
Green Abyss

A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

ExaltedSin · Fantasy
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5 Chs


In the dark, surrounded by a mass grave of humans and creatures of various shapes and sizes, stood the silhouette of a single man. His figure shook as he looked down at the locket in his hands, a single bloody tear falling onto it, but if one were to see his face they would not find the look of sadness or fear but of pure seething hatred. "Finally…." He breathed, raggedly. "Khali…my little angel…all these demons…" He raised his head and glared at the corpses surrounding him, torn and bloody, some dismembered, some disemboweled. "They are ALL dead…You are A…V…E…N…G…E…D…" His anger slowly left him, as he finally passed out from the blood loss.

6 Years Prior

Mysteif Shadowhand, a tall well sculpted noble with bright green eyes and shaggy black hair that covered most of his face and ran to his shoulders, stood before the people of the Green Abyss. His home was a smaller fiefdom consisting of only 90 people, but to him, they were all family, and though they called him Lord, he shared his wealth and food wholly with them. They ate together and worked together to ensure that their tiny fief would prosper year after year. This day was special as Mysteif's daughter Khali had just turned 4 and received her blessing. In the land of Korkraig, people would receive a blessing during adolescence that would empower them in some way and help them decide on their path for the future. For example, Mysteif received the mark of the Green Abyss and gained the ability to harness the spirits of those lost to either increase his physical aspects or to inherit their memories and skills, and this blessing allowed him to propel his people from a meager tribe to one of the strongest fiefdom's in Korkraig, while also being one of the smallest, by a large margin. Orlef, his best friend since childhood, received the mark of the wolf and became a strong leader for their militia forces and fierce at defending their land. On this day, Khali received the blessing of the Halo.

"Brothers and sisters of the Abyss!" Mysteif called out, pride and joy causing his voice to beam even louder than normal. "Today is a bright and fortuitous day for us all. Our little Kahli has received her blessing, and what a blessing it is!" He shouted as he raised a small glowing figure into the air. It uncurled, revealing a bright-faced tiny girl with glowing yellow eyes, straight blonde hair, and a bright wheat-colored dress, and emblazoned on her neck was a glowing halo. "The Green Abyss welcomes the rare blessing of the Halo!" The crowd cheered and started lifting each other into the air and throwing their caps and whatever else they could in their excitement.

Over the course of the next year, the effect of the Halo was displayed in miraculous ways, as Khali healed the sick, enriched the crops, and even helped bald old Orlef finally get relief from damaged bones that had been bothering him for years now. However, a few months after her 5th birthday, Khali disappeared. The crops began to wither, children who had been dependent on miracles to recover from illness and disease began to succumb to them, and Mysteif's heart was becoming increasingly heavy. The people of the fief stopped the search for Khali within 2 months, but Mysteif continued, disregarding his health and everything else in the process. After 7 months he finally found her. At first, he didn't know what to think, part of her dress was ripped off and stuffed inside of all her orifices, bruises, cuts, and bite marks covered her body, and yet somehow she still glowed. When he finally was able to force himself to inspect her, he found she had been violated, defiled, killed, and chewed on. With this new revelation…came a new sense of anger. He took the only trinket she had, a wooden locket with a halo and green gem carved into its surface, and headed back to his village to bury her body. When he returned, he expected anger, cries, and a warband to occur, but instead, there were snickering, darting eyes, and haunted faces. With this in mind, he sequestered a few men to dig her an honorable grave, and somberly buried her, then slit the throat of each man. Adding them to his strength, Mysteif walked through the village butchering everyone there, those who were out for the day, he hunted down, any creature or human he found along the way was killed in the most painful and cruel way he could think of at the time, and their souls were ripped from their corpse and used as fuel for the hunt, after years of slaughter…he returned home with proof for his beloved Khali, that he had fulfilled his final vow. The wounds he suffered during those years, were never tended to, reopening multiple times, the pain fueling his anger, until it all finally ran out.

Intro, to show the dark, painful, and bloody history of the main character, that drives his future actions and thinking.

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