
Green Abyss

A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

ExaltedSin · Fantasy
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After twelve years of being nurtured and cared for in this new land, filled with love and comradery, where everyone looked after each other and violence was an outlandish idea, Veritas was finally forgetting the painful past he left behind, and looking positively towards a bright future. On such a peaceful day, his father decided he was ready to experience the joy of truly making a difference, and so he brought him to work at the Medical Facility with him.

Walking through the Facilities, they diagnosed and treated a man with pancreatic cancer, a woman with a brain tumor, and another man whose energy was disrupted by spell overload had to have his energy redirected while the damaged cells were repaired by another doctor's spells. The trip was educational and somehow fun for young Veritas, and after treating all the patients, he was finally able to join his father in his office.

"You did well today." His father said, trying to hide the pride in his voice, failing to sound like a stern academic. "Improving steadily, as it were."

"Thank you, father." Veritas replied with a tinge of happiness as his eyes lit up looking at all the spell books lining the wall-mounted bookcases.

"Soon, all of this will be yours.." a dreamy tone entered his father's voice. "Medical Director Veritas…the greatest prodigy in the healing arts, and my son…" As he spoke he slowly opened a drawer and removed a small package from his desk. "A shining beacon for the future." He muttered staring at the black silk-covered box.

Completely unaware of what his father was doing, Veritas mentally cataloged the titles and styles of each book on the shelves, his fingers slightly itching with the thought of exploring them. Though he would not be able to properly utilize the spells they intoned, they would give him new ideas for expanding his horizons, and a plethora of new ways to experiment with his "Blessings". A light tap on his shoulder shook him from his contemplation, and a small package was gently slid into his hand. "My son…" He could hear the slow deep breath as his father tried to hold back his emotions. "This will be the symbol of hope for our future…" his voice shaking at the end.

Intrigued, and slightly confused, Veritas gingerly removed the silk from the box, revealing a black wooden box, a symbol engraved in its lid, reminiscent of the birthmark over his heart. "What…" a feeling of pain mingled with his confusion as he slowly traced the engraving with his fingertip.

" This was found on the day you were born, perfectly intact, though it fell from the sky…" His voice sounded far away, as though he was in another room.

Opening the box, a glowing light escaped and a piercing pain was felt in his chest, causing him to scream out and drop the box. After that, his world went dark.

*Archive Activated*

*System Restructure has been enabled*

*Reality Alter Conditions completed*

*Blessing Green Abyss re-initialized*

*Blessing Seed Code activated*

*Artificial Blessing, Halo Avenged has been obtained*

*Awakening Host*

When Veritas awoke, his head and chest both ached like he had been stabbed, and all of his memories, from both lives, flooded him, all the pain and sadness he had been pushing away, the betrayal, the loss…everything hit him once again, fresh and unfiltered. His past lives memories were tempered by those of his new life, allowing him to sift through them all with cold acceptance. The joy and love he once felt were now replaced by a feeling of nothingness.

*Reboot Complete*

An oddly annoying sound played in his head, which didn't really help his headache.

*Soul Vessel Complete*

"ugh" he groaned as the noise dinged in his mind again, but when he braced himself and opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a hospital bed, his "father" holding his hand looking distraught, while quietly talking to three other doctors he could barely make out from the corner of his eye. Hearing a noise, his father jolted, and when he noticed Veritas was awake he beamed and held him close.

"Welcome back!" He said excitedly. "I'm sorry if the gift was too much, I didn't expect a locket to make you have a seizure." He joked awkwardly.

A locket? A seizure? What is he talking about.. Holding his head, he tried to sift through his memories, which was a little more difficult now that his whole life, both of them, seemed to have just happened for a second time. Finally, he remembered the box… the light…and the pain. "Erm…You said a locket?" He mumbled warily.

His father nodded, then backed up a few feet before slowly revealing a wooden locket, the same color as the box, the same symbols engraved…"Khali…" Veritas mumbled sadly.

"A what now?" His father questioned, looking at his son with concern. As he walked forward, the locket began to warm in his hand, until it shot out of it and attached itself to the thin gown covering Veritas's chest.

*Good Morning Host*

The odd voice chimed again, but this time more clearly, as though an intimate friend was whispering it directly into his ear. He looked around but saw nobody speaking, but when he looked down, he noticed that somehow the wooden locket was melding with his skin, the gown somehow burned away from it.

*74 souls awaiting distribution*