Set in a dystopian America in the near future, the story tells of the experiences of five 16-year-olds who were living in orphanages who wake up to find themselves in a strange building that has no walls, no ceiling, and no floor: nothing but endless flights of stairs leading in every direction, seemingly infinite, so that it is impossible to get one's bearings or have perspective. On one landing is a basin of running water that serves as a toilet, sink and drinking fountain; on another, a machine with lights that intermittently produces food. The five, thrown together in these bizarre circumstances, must learn to deal with the others' disparate personalities, the lack of privacy and comfort, their clear helplessness, and a machine that only feeds them under gradually more exacting situations.
None of them knew why they were here? or even how they got here?
The one thing they do know is that this place...whatever it is, it is like a prison, its meant to torture them.
Not physically, its like a logical...
"listen, you really need to know what Hanna is saying about you!"
Peter, Hanna, Cheryl, Blossom, Oliver.
Five, sixteen-year-olds. All orphans, living in state institutions.
They were here, and were questioning everyone and everything around them! but none of them knew.
One of them is arrogant.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"You are ruining everything."
They are brought one by one to a place which was not a hospital and not a prison and not like anything any of them had ever seen.
One of them is spiteful.
"NO! She won't say that-"
No walls, No ceiling, No floor. Nothing but stairs- and the red machine.
One is a victim.
Turning against the only people they have, failed to survive? is there an escape to this?
One never forgets.
In the extreme circumstances, what are we all truly capable of?
Two are manipulative.
"Louder Jasper, louder!"
Jasper? what was the message?
I am not who I think I am, I am not who you think I am, I am who I think you think I am.