I'm now running up the skyscraper. Using two lines I'm over the roof and notice that seven chitauri are almost on Clint.

Landing on the head of one he gets sent into the street below, followed by me jumping and grabbing a neck then pull away from the wall.

I repeat the process 2 more times as some of them have an arrow stuck on their heads.

"Nice." He says as I nod as with a mock salute I jump off the building.

I land over the main street as Iron man flew in and shot at Caps shield making his repulsor blasts bounce off and shoot into the rest of the Chitauri around him, taking them down.

I jump over Iron Man as he acts as a jump board for me I shoot at a Chitauri behind cap as well as a few on the roof near Hawkeye. "Cap! Shield!" I yell out as five land around me. I shoot the web line at it and pull hitting a Chitauri in the face followed by a "Clang". I pull to the side and spin taking the rest out. Before I launch it back at Cap the web fell out as he caught it.

Another roar tears through the tempo of the batle as I nod at cap as once again I'm swinging looking for the leviathan in the sky. "I can see it; it's making its way towards sixth! I'm going to catch it attention. Get to me when available!" I take out the bottle of web and shake it in my hand.

I land on its sharp teethed mouth and punch at it with my hand as hard as I can breaking the entire front of its teeth. 'I hate this.' I punch again breaking his nose or what looks like a nose. And drop the bottle in its mouth but it just got angrier as it thrashed. 'Guess I have to use the other one.' I mused at myself as I brace myself.

"Never mind! It's going down!" I yelled over the comms as an idea got to me. jumping around it and landing on its head by throwing a web line and shot a blast shot as long as I could, after fifteen seconds the beast was now screeching in pain, punching it again and making a dent in the armor and flesh as the smell filled my nose I punched again for another crack to appear as what I assume is its brain, a final punch earns me a sting in my hand but I dropped the second bottle into his brain which now has an open way for air. Shooting the bottle and jumping out of the way landing on the side of the building. The beast falls limp on top of a building, but a piece of debris heads my way, hitting my forehead nothing painful.

"Well done Lady of Silk." Thor lands beside me. "Thanks I just need a few seconds." I say but he just nods at me and fly away by swinging his hammer I catch my breath. 'God this is tiring.' Looking at my hands and notice that both reactors are useless, and my right web shooter is busted due to the reactors energy, also both cartridges are empty.

"Silk I need help over here." Hawkeye said as I made my way towards him, using my natural webs.

"Guys, we need to end this quickly, I'm running out of web." I jump off the building swinging myself and make my way over, only to see Hawkeye jumping. Swinging myself towards him and catch him, we swing down just enough for Hawkeye to kick a Chitauri in the head killing him, and he let go only to land on top of a Chitauri's head and back riding him like a surfboard, which ended with him in the ground beside cap.

"Thanks." I heard in the comms. As I'm making my way towards the ground and see that Hulk might need help a scream stops me in my tracks, turning left I look closely to see inside a nearby café a little girl that is connected to what looks like a oxygen tube and a wheelchar.

Cowering as a Chitauri is aiming at her. With renown effort I crash through the window with both feet first, the thing actually dodge my silk sense went crazy as I stood on front of the girl and received the blaster like a champ which sent me into the wall, I stuck myself and looked over to the Chitauri he was ready to shoot again at me but this time I moved faster.

Launching myself at it I punched it in the face as hard as I could sending it through the wall. Looking to the window to see another one entering through the window which made the girl scream, I webbed a chair and threw it at him and smacked its face only to daze him, which gave me the opportunity to punch him in the face sending him flying out with a hole in its chest. Webbing up the window so no more could enter through there I'm moving towards the girl.

"Ouch." I said as I took a step, I touched my side to feel the damage, I could see my suit got a hole as well as blood on my fingers.

"Are you okay?" The little girl said in a scared voice, which reminded me to just smile and make her not worry, heroes can't seem weak and less in front of children.

"Yes, I'm super strong, so this is a scratch." I said in a nonchalant voice, which made the girl smile.

"That's amazing! You're so cool Silk!" I smile at her.

"Come on kid, time to go. I'll keep you safe." I said as I took her and the oxygen canister that is connected to her, and placed the girl in my arms. "Hold on tight!" Pressing my ear. "I need a heavy hitter near me!" I say as I get out via the backdoor. I'm swinging towards the safety net that the military represents. A roar sounds above me as I keep moving. "Don't be afraid, we're the Avengers." I say as I hear the familiar roar and Iron Man flew past us. A loud crash sounded as I assumed another leviathan crashed down.

In seconds I landed on top of an armored vehicle and slowly landed on the ground. A medical soldier walked towards me extending his hand.

"T-thank y-yo-you!" The doctor said as he took the girl and the tank.

"No problem, gotta save the world." I sent a reassuring nod as I took a deep breath and noticed the soldiers looking at me with wide eyes and opening a path. "Thanks and you're doing great with the evac! Keep saving people!" I shouted as I ran back to the mayhem and see a bakery get its glass shattered by two Chitauri jumping in and begin shooting. I ran and jumped calculating to enter through the window landing between them I just kicked the head of one closest to me which turned into another direction that didn't seem natural.

The baker a man that seems scared is just peeked his head from under the counter with his eyes wide opened, I feel my Silk sense go crazy, grabbing the remaining Chitaury that tried to hit me by his arm I pull and with unnatural ease kick his chin almost ripping his head. I turned around to the entrance as an energy blast made an explosion that sent me flying over the counter and into the wall that divides the kitchen and the restaurant. 'FUCK.' I groaned as I shot up and ran vaulting over the counter and swinging from the rood into the bike that awaited me, it shot another explosive blast that caught me by surprise that I almost dodged completely and with a kick it got sent out into the nearest building before blowing up. I landed as headed back inside.

"That one hurt." I said as I began shooting web at the window for cover and remembered that the closest subway entrance is down the street.

"Sir, stay here. I'm going to block off the entrance you get out the back door to the military, that street is clear." I said, he just nodded and walked to the back. I came out once again and gained altitude as I began to punch and kick, as I'm realizing I'm way too high and I feel like I'm running out of web. "Falling! A little help!" I announce as I'm way too high to swing to safety.

"Heads up Manhattan!" I heard as I hear something flying my way. It's a hammer, I grab onto the handle as it stops and changes direction, flying in the opposite direction.

"Thanks!" I announce to the heavens as I'm headed towards a direction I have no control over. Letting go and swinging forwards and as I'm setting more and more traps for the aliens I notice that hulk just smashed an alien into the asphalt. And is jumping in anger, he suddenly jumps and lands on top of a car, and proceeds to jump again. "Hey bud! What chu doing?" I say as I land beside him. He grunts as he jumps again flattening the car.

"Come on friend, that's not nice. Tha'ts someones car." I walk closer to him he groans.

"But smash!"

"We can smash other things, come on!" I fire a line at his open hand he looks closely at it. "Come on!" I jump and carry hulk as him and eye webswing through the battle. We split up as more aliens come it feels like a fifteen minutes have passed. Jumping onto the building and made it to the third floor and swung myself towards the city hall only to get shot by one of those bike things in the back, but got revenge in the form of a hammer striking it down. I crashed near Thor and Cap, only to receive a little help from Thor by extending his hand which I promptly take.

"So anybody know what our medical insurance policy is? Because I sure as hell want to speak with him." That brought a smile to Cap's face, Thor looks more confused.

"Round three?" He asks as more come from the portal.

"Round three." I confirmed as more Chitauri kept coming I received a punch to the face, which I retaliated by webbing him and began using it to hit other with it. I launched him as the enemies died down a bit.

"Guys! We can close it. We can close the portal down. Does anyone copy?" Widow asks over the comms.

"Do it!" Cap orders as he holds his hand to his ear.

"No, Wait!" Iron Man almost yells over the coms.

"Stark, these things are still coming." Cap says as I receive another blast to the back as I kicked another down the bridge. 'Damn my silk sense works but I'm getting slower.'

"I got a nuke's coming and gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." Iron Man announces over the comms, I'm holding my side but I keep fighting, hitting as hard as I could. Not even ten seconds pass when Iron Man flies over us with a nuke on top of him, he flies it over to the Stark Tower and into the portal.

Tense seconds pass as the silence becomes deafening, only for a faraway BOOM breaks it off. But no Iron Man, I'm hoping he comes back, groaning aloud I jump upwards. "Close it." I hear it over the comms as I watch closely focusing on the shape of Iron Man.

The portal closes as if it was never there, but the shape of Iron Man begins to free fall. I calculate and begin using as much of the web as I have left until I run out, Hulk appears from over the buildings and tackled Iron Man out of the way and soon crashed into the web and even broke the web out of the concrete but the landing was graceful-ish. The aliens slump and fall like puppets, I hear the yell of Hulk and make my way down, the entire Chitauri already fell to the ground like puppets.

"We won." Steve said as he relaxed, I landed beside them and saw the hulk looking straight at me. Not knowing what to do I raised my fist towards him to fist bump. Only for Hulk to just smirk in a snort and fist bump me, I adjusted my mask and sighed in relief as Iron Man moves.

"All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it." Tony said as he's lying down. I lean over him as I'm looking at the armor and trying to see how it works.

"We're not finished yet." Thor says in a relieved tone of voice.

"And then shawarma after." Tony finishes. "Umm, Silk, a little help here?" I stop gawking and at the busted up armor.

"Sure, guide me through the steps to give it more juice." I say as I notice my forehead is bleeding. He guides me on how to open the chest piece not a minute later after powering more power to his arc reactor and easily booting up a few systems Iron man could move again in his suit. "Alright, that should get you and someone else to the top part of the building flying not more not less." I said as I closed up the chest piece.

"Good." He said as he offered a hand but Steve took it, I touched Hulk's arm and climbed onto his back.

"I need a ride." I said, he just snorted as I stuck myself to him. Everyone took off to the top of the tower where Loki was. Clint shared a look with me as I just gave him a peace sign as Hulk jumped. We reached the top where I notice doctor Selvig, the idiot. "Selvig."


"Good job you're no longer a lap dog."

"And you look unhinged as you always do." He paused for a moment. "Criminal."


"Engine brain."

"At least my results show."

"Mine opened a portal."

"SILENCE!" Hulk roared at us, but more so at Selvig as Thor walked towards us and stood in front of Selvig clearly ready to still fight. Iron Man joins us looking between the four of us.

"Sorry bud. Oh! You're hurt." I say as I grab Hulk's hand. "Come on! Let's see if there is something to patch you up." I say as we walk inside. We arrive to see Loki slowly getting up and he looks beaten the F up the elevator opens as Clint, Widow and Cap walk in we get ready as Loki moves. "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." He said as he looked towards us in surrender, everyone had their weapon in hand and pointed at him.

"All right get him on his feet; we can stand around posing up a storm later." He begins to walk away. "By the way feel free to clean up!" Hulk huffed as I looked for a way to see if there is something to patch him up, I limped to the counter. Taking out my reactors to clear up my pockets I left both of them on the counter beside the drinks Clint served.

"Who gets the uh, magic wand?" Widow asks as Clint and Thor make Loki stand up.

"Strike Team is coming to secure it." Cap says as I found some alcohol, I pour a bit on my knuckles and groan in pain as I clean up my knuckles. The elevator door opens again as Clint is serving 3 glasses and hands me one.

"You sure?" 3 men in military gear show up and one in a suit the guy at the front that looks like the definition of douche looks me up and down and says. "NICE." I respond by giving auditory disgust as a piece of loose concrete collides with the side of his eye.

"Pay attention Rumlow, keep your eyes focused." Clint said as he kept watching over the transport of the scepter.

"Sorry Sir, its just-" Widow interrupts as she hands the scepter to the man in the suit.

"Careful with that thing."

"-Unless you want your mind erased." Clint says as he nurses his drink, the guy in the suit visibly recoils. "And not in the fun way." I turn around as I look at the brown liquid.

