

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 6 - First Breath I

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'Quirk Singularity' was a theory that was put forward a long time ago. The assumption of the theory was that from generation to generation, the Quirk possessed by the Quirk owners became stronger. This meant that in the future, people would not be able to control their Quirks and even Quirks that could destroy the Earth would emerge. This theory was developed by Dr Kyudai Garaki (All For One's doctor). When Kyudai came up with his thesis, no one believed him. They even made fun of him and looked down on him. This led Garaki to join the ranks of the AFO with the AFO's belief in him.

However, what Kyudai Garaki did not know was that it was Levi, not AFO, who first believed in his thesis. After discovering the thesis, Levi proved Garaki's theory with his calculations and simulations. Of course, the thesis could have been proved by observations on several generations of Quirk owners. However, human society was too caught up in the existence of the so-called 'Vigilantes' and the comfort they brought with them. As a result, one of the greatest scientists in history had turned to the dark side.

Levi believed that Mikasa's future child would have such a Quirk. This was because of the Quirks possessed by the Ackerman clansmen. Until Mikasa, no member had ever awakened a rare Quirk. Levi realised that this must be an anomaly with the data he collected from different countries and Japan. In his research on this, he came to a new discovery. The bloodline power, which was once thought to be the blessing of the Ackerman clan, had become their curse. The Ackerman clan's bloodline power suppressed the Quirk awakening experienced by its members, weakening the awakened Quirk.

This situation was eliminated with Mikasa. However, the process, like human evolution, depended on the development of the individual. This meant that if Monica gave birth to a child again, the child born would not have a strong Quirk. However, Levi had calculated that the child Mikasa would give birth to would have a strong Quirk with a ninety per cent probability. Of course, he did not inform Mikasa of these calculations. Her already fragile mental balance did not need information that could convince her that she was superior to others.

A year after the tragic death of the Yeager family, Mikasa finally became pregnant. She had requested a sperm transplant from her abdomen to her womb. Levi ignored the twisted and depraved thoughts running through Mikasa's mind and honoured her request. With Natsu's sperm, Mikasa's long-awaited pregnancy could begin. Mikasa had taken a break from training her body during her pregnancy. As she always did, she followed Levi's instructions to the letter, avoiding any complications in the process.

Unable to train her body, she had learnt more about the social sciences, human psychology and business, areas she had been interested in as a teenager. Mikasa deeply believed in her own superiority. However, she also knew that her lack of understanding of other people was her weakness. This was something Mikasa could not accept in her superior self. The reason she was interested in business was to make the future of the Ackerman clan more solid. No matter how much Levi managed and developed the company, at some point he or her children would have to be involved in the process.

Besides, Mikasa had realised that with her Quirk and her powers, she was better at protecting than fighting. Of course, she was stronger than 99.90 per cent of humans, but it was the small fraction that determined the future of the Earth. And Mikasa had become more feminine and maternal since reaching adulthood. She always dreamed of the child she would bear and concluded that her child would be adorable. Her dreams centred more on her child being a boy and her relationship with Mikasa when he grew up. Mikasa had such a broken, twisted, diseased mind.

Levi had witnessed Mikasa's inappropriate behaviour and daydreaming, which sometimes took place. Because he had witnessed the birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood, he could guess what Mikasa was imagining. Although Levi thought how unhealthy these dreams were, he never planned to interfere. Levi had decided that Mikasa's unhealthy state was more beneficial for the clan. Because no healthy attachment could be as strong as the one Mikasa had. Although Levi could already see the possible problems she would have with her child, he believed that they would overcome the problems they would experience with the mentality the child would receive from its mother.

Mikasa's pregnancy went smoothly. Although she craved tomatoes a lot during her pregnancy, she took it as a good sign. For the nine months and ten days she was pregnant, she continued her routine, except for body training. During these months, Mikasa thought about many things. Her life so far, her future, and the child she was carrying. In the fourth month of Mikasa's pregnancy, the sex of her child was announced. It was going to be a boy. Levi had been Mikasa's doctor and monitored her pregnancy.

Mikasa's facial expression when she learnt the sex of her baby told Levi a lot. Such thoughts and actions were common in people like Mikasa who had repressed their sexuality. After Mikasa found out the sex of her child, she had a long discussion with Levi about the name. At the end of the discussions, she decided that the baby's name should be 'Ikiru', which means 'to live'.

Mikasa's overriding wish for her child was that it survive, no matter what. She was not afraid of the birth and the possible complications afterwards. No, Mikasa's main concern for her son was that he would die as a result of future wars. Levi's simulations, based on recent events, showed that even if the Ackerman family remained inactive, a major war would occur. Mikasa had never been afraid to fight. This fearlessness changed after she became pregnant.

She was ready to burn this world for the life of her child. She would kill anyone who touched the hair of the sacred baby born of her superior being. After Mikasa awakened her Quirk, she had no love for any creature but herself. When she became pregnant, love erupted within her like a volcano. This love was for the absolute being she believed could only be born from her. Although Levi had foreseen the change Mikasa would experience, its severity frightened even the AI. Even before Ikiru was born, Levi had lost three android bodies. These bodies had been torn apart by the Mikasa. Each time, Levi's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Finally, the day of the birth came, and Levi survived. The birth was to be a caesarean section at Mikasa's request. Levi's non-existent hair stood on end as he remembered Mikasa's face when she told him. When Levi had moved to Kyushu with Mikasa, he had set up an operating theatre and the necessary medical equipment under their mansion. Mikasa had wanted to have a child for a long time. Levi knew that. And he knew that Mikasa wouldn't let anyone but Levi touch her body.

The only reason Levi could touch Mikasa was because he was an artificial intelligence, not a living being. Sometimes Levi couldn't find the words to describe Mikasa. Which should have been impossible for artificial intelligence. The date of birth was 16.6.2103. This year would be recorded as the year when very important people came to life for the universe. The main cast of characters of the real BNHA universe would be born this year. These births would also take place in our alternate universe.

Although the backgrounds of these two universes differed, the plots ran parallel in most cases. Mikasa woke up happily on the sixteenth of June. After years of patience and waiting, the day had come when she would meet her baby, her man. She woke up at eight in the morning, as she had done since the day she became pregnant. She washed her hands and face and used the toilet. After finishing in her room, she went down to the main hall of the mansion. In the main hall, Levi was waiting patiently for Mikasa.

After making a few checks to check Mikasa's condition, he gave her his approval. He took Mikasa down to the basement of the mansion. There was a huge cave under the mansion. In one corner of the cave was a supercomputer with a huge screen. At the other end were doors to rooms created for different purposes. In the centre of the cave was the operating theatre prepared for Mikasa's birth. Around the operating theatre, there were ten robots. The whole process of the caesarean section was to be performed, monitored and managed by Levi.

Mikasa was stripped of her clothes and placed on the operating table. Since her constitution was at a superhuman level, a different chemical drug was used for anaesthesia. This drug/sedative was developed/created by Levi. When Mikasa lost consciousness, the operation started. Each of the robots in the room was specially created by Levi and controlled by him for the surgery. The operation lasted about ten minutes. From reaching the uterus to suturing the wound, the operation took only ten minutes. There was no trace of a caesarean section on Mikasa's body. Mikasa had specifically warned Levi about this situation. "If I have any scars, I'll rip out your circuits!" Mikasa had said.

At the end of the operation, Mikasa woke up instantly. No matter how powerful the anaesthetic Levi had developed, there was nothing in the world that could render Mikasa unconscious for more than ten minutes. As soon as Mikasa awoke, her eyes searched for her baby. When she saw the sleeping baby in Levi's arms, she smiled. "Give him to me," Mikasa said, opening her arms. At that very moment, Ikiru opened his eyes for the first time in this universe.

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