
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs


Chapter Fifteen

Robi has been sitting in the bar since early in the morning.

It was already afternoon and he had drunk dozens of pints of beer.

He did the same thing every morning.

He would come to the local bar in the morning and drink beers with his friends.

He looked at his watch.

It was 5 pm.

The time has come for him to go to his mistress.

His mistress welcomed him with more alcohol and he continued to get drunk with his mistress.

There would be days when he would have sex with her.

He didn't do that tonight.

He got drunk to the point of exhaustion with her tonight.

He looked at his watch.

It was 11 pm.

He headed home.

He lay down in bed next to his sleeping wife.

Their two-year-old child was sleeping in a crib in the room next to them.

In the morning, Robi did the same thing he does every day.

He went to a bar to get drunk, then to his mistress in the afternoon, and home to his wife and child in the evening.

Days, weeks, and months passed, and Robi lived the same every day.

One day he got so drunk that he passed out.

Robi regained consciousness and got up from the floor.

He was lying in the canal.

He was all dirty and torn.

He went home to wash.

When he entered the house.

His wife was not in the house.

He looked for his wife around the house, she was nowhere to be found.

He heard the cry of a child.

He went into the room and took his child in his arms.

The child did not stop crying.

His head was already starting to hurt from the noise.

He went out with the child to the yard.

The child calmed down.

He closed his eyes for a few moments to calm his headache and hangover.

He opened his eyes.

The child was nowhere to be found.

He started calling the child.

The child did not answer.

He entered back into the house and search the house.

There was no child in the house.

He ran out into the street and started calling the child.

The child was nowhere to be found.

He was running madly on the street and calling out to the child.

He came in front of the house from his mistress.

The child was sitting with his mistress and laughing.

He quickly ran towards the child to hug him.

He hugged the child, who laughed at him.

The mistress was surprised by his behavior.

She told him to calm down.

Robi needed to calm down.

He needed a quick drink to regain his composure.

The mistress poured them a short drink.

Robi drank three short ones in a row.

He looked around.

The child was not around him.

He looked at his mistress, who showed that she did not know where the child was.

Robi ran outside to the street and started looking for the child.

He called out to the child at the top of his voice.

He ran down the street and called out to the child.

He came to the end of the street and saw a child entering a small alley.

A few meters behind the child was a man who took out a gun and started aiming at the child

Robi rushed at the man with all his might and kicked him directly in the nose.

He felt the cartilage of his nose crack from the blow.

The gun flew out of the man's hand and he fell to the floor unconscious.

Robi ran into the street in the direction the child had gone.

There was no child in sight.

He continued to run down the street.

He saw a child in the distance.

Five hooligans surrounded the child.

They started to attack the child

Robi saw a stone on the floor, picked it up, and ran towards the first hooligan.

He broke his head with a stone.

He immediately kicked another hooligan with a stone.

He smashed his head with a stone.

Both hooligans were lying on the floor covered in blood.

The other three hooligans ran away.

Robi saw a child in the distance walking towards the beach.

He ran after the child.

The child was standing on the beach.

Robi ran to the child and hugged the child with all his strength.

The child started laughing.

He sat down and put the child on his lap.

He looked the child in the face.

It was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

He saw an angel in her.

He saw himself in her.

He saw all the happiness and beauty of this world in her.

Robi began to feel indescribable happiness.

Suddenly someone put a hand on his shoulder and hugged him.

It was his wife.

The woman whispered in his ear.

Wife: "I love you and I will always be by your side! No matter what!"

Robi hugged his wife and his daughter.

He was the happiest man in the world.

He was in heaven.

Suddenly the daughter motioned for him to look behind him.

Robbie turned and saw the cameras and the camera crew.

The director approached and said.

Director: "Cut! We filmed this perfectly!"

Robi woke up in bed all sweaty.

His wife was standing over him cleaning him.

His daughter was next to him.

Robi hugged them with such force that all the love in the world was in that hug.

He started to cry.

Robi spent the following years with his wife and daughter.

He gave up drinking in pubs and partying with his mistresses.

He had happiness and peace that he could not even imagine.

It was the best thirty years of his life.

Robi was lying on the 'sick bed'.