"We promise to be careful." Rumlow answers as he winks at me, which I only huff in response. Cap walks past us and into the elevator as if he got the second wind he needed as he tapped his ear. I remove mine and place it on my pocket.

"On my way down, to coordinate search and rescue." Cap walked to the elevator as Selvig gave the briefcase that could transport the Tessaract safely.

"On my way down, to coordinate search and rescue!" Loki answered in a mocking tone as he took the form of cap, Hulk huffed in anger ready to punch. "I mean honestly how do you keep your food down? Especially you!" He pointed me.

"Hey! No need to punch."

"Shut, up." Thor says at Loki as he took out a device and placed it on his mouth essentially shutting him up. Hulk looks mad as he stares at Loki.

"That's effective! No need for violence or something like, this!" I delivered a punch at the base of the gods stomach as he bent over in pain.

"Lady of Silk there is no need for that!" Thor said as more soldiers arrived.

"Hey! We're moving ahead." Clint says as he and Romanoff move to another elevator.

"I beg to differ." Thor gently lifts him up pushes him towards the elevator as I left the glass unattended we got into the elevator that looks big enough for everyone, we get in as Tony Stark places the briefcase on the ground and sits on it clearly tired.

"Move." Hulk says as he steps closer.

"Hey! WHOA , WHOA, WHOA!" Thor says as he puts his hand forward.

"Hey! Hey. Buddy!" Tony Stark says without fear and motions for Hulk to stop. "What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached!" I quickly get out of the elevator and grab his hand. "Take the stairs!" Tony Stark says as the door closes as Hulk gets angry at not using the elevator. Loki waves goodbye as Hulk gets pissed at the rest I sneakily shoot at Loki's face the last bit of web he groans as Hulk punches the closing door.

"Come on Hulk, We'll take the stairs." I say as I move my head and lower my mask to breathe now that no one is here.

"Hate the stairs!" He stomps his foot.

"Elevators are overrated." I say as I limp towards the stairs.

"You are hurt." He says as he points at my side.

"I'm alight. I'm always alright." I reply, but he grabs me under my armpits and places me on his shoulder.

"You are not, stay there." I take out the small napkin with residual ethanol alcohol from my pocket noticing the small gash that is struggling to heal.

"Thanks Hulk."

"You are welcome Silk." He says as I gently dab alcohol on the small wound on his forehead, he flinches.

"Don't move." I hold his head tightly and remove the dirt on another gash cleaning the wound which promptly closes. He leans over the rails.


"I know, I'm sorry. If I had web we could just jump down. I only need food." I sigh as he grunts.

"Don't be." He says as he keeps walking.

"So what do you like to do for fun?"

"Smash things."

"OH, me too that's fun! I like to read and build stuff."

"Like puny Banner."

"Nah, he's smarter than me. But I also enjoy those quiet times. That time in the night where no sound is heard. Like you're the only one there and you feel at peace knowing the silence right there is for only you." We stay in silence for a few more floors.

"Me too, silence is nice." I smile at him.

"I think I relate to you Hulk."

"How?" He asks in doubt.

"I feel like I don't belong anywhere but at the same time accept me for how I am."

"Banner and me... we argue, but Hulk make sure to keep Banner safe all his life, Hulk is there to help."

"But Banner doesn't want to understand you?" He huffs in response.

"Well, my advice is. Give it time, or talk it out, Banner sounds like a reasonable guy."

"Not really."

"One day, you both will come to an agreement. But Hulk, you need to be yourself, I don't know if anyone ever told you this. But you're a hero, we saved a ton of lives today!" He smiles. "When you clapped that was awesome!"

"It was."

"Oh, and when you sent me flying! HA! MAN I WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN ONE DAY!" I began to laugh as we reached the floor.

"I liked when we swinged around!" Hulk smiled as we reached the ground floor.

"Me too! I can carry you! I'm pretty strong!" I joked as he laughed and Hulk smacked the door open, I adjusted my mask as we're in the lobby of the tower. Where we can see a lot of soldiers and Hulk screamed.

