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Giving Sonic° the Super, Darkspine, Hyper, and Go-on Wisp transformations and Sonic the Super, Wherehog (Temp), Armored (Sword) and SS2 should be a good way to differentiate them too.
seems to me that Nagato sold the Akatsuki and is helping Naruto count the money
The Og Sonic name was Oglivie Maurice Hedgehog. Sonic was his nickname. you could change his name to either Blur, Og Sonic or Sonix
how about Sonic° gets Darkspine super form markings and green eye color from Secret Rings and Sonic keeps the original color palette but cyan blue eye color of Cyber Sonic?
Well Kotori (Ifrit) is the next to be sealed after the Nightmare incident of course.
So cat ears beastman? Let me guess Vermillion are lions and Silvas are white tigers beastman. It would make sense because they are cousins.
well their are to Echidna clans. The Mystic tribe with member like Tikal, Pachacamac, Edmund, Loche, Lara-Le, Knuckles who's culture focus more on the combat skils, stone architecture, mystic energies, and archeology. While the Nocturne tribe member Imperator Ix, Shade, Julie-su, Lien-Da, Spectre, Rykor, and Remington culture was of advanced weaponry, cybernetics, technology and exploration. long story short, the Nocturne clan waged war with the Mystics and were winning. Pachacamac tried to seize the Chaos emeralds and the Master emerald leading to Perfect Chaos wrath for them killing the chao. While after that the Nocturne entire homeland was sucked in by a cosmic vortex transporting thier entire civilization into a prison dimension for advanced technology society. Called Twilight Cage made by some R.O.B. called Argus.