
Thirty Beauties Of Guild

On that day, Tronte sent a message to all the women whom he trusted a lot.


The message said that he had found an individual who had awakened a peculiar ability through which he can improve the quality of Mana Circuits of a woman. if she wanted to experience it or make use of his services, then she must come to the meeting that would happen at 7 AM.


Naturally, the message stated that this information should not be leaked.


Each of the women understood the seriousness of the situation as they read the wording that this information should not be leaked.


This was because most of the time, Tronte was a laid back individual who didn't really care about keeping secrets. But since he was doing so at this moment spoke of just how urgent the situation was.


At 7 PM, Edwin appeared while wearing the clothing that Tronte had ordered for him.


Upon first glance, it was evident that Edwin's appearance was crafted with precision. His face was hidden behind a sleek mask, a neutral and enigmatic visage that betrayed no hint of his features.


Edwin's golden locks were expertly concealed beneath a stylish hat, its brim casting a shadow over his face.


The rare blue hue of his eyes, a potential giveaway to those in the know, was veiled by discreet contact lenses that transformed them into an unremarkable shade of brown.


His attire comprised a combination of dark, stylish clothing – A sleek, charcoal-gray jacket adorned Edwin's frame, its fabric glistening slightly under the ambient light.


Underneath, he wore a plain midnight-black shirt that complimented the gray jacket. The fabric clung to his form with a subtle elegance, the cut tailored to perfection.


The dark pants, completing the ensemble, tapered down to sleek, polished shoes, leaving no room for even a glimpse of his skin.


As Edwin moved through the room, the ensembled suit exuded an undeniable air of cool confidence.


Tronte spoke out, "Meet Mister Johan, my mate from the UK and a member of the Silver Hunters Guild. He's got this knack for boosting Mana Circuits with just a touch. Considering the recent hits the guild took, I figured getting all your Mana Circuits upgraded might just save the day."


A puzzled look flashed across one woman's face as she questioned, "Sir Tronte, why not spread the word to the whole guild? Seems like a better way to help the entire guild."


Edwin, stepping into the conversation, clarified, "My dear, it was my request that Tronte kept it on the down-low. I'm just in Miami for a short stint, and I'm not keen on being hassled. Now, since there are thirty of you here, I'll give each of you a generous two minutes."


The women collectively responded with a unified "Yes, Sir," acknowledging Edwin's authority as Tronte's friend.


Tronte, adopting a serious tone, reminded them, "Today is just a trial day. Starting tomorrow, this service will come with a price tag."


The eager first participant, Clarrisa, stepped forward.


Edwin, peering from behind his mask, explained, "The more physical contact, the quicker my ability works. Hope you don't mind."


"No sir," Clarrisa replied nonchalantly, ready for whatever it took to amplify her mana circuits.


As Clarrisa embraced Edwin tightly, an exchange of energy ensued.


Edwin, beneath his cool exterior, sensed a massive surge of power from Clarrisa. He strategically channeled this energy to not only boost her Mana Circuits but also enrich his own Mana Pool.


Now, let's dive into the world of Mana Circuits and Mana Pool, each with its own tiers.


Mana Circuits act as the distributors of Mana, the source of a Hunter's unleashed energy. The quality of these circuits determines the potency of the Mana they release.


To break it down, an E-Tier circuit yields 10 units of power, D-Tier gets you 20 units, C-Tier provides 30 units, and so on. B-Tier stands at 40 units, A-Tier at 50 units, and the top-tier S-Tier cranks it up to 60 units.


While there are drugs that temporarily boost Mana Circuit quality, the catch is they strain the circuits significantly.


Some drugs might even risk permanent damage, given they push these circuits to 200% of their usual capacity. It's a risky business for that power surge.


Initially, Edwin's Mana Circuits were at the F-Tier, fittingly known as the Failure tier. At this level, you couldn't even use your mana for simple tasks like reinforcing your body. It was pretty much a no-go zone.


Now, on to the Mana Pool, which is all about quantity, not quality. It's the reservoir of mana stored within the body.


Unlike Mana Circuits, the Pool doesn't affect the power of the unleashed mana. It's more about how much you've got in the tank, ready to go.


Originally, Edwin's Mana Pool sat at the E-Tier.


Now, here comes the exciting part. By channeling all the energy he absorbed straight into his Mana Circuits, Edwin felt the magic happening.


Within just an hour, his lowly F-Tier Mana Circuits had transformed into the below average E-Tier. It was like witnessing a magical makeover in record time.


Yet, Edwin wasn't the only one basking in the benefits.


Each woman who enjoyed a two-minute hug with Edwin felt a subtle shift in her mana circuits and pool. It was an unmistakable improvement, filling them with a sense of pure exhilaration.


Edwin couldn't help but notice their newfound excitement. He hadn't expected such a profound effect, realizing it kicked in after a solid minute of contact.


As the hour flew by like a magician's disappearing act, it was time for the women to leave.


As these women were about to leave, Edwin couldn't help but quip, "Looks like a good hug has its magic, doesn't it?"


The room filled with laughter, the lingering effects of Edwin's mysterious power leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.


As the women made their exit, Edwin peeled off his sweat-soaked mask, revealing his face to Tronte. A grin stretched across Tronte's face as he remarked, "Looks like you nailed it. Now, time to honor my end of the deal."


"As promised, I'll get you an apartment smack in the middle of Miami. And here's today's pay—a mere teaser compared to what's coming your way," Tronte said, swiftly transferring 300,000 Dollars to Edwin's account using his phone.


Edwin's eyes widened as he stared at the credits rolling in. For the first time in who knows how long, excitement pulsed through his veins.


"...Now, Sir Tronte, I've got another favor to ask," Edwin said, a glint of determination in his eyes.


Tronte, intrigued, inquired, "What's on your mind?"


"Please fire me from the guild," Edwin declared firmly, dropping his request like a bombshell.

Next chapter