"HATE STAIRS!" Everyone began to run and scream as I laughed for good measure he hit the closest wall that looked expensive. It seems like that stopped a fight from happening as a man in a suit, several military men dressed in black, Tony Stark and Thor looked about ready to throw down.

"SOooo. What's going on?" I asked as we approached them as police men looked terrified.

"When did you two-"

"Miss Silk, you are going to come with us. You are under arrest." I felt the need to run, as I looked at Tony Stark and Thor confused at me.

"What for?" Tony intervened.

"Vigilantism, stealing and intervention of police investigations."

"Look, I was hungry and I'm sorry." I got off Hulks shoulder and I'm standing near the window.

"There is no need for that, besides she's what? 20, we all make mistakes."

"I don't give a shit about age. She either comes with us with the tessaract or-"

"You betrayed me!" I accuse both Thor and Stark as they turn to me. "You brought me to the authorities." I say aloud as tears well up in my eyes but to everyone's surprise Hulk stands in between me and the rest with fists clenched ready to fight.

"Silk tell the monster to stand down!" The redhead says as he takes a step back.

"Silk, we didn't betray you." Stark says again.

"Follow me and ready to run." Hulk says as he turns to me, I nod as I ready my stance and my heart begins to beat faster. The face of the man in the suit is red in anger.


"Will what? Senator Pierce?" The voice of Nick Fury cuts us off as I get ready to run, everyone turns to Fury walking towards us.

"That right there is a criminal, that girl is also a criminal and that cube is property of the government of the United States of America." Senator Pierce says as he points at Loki, then at me and finally at the briefcase.

"Loki is going to answer to his people for the crimes he committed, Thor has jurisdiction over him as we can't hold a god. The girl helped save the world and she's a minor." Everyone turned to me.

"HEY! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! I'M EIGHTEEN! Which means I'm an adult!" I huff in annoyance and cross my arms Thor laughs at my response and Stark looks at me with wide eyes.

"Not the point." He glares at me as he hands me my phone, to which I snatch it off his hands. "My baby!" I say as I hug it close to me. "Its at 20 percent!" I say as he ignores me.

"She was crucial to stopping Loki here from destroying the city and conquering our world. The tessaract is part of Asgard out there in space." He said but Senator Pierce glares at Fury.

"Do you want me to trust you?"

"This time, please do..." He backs down. "Fine, let them go, but until they leave we keep an eye on Loki so he doesn't escape." Pierce said as he promptly walked off, Fury defused the situation.

"Hulk..." He turns to me. "Thanks, you're a good friend." He smiles gently as Stark hands Fury the briefcase.

"Now that all misunderstandings are clear, let's get some food. I think it didn't get destroyed." Stark added as he motioned to the exit. We begin to walk as we went outside Cap is already waiting for us still in his gear, Clint and Widow soon join us. "Hulk, bud. Time to let Banner out." Stark said as he tapped Hulk in the stomach like he was a door. Hulk groaned in annoyance.

"Hey, before you change." I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the group for us to talk.


"I want to say, thanks... not for what happened back there, but for everything." He looks at me with a contempt smile. "You're a hero and no one can take that from you, yes you're angry but so is everyone and you embrace that anger and turn it to strength which is then used for good. You're not a monster, or a bad person. You're one of the best people to be around when the situation gets bad you're dependable and you care for others more than yourself. Don't forget that."

"Why does it sound like a goodbye?"

"Because it is." I reply as I feel overwhelming sadness from the inside of my body. "For now I mean. We won't get to see each other so much." I smile at him; he places a hand on my head and ruffles my hair. "HEY! NO FAIR!" He laughs as he dishevels my hair.

"Hey! Not my hair!" I swat at his hands as we both laugh.

"You're a good friend." He said as I laughed, my snorts seemed to cheer him up.

"You too. Goodbye Hulk." I try to fix my hair.

"Bye." He said as he began to shrink down and ever so slowly Dr. Bruce Banner is now back and is wearing only shredded shorts.

