
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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217 Chs


They don't take White Beard to heart at all!

  There is no way, the Tianlong people are like this, they feel that they are high above, and they don't put other people besides the Tianlong people in their eyes.

  Listening to the orders of the five old stars, the Warring States Period was full of bitterness.

  Even if Karp made the righteous destruction of his relatives, he actually stipulated the time!

  There is even a punishment for failure!

  This makes it clear that it is to force Karp to the extreme! Can't those guys think about it with their brains!

  "Karp, I think this matter. . . "

  "Warring States Period, don't you need to say, since those idiots gave such an order, it made it clear that they were coming for me. "

  "Those guys, they've been upset with me since a long time ago, and this time they just found a reason to deal with me. "

  Karp knew very well that even if he adopted Roger's son, his son was still the leader of the revolutionary army.

  But even with his previous credit, he was not guilty to death, at most he was removed from his post or detained for a period of time.

  But he didn't bird Tianlongren before, and those guys have been unhappy with him for a long time.

  In the past, they just couldn't find a reason to do something to him, but now, they have finally found it.

  "I, Karp, have dedicated my life to the navy and have always implemented the word justice on my back. "

  "However, the justice of the navy is no longer true justice, it's just something that the Tianlong people trample on at will. "

  "Such a navy, don't wait! "Loss.

Chapter 287

  A firm look flashed in Karp's eyes, he stopped being a navy!

  Originally, he was very upset with the current navy, and he was made pandemonium by those Tianlong people.

  It's just that the word justice behind him has been pressing him, making him unable to get out of the navy.

  But now, the order of the five old stars has become the last straw to crush the camel.

  At any rate, he is also a naval hero with outstanding military achievements.

  These achievements of his, no matter what he or his family has done, can protect him from death!

  But the guys of Wu Laoxing were just looking for a reason to deal with him, regardless of his credit.

  What's the point of staying in such a navy?

  Perhaps, he had already had the idea of leaving the navy in his heart.

  It's just that I haven't been able to find a reason.

  Wu Lao Xing's order was to find a reason to deal with him, but didn't it give him a reason to leave!

  "Karp, don't be impulsive! Let's think about it, there must be a way! "

  Hearing Karp's words, the Warring States Period knew what his old buddy was thinking.

  The thing he was most worried about still happened, and the conflict between Karp and Wu Lao Xing was finally about to erupt.

  However, he can't let this contradiction erupt!

  Once it really breaks out, the blow to the navy is unprecedented, and even the destruction of the navy is not necessarily!

  "Warring States Period, you should also know the rules of those guys. "

  "Now that their orders have been issued, there is no room for maneuver. "

  "Or, I will really destroy my relatives and catch my son and grandson. "

  "But you also know very well that once I catch them, their fate will definitely not be much better. "

  "Either, I won't do it, and wait for their sanctions against me in three days. "

  "But it is impossible for me to obediently accept the sanctions! "

  "Moreover, they executed me publicly in order to let Luffy and the others come to save me. You know this very well. "

  "So, no matter what, if I continue to stay in the navy, my grandson and son will not end well! "

  "Warring States Period, we have been old friends for many years. You know me. I have done enough for the navy. Now, let me leave and don't stop me. "

  Karp looked at the Warring States Period with some requests in his eyes.

  Looking at Karp's eyes, the Warring States Period was very entangled. This was the first time Karp begged him for something.

  And he also knew very well that Karp was right, as long as he remained in the navy, for his grandson, son and even himself.

  There will be no good results!

  "Karp, after you ran away this time, do you have any plans? Is it possible that you will also join the White Beard Pirates? "

  "I don't know this either, let's see it then. "

  "Warring States Period, from now on, as long as you are still the marshal of the navy, we probably won't have a chance to meet. "

  "Crane, green pheasant, the same is true for you two, take care. "

  After saying goodbye, Karp left.

  Although he didn't have the speed of Huang Yuan, he was leaving and no one could stop him.

  "Since Whitebeard unified the pirates, he hasn't been idle for a day. What the hell does he want to do! "

  The Warring States Period shook his head and said helplessly.

  Whether it was Huang Yuan or Karp, it was all done by White Beard.

  If it weren't for the news from them, how could such a thing happen!

  I don't know why, a very bad feeling appeared in the Warring States Period.

  It is definitely impossible for Baibeard to do this for no reason, he is definitely planning a big event!

  But with his strength, he actually had to plan like this. It can be seen that this matter is really extraordinary!

  "Karp's departure is definitely a huge blow to the navy. "

  "And if you let Karp go, the five old stars will definitely hold you accountable. You'd better be mentally prepared. "

  Lieutenant General Crane looked at the Warring States Period and said.

  "Yeah, this guy Karp just left, leaving me to deal with his mess, alas. "

  The Warring States Period shook his head and said helplessly.

  But there is no way, who makes him the marshal of the navy, and Karp's good brother!

  On the other side, after Karp left the navy headquarters, he drove the ship in the direction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  He is not going to join the White Beard Pirates, he is going to teach Ace and Luffy these two boys a lesson!

  Of course, Karp actually knew that with White Beard, he couldn't succeed, but he still went.

  Therefore, what he was thinking in his heart was actually obvious. . . . .

  The White Beard Pirates.

  When the news about Karp spread out, Whitebeard sent someone to the navy headquarters to wait.

  The reason is to see what the navy will do and what Karp will do.

  Soon, he received news that Karp was coming towards the pirate group.

  Because the time between White Beard spreading the news and Karp leaving the navy headquarters was actually not long.

  None of the people sent by Whitebeard to the naval headquarters have arrived, and they are still on their way.

  But it was such a coincidence that they passed Karp who was heading to the White Beard Pirates.

  Knowing that Karp was coming, White Beard felt a little strange in his heart. Could it be that Karp was here to defect to him?

  It's that simple, just subdue Karp? Probably not.

  However, in any case, since Karp is here, that is a good thing, and he has to find the other party in the province.

  What's more, since Karp is here, he must be left in the pirate group!

  White Beard hurriedly called Ace and Luffy over and told them the news that Karp was coming.

  And told them that after Karp arrived, they would do everything they could to get him to join the Pirates.

  Luffy and Ace were very surprised to learn that their grandfather was actually coming.

  And when they knew that Dad was actually going to let Grandpa join the Pirates, they were even more stunned.

  They knew very well how much their grandfather hated pirates.

   When they were young, whenever they said they wanted to be pirates, they got a beating from Karp!

  How could Karp, who hates pirates so much, join the Pirates!

  But when I thought of it, even Huang Yuan, a former admiral, joined, and it didn't seem impossible for Karp to join!

  And Karp's itinerary along the way was also seen by others.

  The story of Karp's trip to the White Beard Pirates was spread out like this.

  If you say the previous things about Karp, many navies have been shaken.

  So now, I learned that Karp actually left the navy and went to the White Beard Pirates.

  The faith in the hearts of countless navies collapsed.

  In their opinion, what else can Karp do to go to the White Beard Pirates, he must join!

  His two grandchildren are there! .

Chapter 288