
Greatest Warlord In The Multiverse

Chapter Release | 1st Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man got a chance to reincarnate in different universe when he die. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Anime & Comics
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"Yeah, I wedded her in front of the Old Gods." Achilles said.

"You think that the Sept is going to allow you to.... " Ned couldn't finish his sentence as Achilles said "They will have to, or they will know what The Myrmidons army is capable of."

Then looking at Robert he said "I know that you're the King now, so congratulations."

"Thank you." Robert said.

John who has been silent for some time asked "I get that you were after your Uncles murderer, and I believe that you were the one who killed Areys?"

Nodding at John, Achilles said "Yeah I killed him. Threw a spare spear right to his heart after killing an old maniac."

"Then where were you during the sacking done by Tywin?" John asked.

Hearing that Ned also looked at Achilles and asked "Where's Lyanna?"

Looking in the eyes of Ned, Achilles said "She's dead."

The cup that held wine fell down to the floor from the hands of Robert. And with a trembling voice he asked "Wh... at?"

"She died at Tower of Joy. While giving birth to a stillborn child." Achilles said.

Hearing that fury was visible on Roberts face as he roared "So that bastard raped her!"

Shaking his head Achilles said "Lyanna was in love with Rhaegar."

Hearing that Robert looked at Achilles and said "She was my fiancee."

"A marriage that she didn't want. She had told me that before." Then looking at Ned who had tears running down his face Achilles said "On her death bed she told me that she had sent ravens to our family. But, none of them reached any of us. So it's clear that some one wanted this war to happen and that person is still in the shadows and we are in the light."

Hearing that Ned looked up at Achilles and said "Did you bring her back?"

"That was her final request. To be buried together with father and Brandon." Achilles said.

Then looking at John who has been silent he said "I know that you're the hand of the King, so I request you to call for an urgent meeting with all seven Lord Paramount."

John just nodded and didn't ask for what reason Achilles need to meet all the Lord Paramount's.


By sundown, most of the Lord's were present in the Throne room. The only one who was missing was Balon Greyjoy, who was in Iron Islands. Everyone else was near Kings Landing after pledging their alliance to the King, so it was easy for them to reach Red Keep.

All the five Lord were standing before the throne waiting for the king to arrive. From Dorne, Prince Doran Martell and Prince Oberyn Martell was with him, from the Reach Lord Mace Tyrell and his mother Olena Tyrell was with hin, from Storm Lands Stannis Baratheon ans Renly Baratheon was present, from the Western Lands Tywin Lannister and his brother Kevan Lannister was with him, From the Riverrun Lord Hoster Tully and his brother Brynden Tully was with him and from the North Lord Eddard Stark and his elder brother Achilles Stark was present, and everyone except the Doran and Oberyn was looking at Achilles thinking who he is and no one wanted to ask him either as he was exuding a cold aura that made anyone to get close to him.

A couple of minutes later a voice was heard "King Robert of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm!"

And with that the door opened and Robert came inside the throne room with John right behind him.

Seeing Robert everyone bowed to him, except for Achilles and everyone present there saw that but decided to keep silent for the time being.

As he reached the throne he sat down on it and looking at Achilles he said "Get on with it. I need to mourn for my loss."

Achilles just nodded at Robert and didn't take any offense in his tone of speech. As he was slowly climbing the stairs he spoke "My name is Achilles. Achilles Stark."

As he reached three steps he stopped and turned to face all the Lord's and their companions. Looking at each of them he said "My father was brother to Rickard Stark, and my mother was sister to late Princess Martell." At that everyone looked at both Doran and Eddard for confirmation and both of them nodded.

Seeing that Achilles said "That was to let you know that I'm part of two Major House in Westeros. Now, some of you might know me as the Commander of The Myrmidons Army." Hearing that all of them were surprised as all they knew about its commander was that he was the greatest warlord ever to be present in Essos.

Smiling at their surprised face he said "That was to inform you of my personal strength without the support of the two great houses."

Pausing there his face turned serious and he said "In this war I lost my father figure, my brother from another mother and I almost lost my cousin thanks to someone specifically targeting them." Last part was said while looking at Tywin, and Tywin didn't even flinch and stood his ground.

Then looking at the rest of them he said "I will tell you only once so listen carefully." His eyes started to exude coldness as he started to speak and the people in the room started to feel chills run down their spine.

"If another Stark or a Martell is hurt unjustly, then bear in mind that the Westeros will feel the wrath of The Myrmidons."

Hearing that Tywin was the first one to ask him "Is that a threat to the King?"

Eyeing Tywin up and down Achilles said "I'm not afraid of Westeros as a whole if you're asking me, but I'm not threatening the King or his Kingdom. I'm just warning all the power hungry Lord's that are present here, if you ever so slightly try to harm any of the Starks or the Martells unlawfully, know that your countdown will start from that day onwards."

Then looking at everyone, Achilles said "This is another information to you all. From now on The North will be keeping a close eye beyond the walls. So, do not disturb us."

Saying that he descended from the steps and slowly walked out of the throne room with Eddard, Doran and Oberyn following him shortly. As he reached the doors, he turned around and said "Lord's and my Lady, one last warning for you and the realm." Pausing there he looked at Robert and said "Winter is coming."




❌❌❌❌Chapter 5 End❌❌❌❌