"How did you...?" The voice of Tony Stark cut through the silence as he walked towards Dr. Banner.

"Doctor Banner, I'm silk. I'm a big fan of your work on electrons and use of electrical energy." I said as he slowly stood up.

"Ugh, that never gets easier." He said he took my hand and got up. "Oh, you're Silk. I've seen you on the internet and the files shield had on you."

"I hope good things." He seems friendly towards me.

"I mean you were mind controlled into a megalomaniac murderer god."

"Pff, big deal." We share a light giggle.

"Umm, am I missing something?" Stark seems confused as he takes a look between me and Doctor Banner.

"No, it's just she seems so familiar." He says as he looks around. "What a mess."

"Doctor, here." Romanoff shows up holding clothes and hands them to him.

"Thanks." Banner replies as we walk into the restaurant that surprisingly enough its still in one piece.

We arrived to the small store and Stark yelled out his order, the entire establishment only had a few pieces of rubble and pieces of glass lying around. The cook looked surprised to say the least. But after a full minute of gawking. I ordered as much food as I could eat, Thor did the same and Dr. Banner made himself scarce to get dressed in the clothes that he was given.

We took a seat as we stayed quiet for a second, I checked my twitter as I saw that my tweet reached the millions of retweets and double the likes. So many comments were on how I saved a relative, how some got scared because of it. I looked over to see a video of Hulk throwing me at the incoming leviathan, and knocked its head off of it. "Clint, look." I said as I showed him the video, to which Romanoff and Tony began to look as well.

"You're grounded." Clint said without missing a beat.


"That is the single most dangerous thing you did today."

"No I think that was when I punched a hole through one of those."

"AYE! It was glorious."

"See he gets it!"

"He's a god of battle." Cap adds as he sets down his shield.

"How do you make those webs? The ones on your fingers." Cap asked as he looked at me.

"Well since I ran out of web fluid for my webshooters, I used the last of my natural webbing." I said as I wiggled my fingers a small amount came out and stuck to the roof.

"How do you get web... made?" Romanoff asked.

"Eating." I replied as a matter of fact tone. "And you know things that happen in the body, don't know how but one day I pointed my fingers and web came out and stuck to the roof.

"Gross." Stark said as Banner sat down in fresh clothes, everyone sat in silence as we looked around each other.

"So we just saved New York..." Stark said cutting the silence.

"Yes, we just did. We did a pretty good job." Cap reassured.

"It's been a long time since I ran out of arrows." Clint said in a serious tone.

"Come on, it's been what four months?" Natasha just teased. "Oh right, Silk-" She held her breath as everyone turned their head to me. "Happy birthday!" Romanoff said in a cheerful tone.

"No way, is our little vigilante eighteen?" Barton said in chuckle.

"I didn't get you anything." Cap said almost apologetically.

"It's okay, I never receive anything. You don't have to worry about that." I felt tired physically and emotionally as well. The food arrived as a glass of with coke and ice got placed.

"Well, I will give you something, later, happy birthday. Silk."

"Thank you Mister Stark." I replied.

"Please it's just Tony, Mister Stark was my dad." He said in a huff as he walked over.

"Happy Birthday Silk."

"Thanks Doctor Banner."

"Bruce." He said with a small smile as he bit into a falafel.

"So Widow."

"Come on, Silk, we already know each other." She said with a smirk as the way she said my name is clearly not my real one.

"Natasha right?" She nodded.

"Alright so Natasha, how did you get up the tower?" I asked in curiosity, which made her smirk. "Because I think I don't remember you flying." And with that we began talking about what everyone did. Obviously Tony boasted of carrying a nuke into the hole and what he saw. I told my story of how I took down a Leviathan and showed the footage of me being launched as a human bullet to Bruce who only chuckles as Clint told me again I was grounded. Soon after we were on first name basis and joking around as we kept eating. I ate from bellow my mask careful to not show my face and the food kept arriving as Thor, Steve and I kept ordering and eating.

"You mortals and your food, it's so full of fat." Thor added as he shoved another shawarma of lamb into his mouth.

"And it's delicious!" I said as I finished the Falafel of lamb, which was after my fourth Shwarma of turkey. "Dude your food is amazing." I said to the cook, which earned me a smile. As the rest interacted I suddenly felt muted, as if the world trunked grey, my eyes dropped as I realized what happened in the last months nearly a year and I end up in the streets, with my loan card frozen due to the investigation, no place to sleep.

I felt my wounds sting but I know that in a few hours I will be healing as well as alone once again. Once again that despair that has been plaguing me for the last few months, not having a home is hard actually not having something to call your own is tough on me. I look at my hands, covered in gloves the sting of the amount of things I punched is still there.

But I quickly realize what the train of thought might make me look crazy and be critized for it and I put on the same face hoping I didn't caught the attention of anyone. My eyes quickly scan over the rest to see if anyone noticed. I failed to notice a subtle movement from Natasha to Clint as well as their wordless conversation that happened that I chalked up to the connection they had something I've seen a lot of times.

"It's time we leave." Steve said as he got up after several minutes of talking, everyone followed, I setup my mask and adjusted it again as we got up.

"Wait! Can we get a picture?" I heard from the waitress and the cook who was holding a camera.

"Sure." Steve said as he took his shield he motioned us to the wall that had the logo of the restaurant. Everyone followed, Steve held his shield in front of him, Tony stood beside him his hands in his pockets, Clint crossed his arms and shot a smirk at the camera, Natasha pulled her bitch face that isn't bother by anything, Bruce just stood there awkwardly, Thor smiled as he held his hammer in front of him, I was urged to get in the picture as I was reluctant initially.

"Wait, can you get a picture for me?" I gave her my phone with the camera for a group picture. I was pulled by Clint; I stood beside him and Thor and forced myself to smile as I posed using my fingers to the form of my webshooters with a smile on my face. He took a few pictures where we switched poses and we were on our way again after Tony paid for the food.

Everyone went to the tower to see what we were to do. Turns out we had to be later that day on central park for Thor's departure as well as Loki. I got provided with a few clothes that were from Pepper Potts. 'Holy crap these are expensive.' I am wearing casual pants that seem too formal, as well as a button up grey shirt and a stylish jacket from Dior that I recognize were from last fall collection. I take a ride with Tony and Bruce in his car towards Central Park where Steve arrives in an old-school bike, Clint and Natasha as well as Thor arrive in an armored van and unload with Loki who is staring at everyone. No one said a word, as Thor just nodded towards us as the Tesseract got placed into a container that Thor took from somewhere.

And just as Thor turned the handle he vanished as energy passed by him and Loki and disappeared flowing into the air and just like that they was gone, Steve walked over towards Tony and giving him a handshake, the rest did the same as I backed up slowly and falling back into being alone. This day just proved that I'm not worth the trouble; I'm a danger to everyone around me. Most of all, I'm not worth this trouble, time to go back to being alone. I thought with a smile as that is what I deserve.

Yeah, being alone, being useless is what I am. As I notice not many people are around here and I proceed to run and start getting farther and farther away from them, I shouldn't have happiness, I don't deserve that kind relationships. I'm the issue, time to disappear for good. Walking into a bathroom and taking a good look in the mirror I sigh as I take the costume off.

Stopping at a trashcan, I post a picture of us and then tag Tony who is the only one on social media with the caption "Avengers Assemble" then I throw the phone in the trash, followed by my webshooters, my costume and I hold my scarf up to my face remembering back to those years of helping and feeling that happiness I don't deserve.

"It was a good run." I say aloud as I throw it into the trash and begin to walk away into the city not bothering again to look back. Time to embrace me, being alone is the only good thing I have in my life, being useless is what I am and I'm... yeah, I'm better off away from everyone, better off if I'm not here or anywhere. The sunset comes ever so slowly reaching the conclusion of my birthday. "Happy Birthday Cindy." I sigh as my eyes drop my feet drag me to my destination, the home I've been living for a while.