
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs


Chapter Sixteen

The world was in pain, suffering, and sorrow.

Ugly things were happening all over the world.

One beautiful part of the world was in particularly great suffering and pain.

The suffering and pain that came from that part of the world ripped through reality.

The suffering and pain that came from that beautiful part of the world were so strong that the whole world felt the consequences.

D could no longer endure this situation.

It was not a world he wanted to live in.

It was not the world he was building.

D decided to change things.

He was aware that there was currently no point in appealing to the responsible persons who had caused so much suffering and pain.

Those persons were too closed in on themselves.

They were convinced that we all were in a hopeless situation.


D will call to account for the one who is most responsible for the current state of the world.

D went to the beautiful beach.

There he made a campfire and began to shout at the top of his voice. "

D: "Hey God! Come to me. I need you! We need to talk."

D hears a voice from heaven speaking.

Voice: "Hey D. You called me. Do you need anything from me?"

D: "Of course I need you. But I can't talk to you from this position in this way. Please take human form, so we can talk."

In front of D, a beautiful woman was created.

To the D a woman looked beautiful like a goddess.

D was fascinated by the woman's beauty for a few moments, then he spoke.

D: "So this is the form that you have taken. You are beautiful."

God blushed and thanked D for the nice compliment.

God: "This is my original and true form. That's me."

D: "Regardless of your beautiful beauty. General shit happens in my world. How you are not ashamed and embarrassed to allow so much suffering and pain.

Even the churches that worship you are being destroyed. "

God: "People have the free will to do what they want. I didn't ask anything from them, especially to build buildings in my name."

God paused for a moment, then she continued talking.

God: "People have corrupted themselves. When a man is born, when he is a child. He is innocent and uncorrupted. A child is pure and full of goodness. It is people who have built systems that corrupt people. They destroy souls."

God paused for a moment and took a deep breath, then continued.

God: "People are destroying themselves. If you don't believe me, I'll call the devil to confirm what I'm telling you."

D nodded briefly in approval.

In front of D, the most beautiful red-haired woman D had ever seen was created.

He saw on her that she was a real Devil.

D and the Devil are introduced to each other.

God continues to talk.

God: "Devil, as you have heard, D calls me to account here. Blame me for the suffering among mankind.

Devil: "D, that's not right of you. God has only love in her. It is humanity that causes problems itself. There are individuals among you who can harm children. These individuals lose their souls. These individuals when they die are insignificant in infinity. I take the remnants of the soul from these individuals. I take a part of the soul from everyone who does evil. "

D was silent for a few moments then said.

D: "After all this, it turns out that you are a scavenger, that you collecting garbage. But, regardless of your profession, there are so many good and honest people in the world who deserve to live in peace."

The Devil starts to laugh.

Devil: "There is no man in this world who has not lost a part of his soul. Evil doesn't exist in the universe. Human stupidity has created evil. You can go and see for yourself."

D: "What do you want to tell me that there is no salvation for people.

God: "No. There is salvation for people and humanity. It is best that you go and see for yourself and then we continue the conversation."

D: "Okay. Let's see."

D began to disappear.

His body was gone.

All that remained was his consciousness.

He rose above the beach and saw a river of blackness flowing.

He rose above that blackness and saw the world below him.

He saw the people below him.

He landed and began to enter the people.

He looked into their souls.

He looked at every man's soul in this world.

D returned to the beach where the Goddess and the Devil were waiting for him.

D has returned to his human form.

He was shaken.

He was dazed.

It took him a few moments to come to his senses.

He looked at God and Devil and said.

D: "No wonder this is a situation where you only look bad. When you look only at black."

D paused for a few more moments to calm down and said.

D: "God, what kind of example did you give us when you drove the Devil away from you? What kind of hope did you give to humanity when you drove someone so close to you out of paradise and didn't know how to forgive?"

God was silent.

Devil answered.

Devil: "God is pure love. I love her and I don't blame her for that."

D said that.

D: "Okay, if the God is pure love? If so. Then let her take you back. Then let her kiss you."

God and Devil looked at each other for a few moments and then they started kissing passionately.

D watched them with pleasure, knowing that hell was closed for eternity.

D headed towards them and joined them in love and pleasure.

The last thought that went through his head before surrendering to divine love was.

These are going to be one divinely good sex.