
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs


Thank you for reading the book.

I hope that you enjoyed it and that I even managed to challenge you to think outside the box and question everything.

As you see in the stories, life is different for each of us and we are unique individuals which are shaped by our experiences in life.

There is one more chapter.

A chapter that explains everything and gives answers to existence.

That chapter will become available when more than 10000 people read this book and demand an answer.

I have put hidden clues all over the book.

You can find the missing link by yourself and maybe even be inspired to write down the answer to existence.

The answer is quite simple.

It is a front of our noses.

If you thinking, why great minds from history did not give an 'answer to existence'.

It is simple.

Average human beings, today, with everything that we have at our disposal, like the internet. Are far more knowledgeable than great minds in history like Aristotle, Plato, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, etc.

You have knowledge inside you that you do not use.

You can unlock that knowledge with different perspectives.

You can solve any task that is a front of you.

You are the most valuable substance in the universe.

You are a human being.