
Chapter 34

A short while later.

"Euph, euph, euph!!"

Jin-Woo discovered a lone convict struggling on the ground not too far from him. His arms and legs were all tied up with a rope, and there was a gag placed in his mouth.

It was as Kahng Tae-Sik said, just before his final breath.

["I've tied up the rapist not too far from here. I was thinking of disposing of him last, after the victim's father asked me to make him suffer for a bit."]

Kahng Tae-Sik stopped breathing after those words.

The convict began to struggle even harder after seeing Jin-Woo. It was as if he was asking to be freed as soon as possible.

"Euph! Euph! Euph!"

Now that Jin-Woo took a closer look, it was none other than the same guy who threw a dirty wink at Ju-Hui earlier on.

As soon as Jin-Woo pulled the gag off the convict's mouth, he breathed in and out heavily and widened his eyes.