
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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217 Chs


At the beginning, it was worried about whether it would hurt Taiyi, so it didn't do its best.

  But then it knew, there was no need to keep it at all.

  Because even if it doesn't keep its hands, it's not Taiyi's opponent at all!

  It is a dignified digimon, and it can't beat its own owner.

  Ask, which other digimon is as unlucky as it is!

  But now, it's used to it. It's used to hiding behind Taiyi and watching Taiyi defeat Digimon.

  But only it and Taiichi knew about these things, and they didn't tell anyone else.

  It's not that they can't tell, but even if they tell, they won't believe it!

  Therefore, it is not ready to tell the Dilu Beast, anyway, when the time comes to face the blood-sucking warcraft, Taiyi will definitely do it.

  At that time, the other party will know whether he has said this sentence wrong or not.

  Soon, Taiyi and Jia'er came to the location of the blood-sucking warcraft, which was under the building.

  They only need to climb up the building and come to the roof to see the blood-sucking warcraft.

  Originally, Taiichi had already learned the technique of dancing in the air, so he didn't need to run over so much trouble.

  But if he flew directly with his sister, he was afraid that his sister would be difficult to accept.

  Therefore, he still chose to run.

  "Jia'er, the blood-sucking Warcraft is on the roof now, and we will see him soon. "

  "But you don't need to be afraid, because my brother will protect you! "

  This is the first time Jia'er has faced the villain Digimon, so she was afraid that she would feel scared, so Taiyi comforted her in advance.

  Although Jia'er was indeed a little scared in her heart, when she saw her brother's firm eyes.

  As well as the appearance that the Dilu Beast would swear to protect to the death, her fear weakened a lot.

  Jia'er plucked up the courage and walked up to the building with her brother.

  On the other side, the remaining six children were also desperately coming.

  The roof of the building.

  Other places were shrouded in thick fog, and they couldn't see the road clearly.

  But because this is the location of the blood-sucking warcraft, there is no thick fog here, and you can see it very clearly.

  Seeing the appearance of Taiyi and Jia'er, the blood-sucking Warcraft was also very surprised.

  But when he saw the Dilu Beast, he knew that this little girl was the eighth child he had been looking for!

  "Are you the only two coming over? You really have the courage, you actually came to die! "

  Although I don't know why, Taiyi and Jia'er will only have two people running over.

  But the children who are selected can be one less and one less for him.

  As long as these two children are all solved, the remaining six children will not be able to become a climate!

  Because almost all of his subordinates were eliminated, only one little demon beast was left.

  So the blood-sucking Warcraft has no choice but to do it by itself.

  It's just that just when he wanted to do it, a few attacks flew over suddenly, and the target was the blood-sucking warcraft!

  Afterwards, Ahe and others ran over and stood with Taiichi and Jia'er.

  "Taiichi! Even if you mess around by yourself, you still mess around with your sister! "

  "If something happens to Jia'er, I'll see what you do! "

  Ah He looked at Taiyi and said very upset.

  Because he also has a younger brother, he is very upset with Taiyi's risky approach of taking his younger sister.

  If you are a brother, you should protect your younger brothers and sisters.

  "With me, Jia'er will be fine! "

  Tai glanced at Ah He, and said lightly.

  These guys are really coming fast.

  But it just so happens that he now only brushes the super evolution points of the ancient beast.

  He hasn't brushed the complete volume of the other ones yet.

  It just so happens that you can take advantage of this opportunity to divide the complete volume of the other Digimon.

  Then kill the blood-sucking warcraft.

  This time, he should be able to get a lot of points.

  Later, when dealing with the Four Dark Kings, he could be more confident.

  The others didn't know Taiyi's thoughts, they looked at the blood-sucking warcraft very seriously one by one.

  The attack just now did not cause any damage to the blood-sucking warcraft.

  "All the eight children are gathered together, just in time, today is your death date! "

  The blood-sucking Warcraft looked at the eight children in front of him and said with a sneer.

  He plans to get rid of the eighth child first, because this child is the most threatening to him.

  As far as he knows, the eighth child and his Digimon have the ability to kill him.

  This is why he wants to destroy Jia'er's sacred plan and the key to evolution.

  But he couldn't destroy these two things, and the key to evolution was still in the hands of the wizard beast.

  Fortunately, the sacred plan is in his hands, otherwise there will be no way to fight this battle.

  The blood-sucking warcraft looked at Jia'er, and then attacked her! .

Chapter 219

  The blood-sucking warcraft moved very fast, and neither the others nor the digital baby reacted.

  The attack of the blood-sucking warcraft, even a full-bodied digimon can't stop it, let alone Jia'er, a child.

  If she is hit, there will only be one end for Jia'er, and that is death!

  However, now there are only Taiyi, Dilu Beast and Wizard Beast near Jia'er.

  The reason why the wizard beast was near Jia'er was to give Jia'er the key to evolution.

  Seeing the attack of the blood-sucking warcraft, the wizard beast did not hesitate, and quickly stood in front of Jia'er.

  Now he is the only one who can save Jia'er. Neither Taiyi nor Dilu Beast can die, so he can only die.

  But he didn't regret it. If he could trade his life for Jia'er's life, it would still be very worthwhile.

  Because only Jia'er and Dilu Beast can defeat the blood-sucking Warcraft!

  Seeing the attack of the blood-sucking warcraft getting closer and closer to him, the wizard beast's face already showed a relieved expression.

  However, the next moment, he was stunned, because he saw a figure standing in front of him!

  And this figure is Taiyi!

  "Wizard Beast, thank you for protecting my sister, but there is no need for this. As my brother, I will protect her. "

  Taiyi turned his head and said to the wizard beast, and then, with a slap, he directly slapped the attack of the blood-sucking warcraft!

  Seeing this scene, everyone, including the blood-sucking warcraft, was stunned.

  What did he see? !

  A human child actually shot his attack away!

  Although the attack just now was not his full attack, it was not something that a mere human child could resist.

  Not to mention shooting his attack into the air!

  What's going on! Why does a human child have such strength!

  The attack of the flying blood-sucking warcraft is nothing to Taiyi at all.

  Although his current strength cannot be compared with Uncle Tony and Father Whitebeard, these two people who first came into contact with the martial arts of Qi.

  But compared with these Digimon, his strength is still very strong.

  Although I don't know if I can deal with the Four Dark Kings, there is no problem with dealing with blood-sucking warcraft.

  Originally, Taiyi didn't plan to save the wizard beast, because in the copy, when the wizard beast died, the Dilu beast evolved into a celestial beast.

  But he thought again that as long as Jia'er could get the sacred plan, the Dilu Beast could evolve.

  The death of the wizard beast, in the copy, is more to make Jia'er sad, and then get her sacred plan.

  Therefore, as long as you can get the sacred plan, even if the wizard beast does not die, it will be fine.

  What's more, the wizard beast died to save Jia'er, and if he didn't save it when he was capable, he would feel sorry for him.

  And Jia'er will definitely blame herself later.

  Therefore, Taiyi finally chose to save the wizard beast.

  Moreover, after saving the wizard beast, Taiyi set his sights on the little devil beast, to be precise, it was the sacred plan on the claws of the little devil beast.

  The blood-sucking warcraft actually let the little demon beast hold the sacred plan.

  Not only the blood-sucking warcraft, the other children were also very surprised one by one. Is this sure to be Taiyi? When did Taiyi become so powerful!

  Taiyi's form flashed and he came to the little demon beast, and then he grabbed the sacred plan.

  By the way, the little devil beast was slaughtered.

  Although the little devil beast cannot provide him with points, this guy has also caused a lot of trouble to these children.

  So what should be slaughtered still has to be slaughtered.