
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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"Jia'er, this is your sacred plan. Hurry up and let the Dilu Beast evolve." "

  Taiyi gave Jia'er the sacred plan and said to her.

  Although Jia'er is very curious now, why her brother is so powerful.

  But now the top priority is to solve the blood-sucking warcraft.

  Therefore, after getting the sacred plan, Jia'er also hurriedly let the Dilu Beast evolve!

  In a burst of evolutionary light, the Dilu beast disappeared, replaced by the appearance of the heavenly female beast!

  "Oops! "

  Seeing the appearance of the heavenly female beast, the face of the blood-sucking warcraft was very ugly.

  This is the only Digimon that can cause him harm, and the only digimon that can kill him!

  The reason why he wanted to get rid of the eighth child was to prevent this from happening.

  But now, the situation is still happening!

  The appearance of the celestial beast also made other children react, and they quickly made their Digimon super evolve and become a complete body!

  Of course, the Yagu beast did not evolve, and Taiyuan did not let it evolve.

  "Taiichi! What's going on! Your sub-ancient beast should also be able to evolve! Why didn't you let it evolve! "

  Seeing that the Yagu beast had not evolved, Ah He hurriedly said loudly.

  Although Taiyi had separated from them before, they knew that Taiyi had also obtained the key to evolution, so it should be possible for the ancient beast to evolve.

  ". ~Your Digimon has evolved, that's great! "

  Seeing seven full-bodied Digimon appearing in front of him, Taiichi said very excitedly.

  Although these seven Digimon, a single point is not comparable to the blood-sucking Warcraft.

  But when the seven add up, they will definitely have more points than the blood-sucking Warcraft.

  It may even be almost the same as the points of the ultimate Digimon.

  Seeing Taiyi's excitement, the others didn't know what was going on, but the Yagu Beast knew.

  Because, when he evolved into a complete body, Taiichi's reaction was similar to that now, but this time it was even stronger.

  "Taiichi! Let's defeat the blood-sucking warcraft first! "

  "Don't fight with your partner and lose each other! "

  Yaku Beast hurriedly shouted at Taiyi. What he was afraid of now was that Taiyi would not deal with the blood-sucking warcraft first, but would deal with his own people first!

  No matter who wins at that time, the final winner will be the blood-sucking Warcraft!

  (Li Haohao) It's just that Taiyi just smiled at the ancient beast and didn't listen to it.

  The task of these fully-bodied Digimon is to provide him with points.

  As for the blood-sucking warcraft, it is enough to rely on him alone.

  Others didn't know what Yagu Beast meant by his words, nor did they know what Taiyi was going to do.

  However, seeing the expression on Taiyi's face, a bad feeling suddenly appeared in their hearts.

  Soon, their faces changed, they became very surprised and stunned.

  Because they saw that Taiyi actually attacked their Digimon!

  Taiyi's first choice target was the beautiful flower fairy beast.

  There is no special reason, just because the flower fairy beast is the weakest!

  As a full-bodied digimon, even a mature digimon can't beat it.

  When the Flower Fairy Beast saw Taiyi appear in front of her, the expression on her face froze. .

Chapter 220

  Originally, the Flower fairy Beast was still preparing to attack the blood-sucking warcraft.

  But she never thought that Taiyi would actually attack her!

  Seeing the stunned appearance of the flower fairy Beast, Taiyuan didn't hesitate at all, and started directly, knocking out the flower fairy beast.

  Because of fainting, the flower fairy beast directly degenerated into the growth stage.

  Taiyi's actions shocked everyone who was already very surprised, and even more surprised.

  They were not only shocked by why Taiyi attacked the Flower fairy Beast, but also shocked by Taiyi's strength!

  Although the strength of the flower fairy beast is very weak, it is not something that a child can defeat!

  In addition, Taiyi easily slapped the attack of the blood-sucking warcraft, grabbed the sacred plan from the little demon beast, and killed the little demon beast.

  Everything of this kind is telling them that Taiyi is very abnormal!

  Is it possible that the current Taiyi is not the real Taiyi, but which powerful Digimon pretended to be it?

  Not only the children were shocked, but even the blood-sucking warcraft was the same.

  When I saw the appearance of the heavenly female beast and the evolution of other Digimon into a complete body.

  He is ready for a fierce battle.

  But the development of the plot was beyond his imagination. One of the selected children actually attacked the Digimon of other children!

  Is it possible that this child is here to help him?

  But it's impossible, he doesn't remember what partner he has.

  However, for Taiyi to be able to stun the flower fairy beast, the blood-sucking warcraft still feels very normal.

  The opponent can even shoot his attacks, let alone knock down a few Digimon.

  The Flower Fairy Beast was just the beginning. After defeating the flower Fairy Beast, Taiyi continued to attack and defeated the remaining Digimon one by one. In the end, only the heavenly female beast was left.

  At this time, the heavenly female beast had already regarded Taiyi as her enemy.

  So when Taiyi attacked other Digimon, she was already preparing to attack.

  When Taiyi looked at her, her attack was just ready.

  "Heavenly beast! That's my brother! "

  Seeing that the heavenly beast was about to attack her brother, Jia'er hurriedly spoke.

  Although she was also surprised that Taiyi knocked down other Digimon.

  But she couldn't just watch her Digimon fight with her brother!

  "Jia'er! For some unknown reason, your brother launched an attack on his partner's Digimon. "

  "And he can actually knock them out! Your brother is very abnormal! I suspect that your brother may have been possessed by some Digimon! "

  The heavenly beast did not give up attacking because of Jia'er's words.

  In her eyes, Taiyi is no longer a normal human being, but is possessed by a powerful digimon.

  And the strength of this Digimon is not weaker than that of the blood-sucking warcraft, and may even be stronger!

  Her attack has been aimed at Taiyi, and she can launch an attack in the next moment!

  It's just that she doesn't have this opportunity anymore, so how could Taiyi let her attack.

  Although her attack did not pose any threat to him.

  Taiyi flashed and disappeared in place one by one, very fast, even the heavenly female beast did not react.

  By the time she reacted, it was too late. She only felt a pain in her neck, and then her eyes turned black and she lost consciousness.

  After the celestial beast fell, he also swiped all the other children's Digimon points.

  This point can take his strength to the next level.

  Moreover, there is a big head of points still waiting for him to brush.

  Taiyi set his sights on the blood-sucking warcraft.

  "Although I don't know why you attacked your partner's Digimon, I don't know how you, a human child, can have such a powerful strength. "

  "But you defeated them, and you helped me a lot. "

  "So, I can give you a chance, as long as you surrender to me and be my subordinate, I will let go of these children and your human world, how about it. "

  Although Taiyi defeated several Digimon, the Vampire Warcraft did not think that the opponent was his opponent.

  The reason why he was afraid of the heavenly female beast was because of the restraint of the opponent's attributes, not that the opponent's strength was stronger than him.

  Therefore, although Taiyi defeated the heavenly beast, he didn't think Taiyi could compete with him.

  If the attributes do not restrain him, he is not afraid.

  Moreover, such a powerful child, if he can be accepted as a subordinate, it will also be good for him.

  As for letting go of other children, he will also do what he says.

  After all, it was not these children he was afraid of, but the heavenly beasts.

  Therefore, if Taiyi can surrender to him, he can let go of these children and their Digimon, except for the Dilu Beast.

  He can also leave the human world right away and return to the Digimon world.

  "I said, what kind of confidence do you have, you can say something that makes me surrender to you. "

  "Do you think you will be my opponent?" "

  Taiyi looked at the blood-sucking warcraft and said with some amusement.

  If he didn't know the follow-up plot, he would indeed think that the blood-sucking Warcraft was the strongest Digimon and the last boss.

  But he knew the plot behind, and the blood-sucking warcraft was put in the back, and it was at most a high-end combat power.

  Only his evolution of the ultimate blood-sucking warcraft can become the top combat power.

  If he can leave the human world alive and return to the Digimon world.