
Green Abyss

Author: ExaltedSin
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What is Green Abyss

Read ‘Green Abyss’ Online for Free, written by the author ExaltedSin, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ANTIHERO Fiction, KILLER Light Novel, RIGHTEOUS Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response h...


A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

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*No misunderstandings, no evil stepsister and no rape…. "NO." "My soul will never be at peace seeing you in pain," Helplessly he squeezed her against his chest, not allowing her to leave him alone in this world. "Promise me you will give yourself another chance and will move on in life. Promise me." She knew her death will forever traumatise him, forcing him to live for the sake of spending instead of living. But life is a precious gift, and it should be lived at a day-- not be drowned in the memories of a dead a person. "P-Promise me....." He raised her trembling hands and placed a kiss. Tears ran from his unblinking eyes, "I Promise......" her fragile human heart beat one last time, her earthly body stayed still in his arms, "....NOT." He finished, hugged her lifeless body. ******** 'Open your heart once again and giving yourself another chance in love is only for the bravest. Not anyone can mutter the courage to do as we have heard love happens only once.' It's the story of Lu Xion, where his heart will always belong to her only love- Meiying- who died tragically on the day of their marriage. Her death left a gaping hole in his heart. He was overwhelmed in the memories of his beloved Ying and could still talk to her. Imagination? Hallucination? Reality? Sprit connection? Nobody knows. It's the story of Ariel, a figure skater by profession who dreams of representing his country in olympics and fulfil the dreams of the people she adores. For her, love is an illusion. Love is fake. It's the word people used to mask their desires, lust and greed. LOVE DOESN'T EXIST. However, her firm opinion on the concept of love will be shaken by Xion's unparalleled love for his deceased fiancee. It will force her to reconsider the idea of love and discover it. Feel it. Live it once. Is it the same as how it's described in movies and books? Or is it different? If it brings pain, then why do people still fall in love and call it beautiful? What will happen when she would find herself tangled in the mess of forbidden love? In love with Xion! Complicated, right? He wants to live in the memories of his beloved and had the door to his heart closed. But unknowingly he not only changed Ariel's opinion but made her fall for him. How does this two opposites will make a love story? Maybe they will not. Maybe they will? What will happen when the tangled mess of their pasts will open, revealing shocking secrets? Will it be a love story with a happy ending or......? Say tuned for this new story by your very own dream_ash. ****** It will be a short story of less than 200 chapters. updates schedule is not decided as I'm busy with my other project, 'Mark of the destiny.' There won't be any sex scenes. (Yeah, I have decided not to write it.) **** This is my original work and not translated. The cover is edited by my friend and one of the amazing authors on WN- Nixxxie! The photo belongs to the owner. I don't have any right over it. Join me on discord https://discord.gg/RudqR3q

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Obat Aborsi Di Shopee 082138183425

Jual Obat Aborsi Di Shopee, Obat Cytotec Misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan Penggugur Kandungan manjur dan aman tanpa efek samping 082138183425. Kami menjual obat aborsi asli dengan merk obat cytotec misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan, obat penggugur kandungan ini sangat manjur tanpa efek samping dan aman tanpa kuret. Cara penggunaan dipandu dan dibimbing langsung sampai berhasil (tuntas). Obat cytotec misoprostol ini adalah 100% produk asli dari pfizer USA, perusahaan internasional di bidang kesehatan yang berdiri sejak tahun 1849. Obat aborsi cytotec misoprostol telah direkomendasikan oleh FDA sebagai obat penggugur kandungan yang aman untuk aborsi dan juga efektif sebagai pengobatan telat datang bulan. FDA adalah Food and Drug Administration atau badan pengawas obat dan makanan Amerika Serikat. Jual Obat Aborsi Di Shopee Apa Itu Aborsi? Dalam pengertian medis atau ilmu kedokteran, aborsi adalah tindakan untuk mengakhiri kehamilan dengan cara mengeluarkan hasil konsepsi sebelum janin dapat hidup di luar rahim. Langkah sebelum melakukan aborsi pun sebaiknya harus mengetahui usia kehamilan agar proses pengeluaran janin dalam kandungan dapat berjalan maksimal. Untuk menghitung usia kehamilan, anda bisa menggunakan kalkulator kehamilan yang sangat praktis dan juga akurat. Berikut adalah paket tuntas obat penggugur kandungan atau obat aborsi yang kami sediakan: 1 bulan tuntas 2 bulan tuntas 3 bulan tuntas 4 bulan tuntas 5 bulan tuntas Jual Obat Aborsi Di Shopee Silahkan pesan sesuai usia kehamilan anda, mengenai informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kontak kami: 082138183425 (respon cepat via WhatsApp) Via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/6282138183425/ Situs: https://sites.google.com/view/obat-aborsi-di-apotik/

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