
Green Abyss

A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

ExaltedSin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Whole New World




"Huh? Error?" The thought crept into Mysteif's consciousness.

Redirecting Soul Archive

"Soul…what now?" Sluggishly, as though his mind was slathered in mud, he tried to register what these words could mean, and why he couldn't….feel anything.

Soul Mark "Blessing" Found

"Blessing" Reality Alter Activated

Transition in:




A well-dressed man with shiny black hair, combed neatly, not a single hair out of place, and clothes of voluptuous silks tailored especially his for personal build, paced anxiously outside of the medical offices. On his top was a badge labeling him as the Director of Medicine for the facility, which made passersby feel slightly anxious that a man of such position was showing so much worry over what was happening within that room.

Inside the said room, a group of the most decorated and highly skilled doctors the facility could utilize were using medical spells to painlessly and efficiently deliver the new baby, before their boss, his father, decided to break protocol and do it himself. The baby's mother slept peacefully, with no crease from pain or worry on her radiant face, her natural snow-white hair blending in with the sterile white pillows.

After a few minutes of casting a variety of medical and support spells, finally, a baby slid effortlessly and quietly into full view. This was precisely what they were hoping for, however to their surprise, the baby opened its piercing, seemingly glowing, green eyes and looked at them as though it was inspecting them. One of the doctors moved their hand as if to spank the baby, a natural test to ensure good health, but stopped as it seemed the baby was glaring at him, and cold chills ran down the doctor's spine. "Whaa...?"

Right about this time, the man outside had enough of waiting and burst into the room, knocking the door into the cushioned air he conjured to soften the blow and prevent startling the doctors in case they were mid-cast. He was ready to tell his subordinates what he really thought about the prolonged wait, but stopped, a soft and peaceful grin creeping onto his face as he laid eyes on the woman of his dreams, and the handsome little baby they had made together.

"He is here!" The man said excitedly, rushing to hold his son, pulling items out of hidden pockets, while slipping between the huddled group of doctors.

"erm…" One of the doctors struggled to warn the child's father of the peculiar circumstances. "But…sir…." Pulling the baby into his chest while he tried to think of a rational way to explain what was going on.

"Give him to me!" He said with joy and vigor, and he swaddled the young lord in a blanket of pure black silk. "Look upon him, your future director, Veritas de Abyss!"