
Green Abyss

A man thinks he has everything, until it is ruthlessly taken away by those he loved and trusted the most. In response he commits extreme and violent justice on all potential offenders at the cost of his own life. Now this man who delved into the pits of sorrow, anger, hatred, and death, is awakened in a world of light and prosperity, of comradery and happiness... is this real? Or is this just another hellscape he will have to claw through? Find out in Green Abyss.

ExaltedSin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Growing Pains

Over the next few years Mysteif, now Veritas, studied everything he could see, as he wasn't really able to do much else. He learned the name of the land he was in now was called Pristoria, his father was a doctor that used something called "Spells" to heal people, though it took longer and had more risks than a "Halo", he was able to understand their language, and used this to mentally practice transitioning his favorite words from his own language to that of this new world. Another thing he noticed is that all the souls he collected…were still affecting him. 6months after being brought home, he had fallen 5 feet and hit the leg of a table with his baby body, but the damage was seemingly non-existent. He would remember this for when he grew up, he would have to see if his other blessing's carried over as well…If he could remember them all anyways. Also, it appears that he was born with an odd birthmark over his heart. An oval with a ring and a gemstone appeared to have been burned into his flesh, but no matter what spell was used, it would not go away, thinking about that symbol was a constant source of pain for Veritas, and the only time his new family would see him cry.

By the time Veritas was 6, he was experienced in reading and writing basics for this new land, was able to run and jump faster/higher than his peers and his teacher's said he had an inquisitive mind beyond his years, however, there was one problem. In the land of Pristoria, being able to cast spells was commonplace, and each family had their own special training method to make it easier for their own to learn their spells quickly and efficiently… however, Veritas had been trained on diagnostic spells since he was 3 and had failed miserably every time, he attempted them. It wasn't that he couldn't feel the energy moving through his body when he tried, but right before he would finish a spell, the birthmark on his chest would burn, causing him severe pain and completely nullifying whatever spell he was working on. However as he worked with the spells, he began to try to trick his teachers, by activating "blessings" that had similar effects, though some were far more effective, and others not so much. Like with "Blessing of Borders" he could see weak points for people, and their illnesses and injuries would also be highlighted, but he wouldn't be able to describe what the injury or illness was if it wasn't visible on the outside. Due to this, some of his teachers hailed him as a genius, while others thought he was a dud, someone who had great genes for spells, but a bad mind for it.

By the age of 8, Veritas had a body stronger and faster than any adult within their "city" and had figured out how to more effectively utilize multiple blessings and murmuring gibberish to make it look like he was casting spells. Protection and Air based blessings together could make a shielded bubble of air which worked as effectively as his father's Air Cushion spell for example, but he also had a lot of hidden talents that he didn't show those around him, like blessing's to let him turn invisible for certain amounts of time, or make a bow and arrow out of his life energy. While they sound and work amazingly, he had never seen any adult utilize spells in this way, and didn't want to cause more problems for himself.

While his growth to this point was positive, with the exception of his mysterious birthmark and the pain and memories it brought him, he had a happy childhood surrounded by nothing but love and acceptance. The pain and shadows of his past life would leave him more and more as time passed…that is until he turned 12…