
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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217 Chs


Not to mention Tony, even other people who don't care if Dilu Beast is a cat don't know what to say.

  They didn't expect that the Dilu beast was actually a mouse! loss.

Chapter 217

  Tony: "Dilu Beast is a mouse? ! This is also a bit too exciting! "

  White Beard: "Although I know that evolution is amazing, I didn't feel anything when the Dilu Beast was a cat. "

  White Beard: "But the Dilu beast is actually a mouse. Well, I can only say that this evolution is really amazing. "

  Hattori Heiji: "But if you look closely, it is indeed more like a mouse than a cat. It's just that we had preconceived ideas before. "

  Zhang Sanfeng: "What's even more amazing is that the mouse Dilu Beast, which has evolved again, will actually evolve into a celestial beast! I think it should be the most peculiar digimon on the evolutionary route. "

  Guo Jing: "Indeed, the Bada beast can evolve into an angel beast, which is already very strange. As a result, a puppy can evolve into a mouse, and a mouse can actually evolve into an angel, which is even more strange! "

  Tony: "I don't know if there is a more peculiar evolution. "

  Zhou Xin: "Yes, although it does not appear in the copy, in fact, the heavenly female beast also has the ultimate body, and there are still two ultimate bodies. "

  Zhou Xin: "One of the ultimate bodies is relatively normal, but the other ultimate body is more peculiar. "

  Zhou Xin: "To avoid hurting your hearts, I still decided not to tell you. "

  Zhou Xin remembered very clearly that there were two ultimate evolutions of the heavenly female beast.

  The first is relatively normal, evolving into a sacred heavenly female beast, there is nothing special about it.

  The key is the second kind, the heavenly female beast, can actually evolve into a holy dragon beast!

  And the appearance of this holy dragon beast is a pink dragon-shaped digimon!

  Although the celestial female beast wears a mask, it is not difficult to see that she is a very beautiful humanoid digimon.

  But it actually evolved into a digimon like the Holy Dragon Beast. When Zhou Xin saw it for the first time, it caused huge damage to his heart!

  Where is his heavenly beast? Where is his beautiful heavenly beast? How did it evolve into such a thing? !

  In order to prevent other people in the group from suffering the same spiritual blow as him, he decided to keep the beautiful appearance of the heavenly beast in their hearts.

  Seeing Zhou Xin's news, although others were very curious, what the heavenly female beast would evolve into.

  But since the group owners have said so, then they should not be so curious.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Digimon World.

  After a night of chatting, Jia'er also had a general understanding of the situation.

  Especially when she learned that Dilu Beast's good friend, the wizard Beast, was beaten into the sea by the blood-sucking warcraft in order to help her get the key to evolution, it was uncomfortable.

  She only hopes that the wizard beast can save the day.

  "Jia'er, the blood-sucking Warcraft probably knows that you are the eighth child. In order to force you out, he will definitely take action. "

  "You will always follow me later, and I will definitely protect your safety! "

  Today is the day of the armageddon with the blood-sucking Warcraft. Although nothing will happen, it is about my sister. No matter how careful you are, you can't overdo it!

  The blood-sucking Warcraft had already suspected Jia'er, but now the Dilu Beast appeared in front of her again, which made the blood-sucking Warcraft even more certain.

  In the copy, Jia'er exposed her identity in order to save Ah and them, and then was taken away by the blood-sucking Warcraft's men.

  But now, Taiyi naturally won't let this happen.

  He wants to take the initiative!

  "Brother, the Dilu Beast will protect me! "

  Jia'er looked at her Digimon and was very confident in Dilu Beast.

  Taiyi didn't say anything. Because Dilu Beast was trained by blood-sucking warcraft since he was a child, he still had some strength.

  In the copy, it can even defeat the Tyrannosaurus beasts, Garulu beasts and Digimon!

  And Dilu Beast also said that it will definitely fight to protect Jia'er's safety!

  Tai took Jia'er and set off. His destination was the location of the blood-sucking Warcraft, which was the top of a building.

  Originally, he wanted to take Jia'er with him, but anyway, he was the only one who fought the blood-sucking warcraft in the end.

  However, on the way, he met Mitsuhiro and others.

  Moreover, Jia'er quickly stated her identity and what they were going to do.

  Knowing that Taiichi was actually going to take Jia'er to find the blood-sucking warcraft, Kotaro would definitely not do it.

  He knew the power of the blood-sucking warcraft very well, and it was no different from sending Jia'er to death.

  But Mitsuhiro couldn't stop Taiichi. After pushing Mitsuhiro aside, Taiichi continued to set off with Jia'er.

  Seeing the backs of Taiichi and Jia'er leaving, Kotaro hurriedly contacted the other children. . . . .

  Now that the eight children have all gathered, and Taiyi and Jia'er are still going to deal with the blood-sucking warcraft together.

  It's time to make an end to the blood-sucking warcraft.

  The longer the delay, the more dangerous those people affected by the blood-sucking warcraft will be.

  After receiving Kotaro's message, the other children did not hesitate, and rushed to the location of the blood-sucking warcraft one after another.

  The eight children, one after the other, set off towards the place where the blood-sucking warcraft was located.

  "Taiyi, just a few of us will go to find the blood-sucking warcraft, will it be a bit too dangerous?" "

  "The strength of the blood-sucking warcraft should be very strong, even if it is you, it should be difficult to defeat him. "

  On the way, Yagu Beast said to Taiya while running.

  It was Taiyi's decision to find the blood-sucking warcraft to end, and Jia'er also listened to her brother's words, so it and the Dilu Beast had no choice but to follow them.

  Although it has never seen the power of the blood-sucking warcraft, according to the description of the Dilu Beast and other children.

  The strength of the blood-sucking Warcraft far exceeds that of any Digimon they have encountered before!

  Even if it has confidence in Taiyi's strength, it can't help but be a little worried.

  It's just that the words of the Yagu beast are a little strange to the ears of the Dilu beast.

  What do you mean, even if it is you, it is difficult to defeat the blood-sucking warcraft?

  The words of the ancient beast are reversed!

  Shouldn't it be the one fighting the blood-sucking warcraft? Why do you listen to what it means, as if it is not it that is fighting, but Taiyi?

  "Yagu Beast? Did you say that sentence wrong just now? You should say that even if it is me, it is difficult to defeat the blood-sucking warcraft. "

  The Dilu beast thought it was the Yagu beast who was wrong, so he reminded it.

  Hearing the words of the Dilu Beast, the Yagu Beast knew what the other party meant.

  It gave a wry smile and did not explain anything.

  Because it knew that even if it explained the Dilu Beast, it would not believe it.

  In fact, if it weren't for seeing it with your own eyes, no one would believe its explanation!

  But the problem is that it is not wrong. It is not it that will fight the blood-sucking warcraft later, but Taiyi!

  If it weren't for knowing that Taiyi was the chosen child, it would really wonder if Taiyi was not a human, but a humanoid Digimon! .

Chapter 218

  Yagu Beast still remembers that at the beginning, Taiyi was still very normal.

  Like other children, they rely on it to fight.

  The cooperation between them is also very good, and it has smoothly evolved into a tyrannosaurus beast, and everything is going according to the normal plot.

  But I don't know when it started, it seems to be after it knocked down a few Digimon.

  Taiyi changed, even if he didn't let it participate in the battle, he actually went on it by himself!

  Yagu Beast still remembers that he saw for the first time that too many human children actually defeated a mature Digimon!

  Since then, Taiyi has gotten out of hand.

  He left several other children. Originally, he planned to act alone, not even his partner.

  If it weren't for his own desperate request, he would have to follow Taiyi.

  Taiyi will definitely abandon it and act alone!

  It's just that although it followed Taiyi, Taiyi told it that if it encounters any Digimon in the future, let it do it again, and you must not take the initiative to do it yourself.

  Later, he learned that the reason Taiyi said this was entirely because he wanted to solve those 14 Digimon by himself!

  Watching Digimon being defeated by Taiyi one by one, he fell in front of him.

  Many of these Digimon are even many times larger than Taiyi.

  At the beginning, it would be surprised, but after seeing a lot, it would get used to it.

  But this time, the opponent is the blood-sucking Warcraft, known as the strongest Digimon.

  That's why it worries, even if it is Taiyi, it is difficult to defeat the opponent.

  As for it? Although Taiichi helped it obtain the key to evolution, it can be super-evolved.

  But since it can evolve into a complete body, it has only fought once.

  And the object of the battle is Taiyi!

  It really doesn't know what Taiyi is thinking, and why he will do it with it after letting it super evolve.

  And more importantly, he is not Taiyi's opponent!