
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Author: Adamo_Amet
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 7.1M Views
  • 11 Chs
  • 4.8
    49 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Read Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey fanfiction written by the author Adamo_Amet on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, adventure, weaktostrong, harem, mystery. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

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  君忆韵做梦想不到这么狗血的剧情会发生在自己身上!   载坑魂穿?   还是女扮男装的傀儡皇帝身上!   本以为装傻充愣就可以混日子活下去,却没想到身边危机四伏。   而那个明面高冷、内心腹黑又瞧不起自己的摄政王陈晏殊,竟然会成为她唯一的靠山。   为了在这里好好生存下去,她不得不与对方达成协议,她帮他得到他想要的东西,他则护她周全。   可是这千算万算,事情总不是按着自己所想那样来发展?   【小剧场一】   朝堂之上。   某大臣:“禀皇上,以臣之见,此事应依法行事。”   皇上:“嗯,准……”   摄政王:“异议!以本王之见,此事应从长计议,本王还需与皇上进一步商讨,此事就此作罢!”   皇·手无实权·上在角落瑟瑟发抖。   事后书房。   皇上:“皇叔离我远一点,我们只是互相利用的关系……”   陈宴殊猛拍书桌:“所以得联姻!”   【小剧场二】   “都是男人,皇上害羞什么?”   “你……”君忆韵脸瞬间变得通红。   她一咬牙,扯了扯自己的衣领,转而笑道:“朕怎么会害羞呢?”   “只是都是男人,有什么好看的?皇叔定也不喜欢。”   闻言,他嗤之一笑,“皇上不试试,怎么知道臣不喜欢呢?”   【沙雕属性的女主君忆韵×表面高冷狠辣,实则是腹黑温柔属性的男主陈晏殊】

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My Divine Daemon Husband

"When will the wedding take place?"  I studied the King's face as I awaited his reply. We rode side by side now, and the guards rode a few paces behind us; enough space for us to have private conversations without the risk of being heard. "Three nights from now," he exhaled softly, and I could sense he was fatigued by the furrow of his brow and the raspiness of his words. I had always been perceptive of such things, but at a time like this, it really didn't matter to me how a Daemon was feeling. Could an all-powerful deity really be fatigued? It's not like he was drained of his mother power as I had been. Nevertheless, he did not speak to me unless I ignited conversation, so we rode in silence for a good hour. Eventually, we reached the heart of the kingdom. An ominous, black castle was far off in the distance—the Daemon castle.  "Lords and civilians from all six kingdoms will be celebrating with us, so prepare yourself," he broke the silence.  "Prepare myself for the unnatural unification of two different species? I will do my best," I smiled.  He tilted his head and cocked his brow. "Is it too late for me to return you to your father, or would that be a great offense to His Majesty?"  "He would not be surprised, Your Grace. The only surprise would be that a Daemon king concerned himself with whether or not others are offended by his actions," my eyes met his. "I did not express that I wouldn't go through with it, I simply asked if it would offend," he defended; it must be embarrassing for a Daemon to be seen in even a sliver of good light. "Well, in that case, I stand by your decision in taking me back. I am the kind of wife that would support her husband's decision, you see. Obedient—is that what they call it? I do ask one simple favor, if you don't mind," I carefully read his expression as the words of snark spilled from my mouth. I really had no control over my behavior, but before a Daemon king, it would be wiser to watch my tongue.  "Go on," he said, seeming to play along. "Take my brother Braden instead. I may be crass, but I cannot suffer another minute in his shadow."  "No offense to your brother, but I prefer a more feminine bride, so I believe that means you're stuck here." he voiced firmly. I frowned. "Unless you have a sister?" Drakvol raised his brow again, and the corners of his mouth tugged upward ever so slightly.  I clicked my tongue—the sound audible even against the loud trotting of hooves on stone. "Then you will be calling this home for the years ahead," he nodded his head to the castle looming above us. ~~Princess Lorelei of the Fae Kingdom is arranged to marry the demon Prince Drakvol once he becomes king of Lucem. Lorelei must revive her powers and defeat her husband before he destroys the balance of light and dark. What could a demon possibly gain by marrying a princess of light? Follow her as she unravels the secrets of her husband, tangled within the castle of the Black Kingdom. ~~

Aeriel_Cunanan · Fantasy
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I've Been Reading This Book For A Long Time And Let me be honest, Author Amet, You're a great person and a greater Author, It was you that gave me inspiration to write my Fanfic: Pokemon:- The Darkest Timeline and although it is not as good as your's. I still have a great time writing it. Thanks for everything...


unexpected huh,you mean this (I am the exp of my Holy Scripture Review. Webnovel is my body, exp is my blood. I have created over a thousand useless reviews. Unknown to sleep, nor known to reality. I have withstood Cliff-Kun to create many reviews. Yet, these hands will never hold anything. So, as I pray ... Unlimited Exp Works!)


Ash's jorney with an MC in his place who is smart, also with all the different choices he can do the butterfly effect will cause a lot of changes in the series, looking foward to see them.


After reading this I decided to break out my gameboy and start playing fire red again. I lost the charger when I moved last so I decided to order a new charger and am gonna binge it and the other ones I have. The nostalgia


Reveal spoiler


pretty good if i say so myself but the story is just basically a mix of how a pokemon kanto story would be after every story till kalos came out(games included), other than that its basically the same vibe no gary stu mc just a bit smarter ash. there wasnt any need for a reincarnator you cud hav just time regressed ash


So far the story is going well but I think it could improve if the personality of the protagonist improves a little and that insecurity is removed and he decides to be the best. In addition to the fact that I hope he catches good pokemon like dratini, electabuzz, rydhon, charmander and an abra, I don't know the best ones and evolves them. Not that it only captures low potential ones like ratata and if it can, it also catches legendary ones. Please take that into consideration.


This is a great story up to around chapter 200 then it takes a left turn and becomes some drama filled, emotional journey that falls very flat. a giant tourney arc, and the obvious events of the SS Anne. He makes some real dumb and emotional actions at that point. Story is definitely a good read until all this so id tell anyone to enjoy this story as long as they knew what they were headed into. I was a pa tre on member but his MCs have a fundamental element missing, stopping his writing from truly being decent stories.


This is probably one of the best pokemon ff that I've ever read I'd say its on par with master of tactics. So I highly recommend giving this a read


Fried Frog's Legs recipe: Delicious fried frog legs! This simple recipe involves coating frog legs with cracker crumbs and cornmeal, then briefly frying them in oil for a tender and crispy treat. Ingredients: 24 frog legs, skin removed 1 cup all-purpose flour ½ cup cornmeal 1 (4 ounce) packet saltine crackers, crushed 1 tablespoon ground black pepper 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon minced onion 2 eggs ½ cup milk 2 cups vegetable oil for frying 1 cup peanut oil for frying Cooking Instructions: Step 1. Rinse frog legs and pat dry; set aside. Combine flour, cornmeal, saltine cracker crumbs, pepper, salt, and onion in a large resealable bag; shake well to mix. Whisk eggs and milk together in a shallow bowl. Step 2. Heat vegetable oil and peanut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. The oil should be about 1/2 inch deep. Step 3. Dip legs into egg mixture in batches, then press into cracker mixture until evenly coated. Place the breaded legs, unstacked, onto a plate. Repeat with remaining legs. Step 4. Lower breaded legs carefully into the hot oil in batches. Fry until golden brown, about 4 to 5 minutes on each side. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Repeat with remaining frog legs. Enjoy fellow frog eater enjoyers.


Before I start getting into it completely... I need to know this.. Will Austin be made to return to his previous world or will he merge with Ash ??? It'd be a shame to enjoy the ride till the end and the feel the tragedy.. I'd rather stop at 7 chapters.. Atleast give me a hint.. This Ash and him both occupying the body is ... well not comforting in the least...


It is very good. Good Pokémon fan fanfiction is a rare sight, so I'm thoroughly excited for more. Though, don't expect some weird cringy psycho mc, this stories mc is just a regular dude doing regular things. Besides, the only ff author that can pull off cringy psycho is Holyjoker.


I'm going through chapter 349, for the moment the story is progressing well, the only bad thing I would see would be the large amount of drama that there is and what the protagonist does, that together with the chapters that show the diary of a scientist who is part of of the story, those chapters tend to be somewhat redundant, since they show irrelevant information, that is, I think it could have been summarized more, so that that part of the story does not occupy so many chapters and becomes somewhat boring to read. For the rest, the world background is very well done, since the author explains in detail how the world works, the levels of power, in addition to the explanation of things like where missingno comes from, etc. Not counting the excellent and fun interactions between humans and pokemon. (google translator)


Muy buena la historia sigue así y por favor no vallas a dejar a abandonado la historia todos lo dejan abandonada la historia sería bueno que agregues que piensan del nuevo ash y que le gusta de el


This has been a very interesting story so far...I am very happy that the mc has been deviating from the original story so far and would love to see great changes in the future as well. this is my one of the best Pokémon fanfics😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 I hope the author keeps making more interesting and amazing chapters




This is one of the best Pokemon novels on the app. The author portrays a very REAL story that has many facets to the plot. If you want to read a darker pokemon fanfic than read this but if you want a more lighthearted fic with similar quality read Master of Tactics. Absolute masterclass by the author


who feels that fearow is too arrogant he made ash to lose a battle and is still stubborn seriously ash should had accepted this world earlier than what he did . .. he caused his first team lost


This is my first review on Webnovel, so bear with me. I loved reading this until now, and I think I will love it until its end. My usual fanfics are about HP, DxD, Fate, Naruto, and One Piece, but this one caught my eye. The battle, pacing, and character (Pokemon and Human) development are well done. Keep it up, and I will be reading with complete focus.


The author's hidden gem? Why yes, yes it is.


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