
Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Author: 추공 (Chugong)
Magical Realism
Completed · 36.3M Views
  • 270 Chs
  • 4.5
    7.5K ratings
  • NO.126

Tips: 나 혼자만 레벨업 Only I Level Up (Solo Leveling) - Webtoon Season 2 is start from Chapter 132 In this world where Hunters with various magical powers battle monsters from invading the defenceless humanity, Seong Jin-Woo was the weakest of all the Hunters, barely able to make a living. However, a mysterious System grants him the power of the ‘Player’, setting him on a course for an incredible and often times perilous Journey. Follow Sang Jin-Woo as he embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled existence through his “Level-Up” system - the only one in the entire world! ------ THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION FROM D&C MEDIA Copyright Owner's Information: © Chugong 2017 / D&C MEDIA

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


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This is a nice novel, however this translation leaves much to be desired. The quality of the novel is greatly reduced because of the lacking translation.


Love it, but I loved the 25th_Chestnut translations more, they had a really high quality, you could almost feel the work behind every little detail... and although the quality was the best the releases were not slow. I can’t believe that Qidian had to stop someone doing such an amazing work... and for free!


Reveal spoiler


Perhaps the dullest level-up game system novel I have read out of dozens, there's absolutely nothing here you haven't read before if you've read half a dozen in the genre. To be frank, I read the first forty chapters a couple of days ago, and I could not remember the plot until I opened it to refresh myself. The MC's personality is wildly inconsistent and he keeps doing dumb things that plot armor saves him from. For example, he gets a key to open up an S-rank dungeon, thinks to himself, "only a team of S-ranks can clear S-rank dungeons", then goes in and almost dies to the first monster and only doesn't by sheer and utter luck that it's in the only class of monster he gets a buff against. His system has an automatic growth cheat, which is a big problem, because he gets stronger every day with minimal effort... but he still goes off an risks his life for no reason at all, because he has no unusual motivation to do anything. He's almost died half a dozen times in the first 30 chapters, and there's no reason for him to, because he literally gets stronger every single day, and again, he has zero motivation for risking his life. Also, literally every other person he runs into is a villain out to kill people. This is absurd, because they essentially live in a near-future S. Korea and society and the superhumans are supposed to be well-regulated. He's spent his entire life being a bottom-rank loser and hasn't died, yet as soon as he gets super-powers all of a sudden everyone he runs into is trying to murder people. It all feels like a barely coherent freshman author attempt in an over-saturated genre, and I just can't understand why this story is rated highly at all.


Quality light novel ruined by a poor translator. The person seems to directly translate: conjunctions and punctuation included. This results in many awkward sentences with commas that make them grammatically incorrect.


Honestly we prefer for you qidan to not claim things that you guys are not good at, especially the translation quality in this particular novel. We honestly pissed off at you guys as a community for you to c&d 25th_chestnut, that honestly have top quality translation than most of your current quality. Just make sure you guys to notice bad reviews from onwards. Cheers


Not gonna say much, only a few words: It's fking awesome(well I read the manga). From what I know: -It has a system -Mc's badass -Villian's badass -Mc has a sister -Mc needs money -The Hype is good I recommend manga because the expression of that first villain was awesome. I could literally feel chills. After that, follow the novel. But that expression was fking thrilling


These ****ers stole from chestnut and now they are making us pay for what was originally free. Can someone hack this site to teach qidian a lesson.


I’ve tried... I’ve tried so many times to read this novel, but I just can’t. The Mc is just too f*ckin dumb with dumb-sh*t luck. I just cannot.


Son of a b*tch, we had a discord of trsnlators doing this stealthly but now they jave to stop to avoid this, first chestnut now them. Now we got to pay for lower quality and like it 😫 shit translation but give me exp anyways, yes this is copy pasta with 140 characters deal with it.


I was hoping to get good quality translations here. Not so sure how the pay to read system works but I don't mind paying if the quality is good. The comparison to the previous sources of translators I read from looks to be slightly lacking but still enjoyable to read. Will wait until translations reach at least in the range if 130++ chpters before deciding if I should invest in this.


I think everyone agree with me that the 100 White Salts translations were doing an excellent job, they had more than one translator on the novel, some editors and etc, resume a complete team releasing weekly, y didn't qidian keep the same team as translators? they weren't charging anything so releasing here or in their discord don't make that much of a difference, this just brings criticism and hate of the community, me too, I'm pissed. sorry guy that is translating now, nothing against u, but the quality of a whole team is much better than urs rainbow turtle manage to keep Omniscient Reader I don't see y 100 white salts can't too


I'll gave this novel 5 shining shimmering stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟, you'll ask why?..... hmm its simple because its superb. The novels awesomeness is marked in every chapter. I already finished reading the raws & MTL though the language wasn't my mother tongue i felt really hype reading👍. I also read the translation of 25th_chestnut and its really good but sadly you now it was stop and left many readers hanging. 😢 Hopefully the new translator can keep the good translation and bring justice to the novel. Kudos to the author (Chugong-san) for writing a wonderful novel. One of my best read korean novel.🙌👏


What a crappy translation! the translator should either take a basic grammer/writing class or just pass the translation off to a competent translator like the 25th_chestnut.


As many of you guys know, one of the greatest stories told, however extremely lackluster translation. Chest nut and 100 white salts has done an incredible job up til CH 136. Check those out and then come back when Webnovels has caught up.


They're still deleting reveiws. I'm gonna rate it 5 star this time and see if my comment gets deleted again. I reccomend you guys to go read Chestnuts translation instead of this trash. The translator has a hard time conveying things in proper English.


This is not a very good novel. The mc is simply unlikable. Don't allow the first few chapters to fool you because he is basically an idiot. Also, this is a very short story and he levels up incredibly quickly. The mc basically has no challenge whatsoever. There isn't much world-building and no romance at all. The entire story has basically devolved into dungeons and levelling, and those aren't very interesting. You may also be interested in reading about his relationship with his sister but that's basically glossed over. Verdict: Pass this one.


This story is aggravatingly stupid. The author tries really hard to make the conversations and internal thoughts edgy, but it only works if you don't try to match what they say with their motivations. I really wanted to like this story. I think the overall plot and settings are interesting.


one of the most amazing stories ive read, literally the reason i got into reading light novels.both character and story are uniquely their own.


Ignore every other review about this. The book is great. Chapters are top-quality, translation is on-Point. Every chapter costs 13-20 ss because it's so long but if you hoe enough you won't realize how the day goes by. Took me 11 hours to get to the last chapter in a crazy Sunday binge read. It's just that good. Ignore the hate comments, they'll stop at around chapter 140. It's one of the best stories, absolutely no loophole, whenever you feel like author-him did an oopsie2, it'll be explained in the next 1-4 chapters. Try the story. Give it a chance. It'll be worth the read :)


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