
Green Abyss

A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

ExaltedSin · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Veritas's mind swam as his two lives continued to clash with each other. *74 souls…. Is that… from the Green Abyss?* he thought to himself, trying to put everything together, his father's concerned look weighing on his heart.

Affirmative Host

{You can read my mind?}

Altered Reality System and Host are now one. All applicable "Blessings" and attachments are filtered through for Host convience.

His eyes widened slightly "Everything is fine " He coughed lightly in his hand. "May I just have a moment alone please… Father?"

Seeing him regain his composure, the older man sighed before patting him on the shoulder and heading outside, slightly disappointed.

{Now that we are alone. What does all of…whatever you are saying mean?}

Confusion. You are the Host. The System was generated through use of your Blessing and has aided the host quietly since expiration of original Host body. Host can access any information the System has gathered, and the System will record any information deemed pertinent, or related to the use or effects of all ascertained "Blessings" Currently, the System shows you have 74 undistributed souls gained from the use of the "Blessing" Green Abyss. Would you like to view or distribute these souls now?

{I can see the souls?}

The souls collected have been organized by Blessing and the name of the bodies they originally possessed.

{I killed a lot of people huh… Can I view the souls of people from my… what was it called? Fief?}

Archive activated…. 7 Souls found. View Now?


Relocating Souls…

Soul #1: Orlef Jager – Blessing: Wolf (Pack Leader- Those around you are more likely to follow you, those who receive orders from you will feel Impowered, as long as they are fulfilling those orders. All attributes increased when defending your "Pack")

Soul #2 Jesmina Luna – Blessing: illuminate (Glow- Any object, person, creature or focus target will present a glow, color and brightness determined by user)

Soul #3 Victor Romanov – Blessing: Juggernaut (Indomitable- Unstoppable, All body attributes permanently increased by 30%)

Soul #4 Patrice Romanov – Blessing: Divine Fist (God Hand- User can alter the speed, weight, or strength of anything touched when this Blessing is active, amount able to be altered is dependent on the user and recipient physical and mental stats.)

Soul #5 Leruse Hoff – Blessing: Hawk Eyes (Far Sight- Able to view the world from an aerial view, Blessing works more efficiently when utilized on an aerial creature, though it can be used on a focal point in the sky that user can personally see.)

Soul #6 Refgen Housen- Blessing: Bard (Silver Tongue- Words from the user have an increased chance to influence others in a favorable way for the user. Warning: Strong minds can not only resist this blessing, but will be aware of outside influence.)

Soul #7 ------

{Why is the last Soul nameless?}

Soul #7 has been distorted for Host protection.

{For my protection…what does that mean?}

System recommendation—Devour the Soul, do not view.


System recommendation—Devour the Soul, do NOT view.

{Whose soul is it System, why do you not want me to see it?!}

System recommendation…

{View Soul #7}

Warning- Once view has started, soul will be consumed and lost, memories viewed may not be forgotten.

{View Soul #7}

Host… The System Highly Recommends that you abort this request and devour the soul. Do NOT View.

{Show Me Soul 7 NOW}

Accessing Memories…

Images flooded Veritas's mind for what seemed like forever, it played as though a year was a second, yet every bit of it was absorbed into his mind, as though it was his past, his life. Finally, the images slowed down and a Bald muscular man was standing in sight. "Damn it Orlef, how long must we wait?!" A vile high-pitched voice demanded, from the position of the voice, it must have been the owner of the soul… but who?

"He won't stop doting, we just have to be patient…" Orlef replied, his cheeks pink as he peered at something out of view "Ohhh so patient…"

After that, the images returned to their rapid movement, as though someone was skimming a book, with no thought of the information within. After what felt like hours, they finally slowed again. Once more Orlef was in view, dressed in hunting leathers with his bow strapped on his back, and a large leather sack slung over his shoulder. This time five other people were in view, all of them grinning wickedly, rubbing their hands as though they were about to enjoy a bountiful feast.

"Do you have it?" The soul's voice asked, this time much calmer, yet expectant. Hearing it, Mysteif finally realized who it was, a young Lord of the Kingdom their Fiefdom was within. Helgar von Rauling, the ruthless son, who was accused of killing his own father, ran away into the night and was later beheaded by Mysteif on his march of vengeance.

Orlef looked at the young lord, then a look of defiance lit his eyes. "What's going on?! Why am I here!" he shouted, his eyes going wild. A red and pink glow filled Veritas's vision as he heard a slow murmur "Siren's Call" the light covered Orlef until he calmed down and bowed his head submissively.

"Orlef, do you have what I asked you for?" Helgar asked again.

"Yes my lord" Orlef replied respectfully, a creepy grin covering his face as he looked up, then he patted the pack on his shoulder. "Primed and ready."

"Wonderful.. let us begin!"

What followed was a series of images that Veritas could never unsee. He was slightly confused until he saw them open the bag, and dump its contents, Khali, onto the ground. She was tied up, her "Blessing" causing her body to glow, the other men began to undress, and all Veritas could do was scream into the void for it to stop, but no matter how much he screamed, nobody heard him, and no matter how much he begged and pleaded, the images continued until they left her, bloody and used by the river. His mind was cold, numb, and blank, as he wished for everything to just end. The beasts that called themselves men, began to walk away, but suddenly Orlef halted in his tracks.

"Whaa…what is…" he looked around in a stupor, as the memories of what he was brainwashed into doing surfaced, before anyone else could react, he blade had already decapitated two of the men, as the young Lord was slowly turning around, he pierced the heart of the third, cleaved the fourth in half, and by the time the Lord was able to speak? The last of the beast had fallen.

"Orlef! What are you doing?!" The little man asked angrily. Orlef attempted to charge toward him, hoping to finish his task, but suddenly his vision was full of red and pink, and then his mind went blank. "Orlef…You waste of life. If you weren't so valuable I'd have you kill yourself for this…but no.. Your new task is to go home.. yes yes…. Act as if nothing is amiss, remember, if this is ever found out, you were here, and you took part. Go! Make sure none of this mess, gets out and keep your tiny lord in line." With that, he smacked Orlef on the back of the head and sent him running. Turning around, Helgar rolled his eyes at the wasted manpower, until he glanced back at the still-glowing presence…"I guess I have time for one more…" He said, snickering to himself. Once more the images picked up speed, Helgar gathering beasts to get rid of the bodies, and returning home, where he argued with his father, who wanted to remove him from the line before he murdered him in cold blood. Then him running away into the night chased by torches. Finally, the memory showed him running through the dark, where he stumbled upon a man covered in blood, armor ripped, and corpses of man and beast around his feet. "huh?"

Before he could say anything else, his head was removed from his body. As the world turned to darkness, he could only hear the words "I will avenge…"

Warning- Soul Consumed