

2021-03-04 JoinedBangladesh

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  • Syed_Hossain
    Syed_Hossain8 months ago

    bro I love this fic. it's homely with good romance and comedy. I always hated how Ai got screwed in the anime and manga. thanks for the chapter and hope to read more in the future

  • Syed_Hossain
    Syed_Hossaina year ago

    bro what's the point of an all arrogant self important ego boosted ahole. i just don't get the point of reading this fanfic anymore. ppl who are reviewing this fanfic as something truly amazing seems crazy. i much rather read a grammatically flawed fanfic with a lack luster character then this dumpster fire of a fanfic. I'm sorry for sounding harsh but bro was written just to dump and fuck with the rest of the cast and nothing more. he totally fucked my one of fav OP character just for making a shitty character with shitty attitude. this is a total waste of read and i highly encourage readers to find something else.

  • Syed_Hossain
    Syed_Hossaina year ago
    Replied to THE_mine_play

    lol i cracked up reading this sentence

  • Syed_Hossain
    Syed_Hossain2 years ago

    Bro, this is fantastic fanfic with a great world and character development. I have been looking for a hiraishin fanfic for a long time, and yours is the first one I have seen or read in a ridiculously long time. Keep it up, and I will keep giving you support.

  • Syed_Hossain
    Syed_Hossain2 years ago

    This is my first review on Webnovel, so bear with me. I loved reading this until now, and I think I will love it until its end. My usual fanfics are about HP, DxD, Fate, Naruto, and One Piece, but this one caught my eye. The battle, pacing, and character (Pokemon and Human) development are well done. Keep it up, and I will be reading with complete focus.