
Chapter 114

"Ah.... S-someone, s-save me..."

Eun Ji-Min somehow managed to squeeze out her dried-up voice and took a couple of steps back.

No, that's what she tried to.

However, her feet didn't want to move. It was as if heavy iron ingots were attached to her ankles. She could only stand there frozen as her tears began streaming down her face.

Meanwhile, the man scanned his surroundings.

Since the girl didn't look like she'd be able to move, he was thinking of offing her here, right now. How fortunate that there was nobody around. Also, there wouldn't be a CCTV camera of the Big Brother installed in a secluded alleyway like this one, as well.

'That's why I love this neighbourhood, you know.'

The man formed an evil grin and thrust the knife at Eun Ji-Min's midriff.

But then, a hand shot out from the darkness and grabbed the knife.
