Aryan, a self-made millionaire with a passion for anime and comics, finds himself floating in a void after a fatal car crash. As he drifts between life and death, a radiant being named ROB appears, offering him a second chance in the Marvel Universe. Aryan is granted three wishes to shape his new life, allowing him to choose his timeline and place of birth. With his love for fantastical worlds and a desire to see India's potential realized, Aryan begins to deliberate on his wishes, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey in a universe filled with heroes and gods. **Note: I have just started writing so there will be mistakes in the story but I will try to correct them asap.** **I don't hold the rights of any other characters except the OCs** ** Please consider Chapter 1 to 20 as summary of events before the start of the story, the actual story starts from Chapter 21.** **Disclaimer - I have used AI to write story from Chapter 1 to 20, but from Chapter 21 AI usage is reduced to minimum. Read this story only if you can tolerate mistakes.** READ ALL THE CHAPTERS BEFORE POSTING A REVIEW
Floating in the void, all Aryan could see around him was darkness—an endless, oppressive abyss that stretched in every direction. There was no sound, no light, no breath. His heartbeat, once a steady reminder of life, had vanished, leaving only an eerie stillness. His body felt weightless, as though it no longer belonged to him, drifting in a space between existence and oblivion.
He remembered the night. The fog had been thick as Aryan gripped the steering wheel of his sports car, the engine roaring like a wild beast beneath him. The narrow, winding mountain road stretched ahead, twisting and turning in dangerous curves, but the thrill of speed had consumed him. His foot pressed harder on the accelerator, the needle on the speedometer climbing with every second. Tires screeched as he took each bend recklessly, the drop to the valley below barely visible through the mist. His heart raced, a reckless grin spread across his face—until, in a split second, a sharp turn caught him off guard. The car skidded, tires losing traction. With a violent lurch, the vehicle broke through the guardrail, plunging into the abyss.
The last thing Aryan saw was darkness swallowing him whole, as the crash sealed his fate. Now, here he was—adrift in the void, caught between life and death, with no way back. Limbo had claimed him.
Suddenly, the oppressive silence was broken. A gentle warmth began to fill the void, and a soft light appeared before Aryan. From this light, a presence emerged—vast and radiant, yet calming and serene. Aryan's tension eased as the figure, glowing with a peaceful aura, spoke in a soothing, compassionate voice. "Do not be afraid," the being said, its tone filled with kindness. "I know your journey has been difficult, but it is not over. You are not lost." The being's words wrapped around Aryan like a comforting embrace. "You will be reincarnated, but not in the world you once knew. You will enter a new universe—one of heroes and gods, a place of wonders. The Marvel Universe. And to ease your transition, I will grant you three wishes, to shape your new life as you see fit." Aryan's mind, still spinning from the shock of his fate, began to calm. The impossible now felt like a new beginning, filled with unexpected hope.
Aryan had been a self-made millionaire, starting with little money but through sheer determination and hard work, he had built an empire. Despite his success, he was always disappointed by the fact that India, with its immense potential, had not realized what it should have. In his rare moments of leisure, Aryan found solace in his love for anime and comics. He would often take time out of his hectic schedule to read comics and watch anime, immersing himself in their fantastical worlds. He also avidly followed various fanfiction related to his favorite series. Drawing inspiration from these fanfiction novels, Aryan began to deliberate on his wishes. He knew that this was his Chance to shape his new life in the Marvel Universe, and he wanted to make the most of it.
**Aryan**: "Great being, may I ask who you are? What is your name?"
**Being**: "I am known by many names throughout existence, but you may call me ROB."
**Aryan**: "Thank you, ROB. I am grateful for this opportunity. May I ask what kind of wishes are allowed? Are there any limitations?"
**ROB**: "Do not worry, Aryan. You may wish for anything your heart desires. There are no limitations to what I can grant."
**Aryan**: "Thank you. I am grateful for this opportunity. May I ask about the timeline and place of my birth in this new universe? Can I choose when and where I will be born?"
**ROB**: "Yes, Aryan, you may choose a specific time and place for your birth. However, be aware that this choice will consume one of your three wishes."
**Aryan**: "I understand. Thank you for your patience and guidance. I will consider my wishes carefully."
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