His wife and daughter were with him.

The daughter was over thirty years old.

They were sad.

Robi could die at any moment from illness.

The daughter leans next to Robi and starts whispering in his ear.

Daughter; "Dear father. The time has come for me to tell you the truth. Mother and I have lived a life without you.

You died when I was three years old.

Mother and I lived an empty life without you.

We lived in a world that wasn't complete without you.

I devoted myself to science and found a way to contact you in the past.

I contact you in your dreams.

I sent you a dream that changed everything.

I was right to do that.

We lived a life in paradise with you.

I love you father."

Robi's tears started to flow from his cheek.

He was the proudest father in the world.

He was a man who died with a smile on his face.

Steam was coming out of the capsule.

The capsule door opened.

Lad got out of the capsule.

He was all shaken by the experience he lived through.

An assistant came to him.

Assistant: "Take it easy respected Lad. You have just virtually lived the life of a man. I know that you are under the impression. It was your choice to virtually living the life of that man before the ascension ceremony."

The assistant finishes and helps Lad to the restroom.

In the following days, Lad thought a lot about the man whose life he lived.

Lad lived over 5000 years.

He was one of the few members of his species who lived to that age and the opportunity to ascend.

The life of that man whose life he lived virtually was special.

That experience influenced Lad more than any other experience in his 5000 years of existence.

Lad was pleased because he had chosen well before the ascension ceremony.

The ascension ceremony took place in a large colosseum.

The Colosseum was 2 miles in diameter.

They put Lad in the middle of the colosseum.

Members of his species lined up around him and began to merge.

Above him was a huge crystal that focused the light of the blue giant star.

The focused light went straight towards Lad.

The ceremony has begun.

Members of his species began to release helium from their bodies.

Helium flowed through their tentacles, which were connected and ended in Lad.

Days passed.

The ceremony lasted.

Lad has started to transform.

The scales on his body were becoming as hard as diamonds.

His body grew.

His body parts were coming together.

The ceremony lasted for 10 cycles.

The transformation was complete.

Members of his species began to separate from Lad.

Lad began to lift the platform high into the air.

A platform that went to the heavens.

The platform that launched Lad into the vacuum of space.

Lad sailed towards the blue star.

To the star that fed him for so many years.

He entered orbit around a blue star.

Lad orbited the blue star.

Time stopped being important to him.

He fed on the energy that came from the blue giant.

He began to feel the call.

Something called to him in the depths of space.

His senses were adjusting.

He managed to find out what it was calling him.

It was a call from a nearby black hole.

He sailed towards the black hole.

His senses were still developing.

He began to see dark energy coming from the black hole.

The energy went like a highway.

He connected to that energy.

He started sailing faster and faster.

Increasingly faster.

He reached the black hole.

He put himself into orbit around the black hole and let gravity pull him towards the center of the black hole.

There was plenty of food for him.

It was particularly delicious energy.

Lad grew bigger and bigger from the energy from the black hole.

He noticed that the energy from the black hole goes like a highway and merges with the neighboring black hole.

Lad sailed towards the next black hole which sent energy towards the neighboring black hole.

Lad sailed through space.

He fed on energy from black holes and navigated the path that connected the black holes.

If he came close to an inhabited planet.

He could feel all the life on that planet.

Eons passed.

Lad felt the call to the center of the universe.

Towards the location of the largest black hole in the universe.

He headed there via black holes.

That huge black hole that was at the center of the universe was something special.

Her energy was like music.

He sailed into her orbit

His senses began to develop even more.

He began to understand the black hole.

The black hole was the entrance and the exit.

Lad began to see through her.

He saw that there is another universe.

A universe that is unimaginably bigger than his universe.

The universe from which he heard the summons.

He approached the very center of the black hole.

The black hole began to pull him into itself.

He finally saw.

He finally saw into another universe.

He sees who's calling him.

It was a girl from a human simulation named Robi.

She waved at him.

Her father was sitting next to her at the table.

A man whose life Lad lived.

A man who had a feather in his hand and he was writing.

The man turned to Lad and smiled.

He motioned for him to come.

The little girl started calling him loudly.

Girl: "Robilad! Come in, come to us. Come and join us!"