
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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217 Chs


Baibeard also looked at the straw hat boy in front of him with some emotion.

  He is very familiar with the straw hat on the opponent's head, which is the straw hat that Roger used to wear.

  If it weren't for knowing the plot of the copy, who would have thought that this silly-looking teenager would actually be the protagonist of the copy.

  And there is such a big backstage behind him!

  Grandpa is a naval hero, dad is the leader of the revolutionary Army, and that guy Shanks has a good relationship with him.

  White Beard chatted with Luffy for a while, he knew that Luffy's dream was to find the treasure left by Roger and become One Piece.

  Therefore, he promised that if Luffy could join his pirate group, he would help Luffy sit in the position of the King of Pirates.

  Anyway, he has no interest in the position of One Piece.

  What's more, after he rules the pirate world, isn't the One Piece King also his subordinate?

  Luffy hasn't experienced many things yet, and he's still stupid.

  Where would it be the opponent of the old fritters, White Beard.

  Under Baibeard's remarks, he agreed to join the Baibeard Pirates without saying a word.

  Of course, there is also Ace's help.

  In this way, Luffy, who will become the fifth emperor in the future, just joined the White Beard Pirates.

  Even his adventure story has just begun, and it is over.

  After conquering Luffy, White Beard also began to implement the plan to conquer Karp.

  Several more news spread out, and this time the news was about the naval hero Karp.

  You know, Karp's reputation in the navy is even higher than that of the three generals of the navy!

  The title of his naval hero is the belief in the hearts of countless navies!

  Therefore, when these news about Karp came out, the navy, which was already calm, caused a huge shock.

  If what happened to Huang Yuan before was only shaken a few times, then.

  So what happened to Karp now is a big earthquake!

  Excuse me? The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, is actually Karp's biological son!

  Excuse me? Roger, the One Piece King, left a child back then, and it was Karp who adopted this child!

  Now this child has become Karp's grandson, and he has a very good relationship with Karp's grandson. He is a sworn brother!

  And Karp's grandson is also a pirate!

  This piece of news directly shook countless people's skins numb.

  Who would have thought that as a naval hero, Karp, his family, his son and grandson, none of them were in the navy!

  It would be fine if it was an ordinary civilian, but two of them were pirates and one was the navy!

  And one of his grandchildren is actually the son of Roger, the One Piece King!

  Sure enough, he deserves to be a naval hero! This family is so wonderful!

  And just like Huang Yuan before, one named Ace and the other named Luffy admitted that Karp was their grandfather!

  No one knows who Luffy is, after all, he is just a newcomer who has just debuted.

  But they all know who Ace is! .

Chapter 286

  Ace is the captain of the second team of the White Beard Pirates!

  This identity, even before, was a very remarkable existence.

  Not to mention that the current White Beard Pirates rule all the pirates.

  Ace's identity, among the White Beard Pirates, can be ranked in the top five!

  The existence of this identity, saying that Karp is his grandfather, then it must be true!

  But what they didn't know was which of Luffy and Ace was Karp's grandson and which was Roger's son.

  Because Ace and Luffy just said that they were Karp's grandchildren, but they didn't say who was close or who did it.

  But this is not the key to the problem, the key is that Karp has no response to this matter!

  In other words, this matter is true. Karp's grandson is really a pirate, and one of them is the son of One Piece King Luo~Jie!

  What about the other message? Is Karp's son the leader of the Revolutionary Army? This-is the news true?

  Soon, the news of the revolutionary army also spread.

  Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, personally admitted that Karp was his father!

  At this moment, Karp was suddenly pushed to the cusp!

  The naval headquarters, the Warring States Period, the green pheasant and the crane looked at Karp with a livid expression on their faces.

  The green pheasant was okay, and there was still a trace of admiration in his eyes when he looked at Karp.

  Mr. Karp is Mr. Karp!

  The son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and one of the grandchildren is the grandson of Roger the Pirate!


  But the faces of the Warring States Period and Crane were hard to see to the extreme.

  They and Karp have known each other for decades, and they know about dragons.

  But they don't know anything about Ace!

  Karp actually kept such an important thing from them!

  "Karp, I sent someone to search for Roger's son, but I couldn't find it. "

  "Unexpectedly, you actually hid him! You guy! "

  That was an anger in the heart of the Warring States Period. He couldn't find Roger's son no matter how he looked for it.

  I thought it was dead, but I didn't expect it to be hidden by Karp!

  The person who cheated himself is actually his best brother!

  Karp's expression is also very ugly now, is there such a person who pits his grandfather and dad!

  Now, he really wants to catch the dragon, as well as Ace and Luffy, and give them a hard beating!

  But the person he wants to beat more is Baibeard! Because of these news, it was uploaded from Whitebeard's ship again!

  To say that it has nothing to do with White Beard, the ghost believes it!

  "You'd better think about how to explain it. Now, whether it's the navy headquarters or those branches, because of your affairs, it's all in chaos, and a large number of navies have to withdraw. "

  The tone of the Warring States Period was angry and helpless.

  Originally, because of the Huang Yuan incident before, many navies already wanted to withdraw.

  This finally calmed down, and as a result, such a thing happened again.

  If Karp can't give a beautiful explanation, it will be a huge blow to the navy.

  In fact, the Warring States Period was very clear that it wanted to calm this matter and maintain Karp's image.

  The best way is that Karp can destroy his relatives with justice and catch Ace, Luffy, and Dragon all to the navy headquarters.

  They were even executed in front of the whole world.

  But the Warring States Period knew that this was simply impossible.

  Although Karp is a naval hero, he is also a father and a grandfather.

  Letting him do this kind of righteous killing of relatives does not exist at all, and it is not in line with Karp's character.

  What the Warring States Period is most worried about now is in case other people really want Karp to do such a thing, even if the order of the five old Stars above wants him to do so.

  With Karp's character, it is very likely that he will turn against the navy!

  Karp was originally very upset with the Tianlong people and the five old stars, and he didn't give them face anymore.

  If those people must let Karp do this, the Warring States Period knows the character of his old brother very well.

  It is really very likely that, like Huang Yuan, he directly defected to the navy!

  Therefore, he must find a way to deal with this matter with Karp before the above order comes!

  But what the Warring States Period did not expect was that the order of the five Old Stars came so quickly.

  He had just finished saying that he wanted Karp to handle the matter by himself, and someone came to report the order of the five old stars.

  The content of the order is exactly the same as what the Warring States Period thought.

  Let Karp arrest Ace, Luffy and Dragon with his own hands!

  And it was directly the tone of the order, and Karp could not be allowed to resist!

····*Seeking flowers·· ······

  Even, they set a time, three days!

  Within three days, if Karp can't do it, then they will publicly execute Karp on the grounds that Karp has adopted Roger's son!

  When he knew about this, the Warring States Period knew that the purpose of the Five Old Stars was not just to execute Karp.

  Even more with the help of this matter, he attracted Ace, Luffy and Dragon to save him, and then caught them all!

  Excuse me? What if Ace and Luffy bring the White Beard Pirates over?

  In the hearts of the group of Tianlong people of Wu Laoxing, they had never put White Beard in their eyes.

  Even if Baibeard penetrated the entire Malin Vandor alone, he even defeated all the famous masters with surnames.

  In their eyes, Baibeard was still just a pirate who couldn't get on the stage.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .