
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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Karp went to the White Beard Pirates, and the news directly shattered the faith in the hearts of many navies.

  The naval hero in their hearts, their faith, actually joined the White Beard Pirates like this!

  Coupled with the previous Huang Yuan, this is already the first time two senior navy officers have joined the White Beard Pirates!

  What the hell is going on in this world!

  First, some things about Huang Yuan and Karp were exposed, and then the two of them left the navy and joined the arms of the pirates!

  Then who will be exposed next? General Green Pheasant? Or the marshal of the Warring States Period?

  If they are exposed, will they also join the White Beard Pirates?

  What's the point of them joining this navy? Even two of the navy's top combat powers have joined the Pirates.

  Make the already bad navy worse, and make the already powerful pirates icing on the cake.

  If the pirates attack by then, the navy has no combat power to resist!

  Just Karp and Huang Yuan could block the remaining Warring States Marshals and General Green Pheasant.

  For the rest, who can stop the other strong ones?

 14 There is not even a need for Baibeard to personally take action, the children under him, and the other four newly added emperors.

  It's enough to kill seven in and seven out at the navy headquarters!

  In short, in a word, there is no future for staying in the navy, so it is better to be a civilian.

  The person who originally wanted to quit the navy because of Huang Yuan's affairs was finally suppressed by the Warring States Period.

  And now, more people want to quit the navy.

  They didn't even report it, so they just ran away!

  Because they also knew that even if they reported it, it would be useless, and the navy would not allow them to leave.

  So it's better to leave directly, and still leave in droves.

  If it were in the past, their approach would be equivalent to desertion and they would definitely be punished.

  But now, the navy can't protect itself, so how can it have the mind to take care of them.

  In a short period of time, more than half of the navy left, directly weakening the navy's strength by more than half!

  However, the navies that left were all from those branches, and the navy of the naval headquarters was left because of the mandatory requirements of the Warring States Period.

  However, the Warring States Period also knew that this method would not last long at all, and it would arouse their rebellious mentality.

  They wanted to leave, but they didn't let them go, and they were forced to stay.

  It is impossible for anyone to be happy this time.

  And the longer it takes, the more upset they will be, and there is a high probability that riots will begin at that time!

  But the Warring States Period had no choice. This was an order that Wu Lao Xing forced him to give.

  He was originally found by Wu Lao Xing because of Karp's affairs, and he also preached.

  Therefore, he also had to obey the orders of the five old stars.

  It's just that now he finally has a deep understanding of why Karp is so upset with the five old stars and the Tianlong people.

  With that high posture, they don't seem to treat other people as human beings.

  To be honest, if it weren't for him being a marshal of the navy, he would also have the professional ethics of being a marshal of the navy.

  He wanted to leave like Karp!

  He just felt so tired, and he had to pay attention to the affairs of the Whitebeard Pirates, and deal with the internal affairs of the navy.

  Why is it so difficult for this admiral to be a marshal!

  If this time the matter can come to an end, then he won't be the marshal of the navy!

  But this time it is very likely that the matter will not end so easily.

  He has a hunch that this time something will change the pattern of the whole world!

  On the other side, after Karp came to the White Beard Pirates, of course, he did not succeed in beating Ace and Luffy.

  The main thing is that he doesn't want to beat them anymore.

  Because Ace told him that if he was willing to join the White Beard Pirates.

  Beat them as long as you want!

  Moreover, under the constant persuasion of Ace, Luffy, and even Huang Yuan, Karp agreed to join the White Beard Pirates.

  But there is one condition, that is, he will not take action against the navy.

  Nowadays, the pirate forces are basically from the White Beard Pirate Group, and he doesn't want to deal with the navy.

  So it's already obvious that Karp joined the White Beard Pirates and just wanted to be a person who didn't do anything.

  It's similar to Huang Yuan, just paddle every day.

  White Beard naturally agreed very happily, he had no intention of letting Karp deal with the navy.

  In fact, he didn't plan to deal with the navy at all. He just wanted all the senior figures in the navy to join his White Beard Pirate Group in order to surrender the navy.

  Or the navy does not need to surrender, as now, many people can leave the navy.

  Some of those who left the branch chose to become civilians, and some chose to join the White Beard Pirates.

  But no matter which choice it is, it will be good for his task.

  If the remaining navy can do the same, then his conquest of the navy can also be said to be completed.

  After all, to dominate the world, it is not necessarily necessary to let these forces surrender to him.

  If it can be disbanded, it is also a way.

  Karp's addition has already caused the navy to lose more than half of its people.

  If the Warring States Period and the Green Pheasant join again, wouldn't it be a fatal blow to the navy?

  And this matter, of course, is for Karp to complete.

  With Karp here, it will be much easier to convince the Warring States Period and the Green Pheasant.

  But it's a problem to let them meet. After all, the Warring States Period and the Green Pheasant are not like Huang Yuan and Karp. What can be exposed and disinformation?

  So it is still a little difficult to get them to leave the navy.

  Of course, it's a bit difficult just to say that there is no way for them to leave the navy by themselves.

  There is still a way, as long as Baibeard goes to the navy headquarters and brings them out.

  But if this is done, Whitebeard is worried that it will increase the difficulty of Karp convincing them.

  After all, this is a question of voluntary and voluntary.

  But Karp was confident, saying that as long as he could meet with the Warring States Period and the green Pheasant, no matter what form it was.

  He is sure that he can convince them.

  Therefore, Baibeard didn't ask what the group could do, so he directly broke into the navy and took the Warring States Period, the green Pheasant, and of course Lieutenant General Crane away.

  The intrusion of White Beard also opened a hole in the navy headquarters that was originally blocked.

  Those navies that were originally forced to stay, found the opportunity and began to leave the naval headquarters.

  Moreover, because they were forced to stay, there was already a fire in their hearts.

  Therefore, before they left, they also made a scene at the naval headquarters.

  Anyway, the high-end combat power of the navy headquarters is not there now, and there are many lieutenant generals among them.

  There is no problem with turning the naval headquarters upside down. .

Chapter 289

  Because of the riots at the naval headquarters, in addition, the naval headquarters has no masters to sit in.

  As a result, Malin Vandor, who was already small, shrank a bit.

  Moreover, what Whitebeard destroyed before was only a little empty place, and the building was not destroyed.

  But this time it was different. The riots of these navies affected the entire naval headquarters building.

  They destroyed all those iconic buildings to vent their unhappiness.

  After making a fuss, these navies left gracefully, and took more people with them.

  They also took away the navies who were hesitant to leave.

  The remaining navy in the navy headquarters is less than one-third of the previous one.

  It can be said that this wave of naval losses was huge, and it was still a loss that could not be recovered for a long time!

  On the other side, after Baibeard brought the Warring States Period and others back to the pirate ship, he also asked them to meet Karp.

  When they saw Karp, of course they were very upset.

  Especially in the Warring States Period, it was too miserable to be stabbed in the back by this old brother in succession.

  However, after Karp's fooling, the Warring States Period and others were also silent.

  The previous actions of the five old stars made them feel Karp's mood.

  Therefore, they can actually understand Karp's mood.

  But understanding belongs to understanding, and it is not so easy for them to join the White Beard Pirates.

  But soon, what happened to the naval headquarters came. There was a riot at the naval headquarters, and most of the buildings were destroyed.

  More than two-thirds of the navy left, and the wave of naval headquarters can be said to be a blood loss.

  Moreover, because they were brought back to the navy headquarters by Whitebeard.

  Therefore, the five old stars issued an order to revoke their status as admirals, admirals, and naval staff officers.