
World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Author: ShadowKatake
Ongoing · 2.7M Views
  • 381 Chs
  • 4.4
    49 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Read ‘World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society’ Online for Free, written by the author ShadowKatake, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Alister Wright was one day unexpectedly transmigrated into a world of modern fantasy. A world where people could use sup...


Alister Wright was one day unexpectedly transmigrated into a world of modern fantasy. A world where people could use superpowers, like in those novels he used to read. But it wasn't a dream come true as one might expect it to be, it was a nightmare. In this new world, dimensional gates descended, and monsters waged war against the human race, To make matters worse, in such a dangerous world, Alister was transmigrated into the body of a nobody with no talents and supernatural powers. Not just a trash, but the trashiest of them all known to the world after breaking the world record of awakening a 0-star talent! Receiving the scorn and mockery of the world, it was a despairing situation for him. Nonetheless, he persevered and didn't give up. But when all hope was lost and there was no salvation in sight, A miracle happened and Alister finally awakened his golden finger. [The World Travel Simulator is online] "Finally!" The World Travel Simulator System, a cheat system that could simulate another real world, creating a temporary replica of everything like a mirror world where Alister could travel to and explore freely. It was like another life, and to top it all off, the greater his achievements in that world, the greater he would be scored by the simulator system. Kill some mobs, it was F- grade. But... Uncovering the mastermind or defeating the strongest, it was a guaranteed S-grade! Depending on his grade, he could inherit the power, talent, knowledge, and experience he had in the simulation. [If the host can get S-grade in the simulation world, it will become permanent and the host can transmigrate into that world by performing a full-dive realistic simulation but with the risk of true death.] "But what if I get another S-grade score in that world during the realistic simulation?" [After obtaining another S-grade simulation score, the host can obtain the ownership of that world and become a World God!] "WTF? ARE YOU SERIOUS?... This... This is... AWESOME!!!!" "Hahahaha" Alister laughed manically. "So what if you're the strongest? What if you can kill me? Heh! I'll keep on simulating. I'll keep on returning back until I defeat you!" "I will fight with you countless times in that simulation, know every future, and come back to kill you and give you the worst possible death... Mark my words... GOD!" A transmigrator, system user, and even a regressor. With those identities of his, Alister vowed to become the strongest! *** Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/BX9ZDY6mdT

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d_dzii · Teen
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10 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :First World: Zombie World
Volume 2 :Second World: Martial Arts Fantasy World
Volume 3 :Third World: Hero And Demon King Magic Fantasy World

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Honest reviews are here.. First of all, this is an OP MC novel where MC grows speed are super lightning fast.. This author is not limiting MC power at all, not even trying to be capped like all other novels.. Which is good, in my opinion, because I like OP MC.. The system is also very helpful, and not making MC doing ridiculous quest... MC strength, talent, and skills are all interesting and quite unique.. But if you guys are a type that who hates OP MC, don't read it.. Or if you someone who loves MC going thru hardship, torture mentally, being condemned by people, slow grow MC, righteous MC. you won't find it here.. MC is practically super OP and merciless in any world he goes.. As the novel title "World Travel Simulator," MC basically got a system that helped him get stronger by going thru a simulator in another world multiple times repeatedly.. The author is good at explaining, don't worry.. The author is going to explain the mystery one by one.. It won't take that long.. In the beginning, the author just gives a quick brief on MC simulation in the new world.. Until system update, then the author got real and explained the situation more detail..


Not to bad a novel, the concept of simulations has been used before but I fear it will limit the story growth overall. The characters are, in my opinion, just very 2 dimensional. Your either good or bad, there is no middle ground. The MC is low key in the beginning, then gets a bit of power and then goes full on nuclear. His attitude to others is merciless, their values are determined by their usefulness to him as tools. He professes his devotion to his loved ones yet i feel it is one of the many masks he wears. Oh and he is a yandere which is introduced early on. I think the book is interesting but so far to me, it just feels like a wish fulfilment novel that the author can let loose with his dark thoughts. I read up to the current chapter before privlage locks, think about chapter 41 odd, and don’t believe this one is for me as I don’t believe a book focussed solely on world simulations has a great life expectancy. If he was a bit more invested with the real world then maybe, but in the 40 odd chapters, he has only stepped outside his house once and even then, with his powers he couldnt be bothered to save a girl who was fighting to save others, knowing she was insufficient for the task. He just turned away and left the scene, that really was the final nail. Many ways the author could have turned this narrative around, such as disguised himself and intervened to test his new powers etc, but no, he just couldn’t be bothered and coldly dismissed her. Anyways Tl;dr. Just a dark book with little redeeming qualities at this stage of development.


The MC is just an annoying guy, he keeps saying he's paranoid and everything but he gets the slightest bit of power and is lost. The writing, despite not having many spelling errors, is by no means succinct, something that the author could explain in two sentences takes almost the entire chapter, making it full of endless monologues, as if he were explaining it to a 5-year-old child. what he's been doing for years, in other words, it was easier to just continue the story. I'm not even going to delve into this disgusting being called MC, annoying and irritating hypocrite.


Hmm.. So where Should I start1.) I like the story and its premise2.) The writing is easy to read, Sentence structure also done neatly.3.) Development of the story is going so far, the world building is likeable, and Simulation system is my personal favourite.4.) MC is smart, he use his brain, not an emotional fool, wimp, or a simp... So a huge plus for that, his thinking process is unique Lol.5.) Updates are stable and goodGive it a try, I see a lot of potential, keep up the good work author.


The mc is like a Chinese novel protagonist. HE IS THE BEST AND EVERYONE IS NOTHING...!.


Honestly after reading chapter 77 the mc is just selfish who thinks too high of himself… like he still gonna kill Sophia even if it was a accident he only thinks of himself and the 2 girls he got in zombie world… I like mc where he can be a bit understanding too and not just kill other because it was a accident. Plus I thought he did not care much of his parents. He just a selfish mc well it was nice or not nice reading this novel this is where I stop 🛑 it’s just not for me I realize


I have a lot to say: (1) Writing quality is good. (2) There is not much to world-building, generic portal hunter stuff. (3) What's the point of the novel when he is not going to do anything; Mc is getting everything just by watching a simulation and reaping rewards, I really can't read such a novel. (4) He feels bland like a robot, Maybe I need to read more but I honestly can't. (5) Chapters are too short. [Overall » Decent, I really didn't feel like continuing it any further.] {At last, Dear Author don't take this review to your heart. There are people who like your work but it does not float my boat. So yeah that's it}


Katake has a really bad habit of leaving us on hiatus in all of his novels I hoper this won't be sameas always he always make good novels so that's the reason for the full 5 starand katake, Don't leave this on hiatus


If you like simulation novels and can't just find the right novel bcuz of too much bs. Then this is for you. The story development could've been better but it's still pretty good and acceptable imo. I love everything about this except the low amount of chapters.🥲 4.8☆


Hey, Shadowkatake! sorry for the late review, I thought I had already written a good ol' review but it took too long, first of all, I really like the characters and the world building is almost perfect as well as the overpowered World Travel Simulator System, honestly this is the first Simulator novel I've read and I definitely didn't regret reading it, the story is good, the writing style is good, the author is goooood, and so is everything else, although it was a bit frustrating to read the later and mid part of volume 2, it would be better to not skip any chapters as it could lead to gap in your knowledge about WTSS, Anyways Thanks for releasing my desire to read as always~


Nice story, keep up the good work!


I will review it without being biased. The book and the golden finger in itself are intriguing. I must say I am hooked by it. Also, the grammar is high-tier. The introduction was simple until you are immersed when the golden finger kicks in. Well, all the best! I know this novel will soar high in the future! [img=recommend]


This novel started off very good and enjoyable nice length in chapters, quick power ups, but the more it goes on the more the quality drops. chapters are short and pointless to the point where it isn't worth keeping up with unless you have multiple chapters save.


congratulations man your novel ended up on the recommendation from web novel some random things so i can post this.......................&;);&:);&:$84&;)58:&(84$(8(&;&,(8&:&(&:$;$48.&(84&;85&8&&;&&(!5$,8;!(&:&;!,78;&;84&;&48&(&;&(&585&7,747;757$(&5$(&,&’fjcktjickfjcitkjfifjgiigigujdorodifirjdjfjjridk7$4$;75&;&;&8&4$;&58;&;!5$8:&;4&4$;7($5$$(&,8


Why does it seem like you keep giving too much unnecessary information and even repeating the same information but in different ways? I'm really enjoying this work to the point that I ignored it and continued spending my money until this moment, but now I'm considering putting this work down, because it really doesn't make sense for me to spend to read 20 chapters that have information that could easily fit into just 1 chapter


Writing quality is good not too vulgar nor too elegant making it just perfectThe story's trajectory could be considered quite random leaving room for a huge amount of imagination making it rather intriguing Characters although not the best they are still described rather vividlyThere are daily 2 chapters so the updating stability is quite goodWorld background in a novel like this well let's not talk about it as it is all up to author what kind of world he wants it to be


author san I love this novel of your and all your other works ❤️.and the mc of this one is very good keep up the good work 👍.and I[img=recommend] hope you are doing well


really good 5/5 good mc nice power system and nice progress


I like this novel quite a lot, even though it feels like the MC is getting overpowered too quickly. I honestly don't mind the MC's attitude, to be honest, him being so selfish and only caring about his loved ones is something that makes this novel more enjoyable. Although I do hope the author doesn't limit his harem to only 3 members for the whole duration of the novel, I understand wanting to only have the best women accompany him in his path, but it just feels like a waste to limit himself to only three when there are a lot of women out there in the multiverse that can potentially fit this criteria


Reveal spoiler


